Shadowsblade: Four funerals and a Movie part 2

Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade
Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and

In this part, Rohanna lays parts of her past to rest and more will come in the chapters that follow.
This one chapter the trip to LA starts and her facing that very human past of her begains

To all my readers, thanks for your posts. I do read each one and some of the ones posted recently, they added to my ideas on where to go in long term plot ideas! So keep posting and thinking out there!

Copyright © 2016 by Shadowsblade

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods,
without the prior written permission of the Author, except in the case of
brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other
noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.



Thursday April 26, 11:20 PM
The Grove

Over the next few days, stacks of my paperwork had been done at a quick pace and the trip was set for the most part to Los Angles and the screen test at a major studio. One place I had even worked at dozens of times!

One late night, I made a illusion charm for my twin and that was a easy task to get done. All I had to do was get a hold of some of my tools from Caitlin and make an exact 'twin' to what I already had!

During that week Caitlin had done me a HUGE favor and fixed Misty's armor. Heck she had improved on it to better match what Violet already wore and beyond! The color would change as Lilac wanted, just like her sister. The flying speed was the same and invisibility much improved.

Even the 'grow' spell worked the same now, the time was extended to an hour in the real world outside of a Grove. In the past it was as long as wanted, but in the essence hampered human world, it would be very short and maybe only last minutes! But Caitlin had fixed that small issue.

The armor itself was now far studier, this matched Violet's armor for the most part and that lack of hardness in Misty's set was found later by Khemir's kin. Who obviously corrected it and sent out word to make Pixie armor far better. Too late to save Misty's life, but that information lead to Khemir lasting a very long life and saved me many a time.

Most of that knowledge had been found by my two Pixies talking behind my back, so to speak and then comparing notes with a supreme magical craftsperson that was Caitlin. She read over the many notes from both families and the notes that Misty left behind on how to fix the flaws in her own armor, ones that she never had the time to fix herself... Gaea the sacrifices she made for me! And that cost her life.

After all that work, non-stop for days. All Caitlin asked from me, was use of my magical kit anytime she wanted it and no questions asked. She would replace any supplies used from it of course or buy me what could be called the equivalent to the used item nowadays terms.

But most of all, Cat had saved that blood of Misty's and placed it into a small crystal vial that I now wore daily. One necklace that will not leave my neck, till I am ready to use her blood for something great and make her sacrifice mean something even now, so long after it was given to me...the ultimate gift that she could have given me!

There we four were, happy as can be waiting for midnight and the best time for casting spells in the Grove to be at it's peak! I had been invited to the 'hot tub party' madness of tonight, but this was family and far more important to me!

"Well Lilac, you are joining your sister tonight and both of you will be full twins again!" I grin to her.

"Thanks I wanted this, even more than my nasty sister!" she jested with her twin with small shove of sisterly love.

"Well this is your armor and you already know it's past...most of it. Misty was very important to me and her death...was.." I can't say more, the tears take my words away.

"I know, or I will very soon!" Lilac tells me and slides on that armor after changing it's color to her trademark one.

After she grows in size to the same as her sister, she joins us three already hugging out that sadness. When we all let go, we walk to the casting circle I made in the same spot as the one I did for Violet. This spell will be it's twin, only larger for all four of us and better!

This spell took me a few days to alter it to match the new larger needs and I had to get the casting checked out by more than a few of the older spirits of the Grove to be sure it was done correctly!

We started the spell off by cutting our hands in turn and grasping in a circle to be closer. Lilac did her part of the spell's casting and then Violet, then finally I added my voice in twin stereo at the right part.

As the spell grabbed at all four of us and pulled our minds closer to live out each one's life of memories. The magic light of the spell pulsed across the Grove and our combined sighs, cries or laughs at what we all saw in those memoirs filled the Grove's normal silence this night.

I loved to see Lilac's vision of life with her sister, so much fun they had and that family behind them, plus that large clan of fellow Pixie. Poor Lilac, she received the sad part of the deal. With that part she lived my most horrid memories and joined in why her sister was so changed after my Bonding with her.

Violet had earned a new way to look at life with them and had changed to be far more determined to get things done correctly and even more than before. She knew what failure was like for me and loathed it like I did.

I laughed at what antics Lilac had secretly played on her sister and now Violet knew who did 'what' small trick or jest on her over the years! But Lilac also know what little jokes her twin had played in life too. The fun of it all!

After the spell lost it's power and faded away from us. Lilac and Violet where hugging closer than the two sisters had ever been before in life and I was on each side of them holding that protective embrace over us all...we were family now...forever.


Friday April 27, 7:30 AM
Crystal Hall

Gwen was laughing like a manic at the larger twin Pixies eating and playing during breakfast this morning, "It looks like to me, Lilac joined your little bonding family. Right Ro?" she asked me, but knew she was right anyway!

"Yep, one big happy family now!" I said back to Gwen, while now hearing two Pixies in my head chatting at the same time, while trying to eat and have a small food fight at the same time.

You could only tell the difference in Pixies, via one wore the now classic Violet and the other the softer Lilac color. The other way was food, Violet loved pancakes and Lilac loved cinnamon waffles!

Right then, Everheart sat at our table and nibbled on a small plate of fruits. This was very strange to have her sitting with us kids indeed, "So what Drow is the older one?" she asked me.

Both of me looked at one another and blinked. Then pointed at the other at the same time, "That one!" the stereo Drow yelled out, "she is the older one!" once again the voices sounded out and alike in each way of their tone.

The only way to tell any difference this morning, was one of me wore a pink baseball hat backwards with a evil hello kitty logo on it and the other me did not. Our school uniforms matched, right down to the 'UV' black armband on each arm.

"Ohh that is funny Ro," Gwen laughs at me.

"Well as funny as that is, I am here to remind you that after class. You have to go to Carson's office and finalize that paperwork on the new you. Then verify that, the new name is Rehanna for the record."

"Sounds easy to me?"

"Ohh and Doc Bellows will be there, as that is now standard practice for him or Sara to be there with you in her office. So meet with him in the office waiting room."

"I got it Everheart!" I grin my understanding back to her.

"Thank God...during this trip of yours next week, you are taking a Marine medic with you that knows you and Gwen as a anchor to any issues that come up?"

"Bill is great, but I am felling lots better now that Violet and Lilac joined me in life." I boast for them to Everheart, knowing that she will never talk about this to anyone else.


Friday April 27, 5:10 PM
Shuster hall area

Well I just had dinner and most of my homework was done, 'homework?' that thought came to me just now. 'I don't really have one but here at Whateley?' Sure Mr. Reilly called his place my home or Poe. But that was temporary and not even mine in anything but words! I might have to find a place to change that soon enough.

So I was out here sitting on a bench and sort of reading a book. But I was really watching the quad and the other students pass by me. Sure I could go sit in Mrs. Carson's outer office and wait? But sitting there with Elaine staring at me or WORSE 'Hardass' or Mrs. Hartford the schools assistant head mistress.

I felt, as I looked out through four sets of eyes, very detached from the other students walking on the path nearest me, going to class, chatting to each other, each crippled by a single viewpoint, by a single pair of hands, by having to do things one at a time. They were less than I was and so much less than what I would be soon, as my new body attuned itself better now after Sara's spell.

When that meeting time came nearer, I left the bench behind and made my way to Carson's office. I grinned at Elaine as I walked in to the main office and Hartford spotted me with a smug sneer on her face. I smiled back at her, "Hello ma'am" She just looked away back to her computer.

"Hi Miss Claire, I am here to see Mrs. Carson and this visit is for a bunch of paperwork I think?"

"Yep, and here it is!" then she hefts a large stack, from a file siting onto her desk and slides it to me. "In that stack is all the paperwork that makes Rehanna your lost twin sister and she has all the same MID stats, powers, skills that you do."

"Wow, that is a whole lot of paperwork!"

