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Chapter 9 of
The Station's Late Nite Princess |
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Another Fantastic Chapter
Got to do something about the seven days between the chapters though. Can't wait for the next set of adventures. You portray the character so perfectly, I can close my eyes and see Dawn/Lux perfectly in my mind. Nothing false or weird, just a genuine female doing her new job.
- Formerly Turnabout Girl
I'm with Francesca
Seven days is about six days too long between chapters.
Be kind to those who are unkind, tolerant toward those who treat you with intolerance, loving to those who withhold their love, and always smile through the pains of life.
I brought the issue of frequency of postings up with Snowfall. The reason it's one per week is that the story's not entirely done. She's not writing week to week, but it's not all prewritten. You're definetly not getting faster posts until it's all written.
I'm hooked
Many, many years ago, I had a job as a movie theater cleaner. Started working after the last show ended. We put the radio on over the big theater speakers and for a while had a late night DJ something like this, in attitude, voice and playlist. Sure made the work go easier. Can't wait for the next chapter (or should I say shift). Hope this is a nice long tale.
I think Lyle is right
Dawn will need help sooner than she might like or plan on. Also yes once her face is seen it will be like strapping your butt to a rocket sled , and it will be a very fast one. It sounds as if Brett has had some experience with someone that is or was transgender at some time. I hope he can help her with those names and numbers he talked about.
Lady Snowfall your characters are wonderful people by how you develop them, one can almost picture them as real flesh and blood people. I truly love this story and the folks that inhabit it. Thank you for another wonderful chapter.
opinor ergo sum
Charlotte Van Goethem
things are going to be like strapping your ass to a rocket sled.
yeah, she better buckle up ...
I am so very happy that Dawn
I am so very happy that Dawn has two excellent co-workers who are aware of her TG issues and are more than willing to help her overcome them. Blake is also involved, although I don't think he completely realizes it just yet as to how far in he is and will be. Wonder how the other two DJs will accept Dawn, I am really hoping that Kassie will become a real girl friend to Dawn as time goes by, as it will give the station two women DJs. Now we just have to get Dawn's dad into the loop without him "blowing his top over everything".
So far, so good for Lux. That's both good and bad, though. The secret will be spilled.The only questions are how long until that happens, and how bad will it get for Dawn?
chapter Dawn is already owning the Night,
I have a feeling though that things are coming to a head with her dad, He has heard Dawn voice just the once but if he hears the night show , He will know.
THings are getting close with the teacher as well but I get the feeling She will be supportive,
hmmmm and you still get the idiots that want to emulate fast and furious, sounds like there's a Cpl of acidents waiting to happen just hope they do not involve innocent bystanders.
Cannot wait to see what happens next.
I don't think dad will be a problem
From previous chapters we know that Marty and Don are close, and comments about Don being mistaken for a girl raised little more than an eyebrow and an 'I'll wait for him to talk to me'
Also Marty waited up for Don to come home on the night of the OB, so while nothing has yet been said one can assume he would have phoned the station the night of Dawn's first broadcast when Don had not returned by his usual time.
The Real Worry... that someone is bound to camp out at the station to meet her....either before or after a shift.
I think coming out will be easier than she thinks, as I cannot believe that Marty is totally clueless.
Great chapter, Snowfall.
Be kind to those who are unkind, tolerant toward those who treat you with intolerance, loving to those who withhold their love, and always smile through the pains of life.
good story so far
waiting next chapter.
Looked up the joan jett song... as an avid fan of orignal ac/dc song i really really didnt like the joan jett remake.
I didnt like the joan jett remake.
Same here.
But IMO "Dirty Deeds Done With Sheep" is kewl :)
Dity deeds
...done with sheep is the NZ shepherd song.......lmao
but radio/voice instead of sweets.
that is the description for Late Night Princess.
Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.
Not quite
While there's similarities in style and themes, this series feels emotionally more grounded and mature. Larry was a badly hurt person who recovered as Lana. Don isn't damaged, he's savvy and independent, and this carries over into Dawn. There's differences in writing style too - this is more modern and has more wit, less soapboxing. I feel like Larry/Lana needed a safe space, while Don/Dawn is getting ready to leave it.
All IMHO, of course, though if what I see reflects at all on the emotional development of the author, I think it deserves a "You go, girl!"
you missed it obviously.
It is just as addictive as Frills. :p
Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.
Well Snowfall you share at
Well Snowfall you share at least one thing in common with your character, you can both wrap your audience around your little finger and leave them wanting more.
On air technique
Dawn has a lot of similarities to Alison Steele 'The Night Bird'.
Two down, one to go for Dawn
Two down, one to go for Dawn at the station. I fear for the reaction from Blake though, but given Dawn brought in a big account and a lot of listeners by just wearing their t-shirt and saved their bacon twice this should be interesting.
And I think Ren knows something is up. I also think Ms. Colby does too. Ren doesn't seem concerned directly but Ms. Colby is starting to wear down Don. It'll only be a matter of time before she makes Don tell her the truth.
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
Great chapter
Things are looking up for Dawn, but the storm is coming.
Really enjoying this series!!!
