Just wanted to let my readers (all three of you) know that it might be a while before you get anything new from me.
Depression is kicking my butt at the moment, and between that and the pain/panic dance I am running low on spoons to the point where just making it to work is gonna be a challenge this week.
Sorry, I hope to be back to bubbly soon ...
Hey now
You know we'll be here when you want to talk, or write. Yeah, bubbly soon is good. :)
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
Take care!
PLEASE, take care of yourself and not worry about writing a story for your fans! We'll just have to WAIT until you are ready and capable of writing a story for us to read. Relax and enjoy the holiday season! Your muse will help you when it decides it's time to write your next story,
Again, please take care of yourself first!
Talia heads over to cupboard....
Pulls out all the spoons, boxes and wraps them and ships them off to Dottie! (Not really sure just what she does with them, and afraid to ask! :P) Loving Huggles Talia
Hang in there
I've been on the panic/despair roller coaster myself far too many times, and it is not a pleasant ride.
For people who are a little confused by her reference to spoons:
Spoon theory
I can understand the spoon theory quite well
The reason I can do that is because I have chronic Fibromyalgia, I'm in pain almost everywhere on my body, 24/7/365. In fact, I haven't had a pain free day since mid-spring of 1993. Then add in constant headaches, sub-migraine or low migraine level at the mildest now; like the pain, there hasn't been a day in 22 years without a headache of at least sub-migraine intensity. On top of that, add in that some days, I'm lucky to get four hours sleep, other days, I could sleep forever. The other day, I was in bed for over 19 hours, 17 of that sleeping.
That's the big stuff, then there's irritating stuff like dealing with irritable bowel syndrome, poor vision, serious light sensitivity (bright sunlight can make it impossible for me to go out, luckily I now have four sets of snap on sunglass lenses), roughly 60% hearing loss, maybe more, fairly serious noise sensitivity (much worse when I have hearing aids as they magnify noises several times; I used to have them back in the late '90s, and when outside, an emergency vehicle going by with siren blasting would have me falling to the ground), muscle spasms, bipolar (primarily depression) and other odds and ends. Sometimes I truly wonder how I manage to get out of bed each day.
So yeah, I can understand Christine's spoon theory extremely well. Different condition, maybe, but I've been there many times.
Dot, I hope that are feeling better soon. Here's some hugs from my heart to yours: (((((((((( ))))))))))
Sending a lots of Love,...
... Calming Huggles, Healing Hugs.
Take time for you.
big BIG Hugs tmf
Treat yourself with kindness over the holidays
because you really do deserve it.
Wendy K