Lisa's Dream -2-

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By Susan Heywood

Robert Pemberton answers an advertisement in a contact magazine. The resulting changes to his life are the stuff of dreams.

Eagerly I took the pen Miss Armitage offered me and signed my names at the bottom of both documents. I realized after I had done so that I had been commanded, not invited, to sign. I also realized that this was the first time I had ever signed myself as Lisa Janice Pemberton. Acting out of trust or expediency, I did not read the documents before signing them.

I confess to being overwhelmed and not a little intimidated but the chance of fulfilling my dearest wish overcame all common sense.

That very afternoon I said goodbye to my landlady. “I’ve left Kennedy and Wise for another position; and I’ve been invited to share accommodations with a new colleague.” I gave her the cheque to cover four week’s rent.

She scowled. “I’ll be wishing you good luck then; you’ve been a model tenant, who it’ll be hard to replace.”

~ A model tenant? I had been quiet and paid my rent every Friday. Shame I couldn’t have been a different kind of model ~ I suppressed a giggle.

I returned to Miss Armitage’s house and rang the bell.

The door opened and Jennifer once again greeted me. This time she wore a blue blouse with long, full sleeves, buttoned cuffs and fashionable scarf around her neck. The blouse had been cut to show her ample bust to perfection; and I couldn’t help staring at her in rapt admiration. Her black pencil skirt emphasized her hips. Her barely-black stockinged feet were slipped into black patent three-inch high-heeled court shoes. She had a gold chain around her right ankle, a gold watch and bracelet — and gold hoop earrings dangled from her pierced ears. Her blonde hair, free of its headband, tumbled in curls around her shoulders.

~ If only I could look half as stunning as she does ~

“Hello,” she said, giving me a brilliant smile as I entered the house. “I’m really glad that you’ve agreed to join us. I’ll show you to your room; and you can have a bath and change into something more suitable. Then I can run through a few details -- what you might call the ‘house rules.’ ”

I watched every movement of Jennifer’s lovely body as I followed her upstairs to a large room at the top of the house.

She motioned with her hand. “This will be your room.”

I gazed open-mouthed. The overtly feminine room had Egyptian cotton bed linen, pink satin bedspread, drapes and frilly curtains around the dressing table. Soft lighting revealed itself at the touch of a button. The dressing table top had been arrayed with all manner of lipsticks, powder, mascara, perfume, make-up pencils, and so on. One door, on the wall opposite to the one we came in, gave access to the bathroom, another led to a dressing room.

“Now that you’re here we can make some final adjustments to your wardrobe, although many of your clothes should fit without alteration. Since your response to the mistress’ advertisement we have had a few weeks to prepare for your arrival. The final details you gave on Friday morning completed the picture. I do hope that you’ll be happy with us.”

She again held my hands, and then kissed me on the lips.

Chapter Three

Apart from a rare peck on the cheek from my mother or an aging aunt that was the first time anyone had kissed me and I was shaken, yet I responded instinctively. I had no experience with girls and no idea of what to do. When I had previously thought about it I supposed that I would have a relationship with a man, because all my life I wished to be female. I was unsure of what was happening even though the logical alternative would be a woman.

I had concluded that as a woman I couldn’t have any sort of relationship with another woman. Naively, I had never heard anything other than what was covered in playground gossip; which didn’t include mention of anyone being a lesbian.

Faced with a new reality I felt utter confusion. Jennifer’s kiss turned all my ideas on their head, because I found myself being drawn to her as to a magnet.

Very quickly her proximity caused me to relax; and I unconsciously wound my arms around her neck. I felt the passionate ecstasy that a woman gets when she is one with her lover and responds to a kiss.

“My, oh my!” Jennifer said, laughing, while we finally, and reluctantly, detached ourselves from each other. “Very interesting indeed!”

~She’s been testing me to see how I would react - and it seems that she may well have liked my reaction ~

I was breathless when she finally let go.

Her head slightly tilted to one side and a small smile played on her luscious red lips.

~Why would someone as lovely as Jennifer; want to kiss plain old me? ~

My mind was occupied with my thoughts and I missed the significance of the smile.

She grabbed me by the arm and started stripping me. “The sooner you get rid of that awful stubble the better,” Jennifer said as I removed the last of my clothing and put on the robe that she had given me. “It was like kissing a hedgehog!”

