A Walk in the Park

A Walk in the Park – By Kris K

God that was a long day I complained to myself as I walked into my apartment. Normally I worked till about five but today everything I touched seemed to turn to crap and on top of that one of my co workers called in sick so here it was eight and I was just getting home. I threw my computer on the bed took off my shirt and slacks put on some sweatpants then walked into the kitchen to get something to eat, but not having the energy to do anything more I just threw a dinner into the microwave and put out some food for my roommate Sophie who had been following me around from the moment I got home giving little whines to express her loneliness. Sophie is the one constant bright spot in my life no matter how tired I am or how bad my mood she is always there by my side with nothing but trust, love and the boundless energy of a puppy. Well when I mean puppy I'm talking about her enthusiasm certainly not her size. She's a Rottweiler and tips the scales at about a hundred and ten pounds so because of her size and breed most people when they see her immediately try avoid her. Poor Sophie all she wants is to cuddle and have her belly scratched.

Once we were done eating I looked over at the clock. All I wanted to do was go to bed however Sophie was sitting there with her head on my leg looking up at me with her big puppy dog eyes. “I know, I know.”I sighed. “Don't look at me like that you know I can't resist anything you ask when you do that.” I smiled at her while scratching her behind the ears and under the chin. “You've been cooped up all day haven't you. I'm sorry I had to work so late.” I apologized as she rolled over all four legs in the air while I gave her furry belly a good scratch. As I got up and changed into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt Sophie watched me with great enthusiasm by the door her little nub wiggling madly in anticipation.

I grabbed her leash, my cell phone and a flash light from the table next to the door and we started our walk down the street to the park about a block away from my apartment. Being a Friday there are only a few people out as we entered the park most of the people being at the restaurants and pubs that line the main street. As we make our way through the park the sweet and smoky smell of barbecue invades my nose wafting by on the warm fall breeze followed a few moments later by the unmistakable smell of Chinese and then pizza. These heavenly odors made my stomach grumbling reminding me all I had for dinner was a lousy microwave dinner.

As we circled back and approached the entrance to the park again I pause for a while to let Sophie sniff around a few bushes to catch up on the days dog news before she provided her own update. While standing there I was reminded again that it was Friday as the noise of the nearby bar on the corner invaded the peace of the night. I could see the patio was full with people unwinding from a long stressful work week and being late I'm sure more than a few were already a few sheets to the wind. Once Sophie was done catching up on the day's news and I cleaning up the results of her exchange we left the park and started heading back up the street when suddenly Sophie stopped her head cocked to one side and her ears perked up. A few seconds later I heard the frantic slapping sound of bare feet echoing slightly off the buildings and getting louder over the monotone noise of the bar crowd that faded into the night as we rounded the corner. Just as I started to take a few step back down to the corner to see if I could tell where that sound was someone came around at a full run crashing head long into me. Out of reflex as we collided I put my arm around the person and spun around to try keep my balance, but as I did I felt their foot catch and trip over mine and their momentum pulled both of us to the ground. With the street lights out on this corner of the block all I could make out was a shadow of the person as they lay there panting and weeping softly on the ground. My heart pounding in my ears I got up and was just about to say something when I heard the sound of a pair of heavy running footsteps getting louder. Just when whoever it was in pursuit came around the corner and within view there was a massive tug on Sophie's leash which pulled me backwards and as I turned around to try and regain my balance I reached into my back pocket and turned on the flashlight. As I raised it two guys skidded to a halt in front of me panting and with faces red they raised their hands up in front of their eyes to block the light. Sophie immediately reacted with a deep growl and a loud snarling bark as she rose up on her back legs and lunged at the two men generating a startled expletive from them before they turned tail and ran back around the corner into the darkness.

After the guys took off my mind had a chance to catch up what had just happened in the space a few seconds. I had no idea what was going on and I didn't get a good look at the guys, but whoever this person was they were safe now. As I raised the light up to see who it was I found a young woman on the ground with her arms tightly holding her knees tucked up against her chest and her face buried against them sobbing. She was wearing a blue summer dress with long tears on the side and the front. She looked up at me her body shaking slightly with a terrified look on her red tear stained face.

Sophie let out a whimper and with head low padded over to her and sniffed.

"No! Please." She cried out as she flinching away. “Please. Please leave me alone!" She cried again as she backed away in fear her hands trying to hold close the front of her dress, but as the tear in the side of her dress opened up a bit I could see there were scratch marks on her leg and inter thigh and dirt covered her bare feet.

"Sophie It's okay leave her be." I said as I reached down and rubbed her head and neck. "Are you okay?" I asked the young woman. What a stupid question that was why do people always ask that? Of course she's wasn't okay she must have just been attacked by those two guys. Yeah alright she was still alive and there were no obvious signs of anything more serious than a few scrapes, but she was far from okay.