Gillian Cairns
You mean...
That I'm gonna have to wait till next week? Uuh!
Thanks for giving Lux this music, Snowfall, it's in my ear now:
Siege Rope
She's already aboard the rocket - I envision it as a luge type sled though, and gone through the start gate. No brakes, no way back.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
A late-comer to this story...
Well Snowfall, you've done it again.
You hooked me with Lana and now I'm hooked with Dawn. Having read all the comments so far, I am indeed disappointed to find out how long a week can be.
As with stories like this, the format allows you time and patience to develop the characters carefully and create good plot lines with hooks to keep us coming back for more. I love it. I have read all nine chapters over the past few hours and have been castigated by my partner for ensconcing myself at the 'puter and abandoning her. She left the office saying, "Don't you love me anymore?"
Keep up the good work, your loyal fans await (even if it has to be all week).
Robyn B
Just great one of the best
Just great one of the best loved it.I bet Lawman finds out about her and outs her cause she far better than that dork. You do write very very good storys my dear
I have to differ from those who want a daily update.
Even Angharad finds it impossible to achieve a daily target, and feels compelled to send apologies. If the week gives you sufficient time to achieve the quality which you do, then please stick with it. Don't allow other people's greed to give the cook indigestion! I am however delighted that you DO manage a regular weekly update. I have found with other storytellers that anything over a fortnight means that I have to go back to the previous, and maybe an even earlier episode, just get me up to speed again. And anyway somewhere, Snowfall, you had to find time to pen the wonderful, most recent episode of Lyssa Kordenay! (which in spite of a nine month gap did not need a revision, since it tied in so well with Wolfjess's collaborative "Justice or Vengeance" series - also a compulsive read)
Whatever works for the authoress is fine by me.
Wanna hide the big reveal ?
Simple, just don't come to work all dressed up. It IS all just voice work. Similarly, Dawn should be able to work remotely as needed.
You have a real winner going here.
In all the time I've been here at Top Shelf, I've never seen such high hit counts, kudoes, or votes for a story as you are gathering right now.
It's easy to see why though. The easy writing style lends itself to easy reading and the plot is moving at exactly the right pace. Additionally, the absence of spelling errors and the great characterizations have all the right feel and make it a great read.
From an old timer, I want to congratulate you on what might be one of the best to ever grace the site, and thank you for allowing us the privelege of getting to read and enjoy it.
Catherine Linda Michel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
Aaaaaaa so nice
To read. And that smoooooth, comforting/alluring voice is in my heaaaad, listeners, and it's better than everrrrr ;) .
I loved the chapter. Dawn is doing great, although it's still a bit sad she doesn't feel as though she can trust Dana let alone her friends. Brett's experiences with trans women are very welcome I'm sure, and i can't wait for the nrxt episode.
I'm sure businesses will be lining up around the block to be featured on Lux's show. :3
Also I'm feeling something going slightly... wrong. Maybe it's whoever they get in to do the cleaning? Maybe they'll spill the secret? Who knows.
Everyone likes this.
You are ringing the demographic like a fine bell methinks.
Many people can do two or three voices but not with much control. I do a very stern Cop, a refined woman, and a very flirty online sex woman. Nope, I'll never DJ.
You have a way of building characters that is developing very well. I hope you use this talent to get what you want.
delay in a posting
There's been a delay in posting a response to some of the comments, my apologies for that, I had some things going on in RL. I'm very much enjoying the response this project is having. I've been working very hard on it and glad that it is being so well received.
For those anime fans that are curious about the song Siege Rope from the series Hellsing, you can hear it during the battle between Alucard and Incognito during episode 13. I didn't read that someone didn't think much of Joan Jett's cover of Dirty Deeds. What can I say, its Joan Jett, the only uncool thing she's done in my opinion; was cut her hair. I hope you continue to enjoy this story, I am enjoying writing it.
Dream Sweet!
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
who said Joan Jett's cover of Dirty Deeds wasn't great?
She should cover all of AC/DC's music, her musical style and voice are perfect for it.
( AC/DC screwed the pooch when they didn't pick her for replacement vocalist )
Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.
Wow, quite a lot happening to Dawn......
In a very short time! Things have a way of developing momentum on their very own though, and getting out of control. I think that Dawn is going to find herself being painted into a corner pretty soon - and the only real question is going to be who else is involved, and how she gets herself out of it.
It wouldn't surprise me to see someone show up at the station wanting to meet her, nor would it surprise me to see Ren coming to her rescue - again.
As fast as events are moving, Don needs to figure out just exactly what he wants out of life, and how to introduce Dawn to Marty. Before he finds out the wrong way......
Looking forward to more of this Hon, and speculating endlessly on just what is going to happen next, lol!
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
With everything...
...having gone so smoothly for her so far and I'm enjoying every word so far, I am dreading what pothole is going to befall Dawn/ Lux in the near future. THEN she'll know the strength of her friendships both at school and work as they will have to close ranks and protect her/help her pick the pieces when the manure spreader gets turned on with a full load. Wish I could hit the thumbs up more than once!
So What Would YOUR Intro music BE?
