Real life Bloddish?

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Two things for those who have been following my story Bian in which I play with a language I madeup called Bloddish:

1. Yes, I am working on the next episode (along with work on the next episodes of Vector and Hired Girl and other outside work, besides the other stuff I do around here and on DopplerPress. :)

2. Bloddish is based on Old Norse and Old English with as few non-Germanic roots as I am willing to put effort into avoiding. Here's a video about someone else's (a whole movement of someone elses) efforts in a similar direction.

If you love language play the way I do, you might find that link interesting and fun.



Didn't France catch some flack awhile back

for trying to promote something similar for their own language? I recall some rather odd words that were supposed to be used in French in place of the more commonly accepted terms that had leaked into the language, though particular examples are escaping me at the moment.

Still, an interesting premise. I use the argument of language influences a lot when talking to friends about the names and locations they develop for role playing games, since it really is a fascinating subject and something that, in my opinion, far too many fantasy authors and creators simply ignore because of the bit of extra work it requires. It's definitely a worthwhile subject to delve into if you want to get serious about fleshing out a custom culture or world, though.

Melanie E.