I am such a dork..

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I admit it I feel like one at times, I was working on my next chapter and while I was taking a break I thought I'd check to see if there was any feedback from any of my stories. I notice then that my first 5 offerings had all passed over 100 Kudos each and I got all excited. I admit I am a very new author, so any positive feedback has me all sorts of happy... It doesn't take much at times, I know this.

Anyway... I go to tell my daughter and with me being all excited she things its something really important... Then I tell her and she looks at me like she's still waiting for the cool news.... I tell her that's it... The little heifer actually rolled her eyes at me, and just went Daaaaad... That's it? I was busy talking to (her friend)...

Way for her to knock it all into perspective.... Wonder if I can trade her in or something... lol



Wish I didn't know the feeling

I wish I didn't know the feeling but I have been through this too many times to count from my niece and nephew. Don't worry, it's normal behavior. She will grow out of it...I hope ;)

Believe me in this, my sister has had the same words cross her mouth too many times to count. She shared the same feeling of wanting to exchange her daughter for one a little less sarcastic and witty(ironic, she was the same way!) Sadly the warranty has run out so you are stuck with your daughter for an indefinite period of time. At least you got a model daughter that is brutally honest and not one who hides the truth The good news is you can always ship her off to college soon :D

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime

Mostly they drive you insane

...then produce sudden moments of total sanity, to bring you down to Earth with a thump.

Get used to it; it only gets worse as they get older!

Kid for sale, cheep

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

I always threatened my daughter that I could buy her the tee shirt. I actually saw one, that said, "Kid for sale. Cheep!"


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann