The Lyssa Kordenay Missions - Book 43 - Duty and Revenge


Book 43 of The Lyssa Kordenay Missions!
  Everyone is on stand-down, but
  Lyssa. Her final duty as
  a DemonWraith and
  unfinished business.

WARNING: The Lyssa Kordenay Missions may be hyper-violent for some readers!




Duty and Revenge


Stand-Down. Everyone was back on the island, except Shawna and Tiffany. Shawna was in Belder, Maryland at her residence. Tiffany was in Los Angeles now, a two-week stop-off before going to Moscow. Dannigan was on the island, as was Madison for a three-day weekend. Both had taken up teaching the children as well. Madison for office skills and Dannigan was teaching the two teens the in's and out's of Federal and Military Intelligence agencies. He was also giving them insight into the workings of foreign intelligence services, such as Britain's MI-6, Russia's SVR/FSB, Israel's Mossad, Australia's ASIS, Canada's SIS, Chinese MSS, French DGSE, German BND, Italian AISI/AISE, Japanese DIH; to name a few.

The girls were very surprised to learn that even the Vatican had its own intelligence agency, complete with reputation of not playing well with others. They weren't surprised to find out the main reason why there was so little cooperation between the U.S. agencies was money. The more an agency accomplished, the higher of a budget they could lobby for. The top of the food chain being the NRO- National Reconnaissance Office. Simply put, it built and operated all the spy satellites and they were VERY expensive.

In fact, the NRO was one of only ten agencies that had not suffered the recent cleansing of the LOG/Vassago scandal. The reason being, they were too forward thinking. Some were extremely paranoid too, but it came with the territory for people that watched and listened to everything going on using satellites.

"Mr. Paul." Mindy raised her hand then asked. "what about this agency? How did it start?"

Kristine nodded. "Yes Sir. You said that the CIA came from the Office of Strategic Service after World War Two."

Dannigan sat on the edge of the table facing them. "The Office of Immediate Covert Action was created in the 1970's in response to the Jonestown Massacre, the Embassy in Iran crisis, skyjackers, the emergence of the narco-cartels and the Munich Massacre. All those events fell under the category of terrorism. The CIA was under close watch during the 70's because of an incident called The Bay of Pigs. That was a failed attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro in Cuba by CIA sponsored Cuban exiles. It didn't work, the CIA was named publicly and everybody was fairly pissed off."

"That's a lot of stuff!" Mindy remarked.

Dannigan chuckled. "Yes it was and that's not even half of what went on, but it's as far as we can go with your security clearance."

All three girls giggled at his little joke.

"So a whole bunch of things happened and a new agency needed to be created. This agency would always be kept small and draw the bulk of its personnel directly from the Department of Defense. Primarily Intelligence and Special Operations. To give you some examples; Lyssa, Rodrick, Tiffany and Shawna all come from Special Operations, even though Shawna was pulled from OSI. That's the Air Force Office of Special Investigation. She started in ParaRescue then became an MP then went to OSI. You've heard of Army CID and NCIS; OSI is the same thing, but for the Air Force." Dannigan explained.

"OH." All three girls said.

"The O.I.C.A. was founded by Colonel Tom 'Rhett' Butler. They called him Rhett mainly because his last name was Butler, but also because he was from Georgia. He retired from the 525th Military Intelligence Brigade and had been with the OSS during World War 2 as a young Lieutenant. He had a GIFT. He infiltrated German installations and conducted assassinations. After the war the CIA tried to recruit him, but he declined as he was in line for Major. During Vietnam he coordinated with Special Forces and volunteered for Operation Ivory Coast; the raid on Son Tay P.O.W. camp. The mission failed due to out-dated intelligence. Nobody home. After that he went back to missions that involved only himself and had low-survivability." Dannigan said.

Kasey asked. "You mean suicide missions?"

Dannigan nodded, "pretty much. They were called Zulu-Ops. After the fall of Saigon, he was given a non-existent command and began planning and conducting operations back into Vietnam to retrieve certain indigenous personnel. In short; South Vietnamese civilians and soldiers that had been very helpful to us that were not able to escape in time. He planned four hundred missions, led two-hundred and seventy personally and lost only one man. Damned landmine of all things."

"But that's good right? That he got all that done without getting caught. I mean, it sucks to do all that and lose just that one guy. Its like running a marathon and breaking your ankle ten feet from the finish, but you crawl over the line." Kristine remarked.

Dannigan chuckled. "That's a good way to put it young lady. Well after that he went back to the 525th, turning down the CIA again. Side note: he was recruited by the CIA eleven times and never joined. In 1979, he was approached by a young Senator. A week later Colonel Butler no longer existed. Six months later three members of Fifth Group Special Forces 'died in a car accident' while on a weekend pass. The O.I.C.A went operational with missions in South America, Europe and the middle East. That's how small the group was. For the first five years, Colonel Butler answered his own phone and cleaned his own office in Arlington. That office was smaller than this room, had one phone and no computer at all."

"NO COMPUTER!" Kasey and Kristine exclaimed.

"Colonel Butler didn't have a computer until the late 80's and had to hire a tech from M.I.T. just to make it work." Dannigan laughed. "Colonel Butler retired in 1990 and died in 1991. He was replaced by Colonel Kirk Montrose. Colonel Montrose had started out in the infantry and joined special forces. He was a mustang officer and even spent some time with Delta."

"That means he started out as private and worked up to officer. Right?" Mindy asked. "Those officers get more respect faster, don't they?"

Dannigan nodded. "Correct and yes, quite often they do. While he was in Special Forces he went into Intelligence. While he was in Delta, he was their intel officer. In 1990 Colonel Butler recruited him and groomed him as a replacement. Sometime during Colonel Montrose's tenure he recruited a Major that kept hopping back and forth between Special Forces and Intelligence. This Major had no scruples, he had established identities within the CIA, DIA and NSA. Eventually this Major was given command of the O.I.C.A in 2003, while still in the Regular Army."

He smirked at that last part causing the girls to laugh, knowing he was talking about himself.

"And the rest is history!" Kasey laughed.

Dannigan smiled. "The rest is classified."

Kristine asked. "Are you still in the Army?"

Dannigan sipped from a coffee cup. "I have identities still on active-duty, in the CIA, the DIA, the NSA, a Senate Sub-Committee, a Congressional Sub-Committee and two plots for Arlington National Cemetery. I'm pretty busy."

"You mean you have a fake grave in the big military cemetery?" Kasey asked in shock.

"No, I have two. I'm not the only one that does." Dannigan remarked then checked the clock. "That covers today's lesson in Intelligence. I believe, I had the last class of the day."

