2016-06 (2)

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As I said in a previous post, my exams are finished. Don't have anything on paper about before the results before 15h55 next Monday but it seems I passed all exams. Lets hope those teachers weren't pulling my leg.

So now, even if it's the start of the summer holidays and I probably already have an internship, I'm sending out mails to ask if it would be possible to do an internship with their organisation. So far I only contacted 4.

About the future. If all goes well I'll have my secondary education (wonder why I always keep saying high school) certificate for Computeroperator at the end of January and the the one for Networktechnician in June. This is in adition to the one of Commerce / Enterprise I got almost 20 years ago with my diploma.

The only hick-up at moment is that the teachers still aren't CISCO certified (work in progress but due to budgetcuts ...). But that's still one year in the future. So far enough away at the moment to not be really that important. Besides I can just take one of the general CISCO exams they do in Brussels.

who is a bit happy even with all the stuff going on in her head

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