"That is most of it, some is the contract for this movie that Carson wanted to oversee for Mr. Reilly and then granting Bill Varney a guardianship over you for the trip or other needs?"

"Geee Miss Claire, I owe you for this?"

"Yep, me and Hartford both!"

"Then e-mail me what you want as gifts in exchange? I have no idea what you like...either of you?"

"Just send me chocolates!" Elaine smiles to me.

"Mrs. Hartford?" I ask her.

"I am just fine, you have already helped someone close to me and not knowing who that was... is no 'Falk' of yours?" Hartford glares at me over her glasses.

I hide my shock as best I can, but almost stumble over my next words, "Are you sure that you don't, want anything Ma'am?"

"I am sure I don't. But someday I might have a few friends that can use a favor from you or them owe you one?"

"Can I talk about that later with'am?"

"Sure anytime...anytime you want to?" she grins at me like a cat playing with a small mouse, hope she knows that this mouse roars and BITES!

"Rohanna, please take the files and go over them all for mistakes. Then sign them where the 'tabs' are at." Elaine asks me, while handing that stack to me.

"Yes Ma'am, can do." and we sit down at a small table, to start flipping through each page in turn. One of me reads one stack and signs. The other takes another stack and starts the same task.

A few minutes later, a very happy Dr. Bellows comes up the staircase and sits next to me, "Well Rohanna, here we are and I see that the fine staff has given you all that paperwork for today's meeting?"

"Yep they sure did, never knew this much paper was needed to 'make' a person!" One answers, while the other keeps to her work.

"Yes, we kill a tree a week here I am sure?" then he grimaced, from remembering that he was talking to a very 'woodsy' elf! "Sorry Rohanna I forget that you live for forests?"

"I am not that offended, I know that they grow trees just for paper use and recycle."

"Thanks, mind if I light my pipe?"

"Never, I love that scent of your tobaccos and it can't hurt me?" I laugh at him.

"No it can't, like you said to me. 'your gift and curse at being so healthy or different from most other Sidhe.' Right?"

"Yes, we Drow are like cockroaches. We can't be killed!" I grin at him as he lights that trademark pipe of his.

"Yes Rohanna you are, especially after this past few months. But I have a few of the staff and others working on making you one Drow again or at least two separate Drow maybe?"

"What?" we gasped in stereo now, "What makes you think I'd...or We want to go back to being only one?"

"I just thought?"

"Well I am fine with what I am now. Some might see me as strange or even stranger now! But I am getting better and that trouble I had at the start of this 'twin' deal. That is fixed and I am moving on!"

"Great to hear that you have overcome this!"

"...I conquered it as always." One of me says.

"That is what we Drow do." the other finished, but almost admitted to him...'we were made to!'

"Fine...fine, have you found any mistakes in that paperwork?"

"None at all and I am almost done here. Funny that all this is needed for the new twin, I see her as being like a leg or arm now and not a whole other person?"

"Well the rest of the world does not understand it, I barely do and I was here to see it happen to you!" he laughs and blows out some nice smelling smoke my way.

Elaine interrupts us with a whisper, "Carson is ready for both of you, just go in when you're both ready too?"


Friday April 27, 5:40 PM
Carson's office

While Bellows takes that chair nearest the door, one of me grabs by habit the one farthest from it against the wall and the other me sits on the couch facing the room, but glances at the door from time to time...habits die hard.

"Good evening Miss Leigh, Alfred. We are here just for paperwork on Rehanna for the most part." Carson begins.

"Thanks, Ma'am."

"Your welcome Rohanna," she says, then slides me a stack of new ID's, "This is all your ID's for Rehanna, your twin sister and yes I do understand that she is part of you. But trying to tell the MCO or anyone else besides ARC what she really is, that would take years I am sure?" she grins at me.

After I place the large stack of paper on her desk and slide it her way. I ask Mrs. Carson, "I looked over all of this, signed all the spots shown and checked for mistakes ma' there anything else?"

"No Miss Leigh, this looks fine to me. Plus after going over this new movie acting job you have for summer, Both Mr. Reilly and I agree that the contract is fine just as is. Most of this here," she taps a new file, "will not go into any affect till after you finish up that screen test next week in LA."

"Well if everyone likes it, I have to go with it then!"

"I would recommend it Miss Leigh, this could be a very good thing for both mutants in general and the Sidhe."

Just hearing that even Carson liked this 'movie' deal, that made me like it even more now. Because I may have thought she was out to get me at a time, but looking back on it now? She always seemed to be looking out for me or the school...but me most of the time.


Friday April 27, 8:00 PM
Poe cottage

When I barely stepped into the main hallway, Mrs. Horton literally 'pounced' on me! She told me the basics of what had been going on with Roz this last few weeks and that maybe she needed someone to be with tonight.

With that in my head, I ran up the stairs to her room! If she needed someone, I was going to be there for her...she did it for me!

Once I arrived at her door, I knocked softly and her roomy answered. Once she saw me, she grinned at me "Thank god it's you, I had hope that you would show up and help her out of this 'funk' she is in!"

"Where else would I be tonight after I heard of this from Horton, death would be the only thing keeping me away from her tonight!"

Roz was laying on her bed crying...sobbing like mad about what had happened this week and in the past. She was very vulnerable right now and I wanted her to feel safe right now, VERY safe!

Rohanna took a place on her bed and soothed Roz by whispering to her and stroking her back slowly, "Lets go to my room and then to the Grove later?"

The only word from Roz was a hollow yes and a nod back. Rehanna in the meantime, opened Roz's drawers and took out her needs for the morning. Her roomy got the jest of the act, then tossed Roz's empty backpack her way and that got filled with her night needs, plus tomorrows clothes fast.

Once that bag was full with her needs, I scooped her up and took her to my room. After getting back inside my room, I laid her on my bed and pulled some snacks out while we talked about things this week. She told me her feeling for the native girl that arrived in Poe a few weeks back and her past love that shunned her bad.

All I could do was listen and give her comfort that I would be there for her always. Her past deeds had guaranteed that from me and that this room of mine was a safe place for her too.

Later that night, we all took a short walk to the Grove and then Roz relaxed even more in the warm spring waters. While she rested and centered herself more. One of me moved off quietly towards the Groves nearly impossible to find center.

Once there, I laid out a plea to the spirits to adopt her as one that should feel safe here and that would be true even if I was not with her. It took hours to convince the Spirits there, but Roselyn's already verified power over plants and her being able to help them grow so much better. That is what convinced them to have her!

Now all that was left, was her agreeing to some small limits. All of them dealt with her promise never to harm this Grove and defend it as best she could or break the laws of this place.

When I gilded back into the spring water and Roz noticed that there were two of me next to her again she smiled at me, "So what was that one of you doing just now?"

"Ohhh you need both of me to keep you happy now, just the One is not enough anymore?"

"No one is fine!" she laughed back to me.

"Good to hear. Though I do have a surprise for you or you can call it a gift?"

"What is that?" she asked while hugging one of me.

"I convinced the Grove to let you come out here anytime you want too! This Grove is now a safe place for you, even if I am not here to guide you into it."

"Hey why would it do that for me, I am not Fae?"

"It likes you and that nifty plant power you have. Besides, you earned it in more than one way with me and my word carries a lot of weight in here!"

"Ohh I like that, my own little hot tub! Can I bring others in here as well?"

"I would wait and see if the Grove, then it's many spirits likes them when you show up with each of them in turn?"

"So do I get a cool club card, or elf ears as a member?!"

"No you just have to do a little swear to obey the rules here and protect this place as best you can, if you can?"

"You mean fight for this place?"

"If you can not, this place values life and will not ask you...a person that is not a warrior like me, to toss away it's life for here. Some fights are won after the battle is over! That is where you might come in someday?"

"I can swear to that!"

"Then you will find the Grove loves you like I do and we protect our own."

A short time later, all of us were in the Groves heart and I stood there with Rosalyn and told her the basic list of laws for entering this place. Then showed her what a warning would look like and that the Spirits would show intent long before you broke a law with a large warning.

After she agreed and swore her life to her, she was one with the Grove around her now. "Hey I think I can actually feel something now?"

"You should this place agrees with you and you're now standing in a place that even Charlie Lodgeman the instructor at Whateley can not be!"

Later on we rested back near the hot springs, until both of us had to go to Saturday's classes. I had my beloved costume class and Roz had her botany for mutants class. That was a great class and she just got a nice extra credit in it, for doing my room for me!


Saturday April 28, 9:40 AM
Costume class

This time in class, I had that armor I was working on Gwen out and seemed to be making headway on it! The single stitches in my embroidering spells in the light fine leather of the suit came easier and the spells I recited flowed into the armor with ease.

Outside class over in Laird hall, the other me and I am starting to call one another by name...Rehanna. As she is the new and weak one! She is working out at the very limit of my connection, sometimes the connection is strained. But I have to try and stretch it more and more each day.

This testing it's limit has made longer, from that short fifty feet of that first few days. Now I seem to have nearly a mile plus and it grows each day...thank Gaea and Sara for that!

Sara comes gilding into the crafting room and drops into a seat across the table from me and grins evilly to me, "Roz had her fun last night, tonight is my turn!"

"She needed my comfort last night, that was more support and not fun Sara love?"

"I know, but I have to get you in bed with some excuse don't I?" she winks at me.

"All you have to do is ask?"

"Ohh that is no fun, you should know that the 'hunt' is the fun part!"

"Well Sara, consider your this prey caught and see you tonight then?"

"After dinner or we can have dinner in my room?"

"If you're buying it?"

"Done! And where is the twin?"

"Ohh she is over at Laird hall working out and trying to stretch my distance that both of us can be at."

"Humm is that working out?"

"That body Rehanna is getting stronger and faster, that is to be expected? But my next part to work on today is porting her alone without me. So if you see me fall know why?"

"Well then I guess I shall sit here and chat with you, as I sew this nice dress of mine up?"

"Thanks Sara!" I grin at her.


Sunday April 29, 7:50 AM
Poe cottage

I just had to snuggle a little closer to Sara and love doing it. We had some of the other Poe folks in my room while we all had a take-out dinner and watched a movie. Our plans had changed for doing this in Sara's room to mine, so that I was a bit more ready to leave on Sunday with Bill in the coming morning.

Some of that nice time we spent alone, Sara had helped me out in my porting while coaching me in my mental representation of the academy of old. She showed me my great error in spotting where I was going to land at and how to mix the mental calculations of having two bodies now. Her little mental short cuts made that come much faster now and with more practice it will be like nothing had ever changed!

As I pulled Sara closer to me and purred to her, "Want to go again?"

"That is why I love Drow so much now, you all never get tried and now I have TWO of them. I have to see if I can get Daddy to find away to get more!" she purrs back to me.

"Well get on that girl!"

As I purred that to Sara, someone knocked at my door, "Rohanna get up, time to get going!" and instantly I knew that was Bill. AND he was very early for this trip?

"Come on in Bill!" I yelped at the door, as I rolled out of bed and gave Sara a playful shove to get up!

Bill opened my door and came halfway in as he talked to someone out in the hallway still, "Put your bags in the main room and I will load them in the car."

"Got it Bill, now let me get showered up you goof!" a groggy Gwen barked back at him from down the hallway.

Bill spun back to looking into the room he was going into and found a very naked Drow girl standing there giggling at him. With a equally evil smiling lust demon Sara, giving him a very inviting set of eyes.

"Hi Bill, you're very early?" I giggle at him and just love that shocked look covering his face.

"Darn it Ro, you should have said that you weren't decent before I came in!" he barked as he quickly slammed the door, to just as fast go bury his face in the far corner of my room and away from looking at me.

"Me decent? Really Bill, I have never been 'decent' at all?" give back to him sarcastically.

"But I can't be in a room with three naked school girls!"

"Bill you are a nurse, one that has seen me before now and has seen Sara in the same way. So why the big deal?"

"That was work and this is you two just getting out of bed after..." he trails off thinking and turning beet red.

"S...E...X...Bill?" I spell out to him and put him on the spot, "Not a real issue, unless you want to join in with us?"

"Ahh Jineen would kill me!"

"Maybe?" Sara grins, "But you only live once?" she states while getting up and wrapping a thin silk robe around herself.

"Thanks Sara, too bad Bill got here early?"

"No prob, I will wash the sheets and feed the monster chained up under your bed tonight after you're gone."

"Great wash them like normal!"

"Yep I know...I know. Wash them in Wooden tubs that have no nails or wood stains, in pure natural mountain spring water and the washing is to be done by pure maidens under new moonlight who wear silk gowns...all in the Grove!" she nearly shouts at me with a grin.

"Say what!" Bill asks me.

"She is joking Bill, Sara is joking." I had to say, because he asked and I can't lie. Even when it's fun!

"Cya in a few Ro!" and Sara is gone like a breeze, as the door closes behind her.

I grab my shower stuff quickly and both of me flow out of the room quickly behind her, "Be right back Bill!"

Sara had rushed down the hallway and tapped into my head at the same time, "Meet me in the shower!" was her mental invite and I took it!

Once back in my room, I am clean once more and have a more than happy grin on my face. You have to love showers with a Lust demon!

"So why this early Bill?" I had to ask, as this trip did not start for hours.

"I wanted to be sure to have the time to do a short talk with you today, just before we left for ARC and LA today."

"Well start chatting now then, as this sounds real important to you or me?"

"Can you get dressed first, then we talk about this?"

I have to laugh at him just a little again, "Jeeesh Bill, I am getting dressed already!"

Once I get most of my clothes on, this time choosing a pair of pants and simple t-shirt for both of me. I sat and started on getting my shoes and socks on, "Well Bill what did you want to talk about and you can turn around I am 'decent'!"

"Well this is about Jineen."


"She told me something this week..."

"Is this something very private?"

"Yes, but she..."

"Stop Bill wait a second!" I bark, then toss an extra privacy ward at my ceiling and make sure my door is locked.

After one of me is done locking the door, I nod to him, "Go ahead, it's very safe now to talk."

"You that worried about others listening to you in here?"

"Have to be right now, I think and others do too. That someone might have messed with Roz and made her think of a new girl here in Poe as a lover that she must chase after."

"Humm strange?"

"Not if you wanted to mess with that girl a lot and make her world that much more uncomfortable."

"Well Jineen told me what she was this week, we had a long talk about it and she told me you found her out that day we visited. Then told her, that she had to inform me what she was?" he stared at me and I could almost feel that anger growing deep in him grow.

"That's right Bill, I knew she was some magic based creature when we were alone and I 'felt' her out with no other's interference being in my room here with us." I said softly, as my eyes could only look at the floor, like I was caught and about to be scolded by Dad.

"I have to ask this, why would you do that? This might have driven the woman I love and AM marrying away!" he shouted at me.

I had to cringe back to him, "I thought you should know? What if she was me and I used that illusion charm of mine until you found me out years from now?"

"That I get, but this was between me and her darn it!"

"I was just thinking of you Bill, I protect those near me and it's just how I am wired. Now that she told you and you still see her as what she has always been? I can trust that she is not fooling you?" I try hard to explain to him.

"Rohanna I am not sure that I need that kind of protection, I am a 'big boy' and can take care of myself."

"Sorry Bill that is how I am and that is not changing anytime soon. After this weeks trip is over, did you want Otto to assign someone else to me?"

"I would never ask for that, we are stuck together forever and I am seeing this through. Besides, I see you as family and after this little episode. I am sure you see Jineen as my family now too...I hope?"

"Yes...Bill YES, I just wanted you going into a marriage with her well informed is all. I saw that she loved you and swore to it!"

"Yes she told me that and how you felt about her maybe hurting me. She liked that part of you and your little warning did not spook her at all. Matter of fact, she loved it, your dedication to protecting me like family."

"Glad to hear she did, But did she tell you what type of creature she is?"

"Don't you know?"

"I know many things, but with her? I only 'felt' that she was different and not what she was?"

"Jineen told me that she gave up nearly all of her powers to love a human, a mortal. She is a air elemental, what us humans would call a 'wish genie' of a sort, she tried to explain it to me?"

"Ohh one of them! The Fae have something very close to that and we consider them very dangerous. As a off hand wish said near one, it can be granted and cause all kinds of damage!"

"Very interesting, but Jineen said that can't happen with her anymore? As she gave all that up to be with me!"

"Good to hear, I would hate to say something near her and have it come true on a whim!"

"Say how did the Fae deal with your 'wish Fae' then?"

All I can do is shake my head to him and mumble out softly, "Don't ask...please Bill and don't say anything to Jineen about this either?"

"I got it, this sounds like one of those...not my choice deals again?"

I sadly nod back to him.

"Well now, lets finish up one last chore of mine then? Jineen asked me to...ask you for that ring!"

Right then, I just started to laugh madly at something that just hit me!

"What?" Bill asked me as those laughs shook both of my bodies hard.

"It's just that...just that...Jineen her name!" I gasp out laughing at him, as I get up to retrieve my box of jewelry.

"What about her name?"

" sounds like Genie! AND now I get the joke of why she might have chose it!"

"Yes it is a little funny, I will have to ask her about that?" he chuckles back to me.

After I pull that jewelry box from my chest of drawers, the roll of rings is laid out on my bed and I wave a hand over them all to Bill, "Well pick the one she wants Bill!" I grin to him.

"Ohh my, she said you had nice stuff? But this is far better than I had imagined they would be and there are rings for guys too!"

"Well there should be, most of these are wedding sets and you need both for that?"

"Jineen said something about a ring, white gold, with a green center stone and two set red stones on it's sides?" he questions me while inspecting the several rings on the laid out roll before him.

"Ohh I know the one, I saw her pick it up a few times and look it over!" I say as I grab one ring and hand it too Bill quickly.

"That might be it, the red in this matches her hair and the green her eyes!"

"Yep that is a nice Mithril ring, with a small engraving of Orichalcum and the gems are some of the finest I have ever seen...And me saying that is a lot!"

"Ohh let me take a pic of it and send it to her to be sure!" he says as laying it down and getting his phone out for a picture.

"Wait, this is the match to that one. The Grooms ring!" I state as I grab that twin for that ring, that is just a bit smaller and more simple 'male' in it's styling.

Bill quickly snaps that pic and sends it to Jineen, who gets back to him instantly with a text...'PERFECT Bill, that is the one and the other for you is great!'

"She loves it! I can tell by that text message, she never uses 'caps' unless she is very excited by something!"

"Well then, take them both Bill. Just like I offered to her."

"How can I pay for them?"

"By using them as intended, I am sure the Sidhe families that these came from would love that a person who supports one of theirs is using them. Besides, someday when your done with them. Just 'will' them back to me or have a son or daughter use them?"

He just has to hug me there, as he starts tearing up and so do I.

I break the hug first, to get that jewelry roll out away and the box back in it's home, "We should get going, I have stuff to pack for two!" I sniff a little.

"I will check on that green haired demon of Gwen!" he groans and leaves my room while placing both rings on his fingers to keep them safe.

While he is gone, both of us rush to pack many bags for this week and now I have to pack for TWO Drow. On this trip I plan on shopping for some good stuff in LA to bolster my shrinking wardrobe.


Sunday April 29, 9:40 AM
Poe cottage

Inside the main entryway of Poe cottage, I am giving Sara one last hug and move on to Nikki next, "See you all in a week!" I grin to some of the Poe folks seeing me off.

"You got that list of stuff to buy?" Bunny asks me for the tenth time!

"Yes Bunny, I have everyone's list and Gwen and I will get to it in LA!"

I wave to the rest in the room and walk outside. Right then, I spot bill's car for the first time today and I am taken back by the 'cool' factor of it. I recognize it instantly! A very brand new Shelby GT500 Super snake Edition and this is a Six hundred horsepowered monster of a car. In that way cool 'Bullitt' movie green, just like the poster in my room!

All I can say as I stare at Bill still loading our bags in the"Can I drive this?" with a inhuman gleam in my eyes.

"!" he glares at me.

"But Bill I do know how to drive and have a license?"

"I know and I saw the video on your bike ride!"

"Whoops?...ohh I mean you did?" I grin to him, trying has hard as heck to look the part of innocent kid to him and he is not falling for it one bit!

The last of my bags is shoved into the car's trunk and he glares at me once more as I stand there grinning at him, "I said no Rohanna."

"I am Rehanna and you did not say no to me?"

"Ha...she has got ya there Bill! There are two of them now...'officially'?" Gwen laughs at his pain.

"I said no to both of you, so get into the car...both of you." he warns me.

"I still want to drive this car Bill...please. I won't hurt it?"

"I am not going to win this am I?" he stares at Gwen and she shakes her head back to him.

"I have time on my side, I can wait you out till this is a classic car? Besides, how did you get this car past Jineen and afford it?" I had to ask, as this monster was not cheap!

"She gave this to me as 'one last fling' and a buddy up at ARC has the connections to get these WAY under cost!"

"I might have to get that number from you for a GT then?"

"No, that is my connection. You have yours for Italian bikes, I have mine for American cars AND here is the keys darn it, we are getting late as it is!" he warns me and tosses me the set of keys.

One of me slides into the back seat with Gwen, the other gets behind the wheel and makes sure that the seat is 'just right' then starts the car to get it warm.

Gwen tightens her belt more, after she sees my eyes close slowly and a silly evil grin grow on my face sitting back there with the other me. She leans up to Bill still getting his belt on, "Do you have that sudden feeling that you just made a pact with the devil Bill?"

"No, why Gwen?"

"Because you just did, Rohanna has that grin on her face that tells me. The fun is about to start, the crazy Drow is coming out now and Don't say I did not warn ya!"

Both Pixies, take a place in the rear window and sit while munching on a cookie. Violet smiles to her sister as she break off a chunk of mint cookie, "This should be fun!" she says while eating it and looking very much like she is at a fine movie siting back there.

I drive slowly to the main gate, this time the older guard is standing there and waves to me as I stop, "So getting out for the week I see Rohanna?"

"Yes sir."

"Well I already know your on the list to leave, so have fun in LA and don't do anything bad please?" he grins to me a little.

"I will try not too?" is all I can promise anyone these days.

He walks slowly over to Bill's side of the car and leans into to whisper to him, "You are one brave man to let her drive and good luck!" he warns him.

Bill glares at me suddenly as the car pulls forward over the small speed bump at the gate and once it clears it. The car stops and I grin at him, "Hang on please?"

The clutch gets sidestepped and the tires light off a cloud of smoke. I have to correct the car's path all the way down the long drive, from the huge torque steer of the engine! The mustang makes a short side slide to the main road and we are off!


Sometime later, the main gate at ARC. One of the guards notes on his video of the main access road to ARC, a car flying at high speed towards the main gates. He hits the emergency button out of habit and that sends up the barricades across the gates.

Then on his screen, the car slows down in a cloud of tire smoke and brake dust! Next the car slowly comes up to the gates and the window rolls down, to show him a girl Drow driving that he knows from earlier times she has been here.

"Hi, nice day we are having and here is my ID card. Then Bill's parking pass for this car...sir?"

He has to smile at Bill sitting very still in the passenger seat and takes his time to check all the ID's of the group. As he does, he notes the new twin sitting in the back and it's new ID, "Humm a sister I have to guess?"

"In a way...sir?" is all I tell him.

"Well have a nice day," the guard says as the gates open to us.

