The Brain

The Brain
Paula Dillon

Beth Carlyle sat alone in a quiet corner of the lunch room at her new high school. It was a Monday, the beginning of her second week there as a junior and the third week of the new school year. It had taken less than three days there before some dumb ass macho jock to make her life miserable. He had made a play for her attention and she rejected him, in revenge he and his cronies had spread the L word around with her name.

Yes she looked at other girls, measuring up her looks with theirs and she could appreciate a girl who took the time to look good, but she just didn’t know which way her sexuality was headed at this time. She knew she had her fill with the macho jerk types; the last one she spent her time with all but raped her. She resented the masculine ethos, her own father had run off with another woman from his office several years ago, but a lesbian she didn’t know if that word could be applied to her.

Beth looked up and saw a very cute but plain girl headed her way. No wait… maybe not a girl, but very cute anyway. She/he was about five foot four maybe taller (an inch or two shorter than Beth was), a cute face, piercing blue eyes, short pug nose, high cheek bones, long strawberry blonde hair tied back in a pony tail, a sleek figure, but a very flat chest. This person was dressed in an extra large plaid shirt on a small to medium frame, baggy jeans and cross trainer shoes.

“Hi I am Greg, Greg Thomas, you’re new here aren’t you?” He said in a voice that was ambiguous at best.

“Hi I am Beth Carlyle, and aren’t you afraid of being seen with a lesbian?”

“Why do you have something catching?”

Beth giggled, she was starting to like this guy, “No, not really.”

“Can I sit down here and join you for lunch? I usually sit over here where it’s quiet too.”

“If you’re not afraid that it will damage your reputation go ahead.”

“Don’t worry about that, I don’t move in their circles.”

“Whose circles?”

“Anybodies, you name it.”

“Why are you a leper?”

Greg gave her a small strained smile, “No, nothing like that I am just smarter than all of them put together.”

“Oh, you must be the one they call ‘The Brain’.”

Greg blushed and looked a little frustrated as he sat his tray down and sat in a chair across from Beth. He didn’t realize just how cute he looked doing it.

“Yeah that is me, I even have my Pinky and the Brain T-shirt. On one side Pinky asks ‘What are we going to do tonight.’ The Brain answers, ‘The same thing we do every night, try to take over the world.’”

Beth nearly choked on her drink, “Word gets around this school faster than free concert tickets. I thought they were just making things up about a local genius.”

“It’s true, I are him.”

“They say you’re smart enough to go to college right now.”

“Yep, I have an IQ somewhere between 185 and 195. I already have an offer of full scholarships from MIT, UC Berkley and Stanford. I could leave today.”

“Then why don’t you.”

“I have a hard enough time getting respect right now, trying to fit in with my age group, imagine what it would be like at MIT for a fifteen year old boy.”

“Oh yeah, I see your point, but how do you survive here at all?”

“That is the easy part, they are cracking down on the educational fitness of the jocks, you know, “no pass, no play” type things, and no more free passing grades because you’re the star quarterback or such. This school’s athletic program is under an intense microscope right now. I spend half my day in my classes and the other half tutoring the jocks. I made a deal with them, they don’t pick on me or let others pick on me and I help them make the grade. They don’t like me though and that’s alright with me cause I don’t like them.”

“So you do their homework for them, so what.”

“Are you kidding, the coach has someone in there watching them making sure they do their own work. It really tickles me that they are being brought to heel.”

“I know what you mean,” Beth said, “but what about the rest of the nerds.”

Greg’s face got darker and Beth regretted using the “N” word. She was starting to really like this guy and was sorry she had hurt him.

“They can be as bad as anybody else. You see nerds compete for the best grades and can’t stand it when someone upstages them. There can be only one number one at a high school, the rest are also ran’s. You see they are competing for scholarships too and some go only to the best. You know what you get when you have a class full of geniuses and grade on the curve?”

“No, what?”

“A room full of ulcers.”

“Oh really.”

“Yes really. Of the rest, I’m not a hunk for the girls, and the guys think I am a sissy. I really hate that word.”

Beth noticed his eyes moistening, but he fought back the tears. The girls here are missing a really great guy she thought.

Beth looked at the clock and saw that lunch was about over and gathered her stuff.

“Well I need to go to the ladies, and lunch is about over. I will see you here tamale, I guess,” she said, winking at him sexily.

Greg groaned at the pun and blushed at the wink, but he was still smiling, so he felt better.


The rest of Beth’s day went by slowly. She was distracted by thoughts of Greg. It had really been good meeting him; he was definitely not like other guys.

After school Beth started her trek home, she only lived about seven blocks away. As she headed out she noticed Greg’s blonde head bobbing up ahead of her.

“Hey Greg hold up,” she hollered as she trotted to catch up to him. “You live this way too?

“Yeah, I live about ten blocks away on White Oak street,” Greg replied shyly

“Hey that’s just blocks away from where I live. Let’s walk together.”

The two kids talked about their days at school. Greg really liked talking about all the dirt he knew about the other students at school.

“The star quarterback’s parents had pushed their son to take harder courses so he could get better scholarship offers. He is definitely going to a big school, he can throw a nice spiral forty-five yards and drop it in a bucket, but calculus isn’t his cup of tea. The funny thing is though; he is smart enough to do it if he just put in some effort. He had gotten by, by pressuring his teachers to pass him but that is in the past. One of the teachers blew the whistle to the state athletics regulators. Sad thing, they reassigned the teacher to another school. I hear she is a social pariah there. Some of the linemen though must have single digit IQ’s. Must be all those impacts those guys take on the line,” Greg chimed.

“You know all high schools are like that, boy’s athletics are king, girl’s athletics and academics take a back seat. You won’t remember who was Valedictorian this year, but hey what about that QB,” Beth said.

“Academics to a point that is. There are too many teachers that only teach to the middle of the curve, those above and below average are left to fend for themselves. Mom says it is the dumbing down of America.” Greg pointed out. “They don’t want to make little Suzy or little Johnny look dumb and hurt their self actualization. So we wind up with a bunch of under educated people and tech jobs go Asia.”

They came up to Beth’s house. “This one is mine.”

“I live two blocks north and one block west of here.”

“Is you Mom waiting at home for you?”

“No, she is working and won’t be home till six thirty.”

“What about your Dad?”

“He died seven years ago, in a construction accident,” Greg said shyly.

Beth felt a pang of guilt, at opening a wound in Greg, “Oh I am so sorry Greg. I shouldn’t have been so nosey.”

“It’s Ok, I’ll survive, what about you Mom and Dad?”

“Mom is a big time corporate lawyer, Dad ran off with her secretary. Figure that out. She is working and won’t be home till about seven fifteen. Want to come in and help me with my homework?”

Greg looked like a deer caught in headlights, and then he looked down at his shoes and hemmed and hawed for several seconds.

“I promise I won’t bite you. At least not too hard,” Beth giggled. It had been a long time since she had played with anyone like this.

“Ok,” was Greg’s one word reply.

They went up to the front door and Beth keyed in her security code into the alarm pad, unlocked the door and led Greg inside.


Twenty miles away, Sandra Larson’s PC beeped. She clicked the icon on her task bar and clicked on the front hall camera at her home. She smiled as she saw her daughter Beth come in with a girlfriend… no wait that’s a boy… or is it, she thought as her eyebrow arched. Hmmm… I’ll just keep an eye on them, she thought.


“Nice house you have,”

“It’s as nice as yours if you live in this neighbor hood.”

“Yeah, but I like it anyway.”

Beth led them to the kitchen where they set their books down on the breakfast table.

“Wait here while I go change, it will only take a minute.”


Beth went to her room and shed her skirt, pantyhose, heels and blouse. She selected a T-shirt, shorts and tennis shoes. Then she cleaned her makeup off, brushed her hair out a bit, added a touch of pink lipstick and sprayed a little perfume on.


Sandra kept an eye on the child. She had the security camera windowed on top of her work, while she researched in Westlaw’s archives.


Beth returned to the kitchen, where she really did get Greg to help her. She liked the way he made things seem easier than her teachers did. She was a little uncomfortable when he put his arm over the top of her chair and leaned a little closer to her, but she realized that he was extremely intent on showing her how to do the problem.

Greg was a little uncomfortable being so close to an actual living breathing girl, but he found her scent intoxicating. It took a monumental effort to concentrate on their work, but once focused he became almost machine like.

Beth wasn’t a dummy but she did have trouble understanding some mathematical concepts and she liked science although it was very hard for her. Greg was able to translate her work into easy terms. “Why can’t math and science teachers teach this way? Why do they always make it sound so mystical?”

“I don’t know, I think they have most of the knowledge, but some of them lack the communication skills or the desire to effectively transmit that knowledge. Of course some teachers are absolutely incompetent.”

Beth became absolutely giddy when she was able to complete several problems rapidly by herself. She turned toward Greg, hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek. As she hugged him she felt what must have been a long line bra or waist nipper under the t shirt and shirt he was wearing. No he didn’t have boobs or a small waist, whatever, she thought.

When she broke the hug, she saw that Greg was a pretty shade of crimson, but had a cute smile on his face.

“So you want to watch TV for a bit, looks like you have an hour to get home.”

“Not today, I have to get dinner started for Mom.”

“Oh, you cook too?”

“Well sorta, I get things together so Mom can throw them into the pot. I could probably cook as well as she does, it is a bit like chemistry after all, but she really likes to do that for me. Mom is so tired when she gets home after work. I do a lot of the housework for her.”

Greg just moved up tremendously in Beth’s estimation, “Ok, see ya, Greg.”


“Hey sweetheart how was your day?” Sandra said as she entered her home and saw her daughter.

“Great, how was yours Mom.”

“Oh same ole, you know how it is for a lawyer, all that research, meetings, more research, writing, more meetings and phone calls ad nauseam. And your day?”

“Well I finally made a friend at school who isn’t hitting on me. His name is Greg, he lives two blocks away and he is a really sweet guy. Oh and he is a certified genius. He makes math so understandable I may even get an ‘A’ in Algebra II and in Chemistry II also.”

“Great, he sounds too good to be true. I thought you have given up on boys, dear.”

Beth looked thoughtful for several seconds before continuing, “He isn’t like other guys, he’s sort of an outcast like me.”

Sandra didn’t want to push her daughter too much, but there were things she wanted to know, “What do you mean?”

“Well he is small for his age, I don’t think he has any friends at school. He’s kinda cute, but not in a manly way. He is just different,” Beth said,

“Ok, sweetheart just be careful.”


Tuesday through Thursday went by like Monday had. Greg and Beth ate lunch together then studied together at her house. Beth touched and hugged him when they were in her home and Greg began to relax more being with her. They began to bond with each other, unlike either one of them had ever done before.

Friday Beth asked, “What are you doing tomorrow?”

“Saturdays, I like to spend about 4 hours in the library studying things I like. Mom only works half a day. We get together at about two and do some things together?”

“Can I come with you to the library?”

Greg blushed a bit, “I guess, if you want too. I am sure that it will bore you to tears.”

“If you don’t want me to come that’s ‘OK’,” Beth said. She regretted the emphasis she put on ‘OK’.

“It’s Ok, it just me and a few college nerds getting together to butt heads a bit. We help solve each other’s problems and I get to have an intellectual discussion on my level. That’s all.”

“If you don’t want me to come, that’s alright. I just wanted to get out of the house a bit.”

“No, please come. If we bore you too much there is quite a bit you can do at the library.”

“Ok, when will you be by to pick me up.”

Greg thought a bit, “I catch the bus on Stanton drive at eight thirty. I guess I should be here about seven forty-five then.”

Great, there goes my beauty sleep Beth thought, “Ok, I will be ready when you get here.”

Beth gave him a big hug when it was time for him to leave. She swore he was purring like a cat as she held him. The top of his head was about ear level to her and rested on her shoulder. She felt his hot breath on her neck and it sent shivers up her spine. He just melted into her arms. She felt the same stiff garment she had felt every day this week.


Beth got up early on Saturday and came down to get some breakfast and coffee into her body so she could wake up. She was a little bleary eyed and looked a little like a zombie in her robe. Her Mom, was already dressed in her suit and ready to go out the door. Sandy raised an eyebrow seeing her daughter up at six o’clock on a Saturday.

“Well what are you doing today, Beth?”

“Greg and I are going to the library. I’ll be home about one I guess.”

“Ok Beth, next time tell me about your plans like that before it is time to go out.”

“Sorry Mom, I didn’t think about it, but your right. I promise that I will.”

“I love you and I don’t want to see you hurt. I also need to know where you will be, dear.”

“I know Mom, I promise to be a good girl.”


Beth hurried to get ready, she dressed in a shoulder less royal blue metallic top that was gathered around the neck, a matching strapless bra and panty set in black, a black tweed mini, off black pantyhose, black patent leather heels that had a two and a half inch heel and a black cashmere cardigan. She then worked on her shoulder length, shiny, raven black hair and then spent time getting her makeup just right. She looked good, sexy, but not excessively so.


Greg’s eyes got really, really, big when he saw Beth and his mouth hung open. He felt underdressed in his Pinky and the Brain t-shirt, baggy pants and extra large plaid long sleeve shirt that he wore as a jacket. He had walked over to her place carrying his briefcase and pulling his laptop computers.

Greg didn’t say a thing for several seconds, finally Beth said, “Close your mouth Greg before you catch a fly or start drooling.”

“Sa-sa-sorry,” Greg stuttered, as he blushed, “you look gah-gah-good. Ba-ba-better than my Mom.”

“Well let’s go, we don’t want to miss your bus, now do we?”

Greg took off with Beth in tow. She had to run for a few steps to catch up with him. “Slow down, Greg, we have plenty of time. I can’t walk that fast.”

“Sorry, I got carried away for a bit.”

She took his rolling laptop carrier from him and took his hand as they walked. He began to match her pace and walk at a comfortable speed. She began talking and he joined her in conversation.

They were a block away, when the uptown bus drove by.

“Shit we missed the bus, Greg. Sorry I slowed you down.”

“We’re not going uptown Beth; we’re headed for the University Library. That bus will be here in ten minutes.”

“Oh, ok. I have never been on a University campus, Greg.”

“It is huge Beth, you won’t believe how nice the campus is. The library there is bigger than all the city libraries put together.”

Sure enough they were there early enough to sit for a bit and rest before their bus came. Greg sat close enough to Beth that their hips touched.

The bus driver waved at Greg as he opened the door and said, “Hi Greg, who is your friend?” His eyes got real big seeing this babe hang on to Greg. He got jealous and felt his crotch tingle a bit.

“Hi Tom, this is Beth, she is going with me today? Beth, this is Tom, he is always my bus driver, it seems.”

“Hi Tom,” Beth said. ‘What a perv she thought as the man leered at her.

They got Greg’s stuff on board and sat close to the front. When they were both seated, Beth turned Greg’s chin towards her and gave him a kiss that could peel paint off metal. Greg’s eyes got real big, but he didn’t fight it.

Greg whispered in Beth’s ear, “What was that for?”

“I just wanted to show Tom that you were more of a man than he is. Did you see the way he was leering at me? The perv.”

“No, I am sorry. Not for the kiss, oh lord that was good. I guess Tom knows what kind of a loser I am.”

“You are not a loser, Greg. I wouldn’t spend my time with a loser. Tom now, he is a loser, leering like that at girls young enough to be his daughter,” Beth said as she cleaned her lipstick off Greg’s lips. She purposely didn’t get it all. She then got out her compact and lipstick out and repaired her lips.

Greg smiled at Beth and leaned into her a bit. She put her arm around him and pulled him in a little tighter.


Beth had never been on a college campus before. She was impressed by the immensity and grandeur of the facility. She held tightly to Greg’s hand as they approached the library. There were several co-ed types behind the counter who waved at Greg as they entered the facility. Greg gave them half a wave, but squeezed Beth’s hand a bit.

They took the elevator up to the third floor, and made their way to the science section. There were maybe a dozen students there but only three who waved at his approach.

“Hi guys,” Greg said softly, “this is my friend Beth. Beth this is Annabelle, we all call her Anna, crystal lattices, physics and math. This guy,” Greg said pointing, “is Wild Bill, quantum mechanics, fuzzy logic and chaos theory. Finally we have Joshua, super conductivity, chemistry and physics.

The guys gave Beth the Look, (You know they couldn’t believe a nerd had a real girl on his arm kind of look.) while Anna gave Beth a knowing smile.

“Are you a nerd too,” Bill asked, “or are you just a plebe?”

“Shut up Bill,” Greg said defensively, “she is my girlfriend. Treat her right or I am out of here!”

All four people were mystified at the way that Greg got his hackles up. Anna and Beth were proud of it. Bill and Joshua were confused by it.

“For Brutus, as you know, was Caesar's angel. Judge, O you gods, how dearly Caesar lov'd him! This was the most unkindest cut of all;
For when the noble Caesar saw him stab, Ingratitude, more strong than traitors' arms, Quite vanquish'd him: then burst his mighty heart. . . .” Beth responded.

“Even at the base of Pompey's statua, Which all the while ran blood, great Caesar fell. O, what a fall was there, my countrymen! Then I, and you, and all of us fell down, Whilst bloody treason flourish'd over us,” Anna continued.

The three guys all looked dumb for about five seconds. The girls giggled at their discomfiture. They then set up everything for today’s session. Beth sat between Anna and Greg. She listened attentively. It was interesting. She found she could help by running a computer and hitting the stacks for them. They would tell her what book they needed and she was able, for the most part, to find it.

“I need to go to the ladies, Beth. Do you want to come along?”

“Sure,” Beth said, as she got her purse.

When they were out of sight of the guys, Anna said, “It was really nice meeting you today. I liked the way you put Bill in his place, he is probably still wondering what it was you said.”

“I thought Greg was wonderful. He jumped on what Bill said to me.”

“Yeah, most guys like them, are slow to trust a pretty girl like you. I can see that you really like Greg. Don’t you dare hurt that boy. He is so sweet, I will scratch your eyes out.”

“Don’t worry, I don’t know where we are headed, but I have had my fill of jerks.”

“So young and already so disenchanted. You know you are smarter than you look.”

“Thank you, I think,” Beth giggled.

“Really I am happy for you and Greg, he’s a dear. The guys didn’t treat me as an equal till Greg showed them how much I knew.”


Beth and Greg stopped at the Student Union and ate.

“I want to thank you for coming, Beth. It was really interesting.”

“What, to show how much I don’t know?”

“Not at all. I think you asked some interesting questions that had the rest of us thinking. To often brains get together and can’t see the forest for the trees. They often miss simple solutions, while trying to over engineer or over think the problem. Don’t ever be afraid to ask questions, they help us to think. Besides,” Greg blushed, “I liked being with you today.”

Beth blushed, a little. Although she had been out of her league in brain power and she really didn’t think that much about Bill, she enjoyed being with Greg and his friends.

Greg snuggled in close to Beth, who protectively put her arm around his shoulder pulling him closer.


When they finally got to Beth’s home, Greg came in with Beth. She rolled the laptops inside and set her purse on a table in the entry way. She then turned to Greg, her arms went around his waist and she pulled him to her as she backed him up to the wall. She planted a firm luscious kiss to his lips and he threw his arms around her neck. They went on for about ten minutes before they came up for air.


Sandra said, “Good golly Miss Molly,” when she saw the kids making out in the front hall. She debated throwing a wet towel on the two by calling home. One she didn’t want her daughter to know just yet about the video cameras and two she was happy her daughter had a real friend. She was more than relieved when the kiss ended, Greg got his things and after a final kiss got his things and left. Her panties were more than a little wet from watching the kids.

“Where were boys like Greg when I was a teenager,” she said to herself.


Monday and Tuesday were like the previous week. At school they were just friends, at home they did homework. There were a few hugs and kisses, but nothing overly dramatic.

On Wednesday Beth led him to the living room instead of the kitchen. She was so ahead in math and science now she wanted to get to know Greg a little better. Greg was over his initial shyness around her and sat next to her on the couch.

They talked about this and that and about nothing when Beth finally asked.

“Greg, what are you wearing under all your shirts? Are you wearing a corset?”

Greg’s eyes teared up a bit, and he started to get up to leave, but Beth pulled him into a tender embrace.

“Greg I am sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything, I was just curious.”

Greg trembles in her arms and began to softly cry, “You’ll make fun of me, if you know the truth. I like you so much. I’m afraid it would be over between us if I showed you.”

“Greg, I like you a lot. More than you could ever know. You have been a breath of fresh air in my life. I could never hurt you.”

The boy calmed down and melted into her embrace. He felt so alive with her. Maybe he could show her the truth.

“Do you have a tank or t-shirt and a pair of spandex shorts like you wear, that I could borrow for a bit.”

Beth looked strangely at the boy, he didn’t see her look as his head was buried on her shoulder. “Sure I guess, they might not fit you, but you can try.”
She led Greg back to her room. From her dresser she took out a powder blue spaghetti strap tank top, a pair of plain white cotton bikini panties and a pair of gray spandex jersey shorts she liked to wear.

“I don’t know if you wear boxers or briefs under your pants, but what ever you wear won’t look right under those spandex shorts. So if you wear those shorts put on the panties,” Beth said handing the clothes to Greg. “You can change in my bathroom through that door,” she said pointing.

Greg went into the bathroom and left Beth to her thoughts. So what if he likes to wear girls’ clothes. She liked being dominant in their relationship. She would like him if he wore dresses and skirts she thought.

“Beth, you ready,”

“Come on out, I won’t bite.”

Greg slowly opened the door and sheepishly entered her bedroom.

“Oh my god…” Slipped out of Beth’s mouth. Greg had boobs, nice boobs too. They strained the fabric of the tank a bit. Huge nipples too, bigger than hers. She walked over to Greg and turned him around. He had a slim waist, a nice butt and more hips than guys normally have. She starred at his crotch, she had seen boys wearing speedos for her old high schools swim team that didn’t fill out the front of their swim suits like Greg did. Hell he would have put the jock who attacked her to shame.

Greg tried to pull away and get back into the bathroom to change. Beth caught his hand and pulled him to her bed. She sat down and pulled him onto her lap. He threw his arms around her neck and cried on her shoulder.

“How?” was all Beth could get out.

