Sweet 16 - Chapter 8 - Rainbow Connection

“We going over to Trevor’s house today to learn how to make jam?” Mika looked over at Crystal as they got their stuff out of their shared locker.

“Yeah, Fiona’s so excited,” Crystal laughed. “She’s been begging us to come over and meet his mom for like ages.”

“We should so invite that girl to go ice skating with us this weekend.” Mika smiled.

“Did you tell LInds yet? Or are you going to surprise her?” Crystal teased.

“Yeah, I told her this afternoon.” Mika bubbled excitedly. “She was so excited, she can’t wait to put her skates back on.”

“I’m honestly shocked she hasn’t gone pro with it,” Crystal said as she closed their locker. “She could at least do Junior Olympian with her talent.”

“Yeah, I’ve tried to talk to her about it, but I wont force Lins into anything.” Mika said. “She is our friend after all.”

“It’s just too much pressure,” Lindsey said from behind, grinning as both girls jumped. “I mean, cheer competitions are one thing. It’s a group effort so when I screw up you guys can cover for me, but the pressure you have to put up with from coaches, judges, and other competitors, I just couldn’t handle it. I tried, but that world’s just not for me.”

Mika giggled, “Yeah, I know, Cheering is a lot of pressure too. Oh speaking of cheer, I have to cut out early tomorrow, I have another driving lesson. I already told the coach.”

“Oh, cool. Aunt Sarah coming over or did you manage to con one of your Moms into doing it?” Lindsey teased. Mika paused for a second as that weird deja vu feeling washed over her again. “Uh oh,” Lindsey said. “Last time you got that look on your face you fell and almost took out the coach,” she teased.

Mika laughed and shook her head. “No, it’s okay. I’m okay. Yeah Aunt Sarah’s coming over. She’s the best driving coach I’ve ever had.”

Crystal giggled, “Mika’s turning out to be a really good driver. She’s lucky she gets her license before I do.” she sighed at that part, and that weird deja vu feeling hit Mika a second time, but it didn’t faze her as badly. She shrugged it off before the other two noticed.

“More time to practice,” Mika teased back as they left the school heading for the bus stop..

“I’m gonna get Aunt Sarah to teach me too. “ Crystal giggled out. “Your mom and my mom are horrible drivers.”.

You guys want to walk home today? It’s kinda warm out still,” Lindsey asked.

“Beats sitting on the bus,” Mika sighed. “I swear when I get my car, we’re never taking the school bus again.” She pulled out her sleek new iPhone 5s and texted both mom’s that she, Crystal and Linsey would be walking home and would need a ride later to Trevor’s.

“Oh!” Crystal grinned, “Aunt Sarah said she was bringing a present along with her for Linds.”

“Oooh, a present for me? I wonder if it’s more cupcakes,” she giggled. “I’m going to get fat if I keep eating her cooking.”

Mika giggled as they left the school behind. “I can’t get fat. The doctors say I have this uber high metabolism thing going on.”

“I noticed,” Lindsey whined. “I look at a dessert cart and gain five pounds.”

Crystal giggled, “Me too, I have to go cycling to keep my fat off.”

Lindsey stuck her tongue out, “Whatever. You and Mika share that same metabolism thing, don’t lie.”

Crystal giggled. “No, really. Me and Mika used to bike two miles every evening. We still go running or biking sometimes.”

“Well, there you go,” Lindsey laughed. “You have a high metabolism because you’re active. If I’m not skateboarding or doing cheer, I’m sitting on my ass.”

Mika giggled, “Why don’t you come with us then?” she poked Linds, “You only live four blocks away from us.”

“Well... I’d have to leave the house, get some decent shoes, learn to ride a bike...” she joked.

Crystal grinned, “We could always go shoe shopping, and get you a nice bike.”

Both Mika and Lindsey balked. “What happened to cutting back on the shopping?” Lindsey teased, and then laughed. “Just kidding. Actually I don’t mind shopping for shoes - mostly because I’m on a first name basis with the entire Foot Locker staff.”

Mika giggled, “You're a closet shopper, admit it, you love the thrill of shopping.” she teased.

“You know, it’s funny. I hate clothes shopping, but I do go into uber shopper mode when it comes to athletic shoes, pads, boards, whatever. God I was drooling so hard over the new line of snowboards the other day, and I’ve never been snowboarding in my life,” she giggled.

“I don’t mind going once in awhile, with Crystal and the girls from the cheer squad, but the problem is I can’t stand staring at stuff all day or even trying on things, I’m not a germaphobe or anything but you know how many people try on the same dress?” Mika smiled.

“That’s why I wash everything,” Crystal laughed. “I am kind of a germaphobe - just a tiny bit though. But that’s also why we wanted to go ice skating this weekend. We were talking to Mika’s therapist-” she trailed off as Mika giggled.

“Shes more of a germaphobe then she admits, she has to clean our shower every other day.” Mika teased.

“Hey, mildew is nasty if you let it build up!” Crystal shot back, and then laughed. “Okay, I’ll put it this way. Remember that old TV show, “Full House”, how big a neat freak the dad was? I’m a notch below that,” she said proudly.

“We should go bowling too,” Lindsey said, grinning after a moment as she added, “Because I love watching Crystal squirm as she stares at the rental shoes, wondering if she should break out the can of Lysol.”

“Actually I got myself a pair of my own bowling shoes.” Crystal grinned, “Because our moms are-“ she almost let one of Mika’s birthday surprises slip.

“Oh, well in that case can I borrow your Lysol if we do go?” Lindsey said, covering for Crystal’s almost-slip.

“So what are you guys planning sunday? I was thinking about a pizza party?” Mika smiled, “Just me, Crystal and you Linds, and maybe Fiona if she can come over, Monday is a school holiday anyway. Teachers day or something like that.”

“I kinda like the new Fiona,” Lindsey said at that, “She’s pretty fun to hang with now that she’s out, and you know it’s about time too. Everyone was starting to think Trevor was gay.” she giggled the last part.

“What about me?” Lisa said with a giggle as she came up alongside them.

“LISA!” Lindsey squealed, nearly lifting the girl right off her feet in a hug.

“Oh hey Lisa, sure you can come too.” Mika smiled, “I don’t think our Moms will allow to many people over especially with Uncle Roy and his wife over for the weekend.”

“What are you doing here anyway?” Lindsey giggled as she kissed Lisa.

“2 o’clock day at my school, so I hitched a ride with Sarah,” Lisa giggled.

Crystal grinned. “Mika almost let it slip earlier. That’s your present. We knew Aunt Sarah was going to bring Lisa with her either today or tomorrow.”

“Surprise,” Lisa said, giggling again as she put an arm around Lindsey’s waist.

Lindsey smiled brightly. “You coming with us to help make jam?”

“Absolutely. Mom said as long as I’m home by ten, or at least on my way home by ten.”

“Well thats perfect.” Mika answered, “Aunt Sarah’s driving lesson today is at 6:30 and then she’s driving home, and back again this weekend to visit with Uncle Roy. He and Aunt Georgia are in from New york for the weekend.”

“New York,” Lisa gasped.

“Get a rope!” Lindsey giggled out.

Crystal nodded, “Uncle Roy and Aunt Georgia are Mika’s mom’s brother and sister in-law, but they have always treated me like their niece too.”

“See,” LIndsey said, “Mika has the coolest relatives.”

“Actually Grandma and Grandpa from my dad’s side hate that Crystal and I are a couple.” Mika said, shaking her head. “They hate that mom’s a lesbian and think that she made Crystal and me lesbians.”

“Well, they are from Oklahoma,” Crystal shot back dryly. “Those two think 9/11 happened because ‘Gawd hates gays’ - their words, not mine,” she sighed.

“I think they tried to be part of my life more then my dad ever did, but I really don’t like them.” Mika added.

“Pardon my French,” Lisa grunted, “But fuck them. Your Moms are a famous author and an internationally respected chef. Sarah says they’re trailer trash from the middle of nowhere. I’m pretty sure they’ve got no ground to be judging anybody.”

Crystal nodded, “When Mika was eight, they tried to sue both moms for custody of Mika, and lost, and then tried again a few years ago too.”

“They tried to argue that they made me dress like a girl,” Mika sighed. “Our Moms had to hire three separate, independent shrinks to testify otherwise. The judge warned them to leave us alone the second time. Threw out the case as soon as it hit his desk.”

“Grandma Alice still sends you boy clothes for christmas.” Crystal grunted. “But at least they get a good home with Good will,” she added with a giggle.

Mika nodded, “You don’t have to call her Grandma though. I don’t even call her that. Grandma Elsie is Grandma though,” she giggled.

“Mom Mary’s Mom, that is,” Crystal said, winking at Lisa as they entered Mary and Angela’s large house together. “She’s awesome.”

“Papa Charles is too, Grandma’s second husband, I never met her first husband.” Mika added, “We have a weird family, but I wouldn’t trade it for a billion dollars.”

“I’d trade your dad’s parents,” Sarah said with a laugh, overhearing Mika’s comment, “But I love the rest of them, even his brothers and sisters.”

Mika nodded, “My aunts and uncles on Dad’s side are awesome, Uncle Travis is still helping you guys with my birthday present right?”

Sarah grinned innocently as she strolled over to hug Mika. “Yup. You’ll be sitting in your own 1985 Yugo before you know it,” she teased.

Mika groaned, “I thought you guys were buying me that Mustang I wanted.” she giggled at the same time.

Linds flopped down on the couch like she lived at the house, “Ahhh, finally get to sit down, and what’s this about a Mustang?” she looked over.

Mika giggled. “Yeah. They told me I could have any car I wanted as long as it wasn’t like, a Bentley or something.”

Sarah laughed, “Crystal gets the same thing when she turns sixteen.”

“Yeah, I hate having to wait, but at least they still put us in the same grade.”

Mika hugged Crystal and smiled, “You always keep on about wanting matching cars.” she giggled.

“Except mine’s going to be pearlescent Barbie pink,” Crystal joked.

“With a custom license plate,” Lisa teased. “BAR B GRL.”

“Soooo not fair,” Lindsey giggled. “I’ll probably get more music gear as a not so subtle attempt to get me to follow in my Mom’s footsteps. Maybe I’ll ask for my own tour bus,” she teased.

Mika giggled, “Don’t forget to ask her for a driver too.”

“Oh heck no,” Lindsey cackled with glee. “If I did get a tour bus, I’m driving that monster. Police escorts won’t be for my protection - it’ll be for the other drivers!” she giggled, and then shook her head. “Nah, I’ve got my eye on a super cute Chevy Camaro or maybe a Subaru.”

“I keep forgetting you guys are all really wealthy,” Lisa giggled. “It’s weird for me. My parents are doing okay now, but they grew up, literally, dirt poor.”

Mika nodded, “Your dad’s in advertising now right?” she looked at Lisa.

“Oh yeah. He commutes to Nashville every day, but he’s talking about moving us here, maybe next summer It’s not a bad drive though..”

“Its a long one though.” Linds sighed, “Otherwise i’d be up visiting you all the time.”

Lisa giggled. “Absence makes the heart grow fonder, plus at least we don’t live in Little Rock where my Mom was born. That’d be just brutal.”

Sarah laughed, “I used to live in Little Rock. I went to college there. That’s how I met your mom and dad, and they talked me into moving to where we are now.”

Angela walked out of her office, “Oh, hi girls, when did you get home?”

“About thirty minutes ago,” Crystal giggled. “We were just hanging out with Lisa and Aunt Sarah until it’s time to get over to Trevor’s. How’s your book coming?”

Angela smiled, “Great, I’m just about finished with it. Do you guys want me to take you or Sarah?”

“Oh,” Sarah grinned. “I’m driving my minivan. I figure if Mika can learn to drive the beast, she’ll be a pro behind the wheel of a smaller car.”

Mika nodded. “Besides it’s good practice to drive around with people.”

Lindsey groaned. “I forgot my crash helmet at home too,” she teased.

Mika stuck her tongue out, “I’m a very good driver thank you very much.”

Angela laughed. “Just don’t run over any stop signs, and stay off the sidewalk,” she teased. Sarah giggled as Angela walked back into her office.

Mika groaned, “Mom says the same things.” she giggled.

“That’s because your Mom Mary was one of the worst drivers our driving instructor had ever seen,” she teased. “She really did run over a stop sign - twice.”

“It’s a miracle you were even born,” Crystal laughed as they walked to the door.

Angela laughed, “You as well Crystal, your dad was absolutely the second worst driver I’ve ever been in the car with. He’s got so many driving violations I’m surprised he’s still got a license.”

“What’s bad is,” Crystal said as she climbed into the back of the minivan, “Sometimes the cops still come around looking for him to collect on the things.”

Mika laughed as she fastened her seatbelt. “It’s like an inside joke that it only happens when some new rookie has something to prove,” she teased, as she adjusted her mirror and put the van into reverse.

For a split second, she thought she saw Luci on her bike, riding across the sidewalk behind her. She stopped, checking the mirror, and looking back again, but the girl was nowhere to be seen. She sighed to herself and began backing out of the driveway.


Trevor answered the door wearing an apron, “Hey guys, just in time.”

“Hey!” Fiona called from the kitchen. Her hair seemed much longer than Mika remembered, and her breasts were definitely not flat, but there wasn’t any sensation of deja vu this time.