I was disappointed, thinking I had made a good attempt at shaving that morning.

Just then a stern voice from behind made me freeze. “Bring her to me in the drawing room at eight o’clock this evening and ensure that my instructions have been followed to the letter.”

Jennifer curtsied as Miss Armitage marched out of the room. She then led me into the bathroom and ran a bath, pouring in a generous helping of perfumed oils. “Get in and soak.”

The pleasant and relaxing atmosphere of a warm, scented bath caused me to daydream about Jennifer’s breasts and being kissed again by her.

Suddenly she entered the bathroom wearing a white overall and carrying a safety razor and a wet/dry shaver. She proceeded to twice lather my face and shave me. She then lathered my whole body and shaved it clean. Finally she had me stand, dried me, creamed and powdered me and gave me another long, white, satin wrap and some heeled mules.

The satin felt good against my hairless skin as I tied first the inside ribbons and then the belt.

Back again in the bedroom, she manicured my nails and applied polish. “They will grow in no time at all and we can shape them properly.” She also treated my toes.

She applied moisturizer to my face and then, when my toes and fingernails were dry pronounced, “Time to get you into some new clothes.”

I look at where my male clothes had been, but they were gone.

“Have you ever worn a corset?”


“Well then, I have laid out some clothes for you which should reinforce your new female status and will help to give you the feminine figure that I’m sure you’ve always desired.”

~What else does she have in mind? Bondage? Pain?~ I shivered at the thought.

Jennifer misinterpreted my actions. “We’ll soon have you dressed so you won’t be so cold.” She produced a long lace-up corset.

I caught my breath. ~What a beautiful garment!~ It was made of heavy satin, well boned with six strong suspenders hanging from the bottom. My joy knew no bounds as I helped her to fit it around my waist.

“This is especially designed to give you more rounded hips and bum and offers somewhere to put your boobs.” Jennifer smiled as she popped a pair of silicone breast forms into the bra part of the corset. “Not as big as mine, but satisfactory for now. Hold onto the foot of the bed while I pull the laces in tight.” She yanked until I could hardly breathe -- then she stopped, looped the laces around my slender waist, and tied them off.

~Just as well she quit when she did or the top half of my body may have fallen off. Nice figure though. . .Lisa ~

“You’ll soon get used to wearing the corset. We’ll tighten it regularly until you achieve your ideal waist size.”

Jennifer had me sit on the edge of the bed and she took up a pair of white silk stockings which she rolled onto my legs, then clipped them to the suspenders of the corset.

~ My goodness, how slim they make my legs look.~
I stood for a moment pointing my foot out like I had seen other women in department stores do when they were trying shoes on and loving the sight of them. ~ “Other women.” My mental state is changing already, but there’s a long way to go.~

The only thing that spoiled my appearance was a joke between my legs that was soon covered with a pair of panties and white silky knickers. Strongly built, like a pantie-girdle, they had a sort of absorbent pad inside the crotch.

“What’s that for?”

“It’s a sanitary towel. We don’t want you soiling your new underwear now, do we? Other women of your age have periods and wear a towel. You will wear one all the time to help remind you of your new status. It will also help to flatten your oversized clitoris.”

~Information overload!~

After shaping my eyebrows Jennifer started on the other items which adorned the dressing table top. Foundation, powder, eyeliner, eye shadow, blusher -- all used with consummate skill. I couldn’t see what was going on as I had my back to the mirror but noticed its subtle fragrance as each item was opened and applied to my face. Before adding lipstick Jennifer reached over and took up a shoulder-length, curly, auburn wig, which she placed on my head, and then styled.

She led me by the hand to the dressing room, where she found a long white petticoat, with several layers of skirt, which she popped over my head.

The touch of the fine material thrilled me as it slid down my silk-clad legs.

Then she took a long white dress out of the wardrobe.

My eyes nearly popped out of my head when I saw it. In my dreams I had imagined myself wearing such a Truly Scrumptious dress. I had seen one like it numerous times in the film “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang” some years before and sat glued to the screen whenever Sally Ann Howes appeared, as the character Truly Scrumptious. I had purchased the video and played it whenever I had the opportunity just so that I could see that wonderful dress. And now, it was mine to wear. Thank you Ian Fleming, for writing the children’s book the film was based upon.

It was white as snow, full-length, and very tight in the waist. Jennifer undid the long back zip and helped me into it.

