I've just completed a draft of a new story for Hatbox called "Aunt T's" and need beta readers.
The story involves the semi forced feminization of a late thirties male.
I need an unsullied eye to find those inconsistencies that invariably happen.
I don't get any of the Hatbox revenue . . . so consider any help you give me an ultimate gift to Erin. Hatbox usually attracts more subscriptions when new material is offered.
This story is a bit dark . . . but travels toward the sun.
Send me a PM with your email address and I'll send you the file. I think you'll find it a good read.
Thank You
I had three quick responses and have enough beta readers.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Oh Well
I'll just have to be happy reading the posted version :-))
Is it posted yet.
I was wondering if this story has been posted on Hatbox yet. I don't see it there but I could simply be missing it.