As the girls began to head out Madison came in and smiled to them while handing Dannigan a sheet of paper. He read it and frowned.

"Anybody else see this?" Dannigan asked.

Madison shook her head. "No Sir. I came straight here with it."

Dannigan nodded then left. He walked over to the main hangar and went below to the T.O.C. Maria was talking with Krystel. Kimberly was working at her terminal and Madison went back to the spare she had been using while on the island.

"Kimberly call in Lyssa. Rodrick as well." Dannigan said. "Bring up all the current information on Brice and give me his latest location and disposition."

A few minutes later Lyssa and Rodrick entered.

Dannigan handed Lyssa the page. "Orders. Go to Camp Dodge, Iowa. You have to visit your Old Man."

Only Rodrick and Dannigan noticed the slight tremor in her hands taking the page as she asked. "Verified?"

"96 hours ago. It's not a reaction to medication, he's lost control." Dannigan stated then added sadly. "Master Sergeant; these are your orders. Carry them out accordingly."

Maria looked around and picked up the veiled sadness then a hardened expression.

Dannigan shook his head. "I'm sorry Lyssa."

"Yes Sir. Me too." Lyssa replied. "Anything else?"

Dannigan nodded and handed over a file. "Unfinished business. Enough time has passed, deal with Brice. Everything you need is in the packet."

Lyssa and Rodrick both saluted and left.

Dannigan turned and left as well. "I'll be on the range."

Maria asked. "Krystel. What was that about?"

Krystel shook her head. "I don't know Ma'am."

"Paul said her old man. I thought Lyssa's parents were deceased." Maria mused.

Krystel nodded. "Yes Ma'am. They are. They died while she was in Special Warfare school. They almost gave her a hardship discharge, but she refused. No reason to leave and no where to go. They allowed her to stay. All duties thereafter are classified."

Maria looked over to Kimberly who shook her head as well then to Madison.

Madison shook her head. "I'm sorry Mrs. DeMarco. This is one of those times I don't understand the message. Usually when it's like that, I'm better off. I went above my clearance once, ignorance is better."

"I remember now. You were hired right out of college." Maria patted her back. "My apologies Dear. Paul explained your situation to me. I had forgotten."




Rodrick packed a bag and looked over to Lyssa. "so how long has it been since he's seen you?"

"I gave him the recognition code right before I went operational again. He might recognize me, he might not. If he does then he also knows why. If he doesn't; who the hell knows what'll happen?" Lyssa answered.

"So what's the other bit Paul gave you?" Rodrick asked.

"Brice." Lyssa replied.

Rodrick looked up from his duffle. "Finally?"

Lyssa nodded.

"About damn time! I thought the green-light would never come for a year or more." the former SEAL growled.

Lyssa closed her own travel case. "Its not so much a green-light; its more along the line of, a four-way stop and we're the only one there."

Rodrick nodded. "Ah. Nobody will be heartbroken should the former Congressman have an accident befall him."

"Pretty much." Lyssa remarked as she checked her purse.

A knock at the doorway interrupted them. Maria stepped inside.

"Might I have word?" Maria asked.

Rodrick grabbed the bags. "I'll take these and have Kim come get the twins."

"Thanks Baby," Lyssa said.

Maria smiled to Rodrick after he winked to her then left.

"Such a scoundrel." Maria chuckled. "I can see why you love him."

Lyssa brushed her hair and looked at Maria in the mirror. "Not so different than you and Dannigan. Does Annette know he's her father?"

"So he told you." Maria sighed.

"No Maria. I could see for myself. Bobby knows as well. That's not what you came to talk about." Lyssa stated.

Maria shook her head. "No; it isn't. I was very confused back in the Command Center. Paul called this person 'your old man'. I, along with the rest of the world, believed your parents to be deceased. Is that not the case?"

Lyssa turned around. "My Old Man is not a relative. I was assigned him when I was inducted into a certain unit. Though I am no longer in that unit, I am still assigned. Every member, no matter how long they are in the unit, are assigned an Old Man. Each Old Man is retired military. Military Intelligence. Some spent time in one of the agencies. When they can no longer care for themselves, they are placed in special retirement homes."

"So 'Old Man' is not the colloquial term, its a title. I follow you so far." Maria said understanding.

"Right. Many live out their final time with nothing more than being moved to one of those facilities. Some, however, have complications. Its not so unusual, when some get old." Lyssa said pointedly.

Maria sighed. "Yes. Dementia and so on."

Lyssa nodded. "Yes. They forget what is secret and what is not. Who is cleared and who is not. Its called Hemorrhaging of intel. Some is embarrassing, some is deadly. Those that have been designated as Old Men have intelligence that is deadly. My Old Man has begun to do this. My final duty to the unit I was in, is to go to my Old Man and settle his conscious."

"Does he understand this?" Maria asked.

"They all do. Each one is given ten candidates to choose from. Full dossiers. When they decide, that candidate visits them to receive their endorsement. A signed military document stating identity and conditions. Even if the candidate leaves service, they are still obligated to their Old Man until death. Actual death. When I became operational again, I visited him and updated everything. He had been very upset and thought he would have to choose again. We convinced the staff there that I'm an estranged grand-niece. Only one knows who and what he is and to report if he should begin to falter. They don't know what I do and that I am coming or why." Lyssa explained.

Maria gave a sad look, "I see. A cruel act of mercy."

Lyssa nodded. "An arrangement of honor Maria. This is patriotism. Loyalty. Dedication to service. Secrets have weight. Old Men carry mountains. Some will crumble to time. Who are we, to say no and command they suffer humiliation, to those who have bore such burdens?"

"That is quite the point Lyssa. This a sad duty for you to uphold, but I see the necessity of it. I know you will be both kind and respectful to this gentleman." Maria said kindly.

Lyssa stood up and Maria followed her as they went to the twins' room and made up a bag for them. Maria carried the bag and Lyssa carried twins in their seats. Kimberly walked in as they got to the front door.

"I'm in time. About how long?" Kimberly asked as she took Alex.

Lyssa shifted Allie to her other hand. "Three days. Four on the outside. No other side-trips."

Lyssa and Kimberly rode in one cart while Maria rode in her own back to the hangars. They took the babies inside the office and set their seats on Rodrick's desk. Maria set the bag down beside it.

"About tomorrow." Kimberly asked.

Lyssa nodded. "Yeah. Maria; I was going to surprise you all with a girls' day in Freeport. Kim, you, Annette, Samantha, Krystel, Madison, Kasey, Kristine, Mindy and Anna; all have appointments at the spa then lunch reservations. I was going to stay behind, but now Kim will have to. I'll make it up Kim."