Half way into the parking lot, I spot Jineen standing right next to Dr. Otto and they seem to be waiting for us to arrive? So I give the car a huge nudge on the gas and toss it into a drift that ends at the grass that Jineen stands next too.

Bill gets out of the car fist and leans against it for a second resting. Then gives Jineen a huge hug, "Baby I love you, I think I saw the ghost of Aunghadhail on the way up here and she grinned at me?"

Gwen is not far behind him from her place in the back seat, she falls to the smooth grass and grabs handfuls of it while crying. "LAND...LAND! nice, safe, flat, still, not in that car LAND!"

"Awww Gwen stop being such a drama queen! I did not get past one-fifty that much on the way up here?"

"Well I see that you're having fun today Rohanna?" Otto asks me.

"Yes sir, lots of fun!"

"So what did you think of Bill's car today?" Otto asks on.

"It just needs a tweak here and there...maybe a pound or so off in the tires to balance them out to fit me and how I drive it. But it's a great car!"

"Well I may have to let you try out my Audi R8 soon then?" Otto smiles at me.

"Ohh now my opinion of you just went up Doc!"

"Thanks, but lets get those bags loaded onto a cart and get you all gated off to LA as soon as we can!"

The bags get loaded from the car, then moved to the waiting gate room. All that happened while Jineen walked us into the room smiling and I just had to ask her, "You coming with us?"

"Yes I am, Bill out in LA with three teen girls? The poor boy would be outnumbered! Besides, you all need a woman along to keep you acting more lady like!"

This is the first time I had ever seen a human made gate and what it was, is a mad lump of human tech trying hard to imitate very simple Sidhe magic...very simple magic at that. Most students that were under me, they could made a fast one after the second year of magic at the Elvin academy. All it took was enough magic essence, this was the current issue humans had. They could not gather essence fast enough, to make it feasible.

Otto waved to us as a moving belt slid our bags into the waiting gate, "See you in a week?"

"Thanks sir...see you soon." I said just before I stepped through the gate just behind Bill, Jineen and finally Gwen.

When we Drow took that step, one that should have been in normal situation. One foot in ARC and one in LA with a quick pass through a gate. For me it looked like, it felt like a very long bridge...that one single step of mine stretched. And while I was on it, time slowed for me to nothing and a second felt like days to me!

That step into the gate looked like a clear tunnel around me and beyond it's edges I saw, no really felt something reach out for me and I had to move to avoid it's grasp fast! It reached for me, I felt it get hooks into me and start tugging on me to come back with it beyond the gate's formed tunnel to LA.

Then we Drows stumbled out of the gate to our knees and landed in LA's ARC building gasping for breath. Both of us rolled to our backs and stared at the gate searching for something to come from it and pull us back into it!

The gate behind me just at my feet, it glowed brightly and the brightly lit surface of it shimmered at me. Then when it flexed towards me, I skittered back a few feet and watched it vanish suddenly.

I felt better when the gates lights dimmed from it powering down.

Bill leaped to my side, when he noticed my fall and Gwen actually pulled out her dagger to stare back at the gate, very ready for anything.

"What happened Ro!" Bill shouted at me, as I cradled my head in both arms in pain and was trying very had to 'shove' that pain back inside my head some how!

"Please..." I gasp short of breath, "Keep that thing off while I am near it!"

One technician at the main control a booth that over looks this room, glances to his boss, "What was that? The gate spiked to max as she passed through and dropped to nothing. Then jumped to Max again just now before I shut it down?"

"What happened?" Bill asked me again.

"Please lets leave this room, this gate feels very creepy to me now."

Bill pulls me up to my feet and I quickly grab my twins hand to get her up too. One of the room's technicians points to a small waiting room for us to rest in and closes the door while his team searches for what may have gone wrong.

Both of me flopped on one of the many couches there and sighed out from exhaustion, "What was that!" I gasped again.

"What did you see or feel Ro?" Bill asked again, when he sat next to me.

"I felt something old, ancient or maybe very GOO like and it reached out for me during that gate to here. Like it knew I was traveling via that gate just then and this was the time to make a grab for me!"

"I felt nothing Ro?" Gwen told me while keeping a eye on that door back to that gate room.

"What did that feel like to you two?" I ask Bill and Jineen.

"I have done dozens of gates at ARC and that one was normal to me. One foot there then step...then one foot here and done?"

"Well to me, that one step felt like it took a few days and the gate turned into a long tunnel of light. Then something creepy found me and reached for me. The darn thing had me, pulled at me, but I wiggled free somehow?"

Jineen reasoned to me, "Maybe that was your power to 'port' acting against the gate?"

"I did many gates in ancient times and none ever did that! No Elvin made gate that is?" I sighed back to her.

"Well maybe that is it? This is a human made gate and it just does not like you."

"But it reached for me, I did not dream that up and it chased me, wanted me...I felt that much from it...intelligence!"

"Well if Ro felt it, I believe her instincts...all of them!" Gwen defended me, before anyone questioned me or what I felt just now from passing through that gate.

Right then a head technician came into the room and came to look me over, "Feeling better Miss?"

"Yes," both of us said in stereo.

"What happened, did you record anything out of the ordinary?" Bill asked him.

"Yes we did, but only when she stepped through the gate. We got a very large spike of power that pulled the gate to it's limit and then something added even more power over that."

"Something from outside the gate?" Jineen asked.

"Yes, something outside. Then when both of Miss Leigh finished coming through, it spiked again and would not turn off. Until we cut the mains that is?"

"That second time, would you call that...something trying to turn the gate back on and make a reach for her?"

"Strange to call it that, but don't tell my boss this...I would!" he insists to bill and does appear to be more than scared at the thoughts of that realization.

"Well that tears it, you are not going to do that again for a very long time. Not until an expert in gates searches for how this happened to you?" Bill warns the technician standing there.

"Well then, I guess I have to practice my 'porting' more and get that working like it was before the twin came along?"

"Well F-this place and lets get going. We can handle what Ro rides back in, on or through in a week!" Gwen states the obvious to us.

That small bark from Gwen started our path towards leaving the ARC Los Angles facility way up in the high dessert north of the city. We Drow placed our illusion charms on and blended in with the rest of the humans, as that 'blonde bimbo high school cheerleader' that Sara called it.

A few of the technicians grabbed our bags off the carts and placed them into one of the two limo style SUV's we were taking into town from here. All five of us piled into one SUV, Gwen grabbed the third row, Bill Jineen grabbed the middle and I landed in the two read facing seats at the doors. The security team followed up in the other SUV. Just like ARC back home, they over do everything when security counts.

As we rolled down the long freeway towards the city, I just stared out the windows with four eyes and noticed how much the town had really changed. When I came here a few times for burgers for the Poe girls, all I saw was little 'snapshots' of the town. But now the whole thing rolled out for me to see from us traveling down from the hills over the city.

As me made a change from the smaller freeway to the main one going south, I noticed a exit sign for a street near where I lived once as a human and I almost called out to stop to see that old house of mine. But all I did was sigh a bit at passing by that spot.

When I saw how much the little valley where my house was at had grown, it floored me and I now realized that part of me was gone. All the cool spots I had known were gone, the restaurants, the bars, and the people that knew the old me...all faded away to nothing.

Over an hour of driving later and me glued to that window on both sides of the SUV, we pulled off the freeway into the Hollywood hills of the edge of the valley and drove up the hill to the 'tourist' entrance of Galactic studios, a very old haunt of mine.

At the top of the hill, I noticed all the old buildings were gone and the size of the area up here had at least tripled or more. They had added a open air mall, a bunch of restaurants, a huge movie theater complex with dozens of movies shown at the same time and tons of parking for it all.

We passed by four hotels on the drive up and driving around the top of the hill. Then stopped at a much smaller one that was set a bit off from the rest, this was the five star one. That must cost bucks to stay in per night, so it was a little separate from the huge block hotels for the 'peasants' so to speak.