I felt a tremendous thrill as the long skirt fell to the floor.

When Jennifer zipped me up I found that the dress fitted perfectly. My padded hips and bum, together with the layers of petticoat, caused the dress to flare out at just the right places and ensured that it was a very good fit. I felt totally feminine.

She placed a satin sash around my waist and tied it with a large floppy bow at the back. She had me sit on the stool while she fitted white satin three-inch heeled shoes onto my feet.

I had never before worn anything as utterly feminine as that underwear or as beautiful as that dress. Nor had I ever had the pleasure of feeling my feet in ‘proper’ shoes. She squirted a lovely perfume behind my ears, and then fitted me with pearl, cluster clip-on earrings. A matching pendant was placed around my neck and formed a vee which pointed unquestioningly to my new cleavage.

Finally she showed me how to gather my skirt, turned me around, and led me to the long mirror. I nearly fainted, overwhelmed by the sight in that mirror.

~ My goodness, she looks absolutely stunning ~ Then I realized that it was me. The combination of hair, make-up, a beautiful dress, and “real” shoes could do wondrous things to a girl. ~And that waist, and those hips . . . Wow!.~

There was nothing of the old me in that vision of pretty loveliness.

All at once the wave of sexuality that had slowly but steadily built over the last few hours reached its point of no return. My body took control from my mind, resulting in a huge, all consuming event that left me stunned and speechless.

I had previously brought myself to a climax when dreaming of wearing women’s clothing. On those occasions I had always imagined myself as having a woman’s genitals and that a penis had been inside me. The thing that puzzled me most, however, was that I never ever imagined myself making love with a man but only with a woman. ~Perhaps I am a lesbian. At least now I know why I was made to wear a sanitary towel.~

Jennifer stood away a little and watched. She said nothing, merely smiling dreamily to herself.

I somewhat recovered my composure and looked with troubled focus at Jennifer.

She came over and took my arm to steady me. “Are you okay now, Lisa?”

I was thrilled at being called Lisa at last, both by the mistress and now by this beautiful woman, towards whom my feelings of gratitude knew no bounds. ~Was it just gratitude or the seeds of something else?~ I smiled at her and was again surprised when she kissed me lightly on the cheek.

“Mustn’t smudge your lipstick now, must we? I would get into trouble with the mistress. By the way, you look absolutely divine.” With that she led me out of the room and, as I was unfamiliar with skirts and heels, she helped me down the stairs and into the drawing room. She showed me how to curtsey. “The mistress will expect it and you mustn’t forget to do so.” She taught me what to do with my hands, how to sit, how to stand, walk, and many other things that had my head reeling.

At precisely eight o’clock Miss Armitage came into the room. I curtsied as I had been taught, then, once again, my mouth dropped open as I took in the sight before me.

Harriet Armitage wore a denim long-sleeved shirt, denim trousers and brown leather boots. They were not male clothes for they were a perfect womanly fit, rather than the ‘if it touches, it fits’ approach that men’s clothes always seemed to have. The shirt was unbuttoned to show a hint of small but well-formed breasts which Miss Armitage clearly had no wish to hide, as her bra just peeked through the gap. She also wore a large gold Rolex watch on her left wrist and a chunky gold chain around her neck. Her short hair shone in the subtle lighting of the room. Again she neither needed, nor wore, any make-up.

“My word, Lisa, what a transformation. And that waist! Really Jennifer, I congratulate you. Well, Lisa, did you enjoy your initiation into our household?”

I nodded dumbly and bobbed a curtsey.

“Splendid!” cried Miss Armitage, clapping her hands. “Before we go any further I will tell you that you will henceforth be known only as Lisa. There will be no further reference to that other name by which you used to be known in your former life, nor, for obvious reasons, will you ever again be referred to as ‘HE’ or ‘HIM’.

“Now, you may be wondering about the nature of the clothes that you are wearing. I like to see my girls in beautiful clothes, such as soft feminine blouses, long skirts, often long dresses when they’re off duty. The more feminine looking, the better I like it. As this is your first night with us I thought that you would love that adorable white gown. Am I right?”

“Y...yes, ma’am.” ~Will I ever feel as wonderfully feminine as I do tonight?~ To know that I was to spend several hours in my heavenly clothes made me feel enchantingly happy; and a deep glow started to creep up my body.