Kimberly's face hardened. "Make it up to me when you go to see Brice. Make that bastard understand when you do it. Mindy and Clair deserve at least that much."

Lyssa's eyes shifted slightly then she nodded silently. Kimberly didn't miss it and looked to the door just in time to see a small shadow move back.

"Damn. I was sloppy." Kimberly whispered.

Maria caught on and lamented. "I hadn't noticed either. Damn my age for that. Kimberly go see to her, I'll watch the twins. Lyssa you go ahead. I'm sure Rodrick is ready."

Within minutes, the Gulfstream had taken off and was heading Northwest.




Kimberly made her way up the shoreline. She stopped for a moment when she saw Mindy sitting on her 'thinking rock'. All the adults knew she would go sit there when she was upset about something. Slowly Kimberly approached and climbed up to sit on the rock behind her.

"I heard you talking to Aunt Lyssa." Mindy sniffed.

Kimberly sighed. "An unguarded moment on my part. I didn't know you were there until after I said that."

Mindy turned around. "Is Aunt Lyssa gonna go kill him? I don't want to call him my Dad. I don't know what else to call him though."

"That is something to think about. Who is who? To me; you're my daughter. Joe too, you're his daughter. Our little girl. I wasn't there when you born. You didn't come from me, so I don't think I really earned the title of Mommy. I am here now when you need a Mama or Mom. Joe wasn't able to hold you up when you took your first breath. The right of a Father. But he is here now when you hurt so much to take his place as a Daddy or Dad. What you think we've earned, is up to you." Kimberly said.

Mindy felt herself guided into hug as they looked out to the ocean, the waves gently rolling in.

"That sounds like it makes sense. Can it be that simple?" Mindy asked.

Kimberly stroked her hair. " Lyssa, Tiffany, Krystel, Shawna and I. We all gave up our former lives to have this. This is what we wanted. You had your life taken away. We've done all we could, and will continue, to give you the best life we can. We love you and will protect you."

"You do because you can." Mindy repeated Lyssa's words from that night.

Kimberly pressed a kiss to Mindy's forehead. "Yes sweetheart, that's right. Do you want it to be that simple, too?"

The little girl nodded quietly.

"Then it is. Remember sweetheart; you're not alone. All of us are here. Even if Tiffany is half the world away, Shawna is freezing her butt off somewhere in CONUS or if the Major is in D.C. up to his ass in Armani-suited alligators. We're here. Maria thinks of you as another grandchild and the girls think of you more as a little sister than a cousin. Granted; they wanted to be girls and you didn't, but we play the cards we get dealt or draw. Trust me when I say this; things could be much worse." Kimberly remarked.

Suddenly Mindy stiffened and looked alarmed. "Wait! If Aunt Lyssa's gone and you're with me; WHO'S WATCHING THE BABIES?"

"Maria." Kimberly laughed. "Probably Kasey and Kristine as well. I'm not the ONLY qualified baby-sitter you know."

Mindy calmed down. "Oh. I forgot. I think I'd like to talk to Mr. Paul."

"He's on the range. I'll take you there then I have to get back to the office." Kimberly said.

"Ok Mama." Mindy replied then climbed down.

They picked up their shoes and walked back down the beach holding hands.




Dannigan was shooting at a static target. He'd already gone through three magazines for his HK USP .45. When he ejected the spent magazine he noticed movement from the corner of his eye and looked. Kimberly nodded to him then nudged Mindy to go and left. He waved the pre-teen forward and set the pistol down, locked open.

"School's done for the day little one." Dannigan remarked.

Mindy thought for a minute than said. "Joe Lando is my Daddy. Robert Brice is my father. Is Aunt Lyssa going to go kill my Father?"

The big Spook removed the shooting glasses to set beside his pistol. "What if I said yes to that? What if I said no? What would you say to those?"

"When I was in that strange hospital, the one that looked more like somebody's house; I said to Aunt Madi that I didn't think you were in the payback business. I do think it's a hobby that you're REALLY good at though." Mindy remarked.

Dannigan thought about that for a minute then chuckled. "You could put it like that. Maybe so. Didn't answer my questions though."

"Robert Brice is a bad man. He had my Mother killed so he could make me be messed up all over again. He wanted to do that so he could be the President. You said he would lose everything and he did." Mindy stated.

"Almost. He still has his life. He ended your mother's life and wanted to ruin yours. I helped take away his dreams. If he keeps living he might one day try do things again. Right now, he's an outcast alcoholic. If he died in a certain way, not a lot of people would really care." Paul remarked.

Mindy thought about it then asked. "what way?"

Dannigan scratched his chin. "If say, he committed suicide. Or maybe had an accident while he was drunk. For the most part, people wouldn't really care. If he got sober, did charity work and things like that, he could gain strength and go back into politics again. Everything you've suffered and worked through, would be for nothing."

"Would he hurt real bad before dying?" Mindy asked.

Dannigan shook his head. "Sorry, but no. If he were to be hurt a lot then it might not look like a suicide or accident. That would make people ask questions. Its called 'suspicious circumstances'. Better for it to look like he killed himself, on purpose or by accident. Very few people want anything to do with him right now. If he dies like that, then they will just want to quickly forget about him."

"But, wouldn't they forget about my Mother and me too?" Mindy asked.

"Yeah. The double-edged sword cuts both ways honey. They forget him, they forget you. If they forget you, then you're better protected. Not every time is a win-win." Dannigan told her. "Sometimes we have to take 'mission accomplished' over 'mission success'."

"Its not the same thing?" Mindy asked.

"Remember Colonel Butler I told you about earlier? He did all those missions and on one he lost a man. He got the job done; mission accomplished. He lost a man, not mission successful. You can do a mission right, all the way down the line and something still goes wrong, but the job gets done. Its a big difference Mindy, but you only see it if you do the mission. All of us understand that." Dannigan explained.

"Oh." Mindy remarked. "You mean like the men that hurt me. They got caught, but were killed in jail."

Dannigan picked her up and sat her on a table. "Pretty much. They didn't get what they wanted. The world knew what they did and failed to do. They were locked up and NOBODY wanted them to ever get out. The prisoners in there with them though had other ideas. They have their own code. Kids are off-limits. Reason was irrelevant. They went after you, a kid, and hurt you for life. Kidnapping is one thing, as long as the kid gets returned unharmed. You were harmed though. Maimed. That's across the line for them. WAY across the line. It was unforgivable. Strange as it is to say; Convicts do have morals and standards. Some things are just not acceptable." Dannigan said sadly

Mindy nodded. "ok."

