I meant to put this up a while ago, but with all the stress and mess of moving to a new address, it slipped through.
I had a rather pleasant afternoon and evening a couple of weeks back with one of my favourite writers from this site, who was passing through my town. We started with a trip out to a country pub called 'The Fox Revived', where we sampled a rather nice small brewery product called 'Shere Drop http://www.surreyhillsbrewery.co.uk/ while sitting out on a lovely evening looking towards those very hills, and then, after disposing sensibly of the hire car we adjourned to The Old Six Bells, as featured in several of the Sussex Border Stories, which is right next door to the real-life church that became Simon the vicar's St Nick's. We drank TEA (not tea) https://www.hogsback.co.uk/brands/all-year-round-ales/t-e-a/ in their beer garden next to the Mole, and then looked at the church yard and lych gate.
A gentle walk back through Horley took us to a local curry house (the place I had wanted to go to in Charlwood has closed) where spicy food was consumed, writing and other stuff discussed and the world put to rights.
All in all a very pleasant and civilised evening! A pleasure to put a face to a name and to be able to show them around the real world that lies under my books.
Sounds great!
I used to live near there a quarter century ago and have fond memories of the Six Bells. Sounds like it hasn't changed much
I live a long way from there now, and on my occasional trips through Gatwick, never have time to drop by the place. A shame. Maybe next time...
Incidentally, I did go into the Home Cottage in Redhill not so long ago. I remember it when an old lady ran it (Miss Star, I think), they had only 2-3 beers on tap (it was always Young's Ordinary for me) and the men's toilets were virtually in the open air. Now it's a trendy place where all the yuppies drink strange cocktails, after a day in The City making their millions.
I believe...
..the Home Cottage features in my 'Too Little, Too Late?'
The Fox Revived eh?
It has recently (Feb 2017) reopened after being closed for around 2 years.
The food and the beer is very good. My Mother lives round 5.5miles away and if you look closely you will find my name on the Christening records in Charlwood Church. Many a late night was spent in the 'Fox' in my younger days. Back then they didn't check how old you were.... Mind you, I did put my BSA C-15 250cc into the ditch just outside Charlwood one night... Yes I did have one too many. Pulled it out and rode it home.
Those were the days eh. The innocence of youth and all that.
PS, the range of beers is V.Good as Cyclist testifies. mind you, T.E.A. is not my favourite despite the brewery being about a mile as the crow flies from my home. Surrey Nirvana is much more my liking.