Had an interesting moment at work today.
I was waiting for the public washrooms to clear so I could clean them, and while I waited, I noticed a little girl in a shopping cart with her mom. When she saw me, she squealed with delight and began "talking" to me in baby chatter, waving her arms around and generally having a great time.
I couldn't help myself - I started laughing.
(There may have been some giggles involved, but I refuse to confirm or deny)
What happened next was the really interesting part. Up till that point I'd been struggling with pain and feeling kinda tired, but after my "conversation" with that little girl, my pain level reduced and I felt as refreshed as if I had just had a nap.
Make of that what you will, but maybe, laughter really is good medicine
(And giggles count, although I still aint saying I giggled ...)
According to unnamed resources you giggled over 400 times in a day.
I cant giggle that much!
people would have noticed!
they did
they always have according to other resources...
The little girl infected you with girly germs!
They warn you against that dire infection in this old (very old) YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6ylxWcwkUM .
-- Daphne Xu
Take your good times where you can get them
No matter how many come along, there are never enough. We can always use more.
Much Love,
Valerie R