There is a great picture I've seen on the net, of a dog sitting in front of a computer with the caption "I have no idea what I'm doing."
Why mention this?
Because that's kinda where I am with my stories at the moment.
I have no idea where the stories are going. I have no idea what's gonna happen next. I'm just hoping at the end they're halfway decent and readable ...
My muse has gone all roller coaster, and all i can do is hang on for dear life ...
Don't worry yourself
your muse has probably just gone on vacation. When it returns all nice and refreshed you will see the difference.
I was going to suggest that
I was going to suggest that you let her/him/it go. If he doesn't return, he wasn't yours in the first place. However, being on a roller coaster and having to hold on for dear life puts a different spin on it. Is your muse a tiger you have by the tail, by any chance?
-- Daphne Xu