First off Snowfall, you deserve all the Kudos you get. This is a great story, well written and paced, I can't wait for when you put it on kindle when the story ends, though I hope that is not too soon.
Can't say I like Lux's intro music, but its a horses for courses thing. It is a Rock n Roll station after all.
That got me thinking, if you had a radio show, what would your Intro music be?
For me, it would be the Carpenters Please Mr.Postman. But then I'm an easy listening girl.
But what would be the choice of other BC readers?
Flavour of the week in my case - I'm mercurial :)
ATM it would be "Hammer smashed face" by Cannibal Corpse
I used to DJ
I used to DJ in Secondlife at clubs and weddings. My intro song was the same no matter what club or theme night at a club.
Super 8 & Tab ft. Julie Thompson - My Enemy(Rank1 Remix)
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
I'd forgotten about this one
That is one neat video and song.
I had forgotten about this one, I think it would make for a neat intro:
Edwyn Collins, A Girl Like You. I like the bass on it, and in a way it is kind of Dawn's song.
The girl in the video is my kind of vision of Dawn as well.
My theme
would be I love being here with you by Diana Krall. What can I say I am an Easy listening / jazz listener
opinor ergo sum
Charlotte Van Goethem
I'm a late comer and ...
... I was somewhat disappointed to come to a dead stop after reading the all the preceding chapters in one go then finding there was no more ... yet!
Really enjoying it but Don/Dawn does seem to something of a very lucky paragon. By lucky I mean finding $500 in a second hand handbag and then stuck the jackpot with a treasure trove of valuable jewellery in a second hand jewellery box! That's as likely as winning the lottery I would think :) I guess it's our wishful thinking that makes this such a great read - well, that and your easy writing style.
One thing puzzles me. This is radio. No one can actually see Don/Dawn/Lux so why the need to dress? Don could perform in drab and avoid the possibility of an embarrassing discovery. I think there may be several reasons. First Don has the 'need' to express his real self as Dawn (Lux's personality is just for show and fun like the anime characters). Second he subconsciously wants to be discovered and outed - though by his dad the most. Lastly it may be because he finds it impossible to act truly in character without being actually in character. However none of this comes out in the story. Or have I missed something?
I don't particularly like pop/rock music (it's not just my age - I didn't even when I was a teen before the Beatles!) but I like the way Don/Dawn manipulate the station's output. In the UK we tend not to have many really local radio, mainly because our 'locals' are much closer together despite being very distinctive so that's new for me, too, so bandwidth is at a premium.
Very much looking forward to the next chapter. Thank you for the gift.
I think you are over over analysing Don/Dawn
One thing puzzles me. This is radio. No one can actually see Don/Dawn/Lux so why the need to dress? Don could perform in drab and avoid the possibility of an embarrassing discovery. I think there may be several reasons.
Robyn Hoode
Only Snowfall can really answer that,
but I think you are over over analysing Don/Dawn. Dawn is accepted at the radio station as Dawn the DJ and so can just be herself. Just the same as when she goes shopping or to the storage locker sales. I don't think she is thinking about being discovered or wanting to be discovered. It is just about being able to be herself out in the world and not hidden away in the house when dad is not their.
On being discovered, I think a photographer will be outside the radio station sooner or later to get a photo of her arriving for work or leaving as the local rag is going to want her picture. Especially as she is a hit (or starting to be) and the station has not released a picture itself. But then the how, when and where, is in Snowfall's pen, or rather keyboard when she wishes it !!
Just my penny's worth
Excellent as usual
Your continued talent and attention to minute details continue to keep us spellbound! Prefection can not be rushed without sacrifice.
Snow, I am like everyone else and want the story to continue as rapidly as possible. But not at the cost of quality.
And I am certain that twists and surprises are coming. I wait in hopeful anticipation.
Be well.
Pulling in listener
After the disaster that was Lawrence, Lux Noctis is really pulling in the listeners. Her voice has driven the audience to the peek on dreamy adventures in their minds. But as Don's cat said, facial features may not match the voice heard.
Brett and Lyle do have a point, though. Who Lux Noctis is will eventually be revealed. And it's going to cause Dawn/Don problems. Problems no one can foresee.
The real question deals with how Marty will react when he finds out about Dawn/Lux Noctis? He and Don seem to have a very good relationship as father and son. Will he feel the same with father and daughter?
Others have feelings too.
Movies with dubbed-over voices
Of course, anything made in Italy until i-don't-know-when was 100% dubbed in all languages - they shot with silent cameras and the post-looped all dialog and sound FX.
Gert Frobe as Goldfinger was dubbed by a VO actor; in the bond film "On Her Majesty's Secret Service", George Lazenby (as Bond) was dubbed for the scenes where Bond was undercover as a minor nobleman. Italian actor Gabrielle Ferzetti, playing Bond' father-in-law in that film was also dubbed.
Requests for music
Dawn is being smart running the request time. She only needs to program about an hour and a half of music and the next six and a half hours is set for her by those calling in for requests. It saves her time and she knows that at least one person will like the tune, also it give a wide variety of music for the station.
Danni R