Engaging my brain before speaking

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I had one of those DoH moments where I felt very mean My son was returning me to bed at the end of a day with mt two year old grand baby watching he took off my wig to. My mouth led my brain as I said Ow!Uncle Jim just ripped my hair off Her eyes got real big and she ran out of the room he chased her down an showed her my hair wasn't real.I was feeling very small right then, lesson learned. Posted on FB yesterday.


Family stories

erin's picture

It will be funny later.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Erin's right it will be hilarious later.

Rebecca Jane's picture

Reminded me back when I was like 10 I had a set of fake vampire teeth and my nephew (age 6) was mad that I wouldn't let him have them to play with. Even at 10 I thought that would be nasty. So he goes and tells my mom, "Grandma!!! (Insert my old name) wont let me have his teeth!!!!"

So my mom does what any true smart ass would, she whips her dentures out and goes to hand to him and says, "You can have mine"

Poor child had never known she had dentures... The look on his face as he ran off was priceless!! I remind the poor kid about that one to this day and he's like 39 right now :)

I know I’m weird. The fact that I’m trans is probably one of the more normal things about me.

Almost reminds me of what i did when i was 5

MadTech01's picture

I was at the Texas Children's Hospital Fair.
It is an event held annually for the former patients to have fun (they get in free) and for the doctors and staff of the hospital, to see there former patients happy and well. Most of the time they don't see the patients in those happy of situations otherwise.
My brother and I along with our parents were walking along and a Ronald McDonald Clown Professional Impersonator comes up to us. (important note I hate Clowns)
HE says something to try and make us happy I guess (It was the 80's Peak of the McDonalds Clown Popularity) He was bent over looking at us, I reached up and said "Your not Ronald" and ripped the Red wig off his head.
He Became very angry and An HPD Officer moved him away before he was able to hit me, the child, and My father also got between him and me seeing he was going to attack me. The enraged clown was escorted away now that I am older I feel bad for doing it because it may have cost the guy his job.
Also I to this day if a clown walks up to me will warn them off. Heck even went to a Barnum and Baily's Circus show as a teenager and warned a clown off.

I feel like Booth from the TV Show "Bones", I am very likely to shoot a clown as look at him.
Anyone know the Term for Fear or hatred of Clowns?

"Cortana is watching you!"

Easy to find

erin's picture


Before the recent explosion in clown fear, I had coined a word for the condition myself: momophobia. But that is mixing roots, Latin and Greek. Then again, coulrophobia would literally mean fear of stilts. Ancient Greek clowns often wore stilts? I dunno.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.