She just looked up at me wiping her face with a trembling hand and nodded. I couldn't help but think despite everything that she had such a pretty face. It was then that I caught a glimpse of the silver charm she wore around her neck which made me smile.

"Here." I said as I offered her the flashlight. Reaching up and taking the flashlight she directed it at me and Sophie getting a look at us for the first time.

"Come on." I said reaching out to her. She took my hand and I helped her to her feet. After a quick search she found her handbag a few feet from where we collided, but only one of her heels which she grabbed and stuffed in her handbag before looking back at me.

"Come on let's get off the street my place is only a short distance away." I said pointing down the street. The young woman said nothing and just nodded again before following alongside me.

Once we reached the apartment she immediately walked over to the couch which had a light blanket over the back of it. Grabbing the blanket she sat down and tucked her legs up to her chest and wrapped it around herself as I took off my shoes and put Sophie's leash on the table and took out my cell phone and started to dial.

"Who are you calling?" she asked suddenly concerned.

"The police of course those men attacked you didn't they?" I replied thinking what a stupid question.

"No! No cops!” She exclaimed sitting up on the couch.

"What? What do you mean no cops? Those guys attached you we need to report that. You can't let those bastards get away with shit like that."

"Please don't!" She cried out then paused. "It's complicated. Just please don't." She asked in low voice as she settled back down on the couch looking at me with her beautiful pleading eyes.

I stared at her in disbelief for a few seconds. Why would she not want to call the cops? This is ridiculous those assholes should be tracked down and dragged off. However looking back at her I relented and hit the cancel button on the phone and put it down.

"Alright." I said. "I don't understand, but alright." I told her as she let out a sign and a look of relief flashed across her beautiful face.

There was obviously something that she wasn't telling me something that she was trying to hide, but there was no way I could ask her and she wasn't going to tell me anyway. I walked past her into the bathroom and grabbed some hydrogen peroxide, Neosporin and a box of bandages and returned to set them down on the coffee table then went into my bedroom and retrieved a pair of sweat shorts and an over sized t-shirt for her to wear.

Sophie this entire time was just sitting next to the couch her taking and took no action to approach her any closer she just watched and let out a little whine ever now and then.

"You don't need to do this." She said as she took the clothes from me.

"It's fine. You won't call the cops and you can't go out with your dress ripped like it is and without shoes." I said. “Can you call a friend to pick you up?"

"I, I don't really have any friend that I can call." She replied in a small voice. "I just moved here a month ago."

"Look." I said as I sat down on the couch next to her but she immediately reacted by wrapping the blanket tighter around her and moving away. I let out a sigh she obviously wasn't going to let me get anywhere near her so there was little more I could do help her at this point.

"Alright." I said putting my hands up and getting up to walk over to the refrigerator and grabbing the largest glass I had I poured myself some milk. “Why don't you stay here tonight then? You can sleep on the couch and there are some snacks in the top cabinet if you hungry." I said gesturing. "There's also milk or if you like wine in the fridge. Just try to take care of some of those scrape and cuts please." I said gesturing to the bandages and stuff I placed on the coffee table. "I'll stay in the bedroom and keep the door shut. I promise I won't come out till morning unless you need anything." I said as I walked to toward the bedroom door. "Okay?"

With her head still bowed she didn't reply just nodded.

"Sophie come on." I said gesturing for her to come with me into the bedroom but she just looked over at me and then back to the young woman. "Come on Sophie let her sleep." I said again however Sophie still refused to move. "Sophie?" I asked as I walked over to her and got down on one knee to scratch her head and neck, but it was obvious now that she had no intention of leaving the young woman's side. "Looks like you have a guardian tonight." I chuckled to the young woman. "You're not going to let anything happen to her are you." I asked Sophie as I continued to scratch her neck and chin. "Alright keep an eye on our guest." I told Sophie as I got up and looked over at the young woman. While she still looked in shock from the nights event she seems more at ease and gave a wane little smile while looking at Sophie firmly planted by her side.

Satisfied the young woman was in good paws I got up and walked into the bedroom and shut the door. After taking a few gulps of milk I took off my shirt and jeans slipped into my sweatpants and got into bed. A few minutes later in the living room I heard the sound of footsteps and the bathroom door close then the running of water. After a minute the water stopped the door opened again followed a few seconds later by the refrigerator door opening before the light eventually went out in the living room.