Greg cried for a few minutes, before he sat up in her lap. “Four years ago when I hit puberty my chest started to itch, my nipples became tender and I had the beginnings of breast buds on my chest. It was a year before I got the nerve to show Mom. She took me to see a doctor. After examining me, he asked me if I was taking hormones, doing drugs, and a lot of other pointed questions. He came up with a preliminary diagnosis of an Idiopathic Gynecomastia. Idiopathic means that they don’t know what caused the Gynecomastia and Gynecomastia is the term for abnormal breast growth in males. Some boys and men for what ever reason sometimes develop breasts like women have. Most aren’t as big or noticeable as mine are. Also my waist narrowed a bit and I have a big butt. Except for my… you know. I look more like a girl than a boy. Are you going to make fun of me now.”

“Greg! I swear. I thought you knew me better by now. Have I given you any reason to think that I would make fun of you?”

“No,” he said sheepishly.

“Lay across my lap now.”

Scared now Greg got up and laid across her lap. He was rewarded by five hard pops to his butt by her hand. In a way he felt better now. She really did seem to care about him. Yes his butt hurt, she sure hit harder than it seemed she should have, but he thought she might actually love him now.

Beth was livid at the suggestion that she would hurt him. She used to butt to work out her frustration. He does have a cute butt she thought and she liked swatting it.

After his swats, she made him kiss her and then set right back down on her lap.

“I hate people who make fun of other people who are different, Greg. I won’t have you saying things like that or I will blister your butt till you can’t sit down for a week. Do you hear me!”

“Yes Ma’am,”

“Don’t Ma’am me or I will do the same to you again. I am your FRIEND, not your dominatrix.”

Greg didn’t know what to say so he just threw his arms around Beth’s neck and gave her a crushing kiss.

“No, softer like this,” Beth demonstrated.

They kissed for quite a while. Beth realized she was teaching him to kiss like a girl. It felt quite good to her and he learned oh so well, she thought.

“Now up Greg let me take a closer look at you,” she said after breaking off the kiss.

Greg stood shyly but more confident than before. He turned as she directed and took her probing hands with as much dignity he could manage. She felt his breast, nipples, waist and butt.

“How could I have missed feeling your figure, how did you hide it?”

“It’s easy,” Greg said headed into the bathroom. He came out dragging a heavy vest and handed it to her.

It was indeed made of heavy spandex. It was also padded on the sides and abdomen. The thing weighed about five pounds and he wore this everyday.

Greg was shocked when Beth stood up and took her blouse and bra off and put on his vest. She had trouble zipping it up, at least the top portion of the zipper as the vest compressed her breasts. She walked over to her closet mirror and looked at herself. From the neck down she looked like a guy in a skirt.

“I think I would rather wear a corset than this thing. It is crushing my poor boobs and it is hot as hell. You wear this thing all day long?”

Beth unzipped the contraption and took it off. She stood facing Greg and said, “you’ve seen mine, now lets see yours.”

Greg thought Beth made a pretty picture standing there bare breasted in her heels, hose and mini skirt. Yes quite a pretty picture.

He peeled the tank top slowly off swaying his hips like a stripper as he did. Beth had to stifle a giggle at his show, but her smile only encouraged the boy. When he got it off Beth dragged him over to the mirror and they compared what they saw of each other.

“We appear about the same size on top, you are wider in the waist and I am wider in the hips,” Beth said.

Beth ran to the hall closet to find a measuring tape.


Sandra nearly fell out of her chair when she saw Beth run out of her room bare breasted. She had seen the kids go into her daughter’s bedroom and wondered about what was going on. She was about to call the police when she saw her daughter run back into her room trailing what had to be a measuring tape. She suspended her actions and watched the monitor intently. There were no cameras in any of the bedrooms, she granted her daughter that bit of privacy. Now she wished there were cameras there. Not really. Ohh shucks. She’d give them twenty minutes and then make up some reason to call if she didn’t see them.


Beth measured Greg’s bust, low bust, waist and hips. She then let him measure her. He was 34B-27-34. She was 32C-26-36. He could probably wear all of her clothes, she thought. On her bathroom scales he was five pounds lighter than she was. It wasn’t fair she thought. Oh he was five foot four to her five foot six.

“Greg this doesn’t change the way I feel about you, I like you very much but we need to get bras and shirts on. Leave that thing off,” she said pointing at his vest, “at least till you get ready to leave.”

Greg just shook his head.

“I can’t hear your brains rattle from hear. Do you understand me.”

“Yes Ma…, Ok Beth.”

“Better, we will work on that later.”

Beth picked up her bra and put it back on. She then went to her dresser and got out a T-shirt bra to go under the tank Greg had worn. Greg struggled a little bit but got it hooked up behind him like most girls do. Beth helped him get his breasts seated in the bra properly and the straps adjusted.

She then kicked off her heels, took her skirt and pantyhose off and then dressed in a T-shirt and shorts like Greg wore.

“You really are beautiful, Beth,” he said as she dressed.

“You are too, Greg. I think with a little work, you could look as good as I do.”

Greg’s faced darkened a bit.

“Greg, I am not going to make fun of you. You have seen as much of me as I have you. If we play with our looks it will be up to you, but I think it might be fun. Doesn’t that bra feel better than that damned vest?”

“Yes it does. I wish I could wear it all the time rather than that vest, but…”

“Yes I know. I don’t want you to be hurt either. If you wore a bra to school they’d kill you, or make you wish that they would kill you. Around here though, I want you to be comfortable. What do you think about that? Is it a bra or the vest around my home?”

“Bra,” Greg said confidently.

Arm in arm they left Beth’s room and headed to the living room. Greg started to sit next to Beth on the couch, but she pulled him into her lap. They cuddled and talked. She let him tell her about all he felt about his problems and the trouble they caused him.


Sandra was having a bad day, she nearly fell out of her chair again when she saw the kids come out of Beth’s room. It looked for the world like two girls arm in arm, except for Oh my, she thought, he was definitely a boy, a boy that looked like a girl.

Beth had a dominant streak, she saw as her daughter pulled Greg into her lap.

What she was working on would have to wait. She wouldn’t disturb the kids. Her daughter had really blossomed over the last week or so. No there was other research that she needed to do. Greg’s tits looked so real, she knew her daughter didn’t have any breast forms. They had taken nothing into her room with them. What, oh what could it be.

Sandra got on the internet and began searching. She didn’t know him but she didn’t think he went around dressing as a girl. No he had breasts but… She saw some possibilities, but without evidence she couldn’t make a case.


It was about time to leave so Greg changed back; he hated this damned vest but couldn’t look like a guy without it. He loved Beth for accepting him as he was. He even loved her for spanking him, it showed she cared about him.

Beth insisted that he keep the clothes he wore, not because it would make her feel strange to wear them again, but because she wanted him to be able to feel comfortable at his home. She gave him one more paint peeling, toe curling kiss before she let him leave.


Beth hugged her Mom when she got home and asked how her day had gone. Beth had fixed their dinner and they talked while they ate. She gave her mom an edited version of her day and talked about Greg. There were big gaps in her story from what her mom already knew, but Sandra didn’t press her daughter too much.

“Mom, I need you to turn off net nanny and your keystroke logger for a few days. I can’t tell you what it is about, at least for right now and I really need some information that net nanny might not let me get. I promise it isn’t about anything bad, it’s just… I need to know some things.”

“Ok from tomorrow till Friday Net Nanny will be off.”


“And the keystroke logger. How did you know about that?”


“Ok, I won’t meddle for now, when you’re ready to talk, we will talk.”

Beth just hugged her Mom and sat in her lap.


Thursday Beth and Greg acted like they always did at school. They didn’t let on about their relationship, lest the rumormongers catch on and make their lives miserable. Any changes of the status quo could open them to various bullying. To the masses they were two losers taking comfort in each others company. But there were those fleeting touches and knowing looks they passed each other throughout the day that kept them going.

After school they hurried with a certain enthusiasm to Beth’s home. She pulled Greg into her room and ordered him to strip. He blushed but readily complied. Beth handed him a lace push-up bra and matching panties. It took a few seconds for him to hook the bra.

“Oh my, Beth, this bra makes me look bigger than I already am,” Greg said turning this way and that looking at himself in the mirror.

“Yeah, but it looks so damn sexy on you. Look at the way the bra supports your breasts. I love the soft fabric and the lace of that bra,” she said adjusting the straps of the bra to fit better.

He shivered as he pulled up the silky panties. He had never felt such luscious fabrics next to his own skin. He started to get a rise out of the feel, but with much will power he kept his dignity.

Beth giggled because she knew or rather suspected how he felt.

“Ok, now I want you to put on a pair of pantyhose. I have a really tight pair of jeans I would like you to try on. The pantyhose will help you to pull them up.”

“Ok, I guess,” Greg said.

Beth gave him some directions on how to roll up the legs of the pantyhose and how to work them up his legs.

“These pantyhose feel great,” he said, as he worked them up. “I can’t see why girls don’t wear them all the time.”

“They can be a pain at times, they’re sometimes hot and sticky, they ride up and slip down at times. You have to shave your legs all the time, hairy legs encased in hose looks tacky. Of course girls shave their legs anyway. They can be expensive to wear all the time because they develop runs, and believe me nothing looks worse than hose or stockings with runs. You only get three, maybe four wears with them if you are careful. Sometimes you make a runner right out of the bag, other times you might get six or seven wears. But please wash them after each wear, they can get ughh… so ichhy.”

“Yes I have seen some girls with runs at school,” Greg looked down at his legs. “They look good on my legs, but I can see what you mean about hair. I don’t have hairy legs, but I can see what hair I do have all mashed down.”

“Yes, you are learning. Now for the jeans. They were tight on me and your legs might be a little larger than my legs, but let’s try them on.”

Gregg worked on getting the jeans up his legs, they were tighter than the ones he wore. After several minutes he got the top of the jeans to his crotch and smoothed his legs out. The jeans looked to be an inch and a half longer than his leg.

“The pants are too long, I am standing on the hem of the legs. Guess I’ll need to take them off.”

“Not after all that work Greg. Do you trust me?”

“I am standing here in a bra, panties, pantyhose and a pair of girl’s jeans and you have to ask that.”

Beth giggled and gave Greg a kiss and giggled as she went into her closet. She came out with a pair of black patent leather sandals with a three inch heel. Greg looked panicked and backed away from her till he hit her bed. Beth had a gleefully evil grin on her face; she pushed him over with just one finger and attacked his feet.

After she attached the sandals which were only a little too small, Bet said, “Here let me help you stand.”

Gregg accepted her help and after a little wobbling he stood up straight. The heels reshaped his legs and actually made the jeans fit a little better.

“Now for the blouse.”

Beth proffered a long sleeve black silk charmeuse blouse. Gregg ohhed as he drew it on.

“Jeeze this feels better than the pantyhose.”

He had a little trouble buttoning up the front of the blouse as the buttons were opposite of what he was use too. Beth tucked the blouse in the pants and after pulling hard buttoned them. She started to zip them up but notice the bulge.

“Can your penis and stuff be pulled back, Greg?”

“I don’t know, I have never tried it.”

“Do you mind if I try?”

“In for a penny, in for a pound, I guess.”

Beth unbuttoned the jeans and pulled them just off his hips. She got behind him and pulled down the panties just a bit, and reached forward. She started by massaging his testicles up. Greg winced once as they seemed to pop up into his body. She then pulled his penis back. Oh it was long she thought. It must be six, seven inches long soft. She then pulled everything up, before she buttoned and zipped up the jeans

She looked at Greg, he was as tall as she was now and looked luscious. She felt herself get a little wet between the legs. She could see the bra through the blouse and it looked great. It looked that way on her too.

“Look,” she said.

For the life of him, all Greg could see was a girl. He should feel bad or ashamed about it, but inside he actually felt good about it.

“I look good, Beth. I don’t know why but I like it. Shouldn’t I be ashamed or something?”

Beth eased the rubber off his hair and brushed it out parting it in the middle, “No, don’t ever be ashamed of how you look, you are more of a man than all those jerks at school. I like that you can look pretty and soft. I hope I didn’t take you too far. You just turn me on Greg. I love you,” she said hugging him from behind.

“I love you too, Beth. I’ve needed someone like you for a long time. You make me feel good about myself,” he said turning around, putting his arms around her neck and drawing her towards him.

They kissed for several minutes.

“It feels so good to actually feel somebody hold me. Under that vest I could feel pressure, but not the tactile touch I feel now. I also like the way the bra holds my boobs instead of them being crushed,” his nipples could be seen standing out through the blouse and the soft silk of the bra.

“I see, I like it too. Now let’s go study. I have homework. Be careful take smaller steps in those heels.”

Beth helped him walk out of her room and into the kitchen. Greg was kind of wobbly, but he had very good agility and balance. He quickly got the hang of things as he walked.

“Oohh you are so good, check out how you are wiggling your butt.”

“I know that is why I always wear big pants. Mom tells me the same thing. I try to control it but…”

“Stop. Let me take a look at you.”

Beth walked about ten feet in front and looked back at him.

“Stand straight with your knees together.”

He did and Beth looked at him, his thighs didn’t touch at the crotch. She could see light from behind him there.

“Don’t take this wrong Greg. I like it that you’re a guy, but… you look like a girl everywhere except where it counts. I like that where it counts bit. You have nothing to be ashamed about that either. Let me show you what I mean.”

“Hold your legs tight and try to keep my hand from slipping through.”

Beth pushed her hand through at his crotch with just a little resistance. He doubted he could have stopped her hand.

“Your legs are farther apart at your hips like a girl’s”

“I know the doctor’s already told me that. They said the best they could do for me when my breasts stop growing is to give me a somewhat androgynous look. That would take facial surgery, breast reduction and lipo on my hips and butt.”

Beth hugged him tightly, “I love the way you look Greg, but I would love you no matter what.”

“I know and because of you, I am beginning to love the way I look for you.”


Sandra couldn’t believe what she saw. Her own security monitor was better than the daily soaps some women watch. Greg looked absolutely adorable and sexy in those jeans and top. How could this be a boy. Oh the look on her daughter’s face. She would spend do whatever it took and spend all her money to keep that look on her face.

She was going to take her daughter clothes shopping on Sunday. If the two of them were going to do this, Beth should have all the ammo she could ever need.


Greg helped Beth with her homework and began teaching her ahead of where she was in math and science. They were both pretty good in English, Spanish, History and Geography. Greg had placed out of those with just an “A”. Beth was actually better in those subjects.

The two of them sat closer together than they had and were touching each other in a non sexual manner quite often.

Beth pulled Greg into her mother’s office where their computer and internet connection was.

“Greg help me to understand your condition. Find some “GOOD” internet sites that talk about it.”

Greg sat in Beth’s lap and began to work. He created a file in the browser and loaded many of the sites, his doctor’s had given him.

“Now understand this Beth, my condition is a little different from most, not only do I have breasts growing, but my whole body seems to be affected. It is rarer but not unheard of.”

“You’re not sterile are you? I know guys with too high a level of estrogen will become sterile.”

“My estrogen is slightly higher than normal, but still within specs for a male. At least since my last doctor’s appointment I was fertile. Who can say what the future will hold. Why, do you want to have kids.”

“I just may want to have yours. I don’t know. We are years away from that anyway.”

Greg surprised Beth by turning sideways in her lap and planting a kiss on her lips. He then cried on her shoulder a bit.

“I never thought I would find someone who could love me the way that I am Beth. Even if it is for just a little while I am glad I found you.”

“I don’t think it is for a little while Greg, I don’t think I could live without you. I have a confession to make to you,” she said. “You see last year, I was like a lot of those popular girls at school. To my shame I would have probably snubbed you and made fun of you for being the way that you are.”

“I don’t believe that.”

“It’s true Greg.”

“What changed you?”

Beth hugged Greg even tighter than before and continued, “I was on a date with one of those fine outstanding jocks at my old high school. He drove out to Morgan’s Point, which is a make out site in the next town over. He all but raped me.”

“Did he…”

“No, but it was close. I imagine he could have, he was so much stronger than I am. He got frustrated when I wouldn’t spread my legs for him. I just might have if he could have been nicer, but he was just so ruff. Anyway he slapped me hard and tumbled me out of his car there, tossing my clothes and purse out and just drove off. My clothes were a shambles, torn and ripped. I had to walk barefooted for two miles to the nearest phone. Mom wanted to kill that boy. I convinced her not to do anything. We moved here the next month,” Beth said sobbing on Greg’s shoulders.

“I would never do anything that bad to you Beth.”

“I know, Greg, I know. I didn’t think I could ever love another boy after that. I tried to be with another girl, I found a willing partner but it just wasn’t in me. I am sorry, if I am so controlling and for making you into something you’re not but...”

Beth’s next words were cut off by the most aggressive kiss Greg had given anybody. Beth was surprised but got right into it.

When they came up for air, Greg said, “I’ll be whatever I have to be to help you heal, Beth. Just like you helped heal me. I just happen to like what we have done. No not what you have done to me, but what we have done. Do you think I would have done all of this, if it were repugnant to me. I have always liked the things girls wear and was a little intrigued. I would probably never have done it by myself, in fact I know I wouldn’t but it has been fun. On top of it all, if I haven’t said it before, I love you Beth.”

“Yes you’ve said it before but I don’t want you to stop saying it ever. I love you too, Greg.”

“I love you, I love you, I love you Beth.”

“Want to have some fun?”

“Sure, what do you mean.”

“Look up into the corner of the ceiling, wave and say I love Beth.”

“Ok,” he did as he was told. He looked up waved and said, “I love Beth.

“Say it again, but mouth your words larger.”


Beth turned towards the camera and waved mouthing, “I LOVE GREG.”

A few seconds later Beth said, “Answer the phone Greg.”

“It ain’t ring…” the phone rang.


“Hello are you Greg?”

“Yes Ma’am,”

“Good let me speak to my daughter.”

“Yes Ma’am.”

Greg handed the phone to Beth. She took it and said, “Hello Mom.”

“Hello sugar, are you two certain?”

“I am,” Beth said. She turned the phone to Greg and asked, “Are you certain you love me Greg?”

“More than anything else of, I am certain of, I love you Beth.”

“Well Mom.”

“Ok Beth, just don’t go making me a grandmother yet. Does his family know yet?”

“It is just his Mom, his Dad passed away awhile ago and I don’t think so,” Beth said and turned to Greg, “Does your Mom know yet?”

Greg hung his head and said, “No, and I don’t know how I can tell her that her son likes to look like a girl and has a girlfriends that he loves.”

“Beth give the phone to Greg. Greg honey, she isn’t forcing you into any of this is she.” It was more of a statement than a question.

“No, she isn’t Ma’am,”

“Greg if I am your future mother-in-law, you have got to call me Sandra or Mom.”

“Ok Mom.”

“Good boy, you let me take care of that. Let me check my schedule and one of theses coming Saturdays or Sundays we will all get together. You might tell her you have a girl that is a friend, but nothing about girlfriend or lover. Ok.”

“Ok Mom,”

“Ok kiss Beth and give her the phone.”

Greg complied with pleasure.

“Ok, how long have you known?”

“How long have we lived here? You really should be more careful about what icons you leave on the taskbar Mom.”

“Why you little minx, you have nearly given me several heart attacks and had me calling the law.”

“That’s not why I did it, I was really giving you a chance to tell me about it. But you know, I really love you for being so concerned about me.”

“I love you too. Do you want me to turn the cameras off.”

“No, I like that you can know I am safe. There aren’t any cameras in the bedrooms are there?”

“No, I wouldn’t have done that to you. You do need your privacy. Now it is time to kiss that boy of yours, get him back in shape and home now.”

“Yes Mom, I will. See you in a little bit. Bye.”

“Mom told me I need to kiss you some more. I always do what Mom says.”

“Really?” Greg giggled.

“Well maybe not everything, but on this I will.”

After about ten minutes, Beth said, “We need to get you changed and back home.”

“Ok,” Greg said, as he was being pulled along. “Slow down, it is hard walking in these heels.”

Beth stopped and had a surprised look on her face and cracked up laughing.

“What’s so funny, Beth?”

“I never expected my boyfriend to say something like that to me.”

Greg thought about it for a second and started laughing too. They collapsed into each others arms laughing.

In her room Beth told Greg, “Take off the blouse, bra, jeans and heels. I like having you in panties and pantyhose. Just don’t get caught in them.”

“I won’t, I like wearing them too. I promise I will wash them tonight in my sink and hang them to dry in my bathroom. I may want to wear them to school tomorrow.”

Beth went over to her dresser and got out a couple of packages of pantyhose and several nice panties and gave them to Greg.

“Here you can have these too, then.”

“Thank you Beth. I love you.”

“Just wear socks over your hose. I don’t want you caught wearing them.”

“That makes sense, sure.”

Greg got dressed and after a passionate kiss at the front door, he said goodbye.


Friday on the way home Greg said, “I can’t stay this afternoon. I have been letting my house work slip. Mom hasn’t said anything about it, but I know she has noticed. She has picked up some of the slack, but I just can’t make her do it all.”

“Ok, Greg we will go to your house and I will help you, how does that sound.”

Greg, thought for a second, “You don’t have to Beth, but I would appreciate it.”

Beth called her mom on her cell phone, “Mom, I am going over to Greg’s house to help him with his house work. I will be home by six.”

“Ok dear just be careful on the way home.”

“I will it is just two or three blocks from our home.”

Greg’s home was indeed nice, Beth thought, of course it had to be they were in the same neighborhood. It was pretty clean inside, already.

“Ok, you know your house best, what needs to be done?”

“I have laundry, the kitchen, living room, bathrooms and mom’s bedroom.”

“Go ahead and get out of your vest and put a bra on. You know how your Mom likes her bedroom, you start there. I will start the laundry and work on the kitchen. You take the living room and we will get together on bathrooms.”

Greg gave Beth the nickel tour, showed her where everything was and then they got to work. Beth sorted clothes and started the laundry. It was easy to tell whose clothes were whose and she was impressed with his Mom’s clothes. They were nice without being overly expensive.

The kitchen looked to be a chef’s own kitchen, nice cutlery, good pots and pans. The design was practical and well planned. Pots were hanging from a rack over a central island that had a stove top and a prep area. They had a nice double fridge, double sinks, two ovens and a second prep area along the perimeter, along with many quality appliances. The cabinets and drawers were fabulous.

Beth started with the fridge, she cleaned it inside, checking for spoilage and such, then she cleaned the outside.

She could hear the vacuum going and knew Greg was at work. She stopped, took the wash out of the washer and started drying it, starting a new load in the washer.

They got together in Mom’s bathroom. Beth let Greg work and she made some adjustments to the things he did and she helped finish. They folded the first load of clothes and started the second drying. Greg put up his Mom’s things while Beth put up Greg’s.

She saw that he had indeed cleaned the things she had given him and had them carefully folded them and placed them in his drawers. She also saw that he had four vests besides the one he had worn.

They worked on his bathroom and the hall bathroom together. The house gleamed clean. The kids had done a week’s work in a few hours.

It was near six when Beth left. They only got in five minutes of kissing. Greg asked about Saturday. Beth confirmed that she wanted to go with him, before it was time for her to leave.


Beth was the one surprised on Saturday. She had taken the time to dress nicely, but Greg was there dressed in some slightly oversized dress pants, a really nice white dress shirt, an XL Members’ Only jacket and a tie, uckk that tie had to go. She took the tie off him in her hallway.

“If you are going to wear ties, we will have to get you some that aren’t so hideous.”

“Sorry I don’t dress up much, that was the only one I had.”

“That’s Ok, I like you without the tie,” she said giving him a light kiss.


Joshua wanted to brainstorm about super conductivity a bit. Beth was given a list of books they needed. She took about thirty minutes to round them up for them. The group was in a heavy discussion when she got back. She sat in front of on laptop and started keeping notes on the discussion. It wasn’t easy; they were at times talking fast and also using terms she wasn’t familiar with.

At one point Beth asked, “What happens to the material that makes it super conductive as it freezes?”

Josh and Anna got together in front of a porcelain board and started drawing out the crystalline structure of the material at room temperature and what they thought happened as it reach the point of super conductivity.

“It’s the free flow of electrons, without resistance, that allows super conductivity,” Joshua said. “We think as the crystal contracts, the electrons move to the outside of the structure and flow over the surface.”

“What would happen if the material instead of contracting expanded like water does?”

Wild Bill started to give Beth grief over that question. Anna jumped his ass on that one.

“Bill play nice or we will take your toys away from you and send you to bed.” Anna said. “As far as I know water is the only material that expands on freezing.”

Anna got a thoughtful expression on her face and started drawing the crystalline structure of water.

“That is an interesting idea, Beth. But water can’t be made super conductive and there is no research on a material like you are talking about.” Josh said.

“I was just wondering.” Beth liked Josh and Anna, you could keep Bill though she thought.

The discussion continued on till it was time for them to break up.

“What are you two doing for lunch,” Anna asked.

“I thought we would go to the Student Union and eat,” Greg said.

“Can I come along?”

Greg looked to Beth who nodded, and he said, “Sure,”

In the two years he had known this group, none of them had ever asked to go eat with him.


They sat in the Student Union diner and talked after they ordered.

“How come you never asked to eat with me before, Anna?”

“Don’t be rude, Greg?” Beth said.

“I wasn’t, I was just interested.”

“That ok, Beth. It isn’t hard to answer. I like you Greg, I like you a lot like a sister likes a brother. I didn’t want to give you the wrong idea, I guess. You just never had a girlfriend with you. I like her too by the way. I like the questions she asks.”

“Ok, I can accept that.”

“Thank you,” Beth said.

They talked a bit more before Greg and Beth had to leave to catch their bus.


At Beth’s home they were on each other hot n heavy once the front door closed. They wanted each other bad, right then, but restrained their passion a bit to just groping each other. Beth orgasmed from Greg’s hand rubbing the crotch of her panties. Greg came in the panties he was wearing as Beth ground her hose encased leg up his crotch. They both broke it off before they started ripping clothes off each other.

They straightened them selves up and kissed again.

“Wash those panties out at home before they stain, Greg,” she said giving him a wink.

“Ok, I will.”

Another kiss and he was gone. Beth stood there fanning herself.

“Oh my, I have never gotten that hot before,” she said to herself.


“Beth we have got to get you some help.” Susan thought to herself. “I don’t need to try to bust them up, but if they keep going like this, I will be a grand mother before school is out this year.”

She had debated getting Beth on the pill after the near rape. She was afraid to broach the subject because of her daughter’s fragile psyche. Now though the time is ripe. She didn’t approve of children sixteen having sex, but she knew that unless she put her daughter in a convent or locked her away some where, it might happen anyway though.

Susan made a note to set up an ob/gyn appointment on Monday.


Later that afternoon, Susan sat down to talk with Beth.

“Beth I know that I’m not around a lot, and I miss spending time with you.”

Beth had expected this talk and had run what she would say over in her mind.

“You know I don’t approve of kids having sex at your age. But l know how hard it is at times too. I was a teenager once. I am not going to tell you not to do it. That would put too much pressure on you, if you do do it. Do it here, not in the back of some guy’s car. Also I got you these,” she said handing her daughter a large box of condoms. “I am going to set you up for an OB/GYN appointment as soon as possible. Please wait for at least three months after you start your pills. If that isn’t possible, use the condoms, use them anyway even when you are on the pill, No birth control method is entirely one hundred percent.”

“We will try Mom, I promise you that. Nobody has ever made me feel the way that Greg does. I love him so much.”

“I know dear. If he is going to wear your clothes, and I must admit he wears them so well, we need to get you some more clothes. Oh and we will get some for him too. I don’t suppose you know his sizes.”

Beth just grinned and nodded her head. She took a pen and paper out of her purse and wrote down some numbers. She guessed on shoes, since hers was just a little small for him.

“Can he come with us?”

“I suppose you mean en femme. Do you think he would be comfortable going outside dressed as a girl? I would think he would need to work up to that point, let him build up his confidence a bit first.”

“Your right Mom, I hadn’t thought about that.”

“Try to get him all dolled up and see how he takes it. He looked pretty good the other day. Let’s pick out some makeup that would work with him. Don’t push too hard though Beth. Encourage him, but do take NO for an answer. That is all I ask.”

“Ok Mom, I will.”

“I am going to cut my hours back a bit to spend more time with you. I will let you know ahead of time when I am coming home. I know you don’t want me coming in on one of your study sessions.”

Beth blushed deeply and smiled. “Yes Mom, I will love spending more time with you too and I like that we can talk like this.”

“You two don’t act like this at school do you?”

“No Ma’am, it would cause a lot of problems I think. Greg has an understanding with the Jocks at school. He doesn’t want to become a target by having such a pretty girl friend. He has a lot to lose if he drew attention to himself.

That could affect me too. Guys leave me alone cause they think I am a lezzie. I know I didn’t tell you, but a few days after I started school here, a guy a lot like John was hit on me. I told him and other guys no. They started the L word rumor on me. We are both social pariahs, a bit and that is ok with us.”

“If anybody hurts you or Greg please tell me. I will legally castrate those bastards. They will wish they never knew you.”

“I know, I like how you handled John. You had him crying from fear.”

“He deserved it.”


Sunday, Susan and her daughter went shopping. Beth was in hog heaven. They hit all the teen clothing stores, several lingerie shops and shoe stores. They did about three thousand dollars damage to Susan’s American Express card. What is money if you can’t spend it on someone you love.

They got jeans that would fit Greg a little better, skirts, blouses, a few dresses and matching lingerie. They found some Merry widows that were so sexy and that would help with his figure. They bought hosiery, pantyhose, stockings, garter belts and stay up stockings. If Greg didn’t like to wear the stuff they got, Beth could wear most of it.

At one shop Susan made Beth stay in the car. When she came back Beth asked, “What did you buy in there?”

“Check out the bag dear.”

Beth opened the bag and found more panties. “Panties?”

“Close, dear. Those are panty gaffs. They hide what guys have that girls shouldn’t have.”

“Oh ok, I didn’t know there was anything like that.”

“I should hope not, you don’t know what kind of websites I found those type things on. Really Beth, there is a lot of smut on the internet dealing with transvestitism and transgenderism out there. I found some good stories and some I would ground you till you were fifty if you read them.”

“What do you mean?”

“I found some bondage and forced feminization, some treated boys and men really horribly, humiliating the guys, calling them sissys, sluts and much, much worse. I would represent Greg against you if you did that to him. I mean it,” Susan said, her eyes starting to tear up.

“I won’t Momma; I care too much about Greg.”

Susan had to dry her tears and repair her eye makeup. It had broken her heart at some of the stories she read. Others though made her more than a little wet reading. If only Daniel had been up for some of those games. Her daughter and boyfriend had woken something up in her that she never knew was there.

“Oh see if Greg’s Mom can come over on this Saturday, or next Saturday.”


Monday after school found them at Beth’s home. “Greg I am way ahead in homework. I have something else I would like to do. If you don’t want to do it just say so. I want you to try on some more of my clothes.”

Greg frowned for a second and Beth’s heart sank, but she refused to show it. He then perked up in a smile and said, “Had you going didn’t I.”

“Greg, you are so bad.”

“Shucks, I thought I was good.”

“You are good and you are good at being bad too,” she said sticking her tongue out at him.

Greg grabbed her and they were tongue wrestling for a few minutes.

“Ok, whatcha got for me to try on?”

Beth handed him a panty gaff and a piece of paper. “Try putting that on by yourself, I will help you if you need it.”

Three minutes later Greg was wearing the panty gaff.

“How is it?”

“It’s a little tight and a bit uncomfortable, but I will live. I like the fabric, and I like the look. Not for everyday wear, but it is alright for now.”

“Guess what I want you to put on?”

“Let me see, could it be skirts, blouses and dresses.”

“Yes, you’re right. Do you mind?”

“No not at all. What is next?”

Beth got a merry widow out of her drawer and started hooking him up in it. The garment supported his breast nicely and gave him a passable waist. She then treaded the garter straps through his panty gaff and said, “Normally you would have put this and your stockings on first, then your panty. You do it that way so you can go potty.”

Beth got to feel just how tight the panty gaff was in places, as she worked. She then rolled stocking up Greg’s legs.

“I just noticed you’ve shaved your legs, didn’t you.”

“Yes, I took what you said about hairy legs and hose, to heart. I liked wearing your pantyhose and I liked the feel of my smooth legs too.”

Beth rolled on and hooked the stockings to the garter tabs, “That is how you do stockings. What do you think?”

“If I didn’t have this gaff on you would see what I thought.”

“Ooh I think she likes.” Beth kidded.

“She does, at that. I guess I do look like a she. What’s next?”

“Shoes, we got some that should fit you quite nicely.” Beth produced some black pumps with 3 inch heels. She had bought some that were one size larger.

“Stand up and have a look.”

Greg stood and with assistance walked over to Beth closet mirror. “Wow I make this look gud,” he said, striking some poses that he had seen some ladies use on TV.

“Ooh la la, you are being such a tart,” Beth said giggling. “You do make the clothes look good.”

What followed next was a blur of clothing changes. Beth had him try on everything, they had bought for him. It’s getting late do you want to change back, go home like this or what?”

Greg was currently dressed in a pink chiffon blouse, and a black leather mini-skirt. He bit his lip debating. He really wanted to but was afraid too.

“I am scared to try. I think I could get into my house without being seen, but I would be petrified walking there alone.”

“I’ll go with you and help you get undressed.”


Beth got the stuff he needed and stuffed it into a purse. She handed the purse and his keys to him. “Keep your keys in your hand and let’s go.”

The two girls walked down the sidewalks at a smooth and even pace. Greg looked like a natural in the heels. Beth could tell he was shaking a bit from nerves, but the look on his face was of exhilaration.

“We got to hurry mom will be home shortly,” Greg said.

“Then take off your blouse, shoes and skirt. Put a vest on, shirt pants, socks and shoes Greg,” Beth said as they entered Greg’s home.

“Ok be back in a minute,” he said heading to his room.

It took him about five minutes but he came out of his room changed.

“Come with me to the kitchen Beth. Help me get dinner started.”

Greg pulled a menu off the fridge and started getting the stuff out. Beth helped him chop and get things ready. They weren’t finished when the door opened and Linda, Greg’s mom came in.

“Well hello, Greg, who is your friend?”

Beth was taken back by this lady who came in. She was gorgeous. She knew where Greg’s good looks came from.

“Hi Mom,” Greg said hugging her, “This is Beth; I am helping tutor her in math and science. She is my best friend now too,” Greg said shyly. “Beth this is Linda Thomas my mom.”

“Hello Mrs. Thomas, it’s nice to meet you.”

“So this is why the housework was slipping, and probably why it was done so nicely on Friday.”

“I am afraid so Mrs. Thomas. I am sorry. When I heard about the housework slipping? I insisted that I be allowed to help, after all he had done for me. I really needed help.”

“No problem, dear and please call me Linda. I am glad my son could help and I am glad he has a good friend.”

“Oh my Mom wants to know if you would like to come over for dinner either this Saturday evening or the Saturday after that.”

“I can’t this Saturday; I have got to work late. Maybe next Saturday,” Linda said, getting a card out of her purse. “Have her call me at the office and we’ll see what we can work out. Can you stay for dinner tonight or is your Mom getting dinner on the table.”

“My Mom is a lawyer; you know what kind of hours they work. Let me call her,” Beth said pulling out her cell phone.

“Mom, Greg’s Mom wants to know if I can stay for dinner? Ok.” She said handing Linda her phone.

“Hello. Yes this is Linda Thomas, Greg’s Mom. No it’s no problem. I’d love to have her here for dinner… I can give her a ride home if you’d like too… No, that is no problem. How late will you be tonight?... Ok… I’ll have her home by eight… You’re very welcome. Oh Beth passed on the dinner invitation to me; I’ll give you a call after I check my schedule at work. Ok ta ta.”

Linda handed the phone back to Beth, “Mom… Ok, Mom. I will be good. Love you.”

“Well Beth would you like to help me cook?”

Greg frowned, his Mom never asked him to help cook. Beth saw him frown, but knew his Mom probably wanted to pump her for information. “Of course Linda I’d love too.”

“Alright let me go change and then we can start.”

When Linda got to her room, Beth turned to Greg. “I am sorry Greg. She had never asked you to help has she?”

“No, she let’s me get things ready then she shoos me out of the kitchen,” said, a little crestfallen.

“You really would like to cook with her wouldn’t you?”


“Don’t lose face Greg, we’ll work on that,” she said kissing him.

Linda came into the kitchen sans suit, but in a very pretty floral print dress. Beth could see Greg appraising what she wore and smiling.

Beth helped Linda prepare dinner. It was easy to see that Linda knew volumes about cooking. She told Beth that she had studied to be a chef, till she met Roland her husband. She soon became pregnant after marrying him so put her studies on the back burner. She now worked as an executive assistant for a CPA, so she knew about working long hours.

Beth told Linda about her Mom and Dad. Linda hugged the girl when she learned that her dad had run off. She told Beth how she had lost Roland, and said it was probably better to lose a parent that way than to have one run away like Beth’s father.

“Roland left us enough money for the house, but to keep it running and clothes and such. I have to work. I am sure you understand.”

“Yes I do Mrs. Thomas. I know how much Mom sacrifices herself for me, to keep me in clothes and a good home. I would love to spend more time with her, but I love her anyway.”

While the girls talked Greg set a formal table. His Mom liked to dine formally on occasion and he liked helping her. He also reflected on what he was wearing. Except for the vest, pants and shirt he loved the clothes. He giggled to himself. He would rather be dressed in the skirt, blouse and heels he wore home without the vest.

“Oh what a lovely table you set Greg,” Beth said, when they came out the food.

“Yes Greg is a dear, I don’t know what I would do without him. I just love him so much.” Linda said as her eyes misted up.

“I love you too, Mom.”

They sat and had a pleasant meal, talking as they ate. Beth played footsy with Greg under the table. She could tell he still had the stockings on. The food was magnificent.

Afterwards they retired to the living room and continued to talk till a few minutes before eight. Linda prepared a plate for Beth to take for her mom.

“Mom will love this as much as I did. Thank you,” Beth said kissing Linda’s cheek.

“You’re welcome here anytime Beth. I have enjoyed you being here. It’s so good to see that Greg has a friend his age. Tell your Mom I will call her.”

Linda led Beth to her car and drove her home. Greg took this time to get undressed and put his nice things away. He was happier than he could remember.


At school, Rick began to notice how close Beth and Greg were getting at school. Beth was a babe and he couldn’t stand that that dork Greg had a babe hanging around him, when he Rick couldn’t even get an average girl. Even though it was purported that the babe was a lezzie, he was sure he could convert her into a hot blooded sexy slut to hang onto his arm.


They ended up at Greg’s home after school, he went to his room and changed into a bra, pink blouse, black mini skirt and heels. They then worked together to clean the house. Splitting up the work the rapidly got the house into shape.

The rest of their time Beth had Greg sit on the floor, while she sat on the couch and worked with his hair, not really styling it but sizing it up.

“I love your hair but we need to get it trimmed you have so many split ends. When was the last time you got it cut?”

“About six months ago, Mom made me get about an inch taken off.”

“I would love to have it styled, if we can find a way to make it feminine and androgynous at the same time.”

“I don’t know, I guess that would be ok. I just don’t want to get killed at school.”

“I agree, I don’t want you killed either, Greg. Would you like to try some makeup at my home tomorrow?”

“I think that I would like that. After all of this started I wondered what I would look like all rigged out. I have liked what we have done so far. I… I… have just been afraid to ask.”

“Don’t be afraid. I have been taking it slowly. I didn’t want to scare you.”

“I have been scared. I still wonder about what is happening, but at the same time I am thrilled and I just can’t wait to go farther. I don’t understand why you like me at times and that scares me worse.”

“I don’t know Greg. I don’t think I could love anybody else, but you. You are special in a lot of ways. If you wanted to stop all of this today, I would still love you. If I ever push too hard stop me Greg, please tell me to stop or slow down, promise me that. I don’t want to push you away from me.”

Greg got on his knees and turned toward Beth, slipping between her knees, he pulled her to him. They kissed and groped each other for quite a while.

“I need to get home and you need to change Greg,” Beth said breathlessly.

“I know, I just want to hold you for one more minute.”

After a couple of minutes and another kiss they parted.

Beth took the walk home to cool off. Greg’s kisses and touches had sent her over the edge into several wonderful orgasms. She wanted to take him right there on the couch.

“God I love that boy,” she said to herself.

Greg had to take care of a pressing problem in his own bathroom. The panty gaff kept him from getting relief while they were touching each other, but he needed to release the pressure that built up inside him.


Beth and Greg were headed to their table at lunch, when Greg was shoved away from her.

“Come on Babe you don’t need that sissy dweeb. Come over her and sit with me.”

“GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU JERK!” Beth said, moving over to where Greg was. “Greg is more of a man than you will ever be.”

Beth’s words struck a nerve in Rick, “YOU BITCH, you can’t seriously call that pansy a man. He ain’t even stuck up for you here.”

When Rick grabbed Beth’s arm, Greg launched himself at Rick even though the boy was taller, heavier and stronger. Rick straight armed Greg and slammed three punches in his mid-section. Greg was hurt by the punches, but because of the padding of the vest he wore, he was still on his feet. He then threw a punch at Rick. He wasn’t a boxer and missed the other boys chin, but the punch hit Rick in the throat. Rick fell like a sack of bricks.

Everything stopped in the lunch room. People couldn’t believe someone had actually hit the brain. As shocking as that was, seeing the Brain taking several hard shots and was still standing, before he dropped his attacker blew everyone away. Dave Walters a running back for the football team got to Beth and Greg and ushered them out of the lunchroom. A lineman and a wrestler assisted Rick in getting up and headed to the Nurse’s office. They told the Nurse that Rick had fallen down. He had in fact fallen down, several times in fact, on the way to the Nurse’s office. The two athletes had convinced Rick, that it was in his best interest to leave the Brain and his friends alone.

Greg was shaking like a leaf and Beth had a worried expression on her face.

“Are you ok, Greg,” she asked.

“My stomach hurts like hell, but I think I will live.”

“Good shot Greg,” Dave said. “Someone needed to take that ass down a notch.”

“Did I hurt him?”

“Not too badly. He may survive, if he survives the trip to see the nurse. Rick just pissed off a whole lot of people.”

“Our stuff, we dropped our stuff,” Greg said.

“Here it comes,” Dave said looking up.

A couple of cheerleaders had picked up their books and things. They also brought something for the two to drink and nibble on.

Beth and Greg thanked the girls.

“Drink that slowly, Greg,” Dave said. “You took quite a shot there, ole man. You should be ok though.”

Word spread throughout the school not to touch the Brain or any of his friends. A few guys like Rick were touched up a bit to make the point perfectly clear.

Nothing was ever said to Greg about fighting in school. Some teachers, who were about to intervene in Greg’s behalf, suddenly disappeared when Rick had gone down.

Greg took it easy in the study halls he helped in that afternoon. He was surprised at the words of encouragement he heard from some of his students.

There were many who still didn’t like him, but now they respected him a bit more.

The girls who had helped Greg earlier that day drove him and Beth to her home. Greg couldn’t wait to get out of his vest. As soon as the girls left and they were alone in Beth’s home. He shucked his shirts and vest. Beth probed his stomach, he winced a bit, he was still tender, and was obviously bruised, but not overly so.

“That vest saved you, I think Greg. That boy’s punches picked you up off the floor.”

“I know it did. It still hurt like hell. How are you Beth?”

“I am pissed at Rick, and was worried about you. Don’t ever do that again Greg. I am proud of you, don’t get me wrong, but you could have been really hurt,” she said smothering him with kisses. “He would never get away with hurting me but…”

“I know, but something snapped inside me when he grabbed you.”

They made it to Beth’s bedroom. Greg took off his pants revealing his pantyhose and panties. Beth handed him a wonder bra and a slip. After he got those on they sat at her vanity.

First she put his hair up in a simple bun with a couple of jeweled hair sticks, leaving a few tendrils to frame his face, which she curled with her curling iron, “We really got to get you a girl’s name. When you are dressed up as a girl it is really hard to think of you as Greg.”

“I like Gwen after one of my Grandmothers, I also like Laverne like my other Grandmother.”

“You can be Gwendolyn Laverne Thomas then. How does that sound, Gwen?”

“I like that very much.”

“I am going to do your makeup for you, Gwen, so you will look as good as I can do it. I will teach you later if you like,” she said, as she handed him a hand mirror and began to work on his face.

“I want to see how I look before I commit to learning makeup. I think I will look OK but I will have to see it to believe it.”

