Yes, its true, we are in 2017 now and that annoying Bell woman is posting again!
For your delectation and delight, today I've posted Damp Squib, the latest part of Gaby's Japanese adventure.
My only prediction for the year is, drum roll please, stuff will happen!
I do have a to do list however
- write more
- go to see the Tour de France in Germany
- ride lots
- explore Hessen on the summer trip
- be here at the end of the year
So, once again, Happy 2017 everyone, may it be prosperous and uneventful for you all.
Hessen or Hesse
I was stationed in Wiesbaden for a year while in the US Army. It's a lovely city and well worth a visit. Mainz, across the river in Rheinland-Pfalz is also well worth a visit. Both are not far from Gabi's German home.
to both - I'm meaning real Hesse away from the industrial strips along the Main/Rhein. Might hit the hills of the NRW up towards Kassel at the same time.
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Most of us are happy to just be here the next morning
You ambitious women, you ^_~.
'annoying Bell woman'
The kind of annoyance we love.
Thanks Maddy XXX
I love Christmas and New Year; but especially Christmas. Especially with my adorable husband and wonderful kids. However, I miss my Mom and family in the US at this time too. I only have to read one of your blogs and I guarantee. It pretty much always cheers me up. Thanks for being you Maddy.
Cheryl L XXX