Miss Armitage spoke again. “It is time for Jennifer to go up and change, and then we will all sit down for a quiet evening and get to know each other. Please sit, Lisa, that upright chair would be more suitable for you, as you are wearing a corset.”

I curtsied again and did as I was bid.

Lounging on one of the settees Miss Armitage smiled, seemingly very pleased. “Lisa, you are a lovely girl and will surely be an ideal addition to our household. You’re obviously both eager to learn and please.”

Miss Armitage then proceeded to tell me her astonishing plans for my future. After thirty minutes I was in a total whirl, trying to get my mind around all the many things that were to happen. My mistress first told me that I would be regularly treated by Jennifer and a beautician to waxing, electrolysis, manicure, pedicure, eyebrow shaping, and trained in the use of make-up. Jennifer would teach me the skills of homemaking, cookery, sewing, dressmaking, deportment, speech, colour and style ... the list went on and on.

When Jennifer came back into the room I was once more treated to the sight of this beautiful woman in another outfit. Her long, sleeveless dress was the palest mint green. At her neck she wore a stylish chiffon scarf. The dress was well fitted and did nothing to hide the swell of those wonderful breasts, her tiny waist and her full hips. She wore white shoes with four-inch heels and her shining golden hair was piled high onto the crown of her head and adorned with a sparkling tiara. A beautiful gold rope-chain necklace with a large cameo pendant matched her gold pendant earrings.

~Will I ever again see Jennifer looking so beautiful?~ On impulse, and without thinking, I stood, hugged her, and whispered, “You look enchanting. What a beautiful dress.”

Jennifer smiled and took the chair next to me. “I’m impressed by the apparently natural way that you’ve slipped into feminine ways, mannerisms, and speech patterns.

“I already knew that women use different words,” I said. “Words like enchanting, gorgeous, heavenly and so on slide easily and naturally into a woman’s vocabulary.”

Jennifer took my hand in hers and squeezed it reassuringly as if to say “you’re doing well” - but she didn’t let go!

Miss Armitage smiled. “In addition to finding a good, reliable assistant for my business enterprise, it appears I’ve found an ideal companion for Jennifer.”

When Jennifer nodded, ever so slightly, I blushed.

“It is time” Miss Armitage told me, “to explain the nature of your duties and the timetable of the household activities. Jennifer usually spends her mornings doing the housework: shopping, cleaning, washing, ironing, etc. After which she changes out of her work clothes and does some dressmaking or other activity. She absolutely adores keeping house, cooking and dressmaking. In fact she made those beautiful dresses that you are both wearing.”

I squeezed her hand to let her know I appreciated her handiwork.

Miss Armitage continued. “In order to put you in the correct frame of mind for work - I will show you the office tomorrow morning. You will wear clothes appropriate to a personal assistant in business. It might be a skirt suit, blouse and skirt, a day dress in the summer, and so on. Jennifer will select what you wear each day because she knows how I would like to see you dressed. I’m sure, however, that her choice of clothes will always make you feel feminine and at the same time will teach you what colours and styles will most suit you. In the evening, as you’ve seen, you’ll change into something appropriate. In addition, I frequently entertain guests and you’ll be required to assist Jennifer with her role as hostess for those functions. Your exact duties will be explained later, but I am certain that you will also enjoy that aspect of life in this house.”

I was intrigued, but certain sexual feelings were again starting to get the better of me. ~I hope my mistress will soon finish so that my embarrassment will not show.~

“I can see that you are feeling some excitement as a result of wearing that delightful dress, Lisa. . .and no doubt also at the prospect of living and working in a female role.”

I blushed fiercely under Miss Armitage’s gaze.

“Don’t worry,” she said. “It comes as no surprise to me. Very soon, of course, medication will deal with your feelings. Meanwhile, Jennifer will look after you.”

Jennifer rose and took me in her arms.

It seemed incredible that this wonderful pleasure should be mine after so many years. The delight at again being enfolded in the embrace of this beautiful woman, to smell her fragrance and to press against those breasts sent thrill after thrill through my body to enhance the shock waves already overtaking me.

I lightly kissed her as a ‘thank you’, and then turned to my mistress, curtsied, and spoke in a still shaky voice. “Thank you, ma’am. I am very grateful to you both and I will do my very best to please you.”

