So as everyone probably remembers the last blog post I did was a real hard one for me to write and I've gone to a few doctors over the last few days and had tests done and had a psychological examination done. The test results came back today and let's just say I thank whoever told me to have tests done in my last blog post I would never have found out that I am Anemic and that my vitamin levels were dangerously high. When the doctor called me I was shocked to hear what I did. Also as far as the Psychological exam goes let's just say that the guy felt for me because he's been through what I'm going through. I'm on the road to recovery guys and I will be back writing again in a few days time :)
Glad to hear it.
Glad to hear it too
Hugs tmf
Peace, Love, Freedom, Happiness
Good news is rarely heard
That's the best type of news to hear ! Blood work is so necessary these days, I have a healthy tan, but my blood work showed my very low in Vitamin D, go figure!
glad they are able to help you hon