Dannigan sighed. "Believe it or not Mindy; there are things worse than death. Sometimes death is the best option on the table. That being said; what do you think?"

"He is a bad person. He did bad things for selfish reasons that would be bad for regular people all over. I'm sad if he has to be killed. But I'm still so mad over what he did and wanted to do," Mindy said. "Mister Daymoon said that the Great Spirit gave me a family and chance at a better life to replace what was taken away."

"He's that old medicine man? Well, that's a way to look at it and makes sense. It can be that simple if you want it to." Dannigan commented. "Sometimes the choices we get, SUCK. We try to take the one that sucks LESS. Does that help any?"

Mindy nodded. "I think so."

Dannigan quickly picked up all the spent casings, loaded a fresh magazine into his pistol, holstered it then picked Mindy up and began to carry her back to the hangars. On the runway they could see Kasey and Kristine setting up cones for a course. The two teens loved the single seat dune-carts Dannigan had gotten for them. There was one for Mindy as well but not as powerful. They would set up courses and chase each other through them. They even had helmets equipped with radios so they could talk back and forth to each other or an adult watching over them. For their time on the runway, they would change the tires to a slick version instead of the knobby off-road tires.

Hunter walked out of the hangar and began to walk their new course lay-out. "Double check your spacing girls."

"OK!" They called back.

Dannigan walked inside and heard Carl call out. He was wearing a wetsuit with the top half tucked down.

"There she is. Just about to send the mutt to look for her." Carl said.

Mindy was set down and she ran over to him. "What's up Uncle Carl?"

"Go get changed into your wetsuit kiddo and hop into your cart. I got your tanks filled so its time to go explore the cove." Carl informed her.

Mindy looked over to his cart and saw the back filled with scuba-gear. Quickly she ran over to the dive lockers and took out her wetsuit and went to change. Carl helped her secure her hair into a ponytail when she rejoined him. The pink, purple and white wetsuit was definitely eye-catching, but in a way that didn't resemble any fish markings. The small air tank was also pink and white. The aluminum tank held sixty-three cubic feet of air. Her first dives were very short, as her excitement consumed the air. The more she dove, the more relaxed she became, extending dive time.

All the adults learned that she enjoyed her time in the water more than riding the cart. The scuba gear was a very much appreciated gift from Dannigan and Maria. Flying the radio controlled helicopter came in second on Mindy's list of fun things to do. LoneStar had built it to be more like a drone, equipped with a camera and set of flight controls in a station like a real helicopter. She could fly it all around the island with no problems and did. Quietly Dannigan slipped out of the hangar and walked to Lyssa and Rodrick's house.

He poured bourbon into a glass then stared out at the sea beyond the pool and yard. "The damnedest duty of them all. I'm sorry Lyssa."

With that he drank.



Chapter 2

Rodrick set the Gulfstream down at Des Moines International Airport late that afternoon and taxied over to the private terminal area. After securing the plane, he and Lyssa rented a SUV. They weren't even bothering with a hotel. Rodrick would sleep on the plane during the night and be ready to fly them out before dawn. The flightplan had already been filed.

"You want to eat now or later?" Rodrick asked closing the last window shade.

Lyssa was unzipping her travelcase. "Now. I won't be hungry later."

Rodrick nodded. "Ok. I'll go get us something from a diner down the road, one of the crew mentioned. Back shortly."

Lyssa pulled the top envelope from her suitcase then opened it and began laying out pages on the table. Photos and building diagrams were arranged. When Rodrick returned with the take-out plates, they ate silently. He understood the weight she was under. Long ago, during the night she shared everything, the subject of her Old Man was discussed. It was one of many things he understood was necessary. He counted himself fortunate never to have been selected for such duty, though was sure the Navy had its own version.

Somehow she forced herself to nap for a couple of hours with Rodrick. At midnight, Lyssa began to get ready. After changing into the black, form-fitting combat suit, she pulled on her boots and gloves then shrugged into the weapons' rig. Silencers were fixed onto the barrels of the two Jericho .40 calibers then a magazine of 'werewolf' rounds were loaded into each. The Fairbarne-Sikes knife was slid into the sheath on her left shoulder strap and a smoke grenade almost concealed it followed by a frag-grenade. On the right strap, she clipped two flash-bang grenades. A small, five-shot 9mm pistol was tucked into the holster of her left boot and smaller knife into the sheath of her right boot. A microsyrette also went into her right boot and finally the Marauder was slid into the sheath at the back of her right thigh.

The last thing to be done, now was. Slowly black lines across her face became the elaborate pattern of swirls to conceal her features. Lyssa picked up the rental's keys and let herself out into the night. Carefully she drove specific roads that took her out of Des Moines to Camp Dodge. There was a very special gate, few knew existed. Of the ones that did know there was a gate there, never could find a key to the lock securing it. The key had been in her possession for years, now popped open the padlock. She left it hanging open in the chain after driving through the gate.

Seven minutes. That was all it took for her to drive to a hidden parking space within sight of the Veteran's Home. Another four minutes brought her to the decorative fence. All the fence posts were topped with a cast-iron eagle, but two posts had the eagles facing each other. That was the marker for the corridor. The grounds had sensors implaced due to Alzheimer patients, but there was one clear area that ran from the fence to the security system box. Lyssa climbed over and carefully high-crawled to it. The box was concealed but she remembered its location and how to open it. A moment later, everything was off for the next hour and the countdown on her watch was running. That was all to be given. One single hour. Forty-five seconds was spent picking the lock on a side door and she was inside.




Brigadier General Franklin Howe suddenly woke up. He felt another presence in the room and looked to see a shadow figure standing at the window.

"Who's there?" He asked.

Lyssa turned, showing the markings on her face. "Hello General. I apologize for waking you, Sir."

The old man sat up. "I remember you now. Have I come to that?"

"Yes Sir." Lyssa replied quietly then approached. She stood at attention and saluted. "Reporting for duty General."

He returned a tired salute. "As you were. It's been so long. Would you believe that they haven't let me go outside for three months."

"Its been colder than witch's tits in a brass bra General. I'd keep you indoors around here too." Lyssa replied as she sat on the edge of the bed.

General Howe frowned. "Wise-ass Non-Com. Think you all run the Army."

Lyssa had to laugh quietly. "Of course we do General. All we need are Enlisteds to do what we tell them and Officers to sign-off on it."

"If THAT isn't the God-awful truth." General Howe remarked.

Lyssa stood up then went over to the wall-locker and took out his Class-A jacket and hat. "Well General? Why don't we show them all what-for?"

The old General took both and with a bit of difficulty, put them on. "Damn straight."