“Wow!” Crystal exclaimed. “Fiona you look great!”

“Told you she looks cute in a skirt,” Trevor laughed. Fiona blushed brightly.

“Thanks guys. My Mom says that it’s no different than wearing makeup - it’s all just little clues to present a certain image.” She looked down at herself and then giggled. “I’ll feel a lot better when the hormones finally start kicking in, but my therapist says I can go to school like this tomorrow if I want, so I’m really thinking about it.”

“Meygan and Jane are on the way,” an older woman with black hair said as she came into the kitchen. “They’re picking up more supplies first. Hi girls,” she said cheerfully.

“Oh,” Trevor said, “Mom this is Mika, Crystal, Lindsey, and... uh...”

“Lisa,” Lisa giggled. “I’m Lindsey’s girlfriend.”

“Oh! Nice to meet’cha,” Trevor said with a grin. “This is my Mom Laura, the blue ribbon award winning jam and jelly connoisseur.”

Laura laughed, “I run the co-op, and we have a stand at the farmers market usually. Jam isn’t the only thing I make to sell.”

“But you still can’t beat my pumpkin spice bread,” Sarah teased as she stepped into the kitchen, giving Laura a hug.

“Sarah! Long time no see girl, you still thinking about helping with the Co-op?” Laura hugged Sarah back.

Sarah smiled, “Yeah actually, after everything that’s been happening lately, I was thinking about it.“ She looked over at Crystal and Mika, “Laura and I went to college together and studied Bio-chem and Botany.”

“Wait,” Lisa said, “You and my Mom, AND Trevor’s Mom all went to college together?”

Sarah nodded, “We all took the same classes, Laura and I went to middle and high school together actually.”

Mika laughed, singing, “It’s a small world after all, it’s a small world after all...”

Sarah giggled, play-swatting Mika’s arm. “It’s called networking,” she teased. “Anyway, I figured since I was in town for Mika’s next driving lessons anyway, that I’d see if I could help out.”

Lindsey leaned over and whispered, “Makes me wonder if you guys’ Moms knew my parents before her singing career took off, too.”

“Sorry we’re late,” Meygan chimed as she and Jane brought in two grocery bags each. “Oh, Doug sends his apologies that he couldn’t make it. Family emergency, but he promised to be there to help sell.”

“That’s okay,” Lindsey giggled. “My girlfriend Lisa’s here to help.”

“Oh!” Jane said warmly, “Nice to finally meet you!”

“So where do we start?” Meygan asked.


“Ok Mika I want you to make a turn here, sweetie.” Aunt Sarah asked, as they neared the highway on ramp.

“But-” Mika stammered. Sarah just nodded with a knowing smile. “Yep. You can’t drive around a parking lot forever.”

Mika sighed nervously and nodded as she started toward the onramp.

“Now just ease the accelerator. Watch the traffic carefully to your left and in front of you,” Sarah explained.

“Aunt Sarah... There’s a cop right there,” Mika said nervously as she merged into oncoming traffic directly behind the squad car.

“You’re perfectly fine Mika, just calm down.” Sarah answered reassuringly.

“Crap, what’s the highway speed limit?” Mika squeaked, gripping the wheel. The speedometer read 65 MPH and holding steady.

“You can go a little faster sweetie; it’s 75 on the highway.”

“O-okay,” Mika said, easing her foot down a little. Crystal giggled.

“On the bright side, I think anybody merging traffic with a cop would have their foot fall asleep too,” she teased, causing Mika to laugh.

“Stop making me laugh,” she giggled out, her grip on the steering wheel relaxing a little.

“See the cop didn’t even come after you Mika.” Sarah smiled at her niece, totally relaxed. She had done this enough times to know Mika would be fine. She was ready.

“Yet,” Lindsey teased.

“Oh shush,” Mika giggled. “Actually this isn’t so-EEP!” she squealed as a large semi blew past them in the fast lane. She at least managed to keep control of the car, though she failed to notice the driver looked a little young to be behind the wheel of a big rig... She blew her horn after getting past them and disappeared off into the distance.

“God that scared me,” Mika sighed.

“Take the next exit there sweetheart,” Sarah chuckled. “I think you’ve had enough for one night?”

“Ohhh yeah,” Mika answered. “Want me to pull off somewhere so we can switch places?”

“Only if you want to,” Sarah replied, smiling. “I’m proud of you. You kept your cool even though that semi blew out of nowhere. I didn’t even see it coming.”

“Nah,” Mika answered. “I’m good.”

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