“I know you will be gorgeous babe, trust me.”

Beth took her time working on Gwen, making sure everything looked great. She gave her friend’s eyes a lot of work. It’s a shame boys can’t wear makeup like girls, she thought. Beth was surprising herself at the transformation of Gwen. She could be a homecoming Queen if she wanted.

She dressed Gwen’s lips with a lip plumper, before outlining the lips with a lip pencil. The lips slowly began to pump up a bit, not quite bee stung. She added a coral red lipstick and a lip gloss to make them shine.

“When we have more time, I would like to do something about your fingernails, maybe some press on nails, just to complete the look,” she said as she finished. “Now let’s get you in your dress, jewelry and shoes.


Beth brought out a knee length spaghetti strap black dress with a deep V and a pair of black pumps. Gwen stood and Beth helped her with the dress, zipping it up when it was in place. Gwen then stepped into the shoes. Her earrings were some dainty pearl clip ons, “We need to get your ears pierced.”

“That would be alright, there are a lot of guys wearing studs and small hoops.”

Beth then put a real pearl choker of four strands, it made Gwen’s neck look longer and lastly a pearl pendant on her left shoulder.

Beth had a smile about a mile wide on her face as she stepped back to look at Gwen.

“Well,” Gwen asked, as she stood there. “How do I look?”

“See for yourself; Gwen,” she said as she led her friend to the full length mirror. “Close your eyes and don’t open them till I say so.”

“Ok, open you eyes.”

Gwen opened her eyes and had to blink a couple of times, “Oh my gosh, is that me? I look gorgeous, no better than that. I can’t explain what I am seeing.”

“Yes, you look awesome, Gwen. I can’t believe it. How do you feel?”

“I feel wonderful; I almost fainted at the feel of the slip and the dress. I absolutely hate the clothes I have to wear now.”

Beth came up and hugged Gwen from behind. She fondled her left breast with one hand, played with her crotch with the other hand, as she nibbled on her neck.

Gwen shivered and got weak at the knees, Beth’s touch was sending her senses into overdrive. She could feel herself trying to get hard in her gaff.

“Please stop that. You are making me terribly uncomfortable.”

Beth was hurt a bit, “You don’t like it?”

“No, I don’t like it. I love it. It’s just that… my guy gets terribly uncomfortable, when he can’t come out and play. That gaff is so tight it hurts when I try to get an erection.”

“Oh,” Beth said giggling and giving the soldier one last stroke. “I am sorry.”

Beth had Gwen walk up and down the hall three or four times. Gwen found her stride shortened by the skirt more than by the heels. The skirt wasn’t tight at the knees, but it did limit her.

Beth took some pictures of all this on her camera as Gwen struck some poses.

The phone rang and Beth answered it. “Hi Mom. Yes that is Greg; she is Gwen though when she is dressed like this, Gwendolyn Laverne Thomas, that is. She does look great doesn’t she? Really, Ok here she is,” she said handing the phone to Gwen.


“Hi Gwen, this is Susan.”

“Hi Mom.”

“Gwen you look absolutely gorgeous, turn around for me.”

Greg did as he was told, Beth pointed to the camera he couldn’t see.

“Now I want to ask you again. Are you OK with this? I know Beth can be a handful at times.”

“I am better than OK! Mom, I love this so much.”

“Alright, I believe you. I just can’t believe how good you look.”

“I don’t believe it myself.”

“You kids be good, tell Beth I will be home at six fifteen stay there though. You’ll need to be Greg by then. I love you Gwen.”

“I love you too Mom. Bye.” Gwen meant it too.

The kids didn’t have a lot of time left, but they made the most of it. Gwen loved sitting on Beth’s lap as they made out. Beth went crazy groping Gwen and rubbing her hose clad legs. She loved the way Gwen played with her boobs.

Too soon they had to stop and let Greg come out. Beth could see the sadness in his eyes as he zipped up the vest that crushed his boobs.

“I could feel a whole lot better about this if I could just get rid of this vest,” Greg said.

“I know baby, I know.”

Dressed, Beth took down his hair and cleaned off the makeup. She looked closely to make sure she got it all. She saw that his lips looked a bit bigger than they had been. They looked delicious to her.

“I think your Mom is coming over Greg. Let’s fix dinner for them.”

“I kinda figured that out too, Beth. Show me what to do.”

“No I am just going to tell you. You are going to do the cooking.”

They hit the kitchen; Beth gave Greg a menu and set him to work. She gave him help where he needed it, and when he didn’t she set the table. She tasted this and that as he worked.

He fixed Sautéed Chicken Breasts with Salsa Verde, stir fried veggies, and made some mashed potatoes. Beth only had to help a bit at using the seasonings they had. They weren’t quite finished when Susan got there, but everything was in serving dishes when Linda got there.

“The food smells delightful,” Linda said, “Did you cook it Beth.”

“No, Greg cooked it.”

“With a little help from Beth on the seasonings,” Greg said.

Linda looked amazed, “Well let’s see how you did, Greg.”

“I want to find out too,” Susan said.

They all sat down and ate. They talked while they ate. Their Mom’s raved over the food, which brought a smile on Greg’s face.

“I am sorry I never let you cook Greg. You did a wonderful job.”

“Thank you Mom. I know how you love cooking. I love helping you too.”

“Well I was studying to be a chef, before I had to go to work. I guess chef school for you will start at home soon. If you would like too, that is.”

“Yes I would like that very much.”

“Now for the reason, we are all here. My boss and I have got to go out of town for a couple of days. I will be gone Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, returning late Saturday. I asked Susan if you could stay here. She said that she wanted to talk to you two first.”

“I do want to talk to them and lay down my rules. Alone if I could?”

“I understand, Susan,” Linda said. “I need to go to the powder room for a bit.”

When Linda closed the door to the hall bathroom, Susan began, “You two have been going hot and heavy. The only way I will agree is if after lights out, you two stay in your own beds. We have a guest room, I will expect you to use it Greg. Beth, I expect you to be in your bed too. If you give me your word, I will agree.”

Beth was disappointed and that was clear by her expression, but she said, “Yes Mom. You have my word on it.”

“Yes Mom, I agree to stay in my bed too,” Greg said.

“Don’t call me Mom around your Mom, Greg, at least not yet. I will take you at your words then. I don’t know what you may or may not have done. I don’t want to know, but you two need to cool it off a bit.”

“Yes Ma’am,” they both responded.

Linda came back in and Susan left for a few minutes.

“I don’t know what Susan said. I love you Greg and I can see that you like each other very much. You two can have fun, but please don’t make me a grandmother. I do want grand children, just not yet. I am too young for that.”

“Yes Ma’am,” they both answered again.

“Beth you are such a beautiful girl, I have a hard time believing my son has such a pretty girlfriend.”

“I am not as pretty as you Linda, and I think Greg is very special.”

“I think so too. I need to talk to Susan now.” Linda said, as she got up and walked out.

“Is your Mom and her Boss involved?”

“Hell no,” Greg said a little too briskly. “She told me she read him the sexual harassment, riot act. He is married too. Mom said, his wife could be a Playboy model and she can’t understand why he would want to play the field.”

The mothers were having a similar conversation about her boss. Susan was consoling a distressed Linda.

“I can’t afford to quit, he pays very well Susan, but if he touches me I am going to sue the bastard.”

“I will help you there Linda, we have a very good sexual harassment attorney in our law firm. Get witnesses if you can. Do keep notes on where and when. It will help.”

If there was one thing Susan hated, it was lecherous bosses, be they male or female. Yes she did believe women can be sexually harassing to male employees.

Linda cried on Susan’s shoulder a bit. Susan held her tightly till she calmed down. Then Linda cleaned up her face.

Back in the living room the kids noticed Linda’s red eyes but didn’t say anything.

“Susan and I talked it over. Greg I will bring you over here with your bags in the morning. After school you will be here. In an emergency you have your key, Greg and all of you will have the number where I can be reached.”

They sat and talked a bit before Linda and Greg had to leave. Beth didn’t let Greg leave without a kiss, a rather chaste kiss compared to some of their other kisses.


Thursday Greg and Beth arrived at school. Greg was nearly freaking out at people who were smiling at him, giving him the thumbs up and actually treating him as a person. Some guys, who despised him, avoided him like the plague.

Things went on as un-normal as they had been that day till lunch, then they really got weird. Four members of the football team escorted Rick to the table Greg and Beth sat at. Rick appeared to have a few dings, a black eye, a split lip and assorted bumps and bruises.

“Greg,” he said trembling, “I am sorry for hitting you and I want to apologize for being an asshole.”

“Beth, I won’t ever bother you again, I am sorry for trying to break you two up, I am sorry for grabbing your arm. I am a stupid numbnuts. I am not worthy of being in your presence. I am sorry.”

Rick turned to the four athletes; they looked at each other and nodded. Rick was out of there like lightning.

“Greg we are sorry you got hurt, Beth you don’t have to worry about any of the guys here. Sorry,” one of the jocks said, before they all left.

Greg started checking the ceiling and checking his pockets. Beth got a strange look on her face and asked, “What gives?”

“Oh, I was just looking to see if a lightning bolt was going to strike here or if I had a winning lottery ticket somewhere,” Greg said laughing.

“I know what you mean. It was even strange in the girl’s room. Girls that have never spoken to me seem to want to be my friend,” Beth said. “I don’t care, I may make friends with some of them, but not if they give you any grief or want to break us up.”


After school instead of going home Beth led them to a bus stop. The bus headed way uptown. Beth called her Mom and told her they were going to Rivera’s. Greg wondered what Rivera’s was. That was until they got to the shop. Rivera’s hair salon was an upscale place that dealt with Ladies and Gent’s hair styles. Both Beth and her Mom got their hair done there.

“I want to see what they can do Greg, are you up for it?”

“As long as I can look like a guy at school, I am up for it.”

Beth snatched the receptionist and had a talk with her. Susan had already called ahead, she found out. Beth was able to get the stylist she wanted. They were able to talk to her in private.

“Zane, this is my boyfriend Greg.”

“Hi Greg, any friend of Beth is a friend of mine. Now what do you have in mind?”

“Greg needs to get rid of some split ends, it has been six months since he had it cut last. Also we are thinking of doing the gender bender for a Halloween party. I want to know if you can cut his hair a little more femininely, but still have him look all guy in a pony tail?”

“Is this alright with you Greg?”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“Please call me Zane, or I will give you a Mohawk in reverse. Clean strip down the middle hair all around.”

“Ok Zane.”

“That’s better. Now take that band out of your hair.”

Greg complied and Zane ran her fingers through his hair.

“Good hair, nice length, let me see.”

Zane talked back and forth with Beth, about the hairstyle. She got a style book out and showed pictures to Beth.

“Ok Greg, here is what we are thinking,” she said, showing Greg the pictures. “I can do the basic cut and Beth can do the curling on the day of the party or you can come here and I can do it. In fact I would rather do it so I can see how you look. I am certain I can fix up both of you. After the party just wash and dry it two or three times and you can put it back to your normal ponytail.”

Greg looked closely at the styles, he liked them all, but one that was the curliest he loved. “Beth can you do the curls for this one?”

“I think so.”

Zane and Beth then talked about how to do the roll up and the comb out for the style. Greg tried to follow but it was like they were using another language.

“Ok Greg, let’s get started.”

First Greg’s hair was washed and deep conditioned. Then Zane trimmed it even. She sectioned it off and did a little more cutting, before blow drying it and combing it out. She combed it parted in the middle and showed Beth and Greg. His hair had lots of volume that he would need for the style. Then she combed it back and put it in a high ponytail.

“Call me a week before the party, and please let me do your hair. Pretty please. I think you will look spectacular,” Zane pleaded.

“Let’s wait up front, Mom is going to pick us up.”

“Alright,” Greg said. When they were up front, he asked. “So you want to go to the school’s Halloween Dance right.”

“Yes, I kinda would like too.”

“As what?”

“Well, you as a guy, playing a girl, who is playing a guy. Me, as a girl, playing a guy, playing a girl. What I mean is you as a girl wearing a tailored tux coat and pants, hair in tons of curls, makeup and a feminine mask. Me in your vest flat chested, hair straight, makeup to make it look like I have a five o clock shadow, in a gown, wearing a more masculine mask.”

“Sort of a Victor/Victoria, Victoria/Victor set up. That is interesting. I think I might go for it. Let’s tell your Mom and see what she says.”



They got in Susan’s car and told her their idea as they drove home.

“I can see some problems with it. At least for you Greg. He should vamp it up a bit so he could say it was just for fun. You know instead of just his breasts, get forms for him that are like a D, DD or E cup, an extra well-padded panty brief for say thirty eight in hips, a corseted waist to twenty two and five inch heels. He doesn’t need to be recognized and neither do you. Beth you would wear big dress, petty coats flat chest, thick waist say, we hide your butt or supersize it and combat boots or work boots under your ankle length skirt. Let me talk to a seamstress I know. Whatever you two do, don’t let anyone know who you really are.”

Susan’s idea tickled the kids, they really liked her idea.

“Oh Beth, you have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow at noon. We will pick you up at three-thirty Greg out front at school.”

“Your not sick are you Beth?” Greg asked.

Beth whispered in his ear and Greg blushed a bit. Beth had to giggle at his response.

“Ohhhhh,” was all Greg could say.

“Let’s eat out kids. I feel like Chinese tonight.”

“I thought you and Beth were English.”

“You will think I am Russian, if I have to spank you,” Susan said, laughingly.


It was nearly eight that evening when they got home.

“It’s too late for you two to play dress up, maybe tomorrow. Beth go get one of your nighties on, nothing too short or see through. Greg come with me.”

Susan handed Greg a long negligee and peignoir, “My lying cheating ex gave me this, I haven’t worn it, but you can have it if you want. I wasn’t kidding about sleeping in separate beds, but you kids can have some fun.”

The peignoir and negligee was gorgeous it only took Greg two seconds to agree. Greg took it and changed in his room. Beth jaw nearly hit the floor. She had never seen this sleep set before. All three of them went down to the living room to catch some TV before bedtime.

Greg curled up next to Beth on the couch, Susan took her easy chair. At nine forty-five Susan got up. “I want you both in bed at ten tomorrow is a school day.”

When she heard her Mom’s door close Beth asked, “Where did you get this negligee Greg?”

“Your dad gave it to your Mom.”

“I have never seen her wear it.”

“She said she never did wear it. I think your dad gave it to her after she knew he was cheating on her.”

“Ok, that makes sense. I love it on you.”

“I like it too.”

“We got ten minutes so quit talking and get kissing.”


Friday at lunch Greg missed Beth and his afternoon went slowly. He was finally glad when the last bell rang. He nearly bolted out the front door. He ran like he had radar right up to Susan’s Mercedes. Greg and Beth kissed when they finally got together.

“Ok kiddos, we have an appointment with my seamstress friend,” Susan said. “Beth give Greg the bag. That bag has a leotard, heels and a panty and bra set. When we get to the shop and you get in the dressing room take off all your clothes, including your vest and gaff if you have one on. Dress in the things in the bag. The leotard you put on by stepping through the neck and pulling it up, it is stretchy enough. Bring your vest out for Beth to wear.”

They got to the shop, Susan introduced them, “Guys this is Madeline, she does all my alterations and repairs. Madeline this is my daughter Beth and her friend Greg. They have something to ask you.”

The kids explained their idea for costumes for a Halloween Party. Madeline looked intent as the kids described their fantasy. Susan explained her idea of vamping up Greg’s image.

“You kids have leotards right,” She asked. When they said yes, she shooed them off to change.

When the kids came out of the changing room, Madeline looked at them as if she wasn’t bothered by their appearance.

“Ok Greg, I see your problem. Step up on the pedestal and let me get some measurements. You’re not the first boy I have seen with breasts before.”

Madeline took about twenty or so measurements of Greg, some more embarrassing than others, both with and without the heels.

“I think I can start with a vested tux and tailor it. I would suggest a thirty six D, Susan, a twenty four inch waist and thirty six hips. I would like the pants to come just to the top of the heels. You want everyone to see them clearly. We should pad the crotch and make you look like a super male porn star there. You would be full of contradictions. We want people to wonder. Your turn Beth.”

Madeline took a bunch more measurements of Beth with and without the compression vest on.

“For Beth I think I a high necked gown that would make her neck appear larger, padded shoulders to give a masculine appearance, puffy long sleeves to hide the lack of muscles in her arms, thirty four inch chest, thirty-two inch waist, and not quiet floor length. Make the skirt just above ankle length to show off the boots. Also she needs to wear three or four petticoats to make the skirt really wide at the ankle. Oh and a red union suit underneath the dress would be just precious. What do you two think?”

The kids told her they liked her ideas.

“Greg you need to wear the heels as much as possible between now and then, you have a month to practice and get comfortable. Also you need to wear a waist nipper or a corset for a week to ten days before to slowly bring your waist down to twenty four. Beth should do everything guys do, hold doors for Greg, get refreshments, guiding Greg to their table, holding his chair and leading while dancing. I think.”

When they agreed to her suggestions, she said, “I need you both here on Monday. I will have all I need to get started, but I want to put you both in your foundations so I can double check, my fittings. You know measure twice, cut once.”

The kids retired to their dressing rooms. Beth pushed Greg into her room and she went into his. He came out and knocked on her door and whispered, “Can I get my panty gaff?”

She opened the door and passed the garment to him. He then dressed in her pantyhose, blouse, mini-skirt and the heels he had worn earlier. Beth dressed in his shirts, pants and running shoes. She then helped him with his makeup, and brushed out his hair in a feminine style. She did her hair in a ponytail at the base of her neck.

When Susan saw the kids come out of the dressing room area she said. “Oh Madeline, I would like to introduce Gwen and Bart.”

Madeline was taken back a bit, but she smiled had them turn around for her. She said, “It is so nice to meet you two. Gwen you are so pretty, this project is going to be a joy to work on. Maybe a dark rinse, either golden brown or auburn, in your hair, to better disguise who you are, would work well. It would wash out after a couple of shampoos.”

“Thank you Ma’am.”

“Bart, you are still pretty, but I see that there is some possibility of this working out. Hmmm maybe we could give you a Van Dyke beard, a goatee, or some facial putty. They would hide your delicate chin and give you some more masculine characteristics. Possibly a pair of latex ears, and a latex Adam’s apple.”

After they left the seamstress shop they went out to eat. Gwen was a little nervous about it but did well. Bart helped her with her chair and also coached her on how to act. Gwen had to coach Bart on his masculine traits.

They passed on the trip to the ladies rest room not because of Gwen, but because of Bart. He was really too feminine to use the gents and too masculine to not raise questions in the ladies.

After dinner they headed home where Bart became Beth. Susan made some popcorn and they watched movies till bedtime.


Saturday Greg found out that Wild Bill had abandoned the group. He didn’t like having an outsider in their group. It didn’t bother Joshua or Anna a bit to have Beth there. In fact she became an integral part of their group. They liked her questions and ideas.

Joshua was still hot on super conductivity, again. Great strides have been made in the quest of a room temperature super conductor. They discussed what others had published. The secrets of some of the researchers could be easily understood. The best solutions to this problem could be worth billions to the inventors.

“I just wish we could afford the materials. Some of the rare earths are very expensive,” Joshua said.

“How about writing some of the researchers and corporations and asking for handouts?” Beth said. “They could write it off as public relations and educational research benefits.”

“Yeah we could include our resumes and outline our plans and experiments we hope to do?” Greg said.

Joshua was lost in thought, “Do you really think some big research group is going to give us thousands of dollars of materials for us to play with.”

“We’ll never know unless we try,” Anna said.

“As long as the strings that are attached to the materials aren’t too restrictive, that could work. I mean I would hate to make a discovery and have it ripped away from us by some greedy corporation or researcher,” Greg said.

“I could get my mom to look over our request and any agreement that was attached to any material. She is a corporate lawyer who loves sifting through complicated contracts.”

“Ok,” Joshua said. “Let’s get our resumes drawn up this week, and come up with a shopping list of things we would like to have. We’ll edit each others work, frame out our request and then have your Mom look it over.”

“Ok we will see you next week,” Greg said.

“Ya’ll up for lunch,” Anna asked.

“Not today. My Mom has been out of town and we need to get things ready for her to come home.”

“That’s sweet that you want to do that for your Mom, Greg. Well have fun and we’ll see you next week.”


At home Susan sat them down. “Greg, do you really want to do this now?”

“Now is as good as ever. I am much more comfortable dressed as a girl around you two and I want to share this with Mom.”

“Ok, then. I will go to pick up your Mom. I should be back in three hours. Stay in Beth’s room till we get dinner on the table. Then we will reveal and work out any problems.”

“Beth, start helping Gwen, get put together.”

Beth herded Greg in the bath room and told him to wash and condition his hair. Then to shave his face, pits, arms and legs.

Beth helped him get dry and into a panty gaff and robe. She then started combing out his hair adding a setting gel to it and rolling it up tightly on some half inch rollers.

While Gwen’s hair dried, she dressed in a Basque, garter belt and stockings, before Beth started to work on her face. She started with the lip plumper, then concealer, foundation, eye liner, eye shadow, mascara, eyebrow pencil, blush, another coat of lip plumper, lip liner, an eighteen hour lipstick and a gloss sealer.

Gwen watched Beth get ready. She showered and shaved, did her hair and rolled it up, before making up her face and dressing exactly like Gwen.

Beth then unrolled Gwen and combed it out spraying it with generous amounts of hair spray. Beth worked her hair up in a similar fashion. They then dressed in similar miniskirts, lavender silk blouses, and black patent leather pumps.

The girls then hurried to the kitchen to cook, they were running a little late. Gwen was still in the kitchen, when their mothers got home. Beth opened a bottle of wine grabbed two wine glasses and met the mothers in the dinning room. She got them into the living room, sipping wine, while she returned to the kitchen.

When they were about finished the girls walked right behind Linda who was talking to Susan. They went to Beth’s room to repair their faces. Then right back to the kitchen. Linda didn’t even notice.

Beth and Gwen got all the food on the table and called the ladies in. Susan and Linda came into the dinning room carrying the wine bottle and their glasses.

Linda stopped seeing the two girls, they were absolutely gorgeous, then it hit her, “Oh my, Greg?”

“Gwen for now Momma, at least when I am dressed like this,” she said walking prettily up to hug her Mom.