We passed by the main entrance to a second one, that was hidden behind a line of shrubs and a tall vine covered fence topped in decorative spiked ironworks...all of that said...keep out!

One thing I noticed when we stopped, this entrance was smaller and set back from even this hotels main one and I knew why instantly. A Rolls pulled up next to our SUV's just pulling in and picked up the lady staring in that new Trek movie.

Gwen yelped at the windows and me, "You know who that is!" she bounced up and down excitedly.

"Yep, she has at least three more pictures to do in that series and who knows beyond it?"

"But seeing a star this close, I would if I could get an autograph from her later!"

"I would not ask her, this is her being off work and trying to relax. Not really cool to ask in this situation?"

Gwen leans between Bill and Jineen as she smiles, "Who picked this place? We can't afford it...well maybe Ro can! But not us?"

"This is what Timothy, her agent set up and the film is paying for all of this!" Bill tells the excided elf behind him.

The SUV pulled forward to the door, as we were next in line and a greeter opened both doors for me, "Welcome to...'The top of the Mark' Suites Miss."

Our other SUV pulled up next to us and the guards all dressed in suits pulled out our bags, as they tried and failed not to look like secret service agents while doing it. But they quickly left after Bill told them too, as this hotels security was top notch!

Bill lead the pack of us to the main desk and was greeted by the very well dressed lady standing there, "Good day sir, we have been waiting for you and your party. Your suite is all ready and your bags are being sent up."

"How did you know who I was?" Bill asked the clerk.

"The doorway reads all our incoming guests and tells me on a computer here." she points down at the smooth top of the desk at her hands.

"Ohh well what did we get, as I did not make this reservation?"

"Your party has one of our three room suites on the sixth floor, all have their own bath and adjoining the main living area. The room has a sauna on the balcony over looking the valley and studio. Then this is one of our full organic suites! It's amenities include all cotton bed wear, towels and robes...then add the carpets are all wool for those sensitive to synthetic carpets like those in your party are." she gives Bill a classic plastic smile of a customer service person.

"We each got a room!" Gwen beams at the clerk.

"Why yes, a King for the Sir and his lady, a full size for you Miss and a set of full size beds for the twin Misses."

"Well Timothy is efficient, so lets go up and rest a bit. Then make plans for later?" Bill turns to ask the rest of us standing there.

"Might as well?" the twin me's say out, while shouldering a back pack each. One is a hello kitty hot pink one and the other, my regular school bag with all books in it.

A waiting houseman leads us to the elevators and we go up very fast! That opens to a short hallway and he opens huge twin doors for us to a suite nearly as big as Poe!

Inside is a well dressed man in a servants uniform who greets us all. "This is your suite and I am this suite's butler...Samuel. I am shared with one other suite and can call others if needed. I was given a list of your favorites to stock the eating area with and a smaller personal selection is in each rooms wet bar eating area also."

Gwen grins at the whole thing, "I can get used to this!" she says as she falls onto a large overstuffed chair.

"This is as big as our place is Bill!" Jineen gasps out, as he nods back to her.

Me on the other hand, I have been in places like this before. Because some producers or directors rewarded their crews like me, for what we did all day for them, "Thanks Samuel, can I have hot tea served in my room for two...earl gray. Then add two cups of hot cocoa, with whip cream on both and a sampling of cookies with a few mint flavors in them?"

"Yes Miss Leigh, right away! Is there anything for Varney Sir or Miss Wylann?"

"French fries for me, lots and a coke with ice...huge glass please? " Gwen chirps out and rushes to her room.

Bill just smiles to him, "I will take some water and Jineen?" he glances her way.

"Ohh nothing for me now."

"Fine, all will be served as fast as I can!" and as Samuel walks away from us, he talks into a smart pad our wants, so the kitchen can get them cooked up.

Bill grabs my shoulder, as I glide to my waiting room to ask me something more private I bet, "You act as if this is normal to you?"

"It was at times?"

"I did not know you were rich back then?"

"I was not, but I worked with the rich and know how this works."

"What should I tip this guy?" he asks me.

"Bill please don't do that, it would insult a butler of his caliber and make you look like a 'hick'...So wait till the check for the week is in front of you and I bet you find that Timothy took care of that for ya."

"But what if I want to add more to the tip?"

"You got like five K Bill? Because I would bet that butler makes more than Mike the doc up at ARC and has a better security clearance than is armed."

"He is?" Bill glares at the service door in the small kitchen, that he just used to leave the room.

"Yep he is, a real nice small pistol in the small of his back. I bet it's one of those newer plastic models, that uses case-less ammo to be smaller and still hit very hard?"

"Did you see anything else?" he asked the trained teen assassin Drow in front of him.

"The main door is armored and the windows. Plus I am sure there are shutters that cover them up beyond that too. Then I spotted a few concealed doors in here and a few concealed panels that I am sure hide a few guns...because I smell the gunpowder in a few here." I shrug to him.

"Are they listening to us in here?"

"Nope, this hotel would never do that...reputation counts at the cost of all this. I bet you could kill a hooker in the room here and they would clean it up for you? For a extra small charge." I grin to him.

"Every time I see or hear you do that, it just floors me!"

"The best Drow that magic can make!" I boast and I walk away towards my room.


That room of mine was huge, two full size beds and a seating area with table. Then add a wet bar, plus two huge chairs sitting in front of a big TV and the bath was as big as my Poe room back home.

I kicked of my shoes and flopped onto both beds, "Got to love this stuff!" I whispered to the room.

After I stretched out a bit and rested. The door knocked and I could hear Samuel asks to come in. With a slight shout, he came in quickly and set a tray of tea down on the table. Then quickly left to add a tray with the cups of cocoa and cookies next to it.

"Anything else Miss?"

"Thank you no Samuel, but do you know who I am?"

"Ohh yes Miss, you are a Sidhe. We knew that by your room choice and we were told as such."

"Great to hear, so I can relax in here then?"

"Yes the whole residence is used to Sidhe, they stay here all the time and we welcome them as the great guests they are."

"Good Samuel, thanks again."

"Yes Miss and your call button for me is on the bed tables." and he leaves quietly.

With him gone, both of me pull off the charms and relax even more now, "Hey you two mad Pixies...eats is ON!" I shout to both of them sitting on a shelve invisible and waiting for my word to let lose.

That one word and they both dived on the tray. Then grabbed a cup, a bunch of cookies and started eating. Two cups of tea got made for me and I sipped at them as I stepped out onto the balcony.

This balcony was private, the only ones that could see it were the others joining with it from this suite. I looked out from it to the studio beyond and below me. Then noted that most of the old stage buildings, they were unchanged and still as I remembered them.

The Galactic studio tour had added a whole bunch of new rides I noted and who knows what tourist traps on top of that! But for the most part, the old lower studio lot I knew was there and I smiled to it as a old friend from days past.

As I stood there, the sun started to set and the breeze picked up across the valley. Gwen came out of her room to the balcony with a huge plate of fries, all drowned in both cheese or thousand island dressing.

A look of shock covered her face as she noticed me, "Ro, someone might spot you!" she warned me.

I just smiled to her, from my place drooped over one of the chairs there, with my feet all propped onto the table, "Gwen calm down no one can see me here. For others to even see me, I would have to stand on the rail and jump to be spotted by anyone."

Gwen slid over to my table and plopped into a seat next to me, "This is great, it's like they already knew us here?"

"Well either Carson, Sara, Page, Nikki or lastly ARC told them what we like? Or I am sure they really guessed at most of it?"

"Why do you say that?"

"Our butler and this hotel already know that both of us are Sidhe. Samuel even told me as much and said...Sidhe not elf! To prove it better, this place has seen lots of our kind in it. So he says?"

"Really!" she shouts at me.

"Yep, why else have a all organic suite like this at the ready? Who else would use such a thing, but us Sidhe or someone with very strange allergies?"

