Yeah, after one of my fellow players was a no-show last night and the GM was blasted from work, we took a break from the game last night. Unfortunately, this means no new Twin Tails for another two weeks. Not ideal but these things happen.
On the bright side, I'll be able to concentrate on Hold the Salt editing this week, which means I'm getting closer to finishing Fate and the Iron Tiger. I also got a start on a prequel to Twin Tails and I'm poking at a vampire story for Halloween that, knowing my luck with Halloween stories, won't come out for Halloween.
Apologies for lack of content, I'm getting back on track.
Oh, gasp! The horror.
I can feel my brain going into withdrawal as I shall have to wait another week for the next instalment in your story.
Fortunately, I believe the next installment of Venturerealm Amusement Park is coming out in a few minutes so I shall do the best to console myself. :)
Hopefully I'll get something
Hopefully I'll get something out soonish.
Error Error
Danger Will Robinson....
Exterminate! Exterminate!
You made me have a brain crash, Oh well I can wait a little longer ;P
"Cortana is watching you!"
Always good to know people
Always good to know people like the story.