I feel so dumb right now

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So today I planned on posting chapter 3 of Broken Phoenix. Only to find out that I was logged out. Normally that wouldn't be a problem cause I could just type in my details and everything would be fine. What doesn't help is that I cannot for the life of me remember my password. I would change my password but you need your current password to do that which I don't remember. Looks like my story is getting delayed until I can figure out how to deal with this.


It happens. I've done it a

It happens. I've done it a few times myself. Just take a while to calm yourself and remember that it's just a story and can be posted at any time, those who enjoy it will be there to read it and will give you the praise and helpful suggestions if the story needs it.

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime

you know

dawnfyre's picture

with either mozilla browser ( firesux and seamonkey ) you can actually see any saved passwords.
( unlike google's branded chromium, microshaft's infernal exploiter or opera which don't let you see them )

but easy fix, click on lost password link and have a temp password sent to your email then set a new password.

Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.

Tried that

You need your current password to change your password and I don't know my current password.


Maddy Bell's picture

You don't, just your user name. Use the forgotten password link.

It happens to me a fair bit as I use different machines which often manage to lose such minutae as passwords!


Madeline Anafrid Bell

I know the horse has bolted

...but if, like me, you have trouble remembering passwords (and who doesn't, unless they recklessly use the same one over and over), then use something like Keepass.

Keepass is just like the key safe we used to use in the office - a safe in which we store all the different keys - and which needs just one key to open it. Keepass will generate a fresh password for each new account as you set it up, something like Re1jFXnf7ti and so on for typically 12 characters. You can set it up to auto type username and password although I simply prefer to cut and paste.

It is more fiddly than just using Password as your password, but it never forgets and gives you proper security.


I've been using Keepass for several years now. I'm up to version 2.34. I've never figured out the function to have it automatically enter the password for me, but it's easy enough just to cut and paste. You can set the complexity of the passwords it generates, if necessary. I recently found one site which required upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers, AND a symbol, not all of which are in the default passwords Keepass generates. However, it is simple to tell it to make a password of whatever complexity and length is required. And, if you often use different computers, you can keep the password database on a thumb drive. And it's free! Go to http://keepass.info/ to try it. I recommend going with version 2 and not version 1.