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Chapter 11 of
The Station's Late Nite Princess |
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This story is 7 words long.
Uh oh, methinks the fecal matter has hit the rotary impeller big time.
The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity.
and the fuse is lit
I really cannot wait to see what happens next? Dawn was having a good week and a little fun with Kassie.
I have a feeling though that Angela really has put herself deep up the creek and lost both paddles and all means of propulsion.
I have a feeling that there's going to be some loud words and a lot of heat at 2am , hopefully Dawn will calm down and the 2 do not mess things up or reject Dawn.
looking forwards to next weeks chapter with great eagerness.
I'll never be without a paddle
because I know where the store is. ;)
pic was saved from when it was the logo for the SOS News website. SOS News being an anti-government rabble rousing group from Australia
Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.
So Dawn is slowly close to
So Dawn is slowly close to being outed by her two closest friends. Seems like it is a really good thing that Blake, Brett, and Lyle are all on her side and will do anything to help her. Only hope they can help to convince Marty, grandmother and a few others that Dawn is here to stay, and not just as Lux Noctis the radio star.
If they are real friends
If they are real friends, they will not out her. If they want to avoid the wrath of their parents, they will not out her.
Though the temptation to say, "I know who Lux Noctis is" will be great.
The fertilizer is hitting the
The fertilizer is hitting the fan and Don't friends are either going to get buried six feet under by Son's fury or hoisted up by their underwear by their parents. Either way Dawn is going to be known by more people.
I hope Angela's mother is supportive because Dawn needs her help.
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
The stuff is going to hit the fan now!
Kat H
Each chapter becomes more engrossing. I am totally and completely into this story.
Well done.
Be kind to those who are unkind, tolerant toward those who treat you with intolerance, loving to those who withhold their love, and always smile through the pains of life.
Those two are never to be trusted again. There are things you just don't do to somebody that is supposed to be a real friend. One of them is to use trickery and deception to learn something they don't want to talk about. I have a feeling that Angela has met her master in angry. I don't see much screaming at the top of her voice by Dawn. I suspect that like me, Dawn is one of those that gets quiet when pissed, the quieter she is the worse the anger. A tight, controlled tone of voice portends doom for them.
Angela set up the betrayal, but Charlie went along with her. It hurts when your supposedly best friends betray you. If I was Dawn, I might talk to them at their class 25th reunion, but not before. The trust is gone, and I don't believe there is anyway they can earn it back.
This is one of those life-shattering moments. I believe Dawn can survive, but the dynamics between them are gone. This will also affect the family relationships. Marty and his parents will need to know quickly.
I feel so bad for Dawn, she'll be hurting for a long time.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
What Betrayal?
It was a lot of things, but not betrayal. Caring and worrying about someone is not betraying them. When your close friend becomes secretive, withdrawn, and uncommunicative do you ignore the warning signs? Sonny lost his mom, has been victimized by bullies and has begun to distance himself from his only close friends.
Because he isn't committing suicide he is being betrayed? What would you have said about his friends if he was suicidal and they were too put-off by his attitude to care?
Friendship is a two-way street. They have as much reason to feel betrayed by Sonny's refusal to share this with them as he does for their following him.
Be kind to those who are unkind, tolerant toward those who treat you with intolerance, loving to those who withhold their love, and always smile through the pains of life.
What's to worry?
Sonny hadn't changed. His grades weren't slipping, he wasn't hiding from his "friends", in short there was nothing for Angela to be concerned about. And she wasn't. It just bugged her that Don was doing something and she didn't know what it was. It never even crossed her mind that Don had a right and a really good reason not to confide in her - he knew she couldn't be trusted to keep a secret. With her temper she is bound to reveal confidences just to prove to somebody else that she was right. So, while they weren't bosum buddies, they had a sort of mutual acquaintance/friendship. The only distancing Don did was to not take Angela into his confidence.
But Angela just had to know what was going on, and she dragged Charlie into it. She had been warned earlier by her mother not to push Don, but she just had to be on the inside. So yes, she betrayed their friendship, as loose as it was.
Charlie is what you might term collateral damage. But now that he knows he is a risk to Don/Dawn.
I'll add this, even if it is out of place. I saw no evidence at all that Don expected or demanded to know everything going on in Angela's or Charlie's lives. He was certainly under no obligation to tell them everything going on in his life.
Don/Dawn is a very private person. That is neither a crime or a sin. From the comments Angela's mom made earlier that is normal.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Don is under no obligation to share all of his secrets with his friends.
The fact is, I really hate the attitude some have that, as a friend, one is obligated to divulge all secrets to another. The fact is that one has an obligation to respect a friend's personal space, and not be nosy. Certainly, going to the length of premeditatedly snooping on a friend is way over the line.
Knowing Dawn, I expect her to lay down the law, extract apologies, then pretty much go on as normal.