"Well at least I know a place to stay at here in LA now?"

"If you can afford it, that is?" I winked at her.

"Well not all of us have oodles of money!"

"Hey all of that money is going to be spent on us Sidhe and not just me! I promise you that."

She giggles back at me, "I know, just checking!"

Sometime later, both Gwen and me walk out to the main room as Samuel is setting out some snacks for Bill and Jineen to eat. Bill spots me and yelps at me quickly, as I am very Drow looking right now!

"Rohanna darn it, why!" he shouts at me.

Before I can even say anything, Samuel interrupts me with a smile, "Sorry sir, I should have told you this? We at the residence already know that both Miss Leigh and Miss Wylann are Sidhe. We are fairly used to them, the Sidhe race staying at this residence very often indeed."

"You do?" Bill questions him.

"Yes sir, the Sidhe love this residence."

"Makes sense Bill, the Sidhe are an old race and having access to lots of money makes even more sense?" I reason to him.

"Well if there is no other needs sir, I will go?"

"Thanks Samuel, we are fine and will be leaving to have dinner in that mall thing in the studio." I inform him of our plans.

"Yes Miss, I can't really in truth suggest a restaurant to eat at down there. As most are sub par and not to our standards...but the 'Hollywood star' is fine or if you want a theme of the fifties? 'Johnny blast off' is recommended Miss?"

"Thanks Samuel, we might do just that?" I say to him as he walks out his service door.

"Well Rohanna, you letting the elf out of the bag was a great idea!" Bill chastises me.

"Hey Bill he told me, not me telling him! He knew long before we got here and that is why the carpet is wool, not synthetic, the sheets are organic cotton and other crap in here!"

"Who told them then?" Bill wonders out.

"Timothy the agent I bet and I am sure there are more Sidhe around than I thought or you humans thought?"

After I got washed up a little and my shoes back on. We all walked to the studio mall 'stars walk' lots of small shops, some restaurants and a few clothing shops I wanted to hit up...all of it outside, that part I loved!

Just as we passed by the entrance, Gwen squealed out to Bill and Jineen, "Bye cya! We are shopping now!" she yanked on one of my arms and off we elves flew at a run.

Over an hour later all three of us trudged into Johnny blast off's and grabbed the first booth we spotted. All the shopping bags we should have had with us, were dropped off at a delivery center that would see them off to our room by tonight.

But I was happy, this trip had netted me a few t-shirts and a few pants so far. That was something now done on my list and I hit a few other for the girls back at Poe. Candy for Bunny, GO-GO wanted a hollywood shirt, and Rip wanted a new bikini!

We quickly ordered up salads all around and a huge order of fries to share. All washed down by milk shakes!

I was still shaking my head at Gwen's last purchase, "Those boots are scary Gwen, how could you buy those!" I cringed form her boots with a whole galaxy of stars printed in bright blue on each...tall combat boots yet!

"Looks who's talking!" She glared at me evilly, "You bought matching t-shirts, with a giant monster cute kitten, with laser beams coming out of it paws and it's attacking a beach full of kids!"

"It's well within my evil cat or kitty motif of my closet!" I warned her.

"Ohhh Jade is going to want one too!"

I grinned to Gwen and confessed, "I bought her one too, I sneaked it when you were not looking at me!"

When we finished up the meal, the walking of the mall started anew and the stalking of our biggest prey...clothes kept going. Soon enough, I found that yet another some what nice looking boy and a few friends were following Gwen and I.

'Darn it I know I look like a bimbo cheerleader in this illusion, but why? Is it the twin bit now?' I had to question myself.

"Gwen," I whispered to her, "We have 'boy' issues again like in Boston I think?"

"What!" she almost shouted at me.

"No not attacking us issue like Boston silly, like want to ask us out...issues!"

"Well till they ask...ohh well and I have my BO anyway!"

As we glide into a candy store searching for what Bunny and GO-GO wanted, they followed close and started to get too close for me. So I spun to the nearest one and barked at him, "WHAT do you want?"

"You local?"


"Ohhh a tourist!"

"Nope, and what's with the twenty questions?"

"Humm not local and not tourist? Then why be here?"

"Shopping and I work here tomorrow," I say as that candy GO-GO wants is spotted and I grab a few bags to buy for her.

"So you're working in one of the stores tomorrow?"

"Nope," I say flatly to him and drop the bags on the counter to get them paid for.

"You are not making sense?"

Gwen laughs at him, "Well that is your first right answer so far, she never does!"

The boy just stands there, not quite knowing what to do? But as soon as I walk out of the shop he follows, as the lure of twins that look this good are far too much to let go of so fast!

"Well please tell what you're doing then?"

"Since you asked nicely, I am working in the studio tomorrow."

"I bet in a bubblegum commercial!" he laughs at me.

"Ohh f-you then!" I shout at him and start to walk off more than mad now.

He almost leaps into my path, then says rather meekly to me, "Ahh sorry?"

That is when the 'evil' me came out, just as I spotted a fountain that shot up out of the tile floor of the mall and it was huge!....and very wet!

"Fine, but if you want to chat more to have to do something to win that privilege!" I give him twin evil grins and Gwen sighs when she see them.


"Simple, run across the fountain here and don't get wet. Just start after I yell go and you are ready to run!"

"So, you yell and I chose the start?"

"Yep the yell is a 'ready set thing'...Then you choose the 'green light' to run by..."

"I'll do it! he shouts after his two buddies egg him on a little.

I point to the starting spot, "Right there please?" then as I walk around the huge fountain! I chat to Violet a little mentally, ~"Violet please tie his shoes laces together right now and Lilac help her please?"~

I hear twin giggles in my head, ~"Yes my evil Jabbress!"~

The fountain shoots up a few more times and I can just make out both of my invisible Pixies doing that evil deed. Now I ask him from the finish line, "Has that been enough time to guess at the timing of this thing? Or do you want more?"

"Nope, I got it...ready!"

I shout, "GO!"

He leaps to the start and instantly trips. His momentum lands him in the fountain and he slides a few feet deeper into it across the tiles...then the water shoots up and he is wet as can be!

He flips over and stares at his feet, "How did that happen? My shoes laces are tied!"

I walk over to him and stare down at him a answer, "Magic I am sure."

"Magic?" he questions me.

"Yep usually I think to change a guy who insults me like you did, into a frog, rabbit or something else? But getting all wet is enough for now," is all I say then walk off to get back to my shopping.

He gets up as best he can, unties his shoes very quickly, then runs after me very wet and dripping allover. It takes some time to spot me again and he rushes over to join me.

"Hey can I at least get your name, give me that much? So I know maybe what picture you're in someday?" he shivers at me from the cold night just starting.

"Boy you are sure determined? But fine, the name is Rohanna."

"What one of you is Rohanna?" he switches glances between us both.

"We both are..." I giggle at him and since we are off from the passing shoppers. I quickly touch him and drop a dry spell on him.

"How did this happen, hey I am dry now!" he asks after feeling all over himself for wetness.

"I told you before...magic...simple magic."

We leave the now very confused boy behind and he runs back over to his waiting buddies trying to get them to understand what just happened to him.

As we all walk away from the pack of boys, Gwen just had to ask me a question that suddenly was killing her, "Did you do all that because your kind stuck on Josh asking you out?"

A huge part of me screamed 'NO' right then, but a growing part yelled out Yes just as fast deep within me and the fight ended with me squeaking out the truth, as that is the only thing I could do.

"Yeeeeesss," I grimaced to her, admitting it to myself for the first time.

"Well then, are you going or not?" she asked.

"I have no idea?"

"Well you have some ideas then? Or you have said no by now!"

"It's not that easy with me Gwen."

"What...tell me?"

"I...don't...heck Gwen, we Drow want long term relationships and not flings like this is all."

"But you do it with Roz? And that is certainly short time!"