I'm glad she's alright I thought to myself as I settled back deeper into my pillow. I tried to sleep but my mind keep playing back over and over again what happened. God what would have happened if Sophie wasn't there? What would I have done? Shit what could I have done? I would like to think that I would have jumped to her defense two guys attacking a young woman the very thought outraged me, but what could I have done to stop them? Hell each of those guys were at least fifty pounds bigger than I am. It's easy to think now after the fact that I would have came to her rescue, but the truth is I don't know. To think that I would stand by and let her be attached to afraid about my own safety to help made me feel so small and vulnerable. I don't think that feeling is right, but I don't think it would be unreasonable either still the very thought made me feel so ashamed.

I didn't sleep very well that night I kept seeing her terrified face and kept dreaming of being chased. Alone and scared no matter how fast I ran my unknown pursuers were there. I couldn't see them, but I could feel them their hands right behind me and alone in the dark I cried.

I woke up the next morning in a cold sweat feeling more tired than when I went to sleep. Reaching over and turning the clock to see what time it was I grunted and flopped back down staring up at the ceiling still unable to shake the uneasy feeling. I listened for a bit, but heard nothing but silence so I got up and opened the door to the living room. Pausing before I entered to see if the young woman was up I noticed she was still bundled up on the couch the blanket tightly held to her and covering her head. Sophie still keeping guard was on the floor next to the couch only raised her head briefly before settling back down.

I walked into the bathroom to take care of business and slash some cold water over my face before going into the kitchen to pour myself a glass of milk. I refilled Sophie's water bowl and put some food out for her but still she refused to move from the young woman's side.

I walked over next to Sophie who sat up to greet me. "You're such a good girl aren't you protecting her all night." I said as I continued to pet her. "Thank God you where there I don't think I could have protected her like you did." I whispered to her as she licked my face. "Stop that." I laughed as I stood up and walked back to the bar to take another sip of milk and find some breakfast.

Sophie padded over to the young woman and sniffed a bit before grabbing the blanket in her mouth and giving a tug. The young woman roused from her sleep instinctively started to tug back. Sophie being the big puppy that she is thought this was a wonderful game and set her paws back and pulled as hard as she could. With a startled cry the young woman was pulled off the couch onto the floor landing with a soft thud. "Hey!" She cried still partially wrapped up in the blanket with one leg still up on the couch.

"Sophie hey leave her alone you big puppy!" I laughed as I took a step forward to grab Sophie. It was then that I noticed it. The shorts she was wearing were bunched up tight from being pulled off the couch and there between her legs was an unmistakable bulge. Noticing the shocked look on my face she immediately pulled her leg down and while pulling her knees up to her chest wrapped the blanket around her again and stared down at the floor.

Silence neither of us said a word. It was probably only for ten seconds, but it seemed like hours. When she finally looked back up at me I don't know what my expression was I think my mouth was still open but her reaction was instant and her face defiant.

"What?!" She accused me as she got up. "Go on say it! Do it! You know you want to! I'm a freak right! Right!" She yelled at me her hands clenched into fists. "Come on do it! Call me a pervert, a freak, a sissy, a fag! You're no different than anyone else! Don't judge me! You have no idea about who I am or what I went through!” She yelled at me throwing off the blanket and reaching for her bag.

"Hey where are you going?"

"Isn't it obvious?" She said as she looked at me with her beautifully defiant eyes before turning around and walking to the door but stopped before getting there. “I know what you're thinking and no I didn't come onto those guys!” She said in a soft voice her back still toward me. “They kept harassing me I kept trying to get them to stop, but they wouldn't they kept touching me saying how I wanted it." She stammered her voice breaking up and looking back at me as she started to cry. "I slapped one of them in the face, but he just laughed and stuck his hand up my dress.” She dropped her bag and covered her face with her hands sobbing. “He. He got angry. I was so scared I just left the bar, but they followed calling me a sissy fag. Then they grabbed and I, I couldn't." She cried out in frustration as she fell back against the wall her face buried in her shaking hands.

The sound of her sobbing filling the room was broken only when I slapped my hand hard down on the bar. "Don't put me in the same category as those assholes!" I said back. "I don't care what others might have done or what others think I'm not them! I was just surprised is all. I mean you know I didn't expect to see a beautiful young woman with a well." I said clumsily rolling my wrist in a 'you know what I mean' gesture as I looked away. It was her turn to have a shocked look on her face as she looked back at me her sad eyes once again becoming defiant.

Silence again.

I didn't know what to say. What more could I say or was there to say? I have read stories about this kind of thing happening before. Gay panic I think they called it and people have gotten away with assault and murder based on that excuse. What does that tell you about human nature and about the darkness and ignorance within the human soul? How can it be when a person finds someone or something out of the scope of their ideal narrow little world that the first reaction is anger and violence. How could anyone believe or expect that reaction to be reasonable on any level? It makes me sad and a bit ashamed to realize that mankind hasn't really evolved as much as we like to think since we came down from the trees. Despite our high ideals we are still pretty much animals inside.