“I know you will, my dear,” Miss Armitage said while she rose from her chair and took my hands in hers. “Jennifer, you may bring supper now, and then we will all retire. We all have a busy day ahead of us.”

Jennifer returned to the room a little later bearing a supper tray, but I was too excited to eat or drink anything. I was still overwhelmed by the transformation that had taken place in a mere half-day.

“You need to take these pills each day,” Miss Armitage said, handing them to me. “They’re hormones that will be indispensable to your change.”

~I wonder where she got them? Are they safe? What effects should I expect to see, and when? I must talk to Jennifer about them ~

A little later Jennifer helped me to prepare for bed. I bathed and was shown how to dispose of and replace my sanitary towel, which I obviously had to wear at all times. I was shown how to don a lighter corset, more suitable for sleeping, and a beautiful long-sleeved white satin night-dress. I removed my make-up and replaced it with a night moisturizing cream.

Jennifer then tucked me in and kissed me goodnight. My mother hadn’t bothered with a goodnight kiss but this kiss wasn’t at all motherly.

I became excited yet again when I felt Jennifer’s tongue exploring my mouth. Before I had time to fully respond, she smiled, and then turned out the light and left me, closing the bedroom door. I settled down contentedly in the luxurious cotton sheets and thought again of Jennifer, while drifting off.

The next morning at seven I was awakened, like Cinderella, with a gentle kiss. I had slept well, feeling totally at peace for the first time. Following a visit to the bathroom, during which I washed and thoroughly shaved, I began the intensive treatment that was to change my body forever.

Jennifer massaged special oils into my body and applied moisturizer to my face. Then she gave me another hormone capsule which I washed down with a glass of water. This, she explained, was a twofold assault on my maleness. The massage and oils worked to develop a smooth skin; and the capsule was a hormone concentrate, which would help me to develop a female shape, skin texture and so on.

~What if the capsule is poisonous?~ I laughed to myself. ~Surely they didn’t go to all this trouble just to do away with me? I really must have a serious conversation with Jennifer very soon about the ultimate result of all this treatment ~

I was then prepared for the task awaiting me that morning.

Jennifer wore her black and white outfit; this consisted of a white V-neck blouse with long sleeves, over which she wore a black pinafore dress. It had a tight waist and straight, knee-length skirt. It clearly had to have been specially made in order to fit so snugly around her ample bosom.

~Ah, one of Jennifer’s interests is dressmaking. It could be one of her own creations. ~
Her black tights and black two-inch heeled court shoes showed her lovely slim legs to perfection. Her hair was once again gathered into a white headband.

“Today you will be dressed for your first day at work,” Jennifer explained with excitement. “A tight-laced corset, knickers and honey-coloured stockings are to be the regular foundation for your clothing. I’ll help you again with your make-up, but this time I’ll tell you what I’m doing and give you little tips so you can do it yourself in the future.”

With Jennifer’s help I finished dressing. As I put on my blouse and did up the buttons I finally admitting to myself that I had arrived as a working girl getting ready for my first day at the office. ~I want to look pretty for my new boss.~ My mid-calf length pencil skirt, in a stunning burgundy colour, appeared to be the height of office fashion. It zipped and buttoned at the waist and had a matching lined long-sleeved jacket.

Jennifer again fitted the curly, auburn wig to my head and brushed it out. Small stud earrings, a fine neck chain, watch, bangle and rings completed the jewellery.

I watched in open-mouthed wonder as she picked out a pair of black patent shoes from the cupboard.

“Try these for your first day; the mistress will just love them!”

~That’s all very well, but the heels must be at least four inches.~

“I’ll never walk in them,” I protested.

I obediently put them on, however, and then looked at my reflection in the long mirror.

~The extra high heels help give my legs a lovely feminine shape ~

Again a feeling of warm excitement washed over me; and I started to cry with joy at the thought that it really was me looking back from that mirror.

~Not a photo or poster, but me, Lisa!~

Jennifer held out her arms.

I gratefully flung myself into them, sobbing with delight, feeling intoxicated by her nearness and fragrance, our lips finding each other like magnets. The two of us were locked in a passionate embrace made all the more sensual by the feeling of Jennifer’s hands gently caressing my body through the satin blouse. No words were spoken or needed as we revelled in the joy of each other’s company. The practicalities of a relationship were of no consequence at that time, save that each found the other attractive and wanted to share.