What I'm most concerned about is that Marty is going to be hurt that everyone and their brother found out before he did.
I Strongly Disagree
Sonny and Charlie were both speculating on Angela's changes. They chose to give her space. Angela did not avoid them, nor did she radically change her behavior.
Yes, Angela's mother did warn her to let Sonny have space, as well. The problem is, Angela is not a laid back person like Charlie. Nor is she the insightful person that Sonny is. Despite her abrasive manners and pushy personality, Angela is more needy than either of them. She has observed that Sonny is no longer working (mowing lawns) and has been avoiding them both.
Be kind to those who are unkind, tolerant toward those who treat you with intolerance, loving to those who withhold their love, and always smile through the pains of life.
Charlie was puzzled by Angela's behavior, Don knew but saying so would be revealing. So he led Charlie a bit astray by implying it was "women's problems".
Don is no longer mowing lawns because the grass has stopped growing. Its Fall. This was discussed when Marty told Don to quit mowing the old woman's lawn.
He can hardly be avoiding them when they didn't spend much time as a group in the first place. If they had spent a lot of time together it wouldn't have taken Angela two years to find out Don was mowing lawns for spending money.
That's all from me, this has been pretty well flogged to death.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Another nice chapter
Although Angela and Charlie better hope t'hell that Dawn doesn't cut them out of her life.
Very Interesting
Must do something about these cliffhangers. You have the premise down perfectly. Seven thousand words, ending in in what will happen next week. Your skill is awesome, every week it shows itself in another delightful way.
- Formerly Turnabout Girl
"Oh I'm not done with them."
yeah, but they still know her secret. The cat's getting out of the bag ...
Same Thought I Had...
There's no Mutually Assured Destruction here; Lux can lose her anonymity without anything more than parental discipline hitting the others in return.
Lux knows ...
... that Angela is wearing butfloss knickers while Charlie is a virgin ... and she can broadcast this to the whole town ... on 87.1 FM ...
Seems Awfully Unprofessional...
...and if Lux is outed as Don, her on-air credibility will be open to question.
Please oh please
Don't make us wait a whole week!
Amen to that!
Amen to that!
Dawn might regret that
Short in words, long in plot and development.
I suspect any punishment Angela and Charlie get for their escapade will incentivize them to spread the word about Lux Noctis. I hope I'm being too cynical, but I doubt it. Their friendship is a refuge from others, not actually closeness between them. And Angela doesn't have a filter.
I was hoping to see Marty get informed about Dawn - which did not happen. It needs to happen sooner rather than later, especially with the word starting to spread elsewhere.
Beyond that, the connection between Dawn and Lux has been made. Will Ryan and Kassie (among others) make the connection between Dawn and Don?
Hopefully not.
Next week should prove quite interesting.
man those
In Some Ways..,
you could say that friendship is a two way street , Don has been hiding his true self for a long time and it could be argued that his two best friends would feel just as betrayed by him not sharing who he really is . Dawn has been out and about in town and interacting with Ryan and others for a while and as we all know, there is always a risk that something happens that will "out" you that is beyond your control . I know there is anger on both sides at the way it happened and fear was the biggest reason she didn't tell those close to her yet , but she has been walking a precarious line and it was bound to happen sooner or later .
It would seem to be the prudent thing to go ahead and tell her dad and grandparents now, before they find out in a way where Dawn can't control the message . She runs a risk of damaging the relationships with her family even more if they found out some other way than her telling them .
I know from personal experience , that it can be messy if someone in your family finds out from another family member with all their preconceived prejudice and misperceptions thrown in. My aunt found out about me by accident and then took it upon herself to tell my grandmother before I had a chance to explain it to her in my own words . The last thing my grandmother said to me before she died , was that she hoped I wouldn't break her heart . I felt so much guilt for years afterward .
Good stuff
I really like this one. It reminds me of Frills, which I liked more than Lyssa.
Lux Noctis
Right now Dawn has momentum on her side her friends are feeling guilty for finding out her secret, now she has to get things under control with them and their families before they remember that She is the one with something to hide. Looking eagerly for the next chapter.
Time is the longest distance to your destination.
That Angela is a conniving.......
Bitch! How anyone can even begin to think of her as a friend is beyond me. Friends don't treat each other the way she apparently treats everyone based on Don's description of her, and I'm pretty sure that Dawn is going to slap this bitch down but good. With a little parental help, no doubt.
Well, as the saying goes, the only way to keep a secret is to kill everyone else who knows it, lol. Looks like Dawn's cat is waaaaayyyyyyy out of the bag now, and unfortunately homicide is not an option - although I'm pretty sure that there are a few people who would be interested in doing the deed for Dawn.
The only problem I see with this story........
Is that I have to wait another week for more!