Lyssa opened the door and pulled in a wheel-chair. "Transport awaits without, Sir."

"Without WHAT, Master Sergeant?" General Howe asked sarcastically.

Lyssa guided him into it. "Without your ASS, Sir."

"There was a time I could've still put you over my knee for saying that." General Howe said.

Lyssa harrumphed as she wheeled him around, making for the door. "Dirty ol' General."

He chuckled quietly at that. Lyssa took him down the hall quietly and out the side door. A glance at her watch showed forty-five minutes remaining. There was a flagpole in front of the building, but away from the main entrance. Four lights angled up to illuminate the flag that flew constantly, as per regulation. It was the only flag on the whole installation that flew constantly. The chair was stopped in front of it. Both saluted the flag, then Lyssa sat on the bench.

"Did I ever tell you about the time I met Dan Shomron?" The General asked.

Lyssa shook her head. "Actually no, you haven't, Sir."

"1976; me, Bob Mountel, Charlie Beckwith and a couple of Point-snots acting as our aides went to Tel Aviv. Now Dan Shomron was a one-star back then, pulling black-ops for Sayeret Matkal. Dan was on planning for Operation Thunderbolt." General Howe said.

Lyssa nodded. "The raid on Entebbe. Didn't the Assault Boss buy it during that?"

General Howe nodded back. "A Colonel. Yeah he did. We all talked about that. Dan laid out what they had wanted to do, what actually happened and what they could have done different. That list was REAL short. It was EDUCATIONAL. Everybody thought Bob and Charlie hated each other. Especially after Delta was commissioned. Not true."

Lyssa knew that story. Colonel Beckwith was setting up Delta and in the meantime, Colonel Bob "Black Gloves" Mountel ran a temporary unit called Blue Light. After Delta went operational, Blue Light disbanded. Or so everyone thought. The unit was brought down to one A-team, transferred to another command and renamed. In the early 1990's it was transferred and renamed again. The DemonWraith platoon. A single A-team that lived in rumors, trained to the edge of insanity and operated at almost supernatural levels.

Another glance at her watch confirmed she had thirty minutes. Lyssa stood up then bent down and hugged the old man.

"I'm sorry Sir. Time is slipping away from us." Lyssa said then pressed her thumb to specific point on his neck.

"Take care young lady." The General hugged her back then felt light-headed. "I guess I'll go have a drink with ol' Sam."

Lyssa fought back the tears. "Put the first round on my tab, Old Man. Tell General Whitacre, he is very much missed. As you will be."

When he exhaled the last time, she almost slipped. His arms dropped away from her and Lyssa finally moved away. Her stomach roiled and it was all Lyssa could do to hold everything down. After a minute she was able to control herself. The tears were at bay as she reached into the right pocket of his jacket and took out the coin. It looked hand-struck with a figure of in robes with a sword on one side, the eagle and flag on the other. Below the figure was the notation of span of years. It was her DemonWraith coin. She replaced it with the key. The watch beeped, twenty-five minutes left. The flag was lowered to half-staff

"Brigadier General Franklin Howe, you are relieved of all responsibilities." Lyssa saluted after adjusting him in the chair then turned and left, fading into the shadows.

At four-thirty a.m. the Gulfstream took off again, heading north.


Chapter 3

Dannigan walked into the T.O.C. "Kimberly, bring up all Army notices in the Midwest. Non-classified."

"Colorado, Utah, Missouri, Oklahoma." Kimberly began to list.

Dannigan cut her off. "Iowa."

Kimberly selected. "I have a medical notification out of Camp Dodge National Guard post. The Veteran's Home there sent in a death notice. Brigadier General Franklin Howe, deceased sometime between zero-one and zero-two this morning. Staff on-duty have no explanation as to how the General was able to get outside. He was found at zero-five by oncoming duty-staff in front of the flagpole. They also have no explanation as to how the flag was lowered to half-staff. Is that what you wanted?"

"Update Lyssa's classified file. Action notes: Old Man assignment fulfilled. All formal duties now complete. Any further operational deployment, voluntary with compensation. end update." Dannigan stated.

"File updated." Kimberly said a moment later. "What of Brice?"

Dannigan replied as he went toward the door. "That's being filed in community bulletins, under Local Improvements!"

"Hoo-ahh." Kimberly replied as the door closed behind him.




The Gulfstream landed at Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport that morning. They rented a SUV and headed out of the city. Ten miles before Wilsall there was a road without a sign. It wasn't paved. In fact, it barely looked like a road. Rodrick slowed down but at the last second, he didn't stop. Instead he continued another half-mile then pulled over into what looked like a cut made for a patrol car to hide in for speeders.

"What did you see?" Lyssa asked.

Rodrick frowned. "I thought I saw a reflection. Camera, rifle scope maybe. Brice was always popular with militia types. He is guarded by them."

Lyssa nodded. "Good point."

"I'll edge back and take a look-see. There's something I don't like." Rodrick said firmly.

Lyssa replied. "Go ahead. Watch your ass."

Rodrick got out and dug out his tiger-stripes. Quickly he changed then painted on his camo-pattern. Rodrick put on his assault vest. He left his CAR-15 behind and took a pair of high-power binoculars. Lyssa moved his gear out of the way and began to layout pictures and pages. None were taken by a drone. They were all high resolution satellite imagery. Some were in color, others in black and white. Standard, infra-red, radar imagery were some of the methods the satellites used to see.

For certain there were no high-tech methods of intrusion detection employed. No lasers, no obvious seismic sensors.

"The fucks went stone-age. Slick. Anything else would be obvious." Lyssa said and began looking closer at the color photos.

Three hours later Rodrick returned. "Hey. I got good news and bad news."

"No electronics, all old-school." Lyssa said.

"You got it. There's five look-outs along that road with rifles. Oh and get this, every thirty yards they have gravel pits and sticks." Rodrick informed her.

Lyssa sighed. Low-tech alarms, the gravel would crunch. Sticks meant there was a four inch pit with dry half-inch sticks strategically laid out to break loudly if stepped on or drove through. These were very old, yet still effective, anti-intrusion devices.

"You got to give these guys some credit. They know how to keep the Feds out." Rodrick remarked.

Lyssa frowned. "Some of these guys run around with tin foil in their hats. I wouldn't put it past them to have at least one tv from the seventies in each building. An old tv like that, it'll pick up comm-signals. They wouldn't be able to hear what we say, just know that there's scrambled signals in the area."

Rodrick nodded. "Probably. All their positions along the road have field phones. Lines, no radios. Big bore rifles with high-power scopes, shotguns and revolvers. You don't think these guys are making their own lead slugs and cross-cutting them, do you?"

"Baby they don't trust dentists under the age of sixty. What do you think?" Lyssa asked.

The ex-SEAL groaned. "Aw shit! Tell me you have a plan."

"I have three. We really need the first one to work though. Look at this." Lyssa said then pointed out a trail leading off the west side of the property to what looked like a logging road.

Two hours later The question was answered. They had their way in. It was only visible from the sky using radar imagery. As night fell Lyssa and Rodrick began slowly entering the property, hating every foot of it. The grass was over a foot tall, which would reveal the passage of any creature larger than a rabbit. The trick wasn't to leave the grass undisturbed, unless you had stilts and incredible balance. The trick was to make passage through the grass look like anything, but human.

To do so required a rather childish act. They moved on all fours, imitating quadra-ped animals. Rodrick went first, followed by Lyssa. They didn't move in linear lines. Actually they ran rampant all over, looking like a large animal being chased by a smaller. The trails entered the grass, looked to go around randomly for three minutes entered the main area then went back for two minutes then exit back into the treeline. They used those trails to go back into the main area.

Neither wore a radio of any kind and met up at the main house after evading a pair of roving guards. Rodrick took the time to cut the phone wires going to the outposts. They climbed up the outside of the house and carefully looked into the windows. Lyssa just barely caught the glimmer of light off the fishing line attached to the window. She silent-signaled that to Rodrick. Very slowly, fraction of an inch every three seconds it was raised enough to secure the alarm string. She secured it with tape then cut from the window. That was when she noticed the second string. She repeated the process and checked for a third.

Carefully, Lyssa slithered inside. Robert Brice lay across the bed with an empty bottle of scotch beside him. On the dresser was a full bottle. Johnny Walker, blue label. Lyssa grabbed it, along with the specialty lighter. One end was the lighter and the other a cigar cutter. She passed them both to Rodrick. He put the bottle in his vest and the lighter in his pocket.

Brice grunted then stirred. Lyssa slammed a punch right under his jaw, knocking him out. Now was the time for care. Lyssa got him up and over to the window then eased him out to Rodrick. She went back and took a set of keys then slipped back out the window. Carefully she used the lighter to reattach the fishing line pieces back together and slowly closed the window. Rodrick had already lowered Brice to the ground then climbed down. Lyssa joined him and led the way over to a group of trucks and SUVs. All were from before 1985.

The militant group took their paranoia seriously. The older model vehicles had no onboard computers. In fact, looking inside, there were no electronics at all. Not even AM band radios. The keys fit a 1969 Ford Ranger. Rodrick almost began laughing.

"The ultimate redneck-mobile." Rodrick commented of the yellow truck with brown accents.

Lyssa had to shake her head. It rode all-terrain tires on chrome wagon-wheel rims, had chrome rails on the sides of the bed. Mud splattered the running boards and mud-flaps. "If this has Glass-packs, we're in deep shit."

"You drive. I'm gonna scream yee-haw, hanging out the window." Rodrick snarked.

Brice groaned and Rodrick knocked him out again. Lyssa climbed into the truck. Rodrick shoved Brice in between them and closed the door after getting in. Lyssa turned the key and the truck roared to life.

"Shit. Hang on." Lyssa said then dropped it in gear and floored the pedal, slinging the back-end around.

The old truck roared down the main entrance road. Halfway down it, a flare lit up the night. Lyssa and Rodrick ignored it. The truck was moving too fast for the look-outs to shoot at accurately. It only took three minutes to gain the main road and Lyssa took it in a screech of tires. She slowed down to turn off for the logging road and drove down it with no lights. Brice came around again but went still when Rodrick's dive-knife flashed into view. Even more so when he held it against the man's crotch.

"What do you want?" He slurred.

Lyssa replied. "Unfinished business, Brice. Your tab is due."

"You're going to kill me. For Clair and Robbie." Brice surmised.

Rodrick smiled. "Ding-ding-ding. You're the GRAND WINNER!"

Lyssa stopped beside their SUV and Rodrick got out. While he was distracted, Brice suddenly felt hands on either side of his head then it was wrenched. The cervical vertebrae crackled loudly and he went limp.

"That'll keep you from getting any ideas." Lyssa remarked.

Rodrick led the way back down the road. He was wearing night-vision goggles. Lyssa followed behind. They waited before turning onto the main road.

"Still with me?" Lyssa asked then looked over to see Brice had shifted his eyes.

"Yes." he whispered, between labored breaths.

Lyssa felt like venting some hostility and glared at him. "Robbie's not dead."

Robert Brice stared in shock.

"Alive and well, with new parents that I work with. She calls me Aunt. She's a happy little girl, despite the Hell you wanted her in so you could make it to the White House. In seven more years, she will go to any college she wants to. She plays on the beach every day and takes ballet lessons every morning. When she sees the news in the morning about your death, maybe she'll let go some of her hatred." Lyssa informed him.

Rodrick finally drove out. Lyssa followed him for four miles then pulled over when he stopped. Rodrick came around and opened the door.

"There's a really nice turn right ahead. Its got a cliff and everything." Rodrick announced malevolently.

Lyssa nodded. "I like it. Drag him over to the driver's seat. Careful with his neck. I don't want him to miss out on the view."

Rodrick carefully pulled him across. Lyssa went over to their SUV and came back with the bottle of liquor. She opened it, tossing the cap inside and began to pour it all over him and the seat then dropped the bottle in as well. Rodrick handed the lighter back then got back into their SUV. Brice's foot was positioned at the gas pedal but not with pressure on it. Lyssa stepped onto the running board, dropped the truck into gear and pressed his leg down. The truck began to roll forward.

Rodrick stayed alongside the truck as it picked up speed. Lyssa lit the lighter and tossed it onto the floorboard. The high-proof whiskey ignited.

"She will have a happy life, with you GONE." Lyssa said, grabbing the SUV then yanking the truck's wheel hard over.

Brice found some way to scream as the truck tore away, going through the guardrail and launched over the side. Lyssa held on as Rodrick slowed to a stop. Below, they saw the truck hit bottom and explode. Lyssa got in and they turned around to head back, wiping their faces clean. They took turns changing out of their gear driving down the highway. When they arrived back at the airport they turned in the rental and went back to the plane for a nap. At eight that morning, it was all over the news as the Gulfstream took off and turned southeast.



Chapter 4

Dannigan had waited for Lyssa and Rodrick to get back then called a meeting. Everyone sat or stood in the lounge in the main hangar.

"Some personnel need to return to D.C. with me for a couple of days." Dannigan announced then listed them. "LoneStar, Kimberly and Mindy. Maria; I'd like you, Annette and Kasey as well. Bobby, Sam, Hunter and Kristine may come along if they like, but will have to occupy themselves for a day."

"Uh. Ok." Bobby replied.

Dannigan decided it was better to cut off any arguments before they started. "This is compartmentalized."

Maria was as confused as everyone else, but understood that it had to be important. "Well. I guess we all need to get packed, we should get to it."

Mindy looked very nervous. This would be the first time to leave the island, beyond going to Nassau. Dannigan noticed it.

"Mindy you have nothing to worry about. This trip will do you some good." Dannigan assured her.

Mindy looked to Kimberly and LoneStar, both nodded.

Mindy said. "Ok."

LoneStar said from within the helmet. "One hour. Eddie bring out the Lear."

The group broke up. Carl helped Eddie bring out the Lear then fuel and pre-flight it. An hour later, and many hugs, the Lear took off and turned North. LoneStar allowed Kasey and Kristine a half hour each to fly then Mindy sat on his lap to take the controls for her own half hour. Dannigan sat in the co-pilot seat the rest of the way. They landed at the private field just outside Washington. The plane was parked inside a hangar, beside another Lear. Kimberly informed them it belonged to Shawna.

Off to the side, were a car and a SUV. They exited the plane and started for them.

"Deputies, Kasey and Kristine can ride with me." Madison volunteered.

Kasey turned to Kristine. "We get to ride in the back like a pair of puppies Sis."

"Arf arf." Kristine added.

Hunter looked over. "If they don't like Coach they can always ride Economy."

Hunter then hooked a thumb at the roof-rack. Madison snorted, as did Annette and Samantha.

"No way partner." Bobby remarked, shaking his head. "They'd get a kick out of it."

"Annette. Use the house in Alexandria. It should be big enough for all of us and there are cars there." Maria instructed.

Dannigan said. "LoneStar, Kimberly and Mindy will stay at my place. Maria, where do you want to stay?"

"Kimberly is owed some 'me time' for relaxation. I'll come with you and cook tonight." Maria stated. "Madison, please stop at a nice market. I'd rather my children and grandchildren didn't have drive-thru or such."

"Nonnina, can't we have pizza? There's got to be at least ONE good place in Washington." Kasey protested.

Kristine jumped in as well. "PLEASE?"

Madison laughed. "I know a very good place Maria."

Maria sighed. "Oh very well. Godere la pizza, ma lavorare fuori la mattina."

"We'll work it off Nonnina." Both teens replied to her instruction.

"All settled?" Dannigan asked, receiving nods. "We'll be by at zero nine in the morning to pick up Annette and Kasey. Have a fun evening."

As the group loaded into Madison's SUV Annette reminded. "We still have to stop at a store for breakfast things."

"LoneStar, your legs are much longer than mine." Maria commented. "Ride up front. I shall sit with Kimberly and Mindy."

"Thanks." LoneStar gave a muffled reply.

Inside the car, as they left the hangar Dannigan asked. "Kimberly did you bring the IDs?"

"Yes Sir." Kimberly said then found them in her purse and handed them out. "Lieutenant Colonel Joe Lando. Myself. Mindy, you get this card. Maria this is for you."

Maria looked at the card and read it. "Mrs. Maria Denton? I hope my ceremony was well attended."

"Of course, but we kept it out of the society pages." Dannigan returned her quip.

Soon they began to see signs for Fort Belvoire. Kimberly began to laugh.

"Kimberly. Would care to share the joke with us?" Maria asked.

"Belvoire! Of ALL places!" Kimberly laughed.

Mindy looked up at Maria. "I don't get it."

"Neither do I, I'm afraid." Maria agreed.

Kimberly calmed down and explained. "Fort Belvoire is home to multiple intelligence agencies for D.O.D."

"Where else would a Spook hide?" LoneStar asked rhetorically.

Maria laughed. "You have a very good point."

At the gate Dannigan set a placard on the dash with base-stickers on it. The soldier waved them through then saluted when he saw Dannigan.

"Paul. Would I be correct, to assume that this base has some type of market?" Maria asked.

Dannigan nodded. "I'll pull in at the commissary. The three of you can go in."

Ten minutes later they were driving again and pulled into the driveway of an old house. Dannigan and LoneStar carried the luggage while Maria and Kimberly carried the bags of groceries. Dinner was quiet that night in the dining room lit by only one candle. Maria did her best to keep curiosity at bay of trying to see what LoneStar looked like without his helmet. After dinner they all retired for the night. Dannigan had handed LoneStar and Kimberly a couple of wardrobe bags.




The next morning Maria's eyes widened in shock after breakfast. First she saw Dannigan putting on a Class-A uniform. Downstairs, she saw Kimberly and LoneStar wearing them as well. Though LoneStar wore his helmet, he was still in a uniform other than the habitual flight suit. None of them were wearing their jackets. Mindy wore a nice dress and t-strap shoes with pantyhose, looking very much like she wearing going to church or some important social function.

Maria quickly called Annette, who answered on the first ring. "Annette? Pay attention. Whatever you and Kasey are wearing right now, CHANGE. I want BOTH of you in dresses and high heels."

"What's going on?" Annette asked.

"I have no idea. They are all putting on dress uniforms here." Maria replied.

Annette deferred to her Mother. "Alright Mama. We'll get changed into something nice. I have an old dress here that should fit Kasey. She already has her own shoes. I'll wear a suit, is that alright?"

"Yes. That will be fine. We're leaving now and should see you in an hour at most." Maria said then disconnected.

Soon they were loading themselves into large SUV. There would be room for Annette and Kasey in it. This time, LoneStar sat in the back with Kimberly and Mindy. Just over forty-five minutes later they pulled in at large house in Alexandria. Maria got out and brought back Annette and Kasey. The two joined them in the SUV and Dannigan drove on.

"Nonnina. Where are we going?" Kasey asked after seeing them leaving the Washington metroplex area.

Maria sighed. "I honestly don't know."

Paul glanced at her in the rear-view mirror. "We have a meeting."

Maria looked over. "A meeting? With whom?"

"I was ordered to Report, with all of you." Dannigan replied.

That caused almost all of them to glance around at each other in confusion. Who could order him around that wasn't in Washington? The question remained unasked, but the confusion tripled when they drove up to the main gate of Fort A.P. Hill. The soldier at the gate waved them through seeing the placard propped on the dash, but didn't salute, as he didn't see any rank. It took another fifteen minutes, due to the speed limits and Dannigan finally parked in front of a large plantation-style house.

Once they were all out Dannigan, with his jacket over his arm, turned to them. "This isn't a private residence. Follow me please. No jacket yet."

Kimberly and LoneStar, carrying their own jackets, nodded. Kimberly held Mindy's hand as they followed Dannigan inside. As they passed, any staff members saluted the big Spook. He led them up the stairs and down a hall. At the far end of the hall he stopped at a door with a name plate below two stars, Major General Patrick Bentley.

"Wait here a moment." Dannigan said then knocked quietly and entered. He came back out, followed by a woman in scrubs. "Thank you Sergeant Burke."

"My pleasure Sir." She saluted and left.

"Ok. We can go in." Dannigan said then turned around to face the door, slipped on the jacket and hat then led them in.

Sitting in a chair by the window was a very old man in Class-A uniform.

Dannigan marched to stand in front of him, stood at attention and saluted. "Sir. Reporting, as ordered."

"As you were." The old General returned the salute slowly.

Dannigan turned around and they noticed that the old General's uniform actually held four-stars on the shoulders and shirt collar. That's when they noticed the two-stars on Dannigan's.

"I present General Andrew Polson, retired. My father." Dannigan announced.

General Polson pointed at LoneStar with a glare. "Remove that headgear, Lieutenant Colonel."

It took a moment of hesitation then slowly lifted the helmet off. The entire right side of his face, horribly scarred by burns, now for all to see. Annette squeezed Kasey's hand to keep her quiet while fighting to school her own expression. One side hideously disfigured, the other untouched and handsome beyond belief. His blue eyes were chips of glacier ice.

"I've never been afraid to see you boy. There is no reason for my son to hide from me now." General Polson said in a clear voice.

All the women in the room, except Kimberly had to force their mouths closed at the revelation.

Joe Lando nodded. "Yes Sir."

"Sir." Dannigan said, then began the introductions. "This is Maria DeMarco. Our daughter Annette. Her daughter Kasey."

Annette flinched, but hid it well. Kasey barely managed to keep from shouting in surprise.

Joe announced. "Sir. This is my wife Lieutenant Kimberly Moore Lando and our daughter Melinda Valerie Lando."

"Incorrect." General Polson remarked and drew gasps.

Kimberly glanced nervously. "Sir?"

"Her rank is incorrect." General Polson stated. "He meant to say CAPTAIN Kimberly Moore Lando."

To everyone's surprise he reached down beside himself, brought out a file and opened it. "On this date the following is to be executed. Promotion to full Colonel: Joseph Lando, U.S. Army retired. Promotion to Captain: Kimberly Moore Lando, U.S. Army retired. Promotion to Lieutenant Commander: Krystel Evanson. Recognition of rank for Rodrick N. Mason, Captain, U.S. Navy retired. Promotion to Major: Peter Daniel Arnett, U.S.Marine Corps, retired. That covers the officers. Non-Commission promotions are as follows. Lyssa Kordenay Mason, Sergeant Major. Tiffany Davareaux, Sergeant First Class. Shawna Davies, Senior Master Sergeant. Robert Everbrite, Sergeant First Class. Hunter Taugh, Sergeant First Class. That concludes all promotions. Captain. You're out of uniform."

The general waved his sons over and both helped him to stand. With what seemed like extreme effort on his part the single bars were removed and the double-bars of Captain were pinned on.

"Congratulations, Captain." General Polson said and saluted.

He then proceeded to changed the rank on LoneStar's jacket and saluted him. "Congratulations, Colonel."

Kimberly saluted. "Thank General. Permission to speak freely Sir?"

"Carry on." General Polson said.

Kimberly leaned forward and kissed his cheek. "Thank you Dad. Nothing could have made that more special."

"You're a good woman and a fine officer, young lady." General Polson said as he was guided back into the chair then looked over to Maria. "So you're that Mafia princess that stole my boy's heart all those years ago. He caused a hell of a ruckus for a while, keeping track of you. Even more so after that little girl came along. He strutted into my office, proud as a rooster to show me the pictures."

Maria glared at Dannigan. "Well I was more than a bit upset when nobody would ever tell me about Preston Donnelly."

Polson laughed. "Preston? Daniel, you could have come up with a better name than THAT!"

"DANIEL?" All four of the DeMarco women exclaimed.

Dannigan winced. "I could have survived without that."

Polson chuckled. "Let's have a look at these grandchildren of mine."

Annette nudged Kasey to approach and followed, as Kimberly did to Mindy. Polson looked at them intently then smiled kindly.

"A finer set of girls, I haven't seen. Since I don't see any uniforms, I take it you two took to dancing?" Polson asked then winked to Annette. "When you aren't removing undesirables?"

Annette actually blushed. "Yes Sir, Grandpa."

"I work with computers, Sir." Kasey said nervously.

Polson nodded. "Well I'm glad you've changed sides. It's been a real chore for your Daddy, to keep some of the main investigations off you Annette. I hear computers have become the new battleground. I'm sure you'll fight a good fight Kasey."

Mindy fidgeted nervously then came closer when the old man beckoned her.

"I was so sorry to hear what happened. You've become a pretty little girl. I have no doubt you'll become a beautiful young lady and do something wonderful with your new life." Polson said gently.

Mindy hugged him. "Thank you Grandpa."

They talked for almost an hour then Polson gestured to Annette, Kasey and Mindy.

"Children. I need to speak to your parents now. You all be good. I'd like to see you again, at a later time." Polson said sounding tired.

Each gave him a kiss and said goodbye then went outside. Only Dannigan, Maria, LoneStar and Kimberly stayed behind.

"The prognosis is final. I have one year left, if I'm lucky. Arrangements have been made for certain things. If you all have things that need doing; get them done. If I need to go somewhere for something off base, the chairman has to be notified a month before." Polson said, now talking slower and looking very tired.

Dannigan replied. "Yes Sir."

"Those are fine girls. Raise them well. Maria make sure Kristine knows to keep her nose clean. All that can be done, has been. I'd like to see them dance sometime. Even if I have to watch a recording." Polson requested.

Maria smiled. "Something will be arranged for you Sir."

"Kimberly. I don't think I need to tell you what needs doing; in regards to my son, granddaughter or your own duties?" Polson remarked.

"No General. I have things in hand Sir." Kimberly replied.

Polson nodded. "Good. I'd like a few moments with my boys. Thank you for coming to see me."

Both bent down and kissed his cheek then Kimberly saluted him and joined Maria to go out into the hall. Several minutes later, Dannigan and LoneStar came out. Once again, LoneStar's face was concealed within the helmet. They all took off their jackets and met up with the girls down the hall in a sitting area. The next day, the Lear took off to return them to the island without Dannigan and Madison.

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