“Oh my, you are beautiful, no more than that gorgeous. You too Beth. Do you have any scotch Susan?”

“Twenty year old Chivas or a nice twenty-one year old Balvenie single malt?” Susan asked.


“Neat, soda or on the rocks?” Beth asked.


“Make that two,” Susan said.

Gwen helped her Mom sit down, she didn’t look all that steady.

“When? How? Why?” Linda asked.

Gwen sat down next to her Mom and said, “That can wait, I know you must be hungry Momma.”

Beth delivered the drinks and sat next to her Mom. They then began passing food around the table, talking but avoiding the main question.

The tension Linda had shown earlier melted away as they enjoyed themselves. She even corrected her daughter on her manners. Beth and Gwen exchanged a wink and a smile.

After everyone was pleasantly, but not overly full, Susan said, “Let’s go into the living room to talk.”

Gwen sat on one side of her Mom and Beth sat on the other side.

“I know you have a lot of questions Linda, but hear Gwen out first.” Susan said.

“Okay, then Gwen,” Linda said.
Okay Mom, you know my problem better than anybody else here besides me. Well they know about my problem too. I will never be able to look like a man. How many surgeries will it take to turn me into something in between? The answer is quite a few. Cheek, chin, breast reduction, hip lippo, waist and God knows what others.

Beth accepts me for who I am, not how I look. It was her who first got me into a bra, and then slowly into everything else. As much as some women hate bras, I hated that vest Mom. The first time I wore a bra, I was amazed, it felt good. I didn’t sway around like I did around our home. It supported my boobs instead of squishing them. Yes they are my boobs.

I then began dressing in clothes that fit, you know what kind of clothes those are Mom. You know what I look like undressed.

Now I am not talking about living like this full time Momma at least not right now. I guarantee though there is a time in the future, I don’t know when, but I will. Right now I will live in two worlds, so to speak. A guy at school and I will dress more comfortably at home and at Beth’s.

Oh, by the way I love Beth, when she proposes to me we will get married. We will have to fight over who wears the dress.

Linda and Susan nearly choked on their wine at that last statement. Beth and Gwen just giggled.

“Not anytime soon Momma Thomas. I need to graduate from high school and get into college and figure out how we will support each other.”

“When did all this happen?”

“Since the first week of September. I met Beth the Monday of the second week of school.”


“A little bit at a time, Mom. I think Beth was being cautious and not pushing too hard.”

“The clothes?”

“That is easy, Mom.” Beth said. “Gwen and I are basically the same size. Mom bought some specialized clothes that help her complete the image.”

“What clothes?”

Gwen got up and went to Beth’s room. She brought out a panty gaff and handed it to her Mom. “This is all I need to complete the illusion Momma. It is designed to hide the one thing that makes me look like a guy. I wear one all the time Mom.”

Linda could see its resemblance to a panty and also noted the difference. “Do you still wear pants and stuff.”

“I have worn ladies jeans, they fit so much better Mom and I look great in them. I will probably wear them more now especially with colder weather coming. At school though I will still be Greg not Gwen.”

“What is with that name Gwen?”

“I thought it would make you happy. I chose Gwendolyn Laverne Thomas.”

“After your grandmothers.”

“Yes Ma’am.”

“You’re not going to dress up this much all the time are you?”

“No, not all the time. Enough to keep Beth and I happy. I think she gets a kick out of seeing me like this.”

“You two haven’t…”

“No not yet mother, it has been hard not too,” Gwen blushed at her unintended pun, “and I can’t say how much longer till we do, but we haven’t done it yet.”

“I would like for you two to wait as long as possible. At least till you two are more mature and better able to face the changes. Yes, sex changes a relationship. You can only have your first time once and it should be special,” Linda said.

“I agree Linda and I am proud of our kids. The fact that they have waited, considering how intimate they had to get to make these changes, it shows how much they care for each other.”

“I didn’t think about that. Yes, please. Wait till it is special for both of you.”

“We will try Mom,” Greg said. “I am sorry, I never could be the man that Dad was…”

“STOP THAT RIGHT THERE GWEN! Don’t ever say that. You are more like your dad than you can know. He had some of the same problems you do. Maybe not to the same extent, but he had to have breast reduction surgery.” Linda said going over to her daughter and hugging her child. “They can’t tell us why your body went the direction it went, but I am now and always have been proud of you.”

Gwen had never seen her mother so adamant before on anything. “Sorry Momma.”

“You don’t have to sorry, Gwen. Just don’t hate yourself for being who you are. You may not be what the world expects you to be, but be the best person you can be. If you are happy with yourself then that is all that matters to me. If this makes you happy then I will be happy.”

“Beth, take Gwen to your room, your Mom and I have to talk.”

Beth took Gwen’s hand and led her to her room.


When Susan heard the door close she said, “I kind of figured that you wanted to talk. You were so quite the whole trip home.”

“Yes, I wanted to think about what I was going to do before I did it.”

“I have found that that is always best, especially when it comes to litigation or possible litigation. It’s your boss right.”

“Yes he is quite the bastard. On the trip, he and the client’s representative insisted on going to a titty bar to discuss business.”

“This is important who suggested the gentleman’s club?”

“The client’s representative.”

“Did your Boss object to going.”

“Hell no, you could see his pants tent up, when the guy suggested it. Does that negate my case.”

“No it doesn’t. The employer has a responsibility to protect his employees from harassment, from hostile environments, and offensive behaviors. If your boss didn’t make an effort to protect you then he is culpable.”

“Tell me about it.”

Linda was nearly crying when she said, “Well we finished our in house work with our client. Jim Collins, the company’s rep, wanted to talk about some future business. It was late and he decided he wanted to continue over dinner. That was fine we were all hungry. Well he told my boss where we were going. The name didn’t ring any bells for me. It was the ‘After Hours Hangout’. Should have known it was a topless bar, when my boss Melvin Lorenz got a hard-on. He insisted that I come along so I could take notes. Well when we got there it was plain to see what it was.”

“Did you go in?”

“Yes, I felt I had to.”

“What happened next?”

“Well we took out seats, they must have had four exotic dancers going at a time and maybe a dozen topless waitresses. Our waitress was even flirting with me, she winked at me and rubbed up against me. The guys really loved that. After that I just had to go to the rest room where I threw up. I couldn’t believe I was dragged into that place. Well I begged off, I told my boss I was sick and took a cab back to my room. I have receipts from the restaurant and my Taxi with addresses. You won’t believe what the receipt from the titty bar shows as the name of the joint. Richard’s Fine Foods. The address on the titty bar’s receipt matches the taxi receipt’s pickup address.”

“So they are hiding, the nature of the establishments from business accountants. It isn’t exactly illegal, but I think it is unethical. Let me call a colleague of mine.”

Susan got on her cell phone and called up her co-worker. She talked to Cindy Schindler their firm’s sexual harassment attorney. She gave her a rundown of what Linda had told her. Cindy then talked to Linda, who confirmed what was said and answered some other questions Cindy had. They made an appointment to have brunch at a local country club for the next day.

That out of the way, the two women sat back to relax. Susan put her arm around Linda to comfort her. Linda leaned into Susan for support, four glasses of wine and a double shot of scotch was more than she was use too.

How it happened neither woman could say, but they both turned their heads to say something at the same time. They found their lips only inches apart as they gazed in each other’s eyes. They kissed. It was just a soft light peck at first. They drew back a bit and each felt a hunger in her breast.

Linda wound up in Sandy’s lap. They seemed to forget everything else but this moment, the only thing that mattered was the longing they felt.


“Well do you think they’re talking about us Beth?” Gwen asked. She couldn’t hide the concern in her voice.

Beth smiled at Gwen and pulled her into a hug. “No I don’t think so. Your Mom had a worried look on her face when I delivered the wine, before she saw you. How are things at her work?”

“She likes her job, but I don’t think she and her boss get along very well. She doesn’t tell me what is going on, but I know something is bothering her.”

“Well let them talk then,” Beth said as she began to nibble at and kiss Gwen’s neck.

Gwen groaned at Beth’s ministrations. She found her own arms groping and exploring her lover.

Beth backed Gwen up till her legs hit the bed, one light push sent her over on her back. Beth’s mouth found Gwen’s and they began a protracted kiss as Beth ground her crotch on Gwen. Their groping, kissing and grinding reached a fever pitch till Beth arched her back, shuddered, gasped and then collapsed on Gwen.

Gwen was hotter than a firecracker and frustrated. She couldn’t get relief as easily in her gaff. Gwen rubbed her crotch on Beth, who felt another orgasm building. Beth took matters in hand and helping Gwen release her tension. She started to holler but buried her teeth into Beth’s shoulder, the pain from the bite sent Beth into another orgasm and she sank her teeth into Gwen’s shoulder.

Their bites went five… ten… after fifteen seconds they mutually released their bites.

“Oh, God Beth, what just happened? I nearly passed out,” Gwen said after a few seconds. “I never felt like that before. It was like an explosion of lights and sound. Oh God, I soaked my panties too.”

“I can feel it too Gwen, you weren’t the only one to orgasm girl. I had two or three or four, all while fully clothed. We need to get cleaned up.”

Beth helped Gwen up and began undressing her. “Well we ruined two blouses, Gwen. The lipsticks might come out but I am afraid the teeth impressions and maybe some blood might not. They undressed in the bath room. Naked they checked each other out, they each sported a nice bruise on their shoulders, where they had bitten each other. Gwen have gotten the worst of the deal but it was close.

Beth handed Gwen a shower cap and donned one herself and took a quick shower together. They found it hard to concentrate on what they were doing. They explored each others bodies a little.

They were both flush from head to toe, as much as from the warmth of the shower as from the stimulation. In Beth’s room, they dressed in lingerie, shorts and T’s.

“I am going to see what’s up with our Mom’s,” Beth said.

“Ok,” Gwen said. She followed Beth to the door.

Beth opened the door and started to leave her room, but was stopped when she saw her Mom’s bare shoulder. Gwen bumped into Beth and Beth bumped Gwen back into the room.

“They are indisposed Gwen, let’s get ready for bed.”


“Yes, and don’t ask,” she said. She went over to her dresser and handed Gwen a very silky nightie. “Take off your bra and shorts, then put that on.”

She then got a nightie for herself. They changed and crawled into bed. Beth spooned in behind Gwen and they went to sleep like that.


Sandy and Linda were thoroughly exhausted and thoroughly satisfied. Neither of them had ever done anything like that before, but both of them needed each other. They had been oblivious to anything but each others needs for over three hours and were thoroughly in love with each other.

Sandy gazed lovingly into Linda’s eyes. She smiled at the other woman as she twirled a lock of her hair around a finger. Linda had a goofy smile on her face as she played with one of Susan’s nipples.

“Oh Shit!” Linda said, sitting up. “The kids.”

“Stay here a second,” Susan said, heading to her room.

She came back a few seconds later and handed Linda a silk robe as she dressed in a terry robe. Dressed they quietly crept up to Beth’s door. They opened it enough, that they could see by light coming into the room, to see that their kids were sleeping together.

“Let them sleep, Susan. They look so sweet there together.”

“I think so too. Let’s clean up the living room and kitchen. Then we need to get to bed also.”


Gwen was the first to awake facing Beth. She took a finger and adjusted Beth’s nightie till she had a nipple exposed. She then blew lightly on the nipple, which instantly hardened and became erect. Gwen then sucked softly on the nipple playing with it using her tongue. Beth still asleep groaned and pulled Gwen closer, mashing her head into her breast.

After about twenty seconds Beth sleepily said, “Oh God, Gwen that feels so good. Don’t you dare stop. I just love the way you woke me up.”

“Gwen, I want you so bad. How are we ever going to make it till the end of this term, much less till we are old enough to get married?”

“I don’t know, but it might be fun finding out how we can do it.” Gwen giggled.

Gwen felt the clammy wetness they had both left on the sheets.

“You know we need to shower again, don’t you, and I am afraid we left stains on your sheets,” Gwen said.

“Yes it’s a real shame Gwen, isn’t it,” she said giggling. “What time is it?”

Gwen squinted at a clock on a night stand behind Beth. “Six thirty seven.”

The kid’s got up and stripped the bed.

“Take our nighties and lingerie and wash them in the sink. There is some Woolite under the sink. I will take the linens down stairs and start them in our washer.”

Naked Beth took the sheets to the garage where the washer and dryer were. She didn’t worry about being seen, their Mom’s were probably pretty wasted.

Back in the bathroom Gwen was rubbing the stained underwear in the soapy sink to clean the stains. She looked in the mirror and saw she had a nice hickey on her shoulder and giggled. She rinsed and wrung out the water before hanging their fineries up. Looking at the two blouses she saw they were indeed ruined, their teeth had torn several little holes. She couldn’t help but shed a tear. The blouses had felt so wonderful and looked so great on them. She washed them anyway.

Beth came in and saw what she was doing and got a couple of plastic hangers to hang the blouses. “We may not be able to wear them out, but we can wear them here.”

After they hung everything to dry they got in the shower. They were strictly business and didn’t play around.

Gwen dressed in a blue denim skirt with a ruffled hem, a white chiffon blouse and sandals with three inch heels. Beth dressed in a black tweed slacks, a blue linen long sleeve blouse and penny loafers.

Gwen tried her hand at brushing out her hair; with a little instruction from Beth she did a credible job. They did their makeup and went down stairs to start breakfast.


Susan and Linda came down the stairs dressed in robes following the smell of coffee. They arrived in the kitchen as Gwen was expertly flipping an omelette.

“Morning girls,” Linda said hugging Gwen then Beth. “You two look wonderful.”

Susan followed suit.

“Morning Moms’,” the girls said, returning their hugs.

Beth handed the bleary eyed Moms a glass of OJ, coffee and two Tylenol as Gwen plated their breakfasts.

Over breakfast the four of them talked.

“Ok Gwen, I can accept you like this. Tell me of your plans from here on out?” Linda asked.

“Well Greg is still going to be going to school. I don’t think Gwen showing up in his place will be good,” Gwen said. “After school I will be whoever is convenient at the time. Beth loves me as Greg or Gwen. I like it best when I am Gwen I think.”

“Have you gone outside as Gwen yet?”

“Just once Mom, Beth I and went to see about costumes for the Halloween dance. I don’t think anybody will recognize me as Gwen. I promise you though we will be real careful.”

“I worry so about you dear. I want you to know I love you so much. I am happy with the two of you. How long have you known Susan?”

“About a week longer than you, dear,” Susan said smiling at Linda. “We debated how best to tell you.”

“Well I guess I am glad you waited to tell me till after my trip. I am not sure I would have let you two stay together if I had known before hand. Please wait to be sexually active. I’m not ready to be a grandmother.”

“We haven’t done it yet, Mrs. Thomas, it hasn’t been easy. I love Gwen, I don’t know why but I do. I know that I’m not ready to be a mom either,” Beth said.

“Beth, please call me Mom, I guess, if that is alright with you, Susan?”

“Yes it is alright, same for you Gwen/Greg.” Linda said, “Beth is going on the pill with the start of her next cycle, and they both have access to condoms. I want them to wait too, but I want them to do it where they are safe here in my home or yours, rather than at some lookout point or back seat of a car.”

Linda thought over what Susan said. She knew that it could be inevitable, she was glad they hadn’t done it yet and agreed about them being safe when they will do it.

“I agree Susan. I hate to sound like a broken record but delay it as long as possible. What do you two have planned for today?”

“We haven’t planned anything yet Mom,” Gwen said. “We were waiting to see how well you took all of this.”

“Beth, why don’t you take Gwen to the Kensington Mall. You can use your credit card, just don’t go hog wild. Linda and I have to have a talk with Cindy from work. Take the Mercedes, just be home by five.”

“Ok Mom, we will leave in an hour. That will give us time to get there, the mall doesn’t open till ten.”

“I need to get my suitcases out of the trunk so I can get dressed,” Linda said.

“We’ll go get them which ones do you need?” Gwen said.

“Might as well bring them all in.”

“Just put them in my room,” Susan said. “We both need a bath.”

Beth and Gwen cleared the table and cleaned the kitchen. They then went out to the car and brought in Linda’s suitcases and makeup case.

Gwen had to put on a panty gaff and pantyhose before they left for the mall. They stuck their heads in Susan’s bedroom. The Moms were nowhere to be seen so they had to be in the bathroom, the girls hollered at their Moms that they were going. The moms, in the tub together doing their thing, hollered at the kids to have a good time.


Gwen was kinda nervous about going out, even if she was in the car for the first part of their trip. She just stood erect and thrust her chest out and went. She began to relax a bit at the mall, when she saw how the people reacted to her. There was no pointing and laughing. She drew some attention because she did look as nice as most of the girls that were at the mall. She looked nicer than many of the shoppers there. Her clothes and makeup helped her fit right in.

The first store Beth drug Gwen in was a shoe store. Gwen had pointed out a nice pair of high heeled calf length boots, which would go nicely with her skirt. Gwen tried on a pair that was her size. The heels were stilettos that were four inches tall, but the shaft of the boots fit like a second skin, when they were zipped up. The leather shaft was buttery smooth but strong enough to help support her ankle. Gwen walked gingerly in them for a few seconds, but after that she began to strut her stuff. Beth loved them on Gwen and bought them. She had the sales lady box the sandals.

They stopped in a lot of stores that day trying on skirts, blouses, slacks and such. They bought some more jewelry for Gwen, earrings, necklaces, bracelets and such. Beth even bought some better looking clothes for Greg, shirts that would fit, some light weight pull over sweaters to help his disguise, and some straight leg girls jeans and chinos that weren’t overtly feminine and would look better than most of Greg’s oversized stuff.

The last store they came to was Victoria’s Secret. Gwen was only a little nervous there, more so when the sales lady professionally measured her for her bras. Only Beth and Susan had previously measured her before this. Gwen marveled at how comfortable some of the bras were and how sexy others were. Beth and Gwen came out with four matching panty and bra sets, along with some other lingerie.

They had a late lunch early dinner at the Mall stalling till four before heading home.


Susan and Linda had a fun time getting clean and helping each other dress. They dressed for comfort in shorts and Ts with very little makeup.

At two Cindy showed up dressed in slacks and a blouse. After a bit of chit chat they got down to business. Susan typed up Linda’s statement as she and Cindy talked. Linda presented the receipts to Cindy. Cindy called the Police department of the city they had been in to find out what kind of place the ‘After Hours Place’ was. They confirmed that it was a “titty bar” and that they used Richard’s Fine Foods on their receipts.

They talked for a couple of hours. Cindy read the statement on the computer and went over it with Linda verifying each point, point by point.

“Ok Linda, Meet me outside your office building fifteen minutes before you are suppose to be at work. We will go to their HR (Human Resource) Department together and present your case. They will tell you that you can file with the state and federal EEO or EEOC offices (Equal Employment Opportunity office or Equal Employment Opportunity Commission office) to file a complaint. They will probably ask you to wait for an in-house review. That will be up to you. You will probably do good waiting to see how they handle it and it will ruffle fewer feathers. They can’t discriminate against you for filing though.”

“I think we have a good HR department. I will file with them first. Like I said earlier, he was read the act once already.”


Gwen was lost in thought on the trip home. She looked to Beth and asked, “So who is this Cindy, that our Mom’s are talking too?”

Beth sighed debating what to tell Gwen. The whole truth as she knew it won out. “Cindy is a lawyer at my Mom’s firm that handles EEO or sexual harassment complaints. How has your Mom gotten along with her boss?”

Gwen bit her lip and said. “She hasn’t really told me, I know she does good work but since she became an EA for her boss she has been rather tense and strained.”

“My guess then was there was some inappropriate behavior on this trip. Don’t worry Gwen; I think things will be alright.”


Cindy, Susan and Linda were talking about families when the girls got home.

“Hi Mom,” the girls said as they came into the living room carrying their purchases. They went to their Moms and got hugs.

“Cindy I know you know my daughter, this girl is Gwen as you can see she kind of attached to Linda. Gwen this is Cindy Schindler, we work at the same law firm.”

“Hello Gwen, it is so nice to meet you.” Cindy said giving her a million dollar smile. “I have to say you are as beautiful as your Mom.”

Gwen blushed upon hearing the compliment. “I don’t think I will ever be as pretty as Mom, but thank you anyway Ms. Schindler.”

“Please call me Cindy and I would not have said it, if it wasn’t true.”

“Thanks,” Gwen said. Then she looked at her Mom. “Mom is everything alright? At work I mean?”

Linda looked at her daughter and stopped to think for a few seconds, she looked to Cindy who nodded to her.

“Gwen, I am alright. There was something done that was very embarrassing to me on this trip. Not to me personally, but something I found very offensive. Melvin Wilson my boss and Jim Collins the rep from the company we were doing business with wanted to go out to eat. The place they chose was a topless bar.”

Gwen’s face got really red and she glowed with anger, “I am going to cut that guy’s balls off and stuff them done his throat. That sorry son of a bitch,” she said.

Everyone was taken back a bit by Gwen’s out burst. Cindy startled and sat upright at Gwen’s masculine display. She smiled to herself and thought that there was more to Gwen than she thought. She looked at the child with a careful eye. She didn’t act butch, was she a he, a transgendered or something. She just couldn’t tell.

“Don’t worry Gwen, that is my job,” Cindy said. “I will be happy to do that for you, at least in a legal sense.”

Gwen regained her composure and blushed, “I am sorry. I shouldn’t have gone on like that. Will all of you forgive me?”

Linda smiled, “There is nothing to forgive, Gwen. We all feel that way, but just watch your language young lady. Ladies do not call sons of bitches, sons of bitches. We use other words to describe them.”

“Well I have got to go,” Cindy said. “I have my own family to look after.”


“So what did you guys get at the Mall,” Linda said, eyeing all the bags.

“Well we got these boots,” Gwen said raising and extending a leg out.

Linda found it hard to believe that Gwen could walk so easily in those boots, but they looked so darling on her.

The girls then began emptying out the bags holding one item after another for inspection.

“Is all that stuff for you Gwen? How did you pay for it?” Linda said. You could hear the worry in her voice.

“Beth has a generous clothing allowance, Linda. I let her spend it anyway she wants, as long as it is legal.”

“But it is all so nice, it must have cost a fortune.”

“Linda, hush. We are happy to share with you and your lovely daughter and son.”