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
I don't see Angela that way, and I don't think Sonny and Charlie do, either. Yes, she is blunt and abrasive. Yes, she has few social skills. Yes, she approaches every problem head on. The abuse she has suffered in her own life has shaped how she deals with problems. Sonny has been very descriptive of her personality traits and has pointed out several times that the three of them have been together a long time and know exactly how to deal with them. Dawn slapped her down in order to give herself some space. I believe that was the sole reason for the phone call and I seriously doubt that this confrontation will have a negative impact on their relationship from her POV.
The real question is, how will it impact their relationship from Angela's POV? I think Charlie will pretty much roll with the flow, but Angela has been hurt by people so often that she built a wall and only Sonny and Charlie have been allowed inside. Remember that scene in Meet the of trust.
Be kind to those who are unkind, tolerant toward those who treat you with intolerance, loving to those who withhold their love, and always smile through the pains of life.
Don't get me wrong
there are many ways to look at this situation, but I must pose a hypothetical situation
Angela, Charlie and Don, sitting in the school café, Don has shared with them about Dawn, Angela gets angry with them for something [I paraphrase Angela has a mind to mouth filter problem, and enjoys pushing peoples buttons when angry sometimes at the top of her voice.]
Also Angela has already confronted Don/Dawn about clothing choices, and when she told her mom, her mom said leave it!!
I concur 100%.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
You seem to be suggesting that Don has an obligation to live his life in such a manner that Angela doesn't get anymore knocks in life, even if doing so puts Don's wellbeing at risk. They are not relatives, they are not dating, they are not married, and their friendship is not a close one. Don has to consider his own wellbeing first, to do otherwise would be foolhardy. The fact of the matter is that she has placed Don in jeopardy, for no good valid reason. He would be well-justified in cutting ties with her.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
the only way to keep a secret is to kill everyone else who knows
To borrow a phrase from another fic on this site - "baseball bat, shovel, map of the nearest deep woods .. "
While I like how you think (and certainly pick up the reference), I suspect that Renee's wrath will do just fine.
Never underestimate the power
Never underestimate the power of an angry mom who is protective of those she cares about, especially one who is already suspicious of the reasons for being secretive!
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
Will things implode of explode?
Walked by a local FM station today and thought of this story!
Glad I could enjoy it when I got home.
But how is Dawn going to sort out things with both Angela and
When your hopes and dreams begin to go real, it's not easy to control what happens when.
Gillian Cairns
late night princess
It's going to get LOUD and UGLY and now I have to wait another week... (insert charlie brown scream here) Aaggghhhh! I wish it was a video so I could see people's faces when they get a "Lux card".
hydrogen and stupidity hmmm explains the bomb
Fooled me!!!!!
Here I was, half expecting Marty to come home unexpectedly to find Dawn cooking tea instead of Don. What happens, his two best friends tail him instead. It has been said in some of the comments that Angela had a right to be worried over Don and to a point that is correct. However any thinking person would have talked to Don about their fears. OK, a misreading of the situation leads to Angela and Charlie following Dawn, They should have left it at that and possibly speak to Don at a later date. Instead they chose confrontation there and then, not knowing if other people at the station knew about her alter ego or not. That I feel is what escalated the anger in Dawn. Just hope everything works out for her.
PS if this brings things into the open and she can start to transition, it may just avoid further complications down the drivers licence whilst driving as a female.
Cracker of a story brillant
Cracker of a story brillant
They are nosey buggers. Cat
They are nosey buggers. Cat well out of the mk1 bag now. I love your story you are a fab writer
My father once said to me.
“Jessie there are two things you never take for granted. The first is the love of a good woman. The second is the trust of a friend.”
Angela and Charlie both blow the second one out of the water. They did using a nuke at that. As far as they are concerned they have lost the right to call themselves trusted friends.
May the peace and happiness of the Goddess keep and protect you
as always your humble outlaw
Jessie Wolf
To close to home
for me, Snow must have used her crystal ball on my life here. When I started my transition It was just my employers that knew about Charlotte. He thankfully chose to talk later about the woman that used my car to go to dinner when it should have been me, as I was very protective of my car. Needless to say I was very hurt and angry, as well as felt betrayed that he would spy on my life. I can understand Dawn's reaction to her friends actions. I think it might have been better for all concerned if Angela and Charlie had chosen to be more like my friend and ask later in a much more private setting.
Angela has already been described as having a major filter problem and I can see her shooting her mouth off about knowing Lux in a heat of anger with someone, thus outing Lux/ Dawn/ Don without thinking first. Charlie I believe may stop to think about it first. As for this getting loud and ugly oh it will. I only hope that Angela's mother can get her to see that she violated a trust by spying on Don, even if she had good intentions for doing so.