After what seemed like hours, although only a few minutes, Jenny, as she insisted on being called, whispered, “We’d better repair our make-up, the mistress will be expecting us and woe betide us if we’re late!”

I dabbed perfume onto my pulse points, put on and buttoned the matching burgundy jacket and we went downstairs, with Jenny again helping me to negotiate the perilous route to the drawing room where Miss Armitage was waiting for us.

“Ah! Good morning, girls.”

“Good morning, ma’am,” we replied. I experienced another warm glow at being addressed as a ‘girl’. To curtsy in the skirt and shoes that I was wearing was impossible, so I just bobbed a little.

Miss Armitage didn’t seem to pick up on it because she continued. “You look delightful, Lisa, and I love the shoes; very suitable for your first day in the office.”

I glanced at Jenny and we exchanged knowing little smiles.

“This morning I will introduce you to the work that I require to be done every day. I know that you can type and I am aware that you use shorthand; I have watched you in the office, practicing at lunch times. I think you will be putting those skills to good use in my employ.”

After breakfast, she took me to the office. It had a modern feel to it, including a state-of-the-art computer system.

“You already know most of your duties from your previous employment. There are a few differences in the procedures that I use and we will go through these later. Meanwhile I would like to test your secretarial skills.” She indicated a pair of office chairs.

I sat straight-backed upon one of them. I marvelled at how easy it was to sit upright and then realized that this was due to my tightly-laced corset.

She handed me a shorthand notebook and pencil, and then taking the other chair, started to dictate. “To Messrs. Brookes & James, Solicitors. The address is on file. For attention of Ms J. Smithson. Dear Ms Smithson, I acknowledge receipt of your letter. . . .”
She dictated slowly at first so that I could keep up, and then waited while the letter and envelope had been typed.

It unnerved me to be examined by my mistress, but I persevered and completed the task. All seemed satisfactory, so after dictating a further four letters, she showing me the other documents awaiting attention and ensured that I knew my way around the computer. “I shall leave you for a while. Jennifer will prepare refreshments at lunchtime and you may have your break together. I’ll return later to sign those letters.” She walked out and left me to begin my work.

When she had gone, I marvelled for a moment at my transformation and complete change of lifestyle. On Friday morning, just four days ago, I had been a nondescript male accounts clerk. Now I was a female Personal Assistant living in the same house as the beautiful Jenny and the enigmatic Miss Armitage.

The next day was more or less a repetition of the Tuesday; and I made good progress. I was also getting used to the four-inch heels.

Having completed our work for the day, Jenny and I went upstairs to change ready for the return of our mistress.

“You may wear this tonight.” Jenny held up a stunning dress in a delightful peach colour. It was ankle length with a high round neck, tight waist, long back zip and short puff sleeves. It clung to every curve of my tight-laced body and was teamed with white four-inch heeled sandals.

I was breathless with excitement as I contemplated that dress.

~No time to waste, though.~

Jennifer helped me complete all the same preparations of the previous two days. Adorned with a long white chiffon scarf and gold jewellery I waited while Jenny finished her own transformation.

Jenny had worn her favourite pale green satin wrap, which couldn’t hide a generous cleavage and very well rounded hips.

~I wonder if green is Jenny’s favourite colour? ~

Thus I was totally unprepared for the vision that entered the room some minutes later. She was wearing a beautiful blue version of the same dress as I had on, blue that matched her eyes. With harmonising heels and her hair once more piled regally on her head Jenny looked absolutely stunning.

She turned her back to me. “Zip me up, please, darling”

Thrilled by her endearment I lovingly eased the zip upwards to join the two halves of the dress together against her gorgeous body. I just couldn’t resist giving Jenny’s neck a quick kiss.

She quickly spun toward me. “Last make-up check, and then let’s go downstairs.”

~Am I a lesbian in all but genitals? Or is there some other explanation that has so far eluded me? All I know for certain is that I’ve fallen head-over-heels in love ~

The next few days and evenings were very much a repeat of the previous two. My life became a constant round of office work and getting to know the others in the evenings.

One afternoon a week a beautician visited the house and attended to my every need; it seemed as though I’d always had professional care for my hair and beauty. Later, when my experience and confidence had grown, I delighted in accompanying Jenny to an actual salon for an afternoon’s pampering in the hands of their experts. Nothing was ever said about the kind of treatment; and I wondered whether they had been forewarned about my status. Certainly we were welcomed equally as valued clients deserving the best of attention and total discretion.