As I looked at her standing there with that defiant look on her face I couldn't help but admire her. She was so strong I thought so much stronger than I am and so open and honest to herself compared to me. One word came immediately to mind when I looked at her one perfect word. Truth. She was being true to herself no matter what.

The awkward silence was broken by Sophie as she padded over to her and licked the young woman's hand. It was then for the first time I saw a smile on her beautiful face as she got down on one knee and hugged Sophie whispering to her “Thank you.”

I walked over to the couch and looked over at the torn blue dress on the arm "You said you didn't really have any friends to call to take you home didn't you?"

She shook her head. "I only moved here a month ago. I thought I could start over and be free of the past to just be myself, but it seems well." She said and then chuckled.

“What?” I asked.

"I just realized that I left the bar without paying for my food." She replied as she got up and wiped a tear from her eye.

"I guess I could call you a cab as I don't have a car." I said rubbing my neck. "But." I started to continue before she interrupted.

"That's okay I'll find my way back home myself I've already put you through so much trouble."

"Look you can't go out like that I mean you know." I said gesturing awkwardly again. Looking at her it was obvious she needed something better to wear and none of my clothes were going to do the trick.

"I'll be okay." She said looking down. "I'll just well kind of you know." She said crossing her legs and smiling before reaching for her bag and heading again toward the door.

God she was so beautiful and strong I couldn't help myself but be attracted to her.

"Wait please.” I called after her. “You can't, I mean if you go out like that." I said as she stopped and looked back at me. “I can, I mean you can have.” I stammered my face twisted in indecision and she gave me a puzzled look obviously wondering what the hell I was talking about. After a few seconds I let out a moan "OH God!” I cried out. “Wait here." I told her and I walked in to the bedroom.

When I came back out she was sitting back down on the couch petting Sophie causing her little nub of tail to go a mile a minute.
As I approached she noticed what I was carrying and her expression turned to one of profound shock. “You?” She started to say as she raised her hand to her mouth.

"Here wear this." I said quietly my face bright red as I handed her a yellow summer dress before placing a pair of heels on the couch. The look of shock never left her face as she looked down at the dress then back at me then at the shoes and back at me again.

"Hey don't judge me." I said with a smile to which she just giggled and put her hand over mine and took the dress. I turned around and walked back into the bedroom while she changed and after a minute she called me back in.

Giving a little twirl she smiled at me. "How how do I look?"

"Be, Beautiful." I said as I stared at her.

"It's absolutely amazing were are about the same size. Even the shoes fit pretty good." She said with a devilish little smile as I turned bright red and stared at the floor.

"Listen." She said as she walked up to me and took my hands. "Thank you. Thank you so much for everything!"

"You're welcome." I said simply. "You know you never did tell me you name.” I smiled. "Or should I just call you Maat?" I asked. A surprised smile flashed across her face as her hand reached for the silver charm she wore around her neck. "It fits you perfectly.” I smiled. “And yes I know who she is.” I said before she had a chance to ask.

"Alice." she replied.

"It's been a pleasure to meet to Alice my name is James.” I said formally which just made her laugh as she walked to the door and opened it.

"Hey did you need me to call a cab or walk you home?" I asked.

"No I think I'll be okay." She smiled. “Now.”

"Alice. Could I? I mean I know we just met and under the circumstances it must seem kind of weird, but ah could I, I mean will I see you again?

"You want to see me again?" She asked with a raised little eyebrow.

"Ye, yeah. I think your amazing. I mean I really admire you." I stammered lamely.

"Admire me hun?" She replied with a mischievous little smile striking a bit of a sexy pose.

"Ye, yes, I mean, I think." I tried to respond blushing.

“Oohh? What is it you think?” She asked as she walked back over to me with a slight sexy little strut. "Maybe we'll see each other again." She said mischievously as she gave me a hug and leaned in close to give me a quick kiss and then whispered softly in my ear. "I still need to return the dress and shoes to you."

On a beautiful sunny fall morning with Sophie by my side I stood in the doorway of my apartment and watched as Alice started to walk back home, but not before turning around with that beautiful smile of hers that seemed light up the whole world and wave goodbye.

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Part of the inspiration behind this was a documentary I saw about the murders of several transgender individuals. It was the first time I had heard the term 'gay panic' and to be frank it horrified me. It horrified me that anyone would do such a thing and it horrified me to think that anyone would actually believe that such a thing was a logical defense.
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Originally submitted on 09/15/2011 this cleaned up version has had no change to the story itself I just removed a few inconsistencies cleaned up the flow of the story and added some more descriptive elements to some scenes.

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