Dawn has seemed like a level headed person to this point, I hope that she can not use her position on air to take retribution on them. Dawn may actually need them in the future as sounding boards. Dawn's timetable may have to speed up her timetable in telling her father and grandparents as they will be her biggest protectors. I am sure there will be fallout at school for her, as there was at my job. I think she will weather it and come out her true self and better for it. Thank you again Snowfall for another excellent chapter and I will just wait until next Friday to find out part of the fallout from certain ill advised actions both with Dawn and at home.
opinor ergo sum
Charlotte Van Goethem
Correct me if...
... I'm wrong but didn't Don tell both Angela and Charlie that he had got himself a job at nights cleaning the Radio Station and that the job had been mentioned in Dana's media class?
Surely having an afterschool/Saturday job would explain not being around as much?
If so why did Angela choose night to follow Don?
Only Miss Colby the teacher knows Don/Dawn is working there as a cleaner and that was only because She heard him on the air When he did the silly voice for the winner,
They knew he had done the commercial for Marty's Auto workshop.
and if I remember correctly from the chat with Angela and her mom it took them 2 years to know don had been mowing lawns for all that time?
yes, you are correct.
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
After re reading
the relevant passage, I misremembered the reason for Don wearing the 'VORTEX' T-Shirts at school, he passed them off as freebies as Marty's Auto Shop having an add playing on the station.
I guess I'm going against the current
I hope Dawn/Lux goes easy on her friends (former friends?). They followed her, they didn't out her to the world (yet). They didn't physically harm her. They were trying to find out what's going on with their friend. Furthermore, these are all teenagers - none of them have world class judgement. Really hoping this all calms down.
Beside - Lux has a reputation now for being cool and together. A rant during the show would not be appropriate or in character. I don't want to see her turn into "lawman2".
Lux won't lose her cool on air
Don/Dawn is known to be an extremely quick thinker that doesn't get caught out easily, which gives Lux the advantage in keeping her cool on air.
I suspect it will be Dawn that shows up to deal with them and she will come down hard, then leave and Don will arrive at home.
Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.
I just wanna know:
"Who is gonna show up at 2 am, Sonny or Dawn?"
>i< ..:::
I'm betting on Dawn
Since Don has to show them all why it needs to be silenced and what his new life as Dawn is going to be.
If the response is less than favorable, I am sure Snowfall is going to arrange a different means of beating them to the punch.
I'll Second that
and for the most obvious reason, DAWN left home for work not DON.
Granted there could be a change of clothes in the trunk, but that would mean Lyle or Brett going to get them or Dawn going to get them after the show, if the latter is the case she may as well drive home rather than go to the car tp get the clothes return to the station get changed and go back out (also while this is happening Lyle would have to wait).
The friends' mystery come to a head!
And it's full of steam! This is /not/ going to go well for charlie and angela. Dawn and all those around are going to be mad as heck.
I can't wait to see how it goes but i feel that dawn; mrs renee and co are going to be more angry that angela and charlie were spying on their friend than that dawn hadn't come out yet.
I hope dawn isn't too upset at the station tonight, it's gonna be tough to calmly do a show after that.
Looks like Dawn is full on outed.
Wow, what a chapter! I was thinking that there was a lot left to this chapter but then found out that the comments take up half the page.
Congratulations !!! Someone finally figured out the reader demographics.
No kidding
This chapter was really short, but that's how the cliffhanger positioning worked out. Because this is Snowfall - you can't end a part without a cliffhanger.
not really
not really, its pretty much the standard length.
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
Well... now...
It seems that Dawn will have to be talking to Marty sooner than she'd like.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Almost expected
I almost expected to see Marty show up at the station after he got done with the service call to see how Don was doing and was surprised to meet Dawn instead. Still might happen, we will have to wait for the next chapter to see what transpires.
You speed it up
I need anot her chapter
Jo Ann D
You speed it up
I need anot her chapter
Jo Ann D
Calling the unemployed friend
Calling the unemployed friend's mother to report being hassled at work? Now where have we seen this before?
Each week we scale new heights as we read this amazing tale. Each week you leave us dangling from an ever higher precipice. The peak is still not in sight. Those of us that have not yet started using oxygen to combat the altitude will be forced to do so soon. Just in case you have not guessed, I am really liking The Station's Late Night Princess!
Uh. and also Oh.
And stuff.
Fur shall fly.
What is her problem?
Who told Angela she has the right to know about anything she wants? Just what is her problem that she thinks she has to know what someone is doing? Did she ever stop and think--something she doesn't do--that by finding out something she could put a person in harms way? What happens if the school finds out who Dawn really is? What's Don's life expectancy then?
Angela has issues which she refuses to discuss or want to take care of. Always being angry is a good indication she needs help.
Grandma seems to have her own agenda where Don is concerned. Even though he has made it clear if/when, he will decide. Does grandma have a hearing aid? Might be she needs to check the battery.
Others have feelings too.
It's really going to hit the oscillating thingy now!
Nice one Alecia! Loving Hugs Talia