Stories That Are Prophetic

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I have two stories (books ?) that I have been working on for years, one of them I started in the early 80's on an Electric Typewriter. Lately, I have begun to see parts of both of them begin to come true in real life, and that frightens me because I think that my health will not hold out long enough to finish either. Sadly, the only people I would trust to finish them are not likely to outlive me by much if at all.

My brain is "slip sliding away" so to speak, however one part of the problem may be too many distractions. So, I am very likely to shut them down to see if that helps. One of them is Facebook and it is how I maintain my connection with a number of friends, so I am sending them my email and phone number before I cut it off. Much of my early work was done when I was taking heavy doses of psych medications, but I am going to try to avoid resumption of them because they ruin your health. I'm going to isolate myself from other time wasting distractions as they come to mind.

And, for many of us, 2016 has felt like a Machiavellian descent into hell. Hopefully the isolation will ease the feeling of dread that now permeates my life.

My stories have never been heavily TG; I tried to develop a realistic feeling life for my characters instead, and several have been forced fem because of my own experiences. One of the stories is not about TG characters at all, while the other one has a few but carried out in a very mild and sensible way.

Have any of you noticed that any of your stories seemed to have come true later?




Daphne Xu's picture

Your brain is "slip sliding away"? I hope to all heaven that no dementia is forming. It may help to close your eyes, look up, and type on feel on your keyboard.

Prophetic stories? There's a saying, "Life imitates art." There's another relatively recent saying, "Life imitates farce." I suspect that your stories are based on how people might behave in certain circumstances -- and those circumstances are approaching or here, and they're behaving that way.

-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)

Hang in there Girl

There have been several studies made public recently that develop the theory that many people who rely on Social Media too much get depressed.
I wouldn't know because I've steadfastly refused to even visit and twitter seems like a total waste of time to me. Others may and do have a different opinion though.
That said, there have been other experiments where people have ditched social media for long periods and found themselves happier, less depressed, less angry etc.

I know from our conversations in the summer that you were considering ditching FB. Time to let it go Gwen.
I know that it is the wrong time of year for getting out and about what with the short days, grey skies and inclement weather, SAD is here and now.
In a few days, we will be past the shortest day and as the song goes 'things can only get better'.

Just look at my calendar and the picture I took of Cape Disappointment when we went there. That view was not disappointing at all now was it.


I've treated myself to a bike (pedal power) for Christmas. Not gone as far as getting any lycra clothes though. That is more than a step too far at the moment.

Cycling clothes

Lycra can be overrated but the alternatives can be uncomfortable.

Perhaps you should take a leaflet from the past and try Rational Dress instead?


Rational Dress

The Doctor has advised me not to wear any tight garments, especially around my female bits. Further the Doctor strongly cautioned me to shower as soon as I get off the trail, and to not use those portable loos, most certainly not at all. Quite limiting.


Not So Fast

Daphne Xu's picture

"In a few days, we will be past the shortest day and as the song goes 'things can only get better'."

I hate to break it to you, but the worst days tend to be in January and February. Even after the shortest day of the year, with the sun at its lowest trajectory, that part of the earth is still losing more heat than it's gaining. So it's still getting colder. Brrrrr... (Even in Houston, TX, it's almost too cold to wear shorts.)

(For the reverse, they call it the Dog Days of August, not the Dog Days of Late June, for a reason.)

-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)


I always seem to find that about 1st Jan I can detect a lengthening of the day (as in daylight hours).
I'm a long way north of you.
N51:24:09 W0:35:20 approx (About 2 degrees NORTH of Winnipeg which is N49 in lattitude but not longditude).
Tomorrow Sunrise is at 08:05 and Sunset falls at 15:57


Daphne Xu's picture

Definitely, the day gets longer, and a given area receives more heat. The problem is that it's still getting colder, because it's still losing more heat than it's gaining. It reaches rock bottom when the heat inflow finally gets as high as heat outflow, and then gets warmer again.

Example with numbers: Every day, 100 units of heat are lost.
Dec. 21: 50 units of heat are gained.
Dec. 22: 51 units of heat are gained.
Dec. 23: 52 units of heat are gained.

We're getting more each day, yet it's still getting cooler because we're losing more than we gained. We reach rock bottom the day that 100 units are gained, and begin warming the day that 101 units are gained. In this artificial example, that's 50 and 51 days after the lowest on Dec. 21.

-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)


Maddy Bell's picture

There have been times when cycling stuff I've written in Gaby has turned into actuality out in the racing world, so exact that you'd think that BC and Team Sky read the books! (maybe they do?) Now if the UCI act on my idea of mixed gender teams I'll know they read Gaby!


Madeline Anafrid Bell