Ready to strangle my Muse..

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This is so frustrating and not sure what I should do... I'm so close to wrapping up Robbie's Revelation (The 1st book at least), I have 3 maybe 4 chapters left to where I want to end the Revelation part at.. Now my time is already limited severely for writing, so what's my muse decide to do?!? She starts throwing a completely new story around in my head and it's distracting me from finishing Revelation...

Trying to get her to focus on the story I want to write right now would be harder than herding cats..

Not sure what to do but start writing some of the 'new' one just to get it out of the way and get the heifer to refocus...

At my wits end..
Rebecca Jane..


I understand

I've been having the same thing happen, except that in my case, I now have 13 different multi-part stories going.

I've only managed to post more than two parts so far on all but two of those. It's a serious PITA trying to keep up with them all.

There are times where I wish that I could tell the muse to take a long hike off a short pier, but that might mean no stories at all.

I really need to get back into some of my earlier stories, get new chapters out, but the muse has been quiet on those so far. *shrugs*

Love Her

Daphne Xu's picture

Love your muse. Gently molest caress her. Write her story. So "Robbie's Revelation" gets delayed a few days, so what? Okay, strangulation is quite erotic, or so I heard.

I also have a couple dozen stories in various stages, but I won't post them until they're complete.

-- Daphne Xu

I totally get that.

Rebecca Jane's picture

That is the reason I started writing "Robbie's Revelation" to begin with, it had permeated in my head for a few months and kept growing. It was to the point that I was either going to write it down or go crazy... Well okay more crazy..

On the best of days I might have an hour to an hour and a half to write, and for the past several weeks I've been trying my best to finish THIS story first before I started the new one. The idea for the new one popped into my head about two months ago, and I was like okay that would be cool to write... Later... Now when I sit to write my last few chapters I'm focused on getting to the ending that I have already written out, while my muse is out running wild in the field playing with the new story... ugh... lol I've struggled to get 1/3 of the current chapter written (around 1800 words) in the past three weeks.

I sat down just now to flesh out the first chapter of the new story, just to get it out of my head, and in an hour of writing I'm at almost 4500 words... When she's on task she does great lol, just keeping her on the task I want is another story.

I know I’m weird. The fact that I’m trans is probably one of the more normal things about me.

Just remember...

laika's picture

How much better these kind of problems are than being adrift in the joyless half-dead doldrums of writer's block. That's what I remind myself when my muse gets squirrely and commands me at some weird hour: "Hey wake up! You need to write this down. And put us on a pot of coffee, we're gonna be a while..."

I agree with those who say to start the side project, but that's just what I would do; usually because I couldn't do the main story justice with that new stuff running in my head like a tweeker hamster on a very squeaky wheel.
~hugs, Veronica

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)

Ready to strangle my Muse


Grab it my the short and curl.......

As much as I am a massive fan of Robbie`s Revelation and would like to see how you conclude this, does it matter when this happens as you how it will end.

We had a longish gap in the story when Rebecca told Paul her secret at the restaurant due to Christmas Holidays and New Year.

Why not do the same in the current story as the story is coming
to the end of the term and breaking up for the holidays in the story.

We all would like to see the outcome of the end of term sleepover at Jen`s house so so the same thing here leave the current ending as it is.

Then you can work on the new story and post that and return to Robbie`s Revelation when you are ready to do so.

I do look regular, well daily to be honest, for the next chapter and this fan will just have to wait and see and get excited when it does appear.

You Rebecca are the author and ultimately it is your choice.

Love and Hugs to you