“No, buts dear,” Susan said coming over and planting a kiss on Linda’s lips.

Beth and Gwen began giggling.

Linda blushed and was clearly smiling as they broke off their kiss.

Susan whispered in Linda’s ear, “They know dear, don’t be ashamed. I love you.”

Linda hugged Susan and whispered in her ear, “I guess they do, I love you too. It’s just…”

Susan quieted Linda with another kiss.

“Ok girls, time for a fashion show. Show us what you got,” Susan said.

Gwen started to pick everything up when Susan said, “We all know what you got, change here it will be easier.”

Gwen blushed, but then thought what the hell. She reached behind herself, undid the button and unzipped the skirt letting it fall.

Linda’s eyes got real big as she saw Gwen’s crotch, “How…”

“She is wearing a panty gaff, Momma Linda,” Beth said. “Let me get one so you can see.”

Beth ran to the room that Gwen kept her stuff in and came out with one. “It looks like a regular panty, but it allows her to tuck herself back.”

Linda looked closely at the panty. “It looks so small, how does it feel?”

“It’s a little uncomfortable Mom and at times it is a pain, but when I am dressed like this I like how it makes me look. I have been wearing one almost constantly for the last two weeks. It also keeps me from being embarrassed at times. I don’t tent my pants if you know what I mean.”

“OH, yes I see.”

Gwen tried on and wore everything but her panties for the mothers. Beth brought her, her vest and Gwen showed her Greg things. She took off her boots, took off her bra and dressed in her vest, chinos, dress shirt and pull over. From the neck to her feet Gwen was Greg. The hair, makeup and stocking feet were the only anomaly.

Greg then pulled his hair into a ponytail. He looked better than Linda ever remembered him looking. The pants were mid rise and fit in the hips and crotch.

After they sat and talked a while Linda finally got up and said, “Well let’s load up the car and head on home Gwen.”


Ms. Schindler met Linda Thomas at work. Together they went up to the third floor instead of the fifth where Linda’s office was. Inside the HR office they walked up to the receptionist’s office.

“Hello I am Becky Daniels. Can I help you,” the receptionist said.

“I am Linda Thomas and this is my attorney Ms. Cindy Schindler. I need to file an EEO complaint.”

“One moment Ms. Thomas, I need to contact a VP,” she said making a call. She spoke a few words, one phrase was EEO and hung up. “The VP of HR will be here in just a second. Please have a seat.”

Cindy and Linda barely had a chance to sit when a distinguished gentleman entered the office. He spoke briefly with the receptionist and then approached the ladies.

“Hi I am Jacob Farley vice president of Human resources.”

“I am Linda Thomas and this is my attorney Cindy Schindler.”

“If you would come with me to a private room we can discuss your problem.”

They followed him to a conference room and he assisted the ladies in sitting, before taking a chair across from them.

“The receptionist informed me that you have an EEO complaint Ms. Thomas, is that correct?”

“Yes it is.”

“May I record this session and may I have my EA here to take notes?”

“Yes you may, Mr. Farley,” Cindy said.

“Good,” he said and he made a call. A few minutes later a man with a recorder, laptop computer and a note pad came in. He sat at the head of the table and nodded to his boss.

“Ladies this is Fred Watson, my executive assistant. Fred this is Linda Thomas an employee of ours and Ms. Cindy Schindler attorney at law. You may start the recorder Fred.”

Jacob then read a statement into the record dealing with EEO complaints. He read from a document for about ten minutes. It was about the company’s rights and responsibilities, the employees’ rights and responsibilities, the rights of anybody accused and the consequences of making false accusations. He signed the document and handed it to Linda. “You may look that document over, I read it word for word. After you finish would you please sign it. Return the top two copies to me and you may keep the next two copies.”

Cindy and Linda read it over before signing it. Cindy kept the fourth copy, and Linda the third.

“I am sorry that that took so long, but these days we have to be circumspect in our actions.”

“I understand Mr. Farley,” Cindy said. “It’s ashamed that not everybody takes such care.”

Jacob opened a file that Fred had brought in. “Ok Ms. Thomas, I see that you work as an executive assistant for Melvin Lorenz, is that correct?”

“Yes it is.”

“Ok, now tell me about your complaint.”

Linda laid out her complaint to Mr. Farley going deeply into detail. Mr. Farley checked Linda’s folder when she said that Mr. Lorenz had been put on notice for prior bad language. He then checked Mr. Lorenz’s folder. Linda talked for about forty five minutes detailing the events. Fred seemed to be typing everything said, without a problem. Linda left out the parts about Melvin tenting out his pants and a few unnecessary details

“You say you have documentation?”

“Yes I do,” Linda said handing the receipts over to Mr. Farley.”

“I called the local police department and verified that the address on the receipts was definitely a SOB (Sexually Oriented Business), Mr. Farley,” Cindy said.

“I acknowledge receipt of two documents. The first a receipt from Richard’s Fine Foods and a taxi receipt,” Jacob said, he made marks on the receipts.

Mr. Farley then asked about ten questions. He wanted to know whose idea the place they went was, anything said by Melvin or the client, a description of the place, who did what and so forth.

“Ok, is there anything else I need to know.”

“No sir,” Linda said.

“I am giving you the next two days off on comp time. These days are not coming out of anytime you currently posses and neither will this time off be taken against you in anyway. We will take this time to do an internal investigation. You may contact State and Federal EEO or EEOC offices, but we would like to be given a chance to take care of this matter internally. It is up to you and your attorney. You don’t have to inform me of your decision if you don’t want to.”

“I will wait for your internal investigation, before I file any other complaint,” Linda said.

“Thank you very much, you may leave now. I have a lot of work to do,” he said, sounding somewhat irritated.

“That was short but sweet,” Linda said as they headed out of the building.

“He covered what was necessary for his investigation. They handled it quite well so far. I will be here for you for any meetings they may require,” Cindy said giving Linda a hug of support.


At school Greg was surprised that he was given a clear berth from by the guys who ragged on him all the time. What he didn’t know was the extent of the word that had been put out to leave him and his girlfriend alone. Beth and Greg were now sacred cows so to speak.

Many of the girls also commented on Greg’s appearance. Instead of the baggy Levis and sweat shirt he usually wore, he was dressed in a nice shirt, pull over sweater (that and his vest hid his non-manly curves) and a pair of chinos.

“Why are they commenting so much on what I am wearing?” Greg asked Beth.

“Girls know how much effort it takes to look good. It is their way of acknowledging the effort it took for you to look this way. They also talk among their friends about people who look ratty.”


After the last bell, Greg met Beth to head out, as they hit the front door they heard a voice calling out their names. They turned to see Linda off to their left waving at them.

“Mom, you didn’t get fired did you?”

“No, of course not dear. They did give me two days comp time though, so I decided to pick you two up.”

“That is so thoughtful Momma Linda,” Beth said. “Did you tell my Mom?”

“Yes she told me that you two had to see about some costumes. I told her I was off so I volunteered to take you two.”

“Great,” Gwen said a little hesitantly.

Beth gave Linda directions to where they had to go. When they got to the shop she also introduced Linda to Madeline. Linda was a little confused about coming to a seamstress shop for costumes.

“Stay here while I assist the kids in getting dressed. I am sure they want this to be a surprise to you.”

Greg and Beth went in the back and into separate dressing rooms. Madeline helped Greg first. She smiled when she saw he had on pantyhose and panties. She helped him into a blue brocade overbust corset. The corset had underwire cups to which Madeline added some silicone forms to fill out the D sized cups. She then laced him down to twenty five inches. She helped him into a pair of patent leather heels that had a four inch stiletto heel to them and told him to walk around and get use to the heels and corset.

Greg handed Madeline his vest for Beth to wear. Madeline assisted Beth into a union suit with a bottom flap, Greg’s vest and a pair of Doc Martens. Four petticoats were draped over Beth and an ankle length, long sleeved, high neck formal with a wide full skirt. The gown was Ice blue and had lace, ruffles and beads, not quite a wedding dress but just as pretty. The bodice of the dress looked so huge to Beth but lacked the usual darting at the bust that most women’s wear has. Madeline must have remade the bodice for this dress. The last things Beth put on was a wig that looked like a cheap long haired blonde wig someone would wear for Halloween, and a goatee. The moustache and goatee was pasted on with spirit gum.

Back in Greg’s dressing room Madeline then trimmed Greg’s waist down to the required twenty four inches and tied off the corset. Greg then put on the tux pants, shirt, vest and coat. His clothes needed to be altered, everything fit a little loosely.

Madeline had the kids put on some masks, they just covered from the cheeks to the forehead and were quite elaborate. Greg’s was white and had feather trimming around the upper edges, Beth’s was similar in black.

Linda was in shock when the kids were led out she couldn’t figure out who was who, but as she looked at the one in the tux she knew it was Greg.

“Oh my Greg that is you isn’t it.”

“Yes it is me.”

“I am going to alter the tux till it fits like a glove,” Madeline said. “We vamped up Greg’s looks. They are doing a Victor/ Victoria, Victoria/Victor type thing. We thought that even if he was identified, which I doubt, it would give him an out,” Madeline said. “On Halloween Greg will have his hair done and be wearing makeup.”

“If I hadn’t expected my child to come out, I never would have picked him out. I like this a lot I think. Beth you look great for a guy, wearing a dress.” Linda giggled, looking at the girl.

“I think so too,” she said in her manliest voice. She failed, she sounded like a girl trying to sound like a guy, as she tried to pump her bicep up.

“You are so studly, Beth,” Gwen said in a very girlish voice, as she pretended to hang on Beth’s bicep. “You are so my Hero.”

Linda just shook her head and found a place to sit down.
Madeline checked Beth dress first; she had the least to do to it. It only took her ten minutes of marking and pining. On Greg she had to alter the works. She started marking, the coat, the pants, the vest and shirt. It took a little over an hour for her to fit Greg.

“I will need Greg back next Monday to check the fit and then I will have everything ready for the next weekend.”

“How much is all of this costing?” Linda asked.

“Don’t worry about the cost, Susan has helped me so much and I just love what the kids are doing. I have plenty of time to do it. My employees do most of the work here and I save myself for my special clients.”

The kids went back to the dressing rooms to change. Greg found his clothes missing and in their place he found a skirt, blouse, cardigan and purse. In the purse he found his makeup. He changed into what was there. The blouse and cardigan were big enough to accommodate his extended bust and the skirt accommodated his waist. Beth didn’t have it with her when she came, Mom didn’t know, which left Susan or Madeline. Madeline was out because of the purse. Susan must have bought this stuff and brought it over.

He couldn’t get over how big his boobs looked and how much they weighed. He looked at himself in the mirror, he only saw a girl or rather a woman, who had a child’s face. He did his makeup, making it a little heavier than he would normally. He had an elegant appearance instead of a cheap appearance.

Linda’s jaw dropped and Beth eye’s got as big as saucers when they saw Gwen.

“How do I look?” Gwen asked.

“My God Gwen, if your face looked older you could pass for twenty two or so. As you are, you look nineteen easily,” Linda said.

“You look fabulous Gwen, I am so jealous of how you look,” Beth said.

“You do look nice dear,” Madeline added. “Susan brought some things over so you wouldn’t have to get out of character.”

Linda took the two girls out to eat, she watched Gwen out of the corner of her eye. Gwen was feminine in everything she did, the way she talked, the way she walked, the way she ate, and even the way she smiled. All of these things spoke volumes about a young lady.

“Gwen are you happy?”

“Yes Mom, I am happier than I have been in a long time. I want you to know that I love you so much Mom and I appreciate the way you have accepted what has happened to me so far.”


Beth was shocked to Greg the next morning, he looked a little sadder to be in his boy clothes. It was strange again how school went, as Greg was treated with a modicum of respect from even the students that usually harassed him.

After school Greg switched back to Gwen. Beth and Gwen then worked on Greg’s resume and a letter that they would send to the corporations, science and research foundations. Susan told them, that she would go over everything for them and their friends, if they liked.


Tuesday Linda got a call from the office. They wanted her to come in on Wednesday for a conference. Linda called Cindy’s office and passed on the time of the meeting to her.

Ten o’clock found Linda outside the HR office with Cindy. They were greeted by Becky, who made a phone call announcing their arrival. They were led back to a conference room. There were two chairs on one side of the table and five on the other. There was also a tape recorder and a steno machine set up.

After a short wait six people entered the room. Introductions were made and they got to business. Of note was the presence of an executive Vice president from their clients office.

Jacob Farley began by telling them that this meeting was being recorded by tape and steno and that they could get a transcript of the meeting next Monday. After finishing the formalities he got into the purpose of the Meeting.

“Ms. Thomas we have concluded our investigation of you claim. We found that you were indeed taken to an SOB against policy and that Mr. Lorenz failed to provide adequate protection to your rights. This is his second offense.”

“If it is agreeable to you, we will offer you a lateral transfer to another office. Mr. Lorenz has been demoted for allowing this to happen to you. He and any of our executives that we find to engaging in similar conduct are to attend and EEO workshop. It seems that this is not an unusual incident. Any further transgressions where an employee fails to protect the rights of their subordinates will be dealt with termination. It is our intent to provide a safe and comfortable workplace. We ask that you avoid contacting Mr. Lorenz on other than on legitimate business and he has been told the same on this matter. Violation of that item could result in a demotion or termination. We are also offering a settlement in this cause and a waiver of further actions related to this incident,” he said handing two copies of the proposed settlement to Linda and Cindy.

“We hope that our actions show our good faith and that no further proceedings are necessary. Acceptance of the settlement also includes a confidentiality agreement.”

Linda and Cindy looked over the agreement. They offered her twenty thousand dollars. The agreement also stated that this action could not be held against her, in her future employment or for promotions.

Mr. Ashton then began speaking, “On behalf of my company, I offer my humble apologies for the incident. We have terminated the offending employee and are sending our executives to EEO workshops. We hope that this settlement will bring a close to our involvement in this issue. We too take a dim view of our employees subjecting our vendors or clients to inappropriate behaviors,” he said handing Linda and Cindy two copies of their agreement.

This agreement was for a lot less, only five thousand, and contained a similar confidentiality clause and a waiver from further actions on this incident.

Linda and Cindy were given an opportunity to discuss the settlement. It was a good offer Cindy pointed out. The incident wasn’t as serious as it could have been. It would endear her with the company not to take it any further, Cindy pointed out. She also pointed out that the confidentiality was two way, the companies couldn’t talk about it either.

Linda agreed and signed the settlements, and she was handed two checks. She was told to report to HR next Monday for reassignment.

Beth and Greg were thrilled to hear the news when they got home after school.


Friday Beth and Gwen spent the night at Susan and Beth’s home, Beth and Gwen in separate beds. At least the kids had some quality time together.

Saturday found Susan and Linda dressed as for work, everyone got kisses and the adults left for work. Gwen dressed as Greg; he tried to look as sharp as he could. Gwen looking nice had rubbed off on Greg. He dressed in a gaff, pantyhose, socks, a dress shirt, blacks dress pants, a nice pull over sweater and a pair of tassel loafers. Linda dressed in a nice cobalt blue business suit and did the full makeup thing.

They caught the bus to college and headed to the library. Josh and Anna smiled as they saw their friends come in. The funny thing was that Josh was in his usual grungies and Anna was in a really nice heather gray knit, sleeveless, belted, sheath dress, matching opaque tights, and heels.

“Did we plan dress up day and forget to tell me,” Josh said. “You all look great.”

“No we didn’t plan this, I just wanted to look good for my main squeeze, Linda,” Greg said.

“I better be your only squeeze or I will show all of you how we turn a rooster into a hen,” Beth said, snickering.

Greg instinctively covered something important.

“Ok, Beth’s Mom, she’s a big time corporate lawyer, helped us design a letter asking for donations of materials for experiments on superconductivity.” Greg said passing out copies of the letter. The fifteen X’s is where we put the person’s or entities name. She also helped us fleshed out our proposed experiment. We just need copies of our resumes.”

“Do you really think that this will work?” Josh asked. He really wanted to get his hands on some materials to experiment with, but he didn’t know if it was realistic.

“I don’t know Josh. We are just three people. You are a Master’s candidate in chemistry and physics, Anna is a senior in physics and chemistry and I am just a genius nerd high school student. It probably won’t work, but what would happen if it did. They can’t shoot us for just asking.”

Anna handed Beth a USB drive, “My resume is on this drive.”

Josh hadn’t worked on his resume, but they got him to tell Linda about himself and his accomplishments and grades. Beth typed the information and would organize it into a resume later.

Anna was looking over Beth’s shoulder as she typed, “Josh, since you are the most educated, we will need to make you our group leader. We will also need copies of your high school and college transcripts to add to your resume.”

“Ok, I am on board. Greg, you and I need to come up with a shopping list of what we want.”

“I can do that, I have researched other peoples’ experiments with superconductivity and I have some ideas for other chemicals that might work.”

“Some of the materials are cheap enough. Ok you do some research in the scientific journals on what others are using and I will hit the published theses on superconductivity. We will compare our lists next week.”

“I would like to see us get some of all the top ten elements used in superconductivity research.”

“Me too,” Josh said.

Their brain storming session didn’t last much longer. Greg and Beth headed to the Student Union with Anna to eat.

“So why did you dress up today Anna,” Greg asked.

“Beth has met with us all these times, and she has always dressed up, so I couldn’t let her be the only person in our group holding up the feminine card so to speak. Besides, it’s fun to get dressed up occasionally.”

“Well I am prejudiced, but I think you look almost as good as Beth,” Greg said.

“I’ll take that as a compliment then. You do look smashing Beth why did you dress up?”

Beth grabbed Greg’s arm possessively, “Do you really have to ask?”

Anna laughed, “I guess not.”


Gwen made an appearance when the kids got home. Beth got Gwen all dolled up in one of her suits. It was what she called her five piece suit. The jacket was a navy and she had two skirts to go with it a navy skirt and a canyon rock grey skirt. She also had the same mix in pants. Over half of her blouses looked good with her suit, so she could create hundreds of looks with those five pieces, when you throw in accessories.

Beth first corseted Gwen, so she would get use to the corset for the dance. Madeline had given Gwen another corset to fit her natural bust and told her to wear it often. Beth took Gwen’s waist down to twenty-five and half inches. Gwen’s boobs looked like they were ready to pop out, but the corset kept them confined. Gwen changed her pantyhose to gray stay up stockings and navy pumps. Beth then tightened Gwen down to twenty-four and a half inches. Gwen’s waist was slightly smaller than she needed it to be to get in the skirt. Next she buttoned Gwen into a long sleeve lavender blouse that buttoned up the back. The grey side button skirt and the navy jacket.

Beth was rolling Gwen’s hair in her hot rollers, when their parents came in.

“Hello kiddos,” Linda said. “Oh my, can I do Gwen’s makeup. I have never been able to do that before.”

“Sure Momma dive on in,” Gwen said.

Linda first carefully examined Gwen face before she began to work, she cleansed and moisturized before she started working a concealer in around the nose and the places she knew Gwen’s face creased at. Gwen could see in the mirror that her Mom was doing more than either Beth or Susan had done, especially with the eyeliner and eye shadow. She also used a bit more blush on her cheeks. She finished Gwen’s look with a long wear lipstick and gloss.

Linda checked the rollers and then unrolled Gwen’s hair. She looked at it and began to work on it. She was having fun like she never had before. Linda was using a lot of tricks to work volume and style in. She finished it off by setting the style with hair spray.

Gwen was speechless; she couldn’t believe how glamorous she looked. Her mom had gone almost over the top, but she looked so good, no make that glamorous. She didn’t know anything about runway models, but she could picture her face on a runway.

Gwen stood and Beth helped her into the matching jacket. She too was dumbfounded by how her friend looked. The clip on earrings, necklace cuff bracelets and a pin completed the look.

“She needs to get her ears pierced,” Linda said. “But that can wait till Christmas break. I really love pierced earrings.”

“Well,” Susan said, “Why don’t we all get fixed up and go out to eat. Would you like to do that Gwen?”

Gwen wasn’t certain she wanted to be under such close scrutiny for so long, but she looked so absolutely glamorous that another part of her wanted to be seen, “I ah… think that is a wonderful idea.”

The rest of the girls had some work to do. Susan helped her daughter do her makeup in a similar glamour style and then Linda and Susan had theirs to do. They then found four scents that weren’t overpowering and didn’t clash with each other.

Gwen smiled at herself and couldn’t help smelling the wonderful flowery cologne Beth had sprayed her with. The fragrance was strong at first, but mellowed a bit as they drove to a mall that had several nice restaurants in it.

At the mall they didn’t just go straight to the restaurant on the third floor, they slowly strolled through the mall, stopping to look at the mannequins in the store front windows. Greg had walked through a mall before and had even glanced at some of the fashion displayed, but he had never spent as much time appreciating what she saw now.

Her breath caught though, when out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of a girl in a grey dress.

“Beth, Anna is a few stores away.”


“Just to our left.”

Beth turned and saw Anna and another girl window shopping, “I don’t think she would recognized you.”

“She is very bright. She will recognize you and then put two and two together. I think I just need to walk past her alone. That will give me the greatest chance of not being recognized.”

The two girls told their moms about the problem. Gwen walked away from everyone, crossed to the stores on the other side till she was well past Anna. Beth and the two Moms did actually walk toward Anna. Anna smiled when she saw Beth.

“Hi Beth,”

Beth smiled brightly and said, “Oh hi Anna, how are you?”

“I am doing good. This is Wendy Right, she is my suite mate on campus.”

“This is my mom Susan Carlyle and Linda Thomas.”

Anna shook hands with Linda, “Oh you must be Greg’s Mom.”

“Yes I am.”

“I can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed the discussions we have had with your. He has a wonderful mind and really keeps me on my toes. Wendy you know that boy that Josh and I meet in the library each Saturday.”

“The way you talk about him how could I not know about him,” Wendy giggled.

“And you are the lawyer that is helping us out.”

“Guilty as charged,” Susan said. “I like helping other people out, especially when my daughter speaks so highly of all of you.”

“Thank you so much Mrs. Carlyle, for everything you doing for us. So where is Greg, Beth?”

“He has his nose buried in his computer making a list of corporations and research groups who are working on superconductivity,” Beth said, thinking fast.

“That sounds just about right, but he needs to learn to relax. He could burn out before he is twenty.”