My winter daywear was inclined to be warm colours and styles. Miss Armitage clearly liked certain outfits because she kept glancing at them approvingly while we were working together.

“You look especially lovely this morning, my dear,” she would say, and I would feel a delicious shiver travel down my spine.

One day, when I had been with them a couple of months, she came to me. “I will be entertaining some guests this evening and I would like you to assist Jennifer. She will show you what to do.”

At about three o’clock Jenny interrupted me as I was bringing the filing up-to-date after finishing my day’s work. She had returned from her shopping trip and was wearing a three-quarter length red wool coat and carrying black gloves and matching handbag.
“Come upstairs for a good bath and shave. I’ll show you what to do to get ready for this evening. All we really have to do is welcome the guests.”

Shaving was becoming less time-consuming.

~ It must be my daily cocktail of medication; I really ought to ask about it, but I haven’t the courage ~

The guests consisted of a number of Miss Armitage’s female clients and their partners -- again all female. They were of various ages and wore their success and wealth for everyone to see. Clothes, jewellery, make-up and hair all combined to spell the word ‘rich’.

Mind you, Jenny and I looked and felt like a million dollars in matching pale blue mini-dresses and strappy silver high-heeled sandals. With Jenny’s blond hair in waves below her shoulders, and my auburn curls, we both looked stunning. Still, I was a little anxious, so Jenny gave my hands a quick squeeze, said I looked gorgeous, and made a kissing sound as she hugged me and we touched cheeks.

I couldn’t help but feel vulnerable in my mini-dress, because I hadn’t previously worn anything so short and was naturally self-conscious.

Jenny put me at ease and let me into a little secret. “Our little dresses are not only to make us feel good,” she whispered with a whispered giggle, “they’re also meant to give the guests something to ogle.”

“You can’t be serious,” I gasped.

“Sex sells,” she said treating me as a co-conspirator, “and you look sexy, which will please our clients tonight.”

She showed me how to dispense drinks and snacks and then wait on the guests as required.

I noticed more than a fair amount of scrutiny and tried not to let it bother me.

Shortly after Miss Armitage entered the room one of the guests raised her voice. “Come on then, Harry, and tell us where you found her.”

~Harry? Ohhhh --- Harriet.~

“Yellow Pages, dear!” “Harry” joked and firmly resisted any further questioning, for which I was extremely thankful.

~ I really don’t want my life history aired in front of these women.~

After a few casual comments about my “nice” legs and “sweet but shy” smile the conversation turned to mainly finance matters. To my intense relief, I was largely ignored, except of course when a glass needed a refill. My “status” appeared to have been neither questioned nor discussed, which intrigued me.

~Do they know? Had they been forewarned? Life in this household is becoming more puzzling by the day.~

Toward the end of the evening, after all the courses had been served, all the plates and dishes cleared and the guests settled with yet more drinks I offered a comment. “I think that I’ve done quite well.”

Jenny beamed. “You’ve been brilliant, darling . . . and you look absolutely stunning.”

With a few minutes to ourselves once the bulk of the chores had been done we took advantage of the opportunity for a little girl-talk about the guests, clothes, make-up and other things that mean something only to those doing the talking.

~I’m getting a little confused and not a little hurt.~

I had the distinct impression that, despite our obvious early feelings for each other, Jenny was inexplicably keeping a distance between us. I had not yet raised the questions that had overwhelmed me since my arrival, but merely savoured the intimate moments as they arose, and let Jenny make all the running. The effects of Jenny’s training, and my natural feminine side was now controlling all my thoughts, fears, actions, mannerisms, likes and needs. I had been driven to the point where only a relationship as a woman would give me the fulfilment I needed so much. That relationship really had to be with ‘my’ Jenny.

~I can’t bear the thought of losing the one whose love I most desire.~

I constantly dreamed of being loved by Jenny, but couldn’t see a solution to my conundrum.

~How can I become a woman while loving my beautiful Jenny? Do I still want to be a woman, if Jenny makes me feel the way I do?~

I knew full well the trouble was that I wanted to be made love to by Jenny, with me, Lisa, as the passive partner.

~What sort of a mess have I found myself in? And what am I to do about it?~

To Be Continued

My grateful thanks as always go to Angela Rasch for her advice and editing.

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