Arwel Powell

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Blog About: 

One of my favourite characters is a deep, loving man of fierce protectiveness and uncommon good sense. His name is Arwel Powell, and one of the best descriptions of him is as an iceberg, showing very little of the depth of his personality on the surface. He is based on a real person, a family member, and I found out today that the original for my character has just been given five months to live.

Words do fail me occasionally.


So deeply sorry

Here's hoping your awareness of my awareness is a help.

I wish I could do more.



So sorry to hear of this. I hope his remaining time is filled with love, and as pain free as possible.

What is it with doctors and 5?

I knew a guy who was also given 5 months to live... It was not easy. It took looking around to find the best facility to treat his condition. But he lived more than 5 years. And was past his 80th birthday by the time.
Another case was when a mother of a friend was diagnosed with cancer... That turned out to be some minor ailment when she visited specialized cancer treatment center.
So - 5 months gives time to look for alternative opinion. And time to find best doctors. And, 5 months could turn into 50 years...

Dear Steph.

I don't have to repeat to you that I know exactly how it feels. You full well know the trauma I endured when my Helen was given three months but with surgery this was extended to eight. I can only sympathise with you and hope that you are not too damaged by what will now follow. Anger, guilt, hope, despair; these are only some of the emotions you will encounter but I beseech you, do not condemn yourself when these traitors betray or assault your own self esteem for I assure you they will try.

Be strong, and if necessary, rage against them if it gives you the strength to persevere.

Lots of love. You know where I am.

Beverly. x