“Actually he is doing much better on that, since he has met Beth. She has gotten him interested in other things,” Linda said. She almost laughed at the thought.

“I am glad. Beth has been a wonderful addition to our group. She asks us questions that make us think harder and she types like a whiz. I am good on a keyboard but Beth is great.”

“Well we need to get going. We are meeting a friend at a restaurant,” Susan said.

“Wendy and I need to get going too. Our movie starts in about fifteen minutes.”

Susan, Linda and Beth walked a few stores farther and then checked behind them. Beth then got her cell phone out and called Gwen. Gwen told then that she was in the Barnes and Nobles bookstore.

They found her in the coffee shop portion with tablet out. She was actually surfing the web and drinking a Latte to calm her nerves. She put her tablet up and finished her drink.

“How did it go?”

“We ran into Anna and talked for a bit. She and her suitemate then headed to the movie theater.” Linda said. “Beth told her you had your nose buried in a computer.”

“Yes I was busy on my tablet.”

They window shopped for another hour before heading to the third floor restaurant. The place was packed so they had to wait about fifteen minutes for a seat. When they were finally seated, Susan and Linda ordered white wine and the girls ordered iced tea, while they looked over the menus.

Gwen was hungry but she knew she would never be able to finish some of the items on the menu, so she asked Beth, “Hey do you want to split something? I am starving but this dang corset won’t let me eat.”

“Okay, let’s order the seafood platter and an extra plate.”

The seafood platter had one stuffed crab, four butterfly shrimp, two pieces of fish and two fried oysters.

“Gwen I wouldn’t have believed how good you are, if I haven’t seen it with my own eyes,” Linda whispered to those at the table. “You haven’t been perfect, but nothing you have done says that you are not a girl.”

“Maybe this is who I should be Mom. It will be easier for me to be this way. I’m not really looking forward to all those surgeries I’m going to need to look right.”

“You want to be a girl?” She asked.

“I want to be me, Mom. If it is easier for me to be a girl, so be it. I like looking like this. You, Beth and Susan were the only people not to treat Greg as a geeky nobody. Gwen doesn’t get treated that way.”

“Do you think you would want to go all the way and have surgery?”

“I don’t think so, at least not right now. Like I said, I am not really keen on surgery. I know it is way too early to talk about kids, but if I do want kids, I can’t do anything permanent. I also think Beth might have a say in what I do.”

“If Gwen is happy like this, then I am happy. I don’t really want her to go all the way and become a woman. I like that Greg can be my boyfriend and Gwen can be my girlfriend.”

“We are years away from that point. From what I know, nothing can be done medically permanent till Gwen is eighteen. So she has plenty of time to consider that,” Susan said. “Gwen are you really happy now.”

“Yes I am.”

“Are you happier as Gwen or Greg?” Linda asked.

“I guess I like being both, but if I had to choose, I know it isn’t possible right now right to be Gwen full time, but I like being Gwen when I can.”

“Don’t get me wrong Gwen, I love my son, but it is fun having you around,” Linda said.

When the food came, Beth and Gwen split their meal, Beth got the stuffed crab, two shrimp and one fish filet and Gwen got the oysters, two shrimp and one fish filet. The kids had a separate conversation as their Moms were busy talking with each other. The looks they were sharing had nothing to do with the words that were coming out of their mouths at the time.

Beth leaned over and whispered to Gwen, “Maybe our Moms are going to get together and we will be living in the same home.”

“I think your right, I just hope our Moms are happy.”

“Me too. I think they both work too hard.”

Gwen turned to their Moms, “Beth and I are going to take the bus Beth’s home Mom. Why don’t the two of you just enjoy yourselves?”

“Well if you promise to go straight home take my car, we will let our hair out and take a cab home,” Susan said. “But you two better be good.”

“We’re just going to wander around the mall a bit before we head out, if that is ok?” Beth asked.

Susan checked her watch, “That’s alright as long as you both are home by eight.”

Beth and Gwen left the Restaurant after they finished eating, and went window shopping. Beth found this cool teen store and the two of them had to try on a lot of stuff. Gwen learned about wearing a corset as outer wear, goth clothing (some of it was pretty cool), hats (Greg wasn’t much of a hat man, but Gwen actually liked some of them) and such. Gwen could see the fashion trends that many girls at school wore and how many of the items there could be mixed or matched. They each bought a couple of blouses and skirts there.

“As much as I hate to say this, I think we need to head on home. It’s thirty minutes to eight. Knowing my mom, she will call home, to see if we made it there one minute after eight.”

“It’s strange, I never had so much just shopping for clothes.”

“It’s nice isn’t it, hunting for things that can make you look spectacular. I love you so much Gwen.”

“I love you too, Beth. Besides my Mom, you are the most important person in my life.”

“I can live with that.”

They walked out to the car and went home. Sure enough Susan called at five minutes after eight. Beth giggled and told her Mom to have fun.

Beth led Gwen to her room, where they both undressed. Beth Then fixed them a bubble bath to share. They kept their touches and caresses somewhat sedate. Beth didn’t want them to start something only to have to finish it by having sex together. They did have fun though. For the most part Gwen sat in front of Beth. They both still got each other off.

After they dried off and rolled their hair. Gwen was again corseted in a below the bust corset, and they both wore panties with their silk negligees. They cuddled and watched TV till ten thirty, when they went to bed separately.


Sunday the kids got up and after fixing breakfast for themselves. They dressed up, Gwen worked on her hair and face, with Beth’s assistance. Gwen was getting better at it, but she was far from being as competent as Beth. Gwen was good though at matching clothes, she was a fast learner. They finally came out dressed in one of their new just above knee length skirts, blouses, opaque tights and heels. Beth adorned the two of them in beads, belts, chains, pins and other teenager jewelry.

The parents didn’t get up till after eleven on Sunday. They came out of Susan’s bedroom in their robes, holding their heads. Beth brewed a potion (Tomato juice, lime juice, dash of tobasco sauce, pinch of salt, dash of black pepper, celery, 1000mg vitamin c, a multivitamin and a raw egg pureed together, plus two Tylenol) for the two mom’s that helped them get over their hangovers.

The kids massaged their moms’ shoulders and necks till they two women almost began purring.

“I could get use to this,” Linda said.

“Did we have fun last night?” Susan asked, still in a little pain.

“Oh yes, we had fun,” Linda said, giggling like a school girl.

Susan reached over and gave Linda a sedate kiss, “Not a word to the kids, but we will have to talk later.”

“I’ll go make you two a warm bubble bath,” Beth said. “You two can talk while you soak out all of your tight muscles.”

Linda and Susan were in Susan’s room for an over hour and a half. They came out arm and arm dressed in some of Susan’s casual chic clothes. Susan had on worn jeans, a sweater top, black blazer and black thigh boots. Linda was wearing black gem studded jeans, a pink print peasant blouse, a red blazer and faux fur trimed knee high boots.

Gwen had to whistle at their moms, “You two are smoking, girls.”

Linda hugged a smiling Linda to her side, “Why thank you. You two aren’t looking to bad either.”

“Would you two like to go shopping?” Susan asked.

“Go get our purses, Gwen, I will get our coats.”

When Gwen got back, Beth helped her into a short faux mink jacket, while she was dressed in a faux silver fox coat. It was a little cool outside.

The two teens had to hurry to the car. The temperature was in the low-fortties and there was a strong breeze. Gwen also had to learn about skirt control.

Linda was chuckling at Gwen after they reached the sanctuary of the Mercedes, “You need a good pair of lined boots and a long coast Gwen, if you are going to be a girlie girl. But I think you did really well keeping your skirt down.”

“That was a cold shot to the family jewels,” Gwen said.

The other three broke out laughing, “It’s not funny.”

“We aren’t laughing at you. It’s just hearing that and seeing you in a skirt. You might expect a girl to complain about her pussy being frozen, not her family jewels.” Beth said, barely in control.

“And girls would only say that is the presence of just girls,” Susan added. “With boys present she would just grin and bear it.”

At the mall the women piloted them to the teen stores. Their first stop was a shoe store. Linda steered her daughter to the boots. Gwen saw a pair of boots she wnated to try on. The boots were black suede and came just under her knee. They were lined in faux fur that felt like rabbit and had a removable band of silver grey faux fur around the top. The heel was a stacked heel about four inches tall and much larger than a stiletto at the base. The heel and sole were done in a no slip rubber.

“Oooo … I love these,” Gwen said, as she slipped one on. “I love the way the fur feels.”

“Just be warned that they can get very hot. They are a winter style boot, Gwen,” Linda said.

Gwen tried on another boot, which was just silk lined leather, with a three inch stiletto heel. Linda bought both pair of flats. Gwen wore the fur lined boots out of the store. She liked being taller than Beth.

Linda was so happy, at being able to take her daughter out shopping for clothes. She liked that Gwen could actually look so good. She didn’t blame Greg, for having his problem. She helped him disguise his problem which had him looking just so plain and dowdy as a boy. She had liked the way her son had looked in the boys’ clothes Beth had gotten him. Nothing though even came close to the way Gwen had blossomed.

Linda got carried away and Gwen just soaked it all in. In hours she had a complete wardrobe that would rival any other teen girls’ wardrobe. She thought that Gwen could go to high school and nobody would ever guess, but she liked where they lived and would hate to move to another school district, but it might be time to suggest that Greg should graduate. But then what would Gwen do. Go to MIT or Stanford, go to the local University, or stay at home for a few years. It was too difficult to think about.

Susan drove by Linda’s and Greg’s place. She told them to get what they needed for tomorrow and that they were spending the night again, with her and her daughter. Neither of them argued the point. Linda and Susan headed to Linda’s room. While Beth and Gwen headed to Greg’s room.

When they finally got to Susan’s place they made Gwen take a bath and wash her hair. Gwen still dressed in her feminine things after she dried off. Linda used a hair straightener; she had bought to take out Gwen’s curls. Still her hair looked so feminine.


The school days before Halloween were much the same as before except Monday. Linda picked the kids up after school and drove them over to Madeline’s. Linda had a couple of bags of things for the kids. Madeline assisted Beth in getting ready and Linda worked with Greg/Gwen. Greg took off his clothes just to expose his camisole, panties and pantyhose. Linda helped him into the corset and tightened it unmercifully. The corset was so tight she had to help Gwen finish getting dressed. Also Gwen had never worn a tux shirt before; Linda had to help him with the tux studs and cuff links. The shirt was tailored to fit around Gwen’s enhanced bust very nicely. Her 5 inch tall patent leather pumps followed her pants, and came before her tux vest and jacket. The final touch was the bow tie. Linda loved tied the tie for Gwen.

Gwen walked around tentatively in the heels. They were the tallest heels she had ever worn and it felt like she was walking on the tips of her toes. Linda loved what she saw and from the way that Gwen was posing for the mirror, she figured that Gwen liked what she saw. The tux fit her perfectly; Gwen couldn’t wear it if she gained another pound or two. As it was Linda had just tightened the corset just enough. Gwen looked very sharp. Gwen could sit, stand and walk well.

Linda and Gwen met Madeline and Bart in the back room. Bart was flat chested and almost a perfect rectangle from the waist up. He was wearing his gown, petticoats and Doc Martin boots. Madeline had speckled his face lightly with black makeup to give her a five o’clock shadow and he wore the three foot long straw colored wig. With just minimal makeup they both looked rather convincing.

Madeline checked Bart and Gwen very closely, before she pronounced the costumes fit. She had a big smile on her face as she looked at her charges.

“Well Linda, what do you think?” Madeline asked.

“I am stunned. They look like a girl in a Tux and a boy in a dress. Gwen actually fits her role better. Bart needs to learn how to walk and stand like a guy in a dress, or go completely campy.”

“I agree. They should also practice dancing tonight with those shoes on.”

Beth dressed in jeans and shirt, while Gwen dressed in a skirt blouse and heels. They took their costumes home with them. After they did their homework and ate dinner. Susan and Linda played some music and began giving them dancing lessons. The kids practiced dancing to several different kinds of music. It was obvious that Gwen needed the most practice, Greg never took the time to try any dancing at all. but after a couple of hours of practice Gwen showed some promise.

Every evening after school that week Greg became Gwen and wore her corset tied down very tight and her five inch heels. She would practice walking, sitting and things while she helped Beth with her homework, after which the kids would practice dancing.

Friday the kids got to wear their costumes to school. Greg wore a Harry Potter costume and Beth wore Ginny Weasley costume. They didn’t want to let the cat out of the bag about what they were wearing on Saturday. They did receive some ridicule for being so childish, but things went pretty well.

Saturday Beth drove Greg to college instead of taking the bus. He walked kind of strangely to the library. He did wear his vest, but he also wore a waist nipper beneath it. Anna and josh welcomed their friends and got right to work.

Anna had an idea on superconductivity and Josh was happy to see her working on a crystal lattice that she thought might explain the migration of electrons to the surface of a conductor. She plotted Barium, Yttrium, Copper and Osmium atoms in a lattice. She had a problem though there were very regular voids in her lattice that she just couldn’t fill. When Greg ran a simulation of the materials going from molten to solid, the materials started forming the lattice, but once several of these voids appeared the lattice seemed to warp. They needed an element or molecule to plug into these voids. They all tried to plug the voids with various atoms and molecules, but nothing seemed to fit. They worked hard for a couple of hours but didn’t make any progress.


The kids didn’t stop and eat after they left the library, much to Anna’s consternation. She had wanted to talk. Instead they went straight home and first got Gwen into her corset and her padded brief, over which she wore a tank and a pair of shorts. Zane arrived at their home shortly after Susan and Linda got home. She set about getting their makeup done. On Bart she took some face putty and broadened his chin and modify his cheeks. She then lengthened his ear lobes, gave him a five o’clock shadow and crowned him with a cheap looking wig. The last thing she did was paint on a black mask with acrylic paint.

There was very little there that suggested that Bart was or had been Beth. Gwen had gotten dressed and was ready for Zane. Zane took a lot of time on Gwen. She worked with putty on her cheeks, added lip plumper several times over two hours. She plucked a little more of her brow. Her hair came next. First she added a handful of falls. She tried several things, before settling on a half up do with jeweled chopsticks and lots of curls hanging down below a bun. Gwen had the illusion of having much more hair than Greg ever had. Zane finished Gwen’s makeup and then painted on a white mask with large eye holes. She trimmed the mask by gluing white feathers and rhinestones around the edge. Zane let Gwen eat something light and drink a little before she finished by doing her lips. Gwen’s lips had plumped up a bit. Zane coated those lips with a really red lip color and after letting the lip color set, she added a diamond sparkle lip gloss in silver.

Gwen’s lips looked very enticing and kissable, but it was several minutes before Bart was allowed to kiss those lips. Everything had to set first. As much as Bart was disguised Gwen was more so. Nobody would ever guess who the girl in the tux was.

The last thing they did was use to take care of their needs in the bathroom. Susan had discussed what they should do if they needed to use a restroom, but she cautioned them to try not using the restrooms at the school.

The kids were surprised when a limo came to pick them up at seven.

“Kids this is my surprise for you,” Susan said. “The firm let me borrow the limo we use for our clients. The driver will drop you off and then pick you up at ten to eleven, or you can call or text the driver, If you want to leave earlier. Wait inside till the limo comes. I don’t want either of you just wandering around outside the school.”

A female chauffer opened the limo door and Gwen was assisted into the limo by Bart. It was humorous to see Bart gathering up his skirt and step into the limo showing off the legs of the red union suit. Linda had to support Susan who was cracking up. They would use the video to entertain or blackmail their children later.

It was a ten minute ride to the school. They were dropped off just yards away from the entrance to the gym. They just had to enter one door and the gym was to the right.

Teachers were taking tickets and checking id’s and noting the costume. The dance rules stated that one person who was a student could bring one guest of school age who wasn’t a student. The kids that didn’t want to be identified generally had to make their identities known to the Vice Principal Sonia Colson. Beth and Gwen took this route. They whispered to Mrs. Colson who they were. Mrs. Colson’s eyes got really big as she looked the two over.

She then began laughing, “Really! I can’t believe it, but I can hear it with my own ears.” She said, smiling. She got consecutive numbers from registration and tagged the two kids. “You two go on in and have fun. I’ll be watching over you,”

Bart took Gwen’s hand and led her into the gym. The decoration committee had gone all out, there were bats, spiders, spider webs, tombstones, ghosts, goblins, smoking caldrons, witches, warlocks and skeletons all over the place. There was an altar set up with a body tied down on it. The tables was arraigned in a “U” towards a setup stage, with a large dance floor in the middle Gwen chose a table near, the refreshment bar.

Their entrance got everyone gossiping and wondering who the two were. Some students speculated about who they could be, but they were all miles away. The most popular guess was that they were both guests of other people.

Gwen had actually become a fair dancer with all the practice she had over the last week. Quite a few guys tried to tap Bart out so they could dance with Gwen. Neither Bart nor Gwen said a word, they just continued on dancing together, with Bart taking the male role. There were many ballroom dances this night, but there were a few slow dances.

The slow dances were the ones that brought out the wolves. They all wanted to rub up against Gwen during a slow. One guy got particularly nasty about wanting to dance with Gwen. He drew back like to punch Bart. He stopped though as he saw the football coach approaching in a hurry. He didn’t get busted for throwing a punch, but he was asked to leave.

There was a contest to see who could identify who in costume. Gwen and Bart didn’t participate but many others did. There were twelve people that were unidentified late in the dance. Gwen and Bart were misidentified by one person, who thought Bart was Greg and Gwen was Beth. The VP threw that id out. The contest stated the person had to pick the right person, wearing the right number. Those that were unidentified were invited up on stage for one last shot at being identified. Gwen and Bart declined the honor. The crowd insisted, they really wanted to know who they were, but Mrs. Colson said it was their right not to be identified.

Gwen whispered to Bart that they needed to go about ten fifteen. Even though she had used the bathroom before they left home and despite the fact that she didn’t drink much, her corset compressed bladder was almost full. Bart called for the limo.

As they were leaving a group of boys and girls approached, trying to find out who they were. They didn’t want to take no for an answer and didn’t like the silent routine. One guy tried to pull off Bart’s mask, but found it was just paint. Their anonymity was saved by a teacher. The limo picked them up and whisked them off.

The driver was a professional, who knew how to protect her charges. When she thought she was being followed she made a few extra turns. She caught some good yellow lights along the way. She got the kids safely to Susan’s home.


“Mom, I think I am going to go ahead and test out of high school,” Gwen said. “The party has shown me that I can’t trust the high school students.”

“What happened?” Linda asked, as she helped clean up Gwen’s face paint.

“Nothing really happened, but someone wanted to hit me just to dance with Gwen.” Beth said. “And someone was disappointed that they couldn’t unmask me, also. Teachers kept anything from happening.”

“But I am sure something would have happened, if they knew who we were.”

“Something might have happened,” Susan said. “We made you too good, Gwen. Maybe we shouldn’t have gone that far?”

“No Mrs. Carlyle what we did wasn’t wrong. So don’t go second guessing yourself.”

“I kind of feel you may be right Gwen,” Linda pondered. “But let’s sleep on this and talk about it tomorrow.”


Gwen and Beth beat their moms up by two hours. They showered together and got dressed up. Gwen wore her corset just not laced as tightly as the day before, she had gotten use to wearing it and she liked what it did for her. She dressed in stockings, heels and a blue/gray knit dress, which her mom had bought her. She just used a little mascara and lipstick.

When Beth came out of her bedroom she too was dressed in blue skirt, gray cowl neck sweater, heels and gray tights. The kids had a good giggle.

As they went to the kitchen, they talked, “Beth I am going to test out at high school and then live as Gwen. I don’t plan on going all the way. If you still want me, I am yours.”

“Of course I want you silly. We can be girlfriends with privileges,” Beth said, gently caressing Gwen’s crotch.

The girls kissed and went to fix breakfast. When their mom’s finally emerged from Susan’s bedroom dressed casually, the kids put everything together and on the table.

“I feel positively underdressed,” Susan said.

“Both of you girls look so nice.”

The girls hugged their moms and their other mom.

“I like dressing up,” Gwen said. “As long as I look like this naturally, I might as well dress to fit my looks. I want to test out of high school Mom.”

“The only way I will let you test out is if you start college. Do you really want to go to MIT or Stanford or any other university right now? I don’t want you sitting around home doing nothing.”

“I will go to the local university and get the basics out of the way instead of testing out of the basic courses. When Beth Graduates we can go to college together somewhere.”

“We can do that.” Linda said.

“Susan and I have something to say too,” Linda said.

“Yes Linda and Greg/Gwen are going to move in with us, if it is alright with you kids.”

Beth and Gwen didn’t verbally answer, they just hugged and kissed.

“You kids need to chill. We know how deeply you care for each other, but you need to control yourselves if this is going to work out,” Linda said. “We know that you two will probably become sexually active at some point. Put it off as long as possible. If you two start screwing like rabbits we may have to rethink this. Am I clear on that point?”

Both kids acknowledged their parents.

“We aren’t saying don’t, just hold off. I know of too many relationships that started off like firecrackers and end up in the dumps. We want you to forge a bond together, before you two do what you will do. Can you two do that.”

“Yes we can, Mom,” Beth said, just to be echoed by Gwen.

They spent the next few hours talking about the particulars of Gwen coming out. Susan promised to look at the legal aspects. Beth was sad to lose Greg at school, but was happy to be so close to Gwen.

Linda decided to lease their home instead of selling it. The home was paid off and completely theirs. She would get a management company to do the work. They could get two thousand to twenty-five hundred a month leasing their home. The management company would take twenty-five percent.

They all went out to eat. It was easy to see just how comfortable and happy Gwen was. Neither mom could see a hint that Gwen wasn’t what she appeared to be.

Linda leaned over to Susan and whispered, “How could I have not seen this coming? Am I a bad Mom?”

“No Linda, I don’t think Gwen knew she was like this, till she met my daughter. You might need to forgive me,” she whispered back.

“No there is nothing to forgive. My child is happier than she has been in years.”


Monday Linda Thomas called in at work. She had to take care of something for her child at school. She was excused and headed in to school with Greg. They came in a half-hour after school started.

Greg asked the secretary if they could see Sonia Colson the VP. He trusted her more than Walt Bremerton the Principal. After a call was made they went to her office.

“Please come on in and have a seat. Hello Mr. Thomas, is this your Mother?”

