I damaged my car this morning, I was in serious pain all day and feeling sick to my stomach so I couldnt take anything, the pain set off my PTSD, so I spent most of the day fighting panic attacks ..
Sighs ... just another day ...
huggles appreciated, folks.
Of course
Hugs and love coming your way my dear. Consider it sent today and every day as long as you need it. Even if you don't need it, it will still be there for you.
Big hugs
Delivered right to you
Anne Margarete
Huggles, Hugs and Love are on there way from now till you got too mush.....
Peace and Love tmf
Huggles despatched on express delivery
I hope you feel better soon. Morgan
Sending hugs your way
I know what it's like to have pain make a day seem nearly unbearable. Feeling sick doesn't help matters at all, either.
Here's some hugs for you: ((((((((((((((((((((( )))))))))))))))))))))
I hope that you feel better soon.
Hugs. Feel well soon.
-- Daphne Xu
Hugs are barriers the hugger erects around the huggee to help them through any affliction.
I handle bad things using some words of wisdom my grandfather shared with me:
Everything that happens has good and bad in them. The secret to having a good life is to train yourself to look for the good first and hug it to yourself to form a barrier between you and the bad. By clutching the good you have an easier time dealing with the bad.
I asked him what was good about pain he told me 'As long as you hurt you know you're alive.'
He told me this as he was lying in the back seat of a car after I'd carried him from his house. We were headed for his chemotherapy sessions.
Seeing that he was nearly always content and even serene in times of trial I took his advice to heart. It's been 41 years since he gave me that advice and 39 years since he's gone. I live by his advice and plow through my misery with a smile on my face. I nursed my bedridden wife for nine years until she passed. I've endured having both knees replaced and a 6-bypass open heart. I found the good in them and rode over the bad. Sure I get depressed, but keeping the good close soon pulls me out.
Train yourself to hug the good, cling to it even, then handling the bad is less oppressive.
Boys will be girls... if they're lucky!
Jennifer Sue