"But Roz is different, She pulled me out of that hard shell during that first week of mine at Poe and I know we will never make a home or family together. She wants something else other than me and will drift towards that someday."

"Ohh I get it, being with a boy or male human and maybe a male Drow someday is a more long term relationship in your mind then?"

"Yeeesss," I squeak to her again, "that Drow part wants kids bad, that part has to deal with knowing that Josh can never meet that goal."

"Well just go out with him and see him as a fling like Roz or a long term friend. Besides his dad is a Senator and that connection might net you something later. Then his knowing you, might gain him something in the deal too?"

"What could Josh gain from knowing me?" I had to question her logic.

"He gets to know a Drow that certainly knows other powerful persons," she grins knowingly to me.


"Heck Rohanna you have done nothing BUT make connections at Whateley. Nikki a queen someday of the Sidhe...maybe? Sara and Gothmog...who knows what that brings? Jobe is going to rule that nation of her dad's someday and you have her over a barrel! Ayla is rich and will be richer...darn she will be farging rich! Heck even me if I go into the MCO as a career...then dozens of other students at Whateley I can't even think of right now!"

"I have to think about it more?"

"Just go darn it, a few nights of fun to come, that Prom and who knows!" she winks at me.

"Ohhh Gwen I should not go that far with him!"

"Why, you do it with Sara I am sure and Roz!"

"Sara...I can't hurt her, no matter how rough we get and..." I stop to lean down to Gwen's face and whisper to her an admission, "When Roz and me get that hot, she ties me up with her vines to stay safe!"

"Ohh that's kinky, I like that one a lot!" she whistles at me.

All I do is glare at Gwen for a few seconds, then walk away from her more than a little mad at her right now. An hour later we meet up with Bill and Jineen at one of the better restaurants in the mall to have a long meal. For most of it, Bill tells me what plans are for tomorrow.

We plan on a screen test of a sort at Nine-ish in the morning and that is where the director wants to see me workout some of my martial arts moves and blade work. Then after it or during it? I will meet the one main star that wants to give his approval to my having the part.

I had to shake my head to part of that, since I got here in LA something has been pulling at me with each second here and I want to get at it early tomorrow. "Bill?" I start back to him, "How about we start at six am and walk around the studio as a self tour?"

"What SIX, that would be like three back at Whatley and then have to get up at TWO to my body clock!" Gwen almost shouts at the table.

"Whaaa Gwen," I fake crying to her, "it's vacation time and lets use all of it. You can nap in powers class all next semester and make up for the loss?" I reason with her.

"Now I really get why you and Sara get along so well. Both of you never sleep and just hang out know all night!" she grins at me, trying very hard to embarrass me.


Monday April 30, 1:40 AM
'Top of the mark' Suites floor Six

We made our choice at dinner and I had won! The group of us was to be up and ready by five-thirty in the morning. Then we would ride down to the lower studio lot and see what stage we where at. If they were not ready for me, we would 'tour' the lower lot and have some fun looking around.

Just barely an hour ago I had Samuel's relief bring me some hot tea and a few cookies for the Pixies to munch on. All I could do was stand on the balcony, very restless over what I was mulling over now.

The now dark studio laid out in the valley below me and I contemplated over the past it held for my human part. Could I face walking into that mess again and all the memories it will dredge up, that is why I was very leery of doing this made me face part of my past best left for dead in my mind.

I paced the smooth deck and made what had to be mental wish one thousand that this would be over already. My mind drifted to almost calling on Sara mentally for some help, when my door knocked and Jineen poked her head into my room.

"Can't sleep honey?" she asked in that now growing familiar motherly voice of her's.

"Never really do, when I do try the demons come back and wake me up."

"Or is it regrets and wishes to leave here?"

"What?" I had to question her as I walked back into the warmer room to talk to her.

"If regrets and wishes that came from you tonight were song room would be filled by them all!" she smiled to me.

"I don't understand Jineen?" I questioned her.

"I still feel the wishes from those close to me, that part of me will never fade and never has over the years."

"So you are older than I originally thought you were?"

"Bill is not the first human I gave up my powers for loving him, he will join many in my life...some sad memories, some happy memories in time." she glanced away from me, certainly reflecting on that long past and what it held for her.

"So you have had kids and will with Bill too?"

"Yes I have had many in my time and from time to time, I check in on my grandbabies. To see if any of them need a motherly 'nudge' to help them along."

"Does Bill know about that part of your past life?"

"No and please promise not the tell him, it might weigh badly on him. That someday I will lose him and have to move on with my life without him there."

"How?" I question her with a tilt of my head.

"After I gave up my powers, I will age to look just like him until I lose him to death. But I will never die, unless something kills me and then someday...I will sadly have to fake my death. So my children can move on like other humans do in life, with the death of their mother behind them."

"And I thought my life sucked bad!"

"No it does not, I have very good memories and living this long with no one around to share it, that would be a far worse punishment."

"I get that."

"So what's bugging you tonight, if I did not already know?" she winks at me.

"This place, it holds some of my past in it and I have to face it tomorrow."

"Then we all will help you face to it and help you to move on with life. You have to get this part of you over with, before it eats you alive!" she warns me.

"I have done some of that, with Aunghadhail now gone. I laid all those ancient Sidhe nightmares in their graves."

"Good to hear, now you face that human part tomorrow and grow farther with it." she sings to me, as her hand snatches a cookie off the plate from in front of my Pixies and nibbles at it.

"What should I do?"

"You will figure that out honey, we can help you? But that next path choice in your long life, you have to make it alone. Just like I had too many times."

"But I never really had a choice like this before, I just reacted to life as it came at me."

"Well then, tomorrow has a very harsh lesson for you and only you can finish it." she says and closes the door behind herself...leaving me alone once again.




Shadowsblade here.

This story in a joint venture with a group of fan fic authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe.

To have an idea about the main protagonist this story's will develop
around here is a short introduction.

Angels Peril a Whateley Tale: Written by Branek
Tormented by the past, Angel is struggling between light and dark.

Melvin a Whateley Tale: Written by Branek
They say old soldiers never die, Melvin is about to learn that the hard

The Way of the Dragon a Whateley Tale: Written by Branek
Born for eternity but vulnerable like a child, dragons shouldn't leave
their nest.

Every Rose has it Thorns a Whateley Tale: Written by Nuaan
Watch what you say around rose, could give you more trouble than you ever
asked for.
This one is coming soon, bug him for it! lol

Kelly a Whateley Tale: Written by Nuaan
Struggling with fate, Kelly has to deal with love and loss.

Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade
Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and

Vantier a Whateley Tale :Written by Shadowsblade
Ancient and Powerful Vantier awakens in a foreign world, struggling to
find her place in it.

You might ask yourself what is the Whateley Universe? To make it short,
here is a abstract straight out off the wiki.

Whateley is a Prep School for different teens. VERY different ones. Where else could a kid go to a school that has a resident demon living in the furnace? Or meet magic users, mutants of every imaginable kind, get trained in how to handle some rather odd abilities, and worry about
flunking Freshman English? Come visit Whateley Academy, nestled in the
lovely hills of New Hampshire. Just down the road from a town named
Dunwich... (Mythos jokes purely intentional).
This is the Whateley Academy Universe, a shared universe with over a dozen authors and more than a hundred stories (and counting). The stories range in size from vignettes to novels. It's a Mutant High scenario with both a strong transgender theme and a slightly watered down Cthulhu Mythos theme.

It's also very much a work in progress.'
If you want further information you will find them on.


But I have to thank, Both Branek and Nuuan for their vast input and the ability they both have to 'bounce' off ideas and improve them!

To all my readers who have e-mailed me and given support--THANKS!

Please feel free, to add a review to this story and others. As those kind words are 'cookies' that keeps that muse well fed on the 'sometimes' long breaks between stories!

Copyright © 2016 by Shadowsblade

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods,
without the prior written permission of the Author, except in the case of
brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other
noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

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