“Yes ma’am this is my Mom, Linda Thomas.”

“Well it’s nice to meet the mother of our brightest student. What can I do for you today?”

“Well after the Halloween Dance, Greg thought it might be best if he just tests out and go on to college.”

“Oh my, nothing happened, Mrs. Thomas. There were a couple of incidences, but they were nipped in the bud, before any harm could come out of it.”

“We know that. Your school did a wonderful job protecting my child. It’s just that…”

“Mrs. Colson, you do know that I am medically opted out of PE. Right?” Greg asked.

“Yes I do. I was informed of that by the school nurse.”

“Well I have a medical condition, which has changed my body. What you saw at the dance was mostly me above the belt.”

Sonia’s eyes got really big as she remembered the way Greg had appeared, “You mean you have breasts?”

“Exactly, I have been wearing a heavy vest for two years that compresses my chest. At the party I wore padding that took my breasts from a B cup to a D cup. Beth wore one of my vests to the party. It is getting where I can’t stand to hide them anymore. The vests are hot and they hurt me. I can’t take it anymore and I can’t imagine coming back to school suddenly sprouting boobs.”

“I agree that would be very disruptive and possibly hazardous to Greg. Let’s go to the nurse’s office.”

Together they left the office and headed about sixty feet to the Nurse’s Office. Mrs. Colson asked the nurse to check Greg’s chest out. The two of them went into one of the examination rooms. They were gone for ten minutes. When they came back the nurse asked Mrs. Thomas if she wanted her to tell Mrs. Colson what she found. Mrs. Thomas had to sign a release.

“I examined Greg and found that he had significant breast growth, a slim waist and significant fat deposits on his hips and buttocks. This is in agreement with the medical report I received from Greg’s doctor, except for the fact that he shows significant growth from the report. In just over a year Greg has grown a full cup and a half. He is almost a C cup.”

“Could he have surgery?” Mrs. Colson asked.

“I am not an expert on his condition, but from what I do know, they don’t usually do surgery till the condition stabilizes, what I mean is when the breasts stop growing. For all intents and purposes, Greg looks more feminine than masculine. He would suffer from the hands of others if he had to go to PE.”

“That isn’t what this is about? He claims it is hurting him to wear his vests. Is that true?”

“I would hate to have to wear his vest. It weighs four or five pounds and is very tight. I imagine that you or I would hate to wear that vest. I would say, yes it probably does hurt Greg to have to wear that vest.”

“Thank you.”

The two of them went back to Mrs. Colson’s office, “I will hate not having Mr. Thomas at our school and I know the athletes will probably hate it too. I will make the arraignments to test Greg out. Greg you are excused from school. I will call when we are ready to test Greg out. Between you and me, you make a very pretty girl. Is that what you are going to do?”

“Yes I plan to live as a girl, till I can make a decision on how I am going to live my life.”

“Well good luck. I really wish the best for you.”

Linda dropped Greg off at Susan’s home and then headed off to work.

At school Mr. Bremerton was very pissed off, when Mrs. Colson made her report to him. Greg was that important to the football team’s player eligibility. It would also drop the school’s GPA, without Greg’s 4.0 and accompanied by drop in the grades of the students Greg tutored. Bonuses were paid according to the schools GPA. He demanded to know why, but Mrs. Colson refused to say. She had half expected this and had already forwarded the request to the school board.

After her meeting she called Linda at work and informed her that she might need legal counsel. Linda told her that that wouldn’t be a problem. Linda called Susan who was happy to help, in fact she had anticipated that there might be problems.

Linda called home and Gwen answer, “Hello.”

“Gwen, Mrs. Colson called. The principal is mad, that we bypassed him. If the school calls tell them to call me.”

“Why would the school call Mrs. Carlyle’s home.”

“Oh, you’re right. I called Susan, she has someone already working on it.”

“Okay, love you Mom.”

“Love you too,”


Greg had become Gwen shortly after she had gotten home. She worked on herself for an hour to get her look just right. Gwen had just finished dressing and getting her makeup done, when her mom called.

After she finished talking with her mom, she took her laptop to the living room and logged on to Susan’s WiFi signal. It took her a while she had to hack the router, but she got in. She had to laugh to herself when she saw all the email from the school, most of it was from the students Greg tutored who were missing his tutoring. A few teachers that had heard about Greg leaving; emailed him and one from the Principal demanding that Greg return to school forthwith.

Gwen checked the home network and found a wireless printer. She printed the one from the principal out. She then forwarded the email to her Mom. She answered a few emails from people she sort of liked. She then emailed Anna, asking that she call Greg.

She had just finished making lunch for herself when her cell phone rang, “Hello.”

“Hi Greg this is Anna, what did you need.”

“I would like to talk with you face to face. I have something I need to tell you.”

“Okay how about I met you at Chucky Cheese’s, at four.”

“Alright, I will meet you there at four.”

Gwen then emailed her mom that she and Beth were going to meet Anna at Chucky Cheese’s at four. She wanted to know if Anna was going to be okay with Gwen.

After she finished eating she got an email back from her mom saying it was okay, but be careful, she would pick them up there at five and that she forwarded the principal’s email to Susan.

Gwen texted Beth about Anna, Chucky Cheese’s and asked her to meet her a block away from school at the bus stop.

Gwen left twenty minutes before the end of classes and was waiting when Beth showed up. She dressed in her blue/gray knit dress, blue opaque tights, heels and the faux mink Beth had worn.

“You should have heard the uproar at school, when they learned you were going to test out of high school. Mr. Bremerton had to assign two teachers to study hall to replace you. Now what are you planning?”

“I need to know if Gwen can be a part of the think tank. I thought I would approach Anna on neutral ground.”

They got on the uptown bus and sat in the back.

“Do you think she will accept you?”

“I don’t know. I hope so.”

“Hmmm … When we get there you go to the bathroom and let me talk to her first.”

They walked the two blocks to Chucky’s and Gwen goes off to the restroom. Beth found Anna sitting alone drinking a soft drink.

“Hi Beth, have a seat. Where is Criag?” Anna asked smiling.

“He had to use the bathroom, first. I also wanted a chance to talk to you first.”

A waitress came by seeing another person and stopped at the table. Anna ordered drinks and a pizza for everyone.

“Okay, I am listening.”

“First Greg is going to test out of high school and may join ya’ll at college.”

Anna smiled brightly, “That is wonderful, but shouldn’t he go to MIT or Stanford?”

“He wants to get the basics out of the way first, so we can be together. I will graduate not this May but the next.”

“That is wonderful, I know he is smitten by you. I can see how he has matured since you came into his life.”

“There is something else that may determine if he goes to the local university?”

“And what might that be?”

“How liberal are you Anna?”

“What do you mean?”

“If someone was different how willing would you be to accept them?”

“I would hope that I would accept them for what they are? He isn’t gay is he? You aren’t just his cover are you?”

“No I can attest that he isn’t gay. We haven’t done it yet, but that isn’t because we don’t want too. Greg has this medical problem that is affecting his body.”

“It isn’t serious, is it?”

Beth was at the crux of the issue, so instead of pussyfooting around it she said, “It’s not life threatening, but it is serious as a boy growing breasts can be.”

Anna sat up straight and looked at Beth. She could tell the girl was being serious, “You mean he has Gynecomastia?”

“I am surprised you know the word for it. Yes, but there is more. You know he has a cute face, too cute for a boy. He also has a figure to match it.”

“You’re not kidding are you.”

“I like you and him too much to kid about this. The vest, he has to wear to hide is breasts, is hot, heavy and painful. He wants to live as Gwen now. You almost saw Gwen when we met at the mall. He wasn’t ready to come out, so he walked by you and your friend before we met you. Gwen is really pretty, she just wants to be accepted.”

“I have got to see this to believe this?”

“Just look to your left.”

Gwen was walking tentatively towards the girls, “Hi, Anna,” Gwen said. “How are you?”

Anna’s eyes got big as she saw the girl. It took her a few seconds to see Greg in this girl, but to her credit she put her mind in gear before she opened her mouth to say, “Don’t just stand there Gwen, have a seat.”

Beth scooted over and Gwen sat beside her.

The waitress appeared and delivered drinks.

“Now that I see you in person, I now realize that I have seen you at the mall. You were wearing a navy skirt and jacket. Your makeup was to die for. You have got to teach me to do that. Anyway I saw you and thought you looked familiar, but I couldn’t place a name with a face. You look incredible girl.”

“Thank you. I was so afraid that you would hate me like this.”

“I would never hate you Gwen. I can’t say that I’m not shocked, but you look so good. How?”

“Gwen’s appearance right now, is my fault. I talked him out of the vest he wears to hide his breasts and into a bra. The rest just followed, if you know what I mean.”

“You’re wearing a corset right now aren’t you?”

“Yes, for my clothes I need a twenty five inch waist to fit and look right. My normal waist was twenty eight. You know how it is with girls’ clothes.”

“I would have thought that Greg had a thirty to thirty-two inch waist.”

“Greg had to wear a padded vest, his breasts got too big to just bandage down. Adding padding to his waist helped disguise his breasts,” Beth added.

“Greg’s baggy clothes and the way he always layered clothes helped cover up his shape too, didn’t it?” Anna asked.

“Yes, you don’t know how hard it was to just get dressed each day. It got where I couldn’t stand it. I felt so free the first time I dressed in a bra, tank and shorts.”

“Did you wear a bra at home?”

“No I would take my vest off and just wear a t. My doctor suggested that I wear a bra around home, but I just never got the nerve to put one on.”

“So you think you might want to start at the University this spring.”

“Yes, I just needed to see what you and Josh thought about the new me.”

“Well I can’t answer for Josh. I will try to feel him out without giving anything away, but you are alright by me.”

Their pizza arrived and they attacked it like starving wolves. They might have been ladies, but the pizza smelled so good. Gwen could only eat one and a half pieces. As they were eating and talking, Linda and Susan showed up. After hellos, Anna made room for Susan and Linda borrowed a chair and sat at the end of the table.

“Anna knows Mom and she is okay with it,” Gwen said.

“Good, but what we came here for was to tell you, Principal Bremerton has appealed to the board and asked that you not be allowed to test out. We have to meet the school board in private session, Wednesday night.”

“I think he just wants a free tutor for his athletes.” Gwen said.

“You might be right, also there is a certain prestige having such a brilliant student,” Susan said.

“There aren’t required courses in this school district that I couldn’t test out of,” Gwen said. “There are elective courses I couldn’t test out of but I don’t really want to take electives for two years.”

“When did this all happen?” Anna asked.

“Two years ago, at thirteen, I hit puberty and things went haywire. I started developing breasts the way girls do. It all started out with breast buds, small peaks and vaboom I am larger than many girls my age. Don’t ask me why.”

“What are your estrogen levels like?”

“My estrogen level is high for a teenage boy, but not high enough to cause sterility. The cause of my Gynecomastia is still listed as Idiopathic.”

“He can get a woody,” Beth said. “But he isn’t fast coming.”

“But you haven’t …

“As a matter of fact we haven’t,” Beth said proudly. “We might play more than we should, but we can’t help that.”

“Would you like to come home with us for a bit? I can drive you back to school later,” Susan said.

Anna smiled brightly, “Yes I would like that.”

Susan picked up the tab and they all headed to the ladies room to take care of their needs and to fix their faces. Anna didn’t balk at Gwen being there beside her.

When they got to Susan’s and Beth’s home they all went inside.

“Do all of you live here?” Anna asked.

“Yes Mom and I are moving in. They are both single parent and this is a way to save money and be with people we like.” Gwen said.

“Mom, we are going to my room for a few minutes.” Beth said.

“Alright kids, be good.”

Beth figured that Anna was just dying to know for sure. When they got to her room Anna talked Gwen out of her dress and bra. Gwen lifted her chest proudly to better display her girls.

“I know this is strange, but may I touch them?”

“I don’t mind, what about you Beth?”

“I don’t mind.”

Anna felt them and gently poked them. She manipulated the nipples and saw them stiffen, “Well they are certainly real, well-formed and react to stimulation. Put a t-shirt and some shorts on. Beth may I see one of his vests?”

Beth went to his room and returned with a vest. She handed it to Anna.

“It is heavy, may I try it on?”

“You might be too big for it fit right but yes you can try it on.” Gwen said.

Anna took of her blouse. She wore a soft green satin bra. She put the vest on and had a hard time zipping the last three inches. The vest was a little short on Anna and only came down to the middle of her waist. Anna was five inches taller than Gwen. Anna took the vest off.

“I agree with you Gwen that vest is intolerable.” Anna said, as she dressed. “I will support your effort to graduate. I will talk to Josh also. He should understand that this is a medical problem and what you chose to do about it.”

When they got back into the living room Susan had some drinks set out on the coffee table. They all sat around and talked.

“I can come to the school board meeting and I think I can get Josh to come to if you need us. I know that Gwen or Greg is already at college level.”

“I don’t think that will help right now, Anna. The meeting Wednesday will be a closed meeting. The fewer people there the better for Gwen, at least right now.”

“Well keep me apprised, I won’t talk with Josh until we decide what we are going to do. Call me Gwen.” Anna embarrassed Gwen by kissing her cheek.


Tuesday Gwen talked her Mom into letting her go to the Universities library instead of staying home. Gwen dressed in a skirted suit with heels. She wouldn’t look like a student. There aren’t too many college age girls these days who wear a suit to school, but she would look more mature than her age. After Gwen finished her makeup in a subtle daytime office style, with just a little emphasis on her eyes and with her hair up in a bun, she looked to be seventeen to eighteen.

After everyone had left, she grabbed her purse and wheeled her laptops out. Gwen headed for the bus stop. She only had to wait for five minutes for the bus and after a twelve minute ride she got off at the university. Gwen walked towards the library; she compared herself with the other girls that were on campus and concluded that she looked better than most, that made her feel good for some reason.

She set up on the third floor where the science books are kept and then began selecting books from the stacks deciding what to study. Gwen picked up several books on superconductivity and metallurgy. She sat with a short stack of books on her table and began working.

A few people filtered in over the next hour, many were shocked at seeing Gwen there. For the most part geeks don’t dress as well or tend to their appearances this well. They also have a hard time dealing with and trusting the good looking people at their school. She did though break the ice when one girl needed help with a calculus problem. Gwen found not looking like a 14 or 15 year old helped garner some respect.

There was soon a small group of students studying in the library. Gwen was occasionally interrupted and asked a question about chemistry, physics or math. She would give assistance where she could and was able to get her own research in.

About noon she packed up and headed across the quad to the student union for lunch. She had just gotten to the building when she heard her name called.

“Gwen, is that you?”

She turned and saw Anna.

“Girl you are looking good. Come we will have lunch together,” Anna said, taking Gwen’s free hand.

“It is good seeing you Anna.”

They headed to the counter and ordered their meals and got their numbers. They then found a table in the corner.

“So what is with the getup, girl? You’re not thinking of taking the President of the University’s job are you?”

“No I just wanted to look older and more mature. I didn’t want to be the geeky fifteen year old, if you know what I mean. People seem to think I am smarter if I look older.”

“Well, except for the fact that you look more like a young professor or teaching assistant, you look fabulous. Guess I am going to have to dress up more around you. Tell me one thing though, are you really happier like this.”

“Anna, I am happier than I have been since this thing happened to me.”

The kids got up to pick up their orders and then migrated back to the table after picking up condiments.

“You know before today, when I came here, students looked at me like I was a human oddity.” Gwen said. She looked right and left. She leaned over to whisper to Anna, “Greg just didn’t get any respect. He was fifteen and could easily pass as twelve or thirteen, but I look almost eighteen or so dressed like this. People treat me like I belong here.”

“I will tell you what I see. You look more confident in yourself, which is almost always the key to gaining respect. Greg was a brain; there is no doubt about that. You are smarter than I ever could be. On top of that you smile more than Greg does. Greg would smile when he had a sudden brainstorm, but in the in between times, his expression was flatter. Gwen actually looks happy when she is between revelations. It’s not my life so take this with a milligram of NaCl, I think there is no way you should ever be anything other than what you are now.” She leaned over closer to Gwen and whispered, “And I am not talking about the male/female thing. Be whatever it takes to be happy Gwen. If this is what it takes for you to be happy, then congratulations? I like what I see in you.”

Gwen flashed Anna a big smile, “Thank you. I also like what I have been seeing. I just hope the world will accept me.”

“Many won’t Gwen, you should already know that.”

“I know that is the main reason, I want to leave high school. Beth has shown me how to be happy, but if I went back to school like this, well I shudder to think what would happen.”

“It won’t be all that rosier here at least for a while, but after the clamor dies down I think it might be better for you.”

“Someone will find out won’t they?”

“How many totally brilliant girls just pop out of the woodwork everyday? People will wonder and in these days of instant information, how long do you think you can keep Greg secret? You aren’t the only genius on campus Gwen. With all the Math people at school how long would it take them to add one and one to get two? Gwen might fool them for a while, but count on being found out and outed.”

“Then should I quit?”

“Hell no! If they don’t like it, screw em. You are smarter than they are. Just give them your chin and walk away. You have just as much right to be happy as they do. There is a school that has an unusual cheer that their cheerleaders often do when they are being beat at sports. It goes, ‘That’s alright, that’s okay, you’re gonna to work for us someday.’ With you, just remember. If you apply yourself like I know you can, half the people here at this university might be working for you someday. Me included.”

“No you wouldn’t be working for me Anna. You would be working with me. That would be a big difference. I need people like you and Josh. I just hope he will take this well.”

“I wouldn’t hazard a guess, but we will see.”


Wednesday Gwen stayed home, and worked hard at channeling Greg. It wouldn’t do to talk or act like Gwen in front of the school board. She put on a pair of Greg’s pants, but still wore a bra and blouse till almost three. She dressed in her dreaded vest and Greg’s preppy shirt and pull over. Linda and Susan had both called to confirm that they would be there to pick Greg up at four. Just before Beth got home she went and found one of Beth’s large Hobo bag purse, she packed some things in it.

When Beth got home Greg was Greg. He asked Beth to carry the Hobo bag. Beth smiled as she looked in the bag and just put her small handbag into the bag.

The kids were ready when their Mom’s got home and the time to go meet the school board came. Susan drove them to their meeting.

It was a closed meeting so they met in a private conference room. There were the five members of the local school board, Walt Bremerton, the principal, Sonia Colson Vice-Principal and a female stenographer there.

“I will handle the Introductions,” Mrs. Colson said. “This is Linda Thomas and her son Greg. Susan Carlyle and her daughter Beth. Both kids are students at our high school. I am Sonia Colson, Vice Principal, this is Walt Bremerton Principal, Thomas Wainwright board member, Candace Lofton board member, David Cole board member, William Morgan board member and Wendy Carter board chairman.”

“This is a closed session, why are Susan Carlyle and her daughter here?” Mr. Bremerton asked.

Linda addressed Mr. Bremerton, “Mrs. Carlyle has been retained by me as legal counsel. She is a partner at Davis, Bloom, Travis, Johnson and Carlyle attorneys at law. Beth is fully apprised of the situation and is here to support Greg.”

“I will allow their presence,” Wendy said.

“The reason we are here is to determine if Greg Thomas can test out of high school and head on to college,” Sonia said. “On the third of November, Linda Thomas and Greg came to see me and made a formal request to test out of high school for the purpose of heading on to college. I forwarded their request to you board members.”

“I object to Mr. Thomas graduating and leaving school at this time. There is much, Greg has to learn and yes even though he is a very brilliant high school student, I don’t feel that it is in his best interest to leave high school yet,” Mr. Bremerton stated.

“That is what we are here to determine,” Mrs. Carter said. “Let’s hear from Mr. Thomas first. Why do you wish to leave high school and head off to college?”

Greg stood and faced the board members, “There are several reasons for my request. First I am being scholastically stunted in my growth. I can right now test out of all the required courses. I spend my days at school taking elective course in the mornings and then tutoring students for the rest of the day. I tutor so many athletes; I should be on the schools payroll. I don’t do their work for them, I just find a simpler way of communicating what the teachers are trying to teach them.”

“To get into an intellectual discussion on my level I spend my Saturday’s at college brain storming with advanced students there about whatever they are interested in. I don’t care what just as long as it is advanced. ”

“You spend half of your day tutoring students?” Mr. Wainwright asked.

“Yes sir. From twelve forty-five the three thirty.”

“What is your IQ, if you know it?” Ms. Lofton asked.

“Between 180 and 190. IQ’s in this range are notoriously difficult to measure. Only about .025 percent of the population have IQ’s above 160.”

“I see that you are medically excused from physical education.” Mr. Cole asked.

“We are not allowed to probe in that area. I have already seen the report from Greg’s Physician allowing the excuse,” Ms. Lofton stated.

“That is the second reason for my request,” Greg answered. “If the reason I was excused were ever found out the school would have a hard time ensuring my safety.”

Greg’s statement caused a small furor with the principal and board members.

“Mr. Thomas can’t make such unsubstantiated claims,” Mr. Bremerton stated. “The safety of my students is one of my primary concerns. I have very few bullying claims from any student.”

“The school district takes student safety very seriously, I see no reason to believe you would be in danger Mr. Thomas,” Mr. Wainwright stated.

“That is a remarkable claim, Mr. Thomas. Would you care to elucidate.”

“I would like to make it clear, but I would like to be assured that this will be in confidence with the Board. Mrs. Carlyle can you provide me with a NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement),” Greg asked.

“Yes I came prepared for this,” Susan said reaching into her briefcase.

“I would also ask that Mr. Bremerton and Mrs. Colson be excused.” Greg stated.

“I object!” Mr. Bremerton stated.

“I will allow it!” Wendy said sharply. “Mr. Bremerton and Mrs. Colson will wait in the lobby. We will call you back.”

After they left Susan took the floor, “It is important that you say nothing about what Mr. Thomas might reveal, if asked you may not say yea or nay in answer to questions about it. A no comment or better yet ignore the question, is required.”

When they all signed it, Greg asked, “Is that door a closet?”

“Yes it is,” Wendy stated.

“May I use it and then I can show you my problem.”

“Yes you may,” Wendy said, shaking her head in confusion.

Beth took her handbag out of the Hobo bag and Greg headed to the closet. There was just enough room for him in there. He closed the door and took off his shirt and vest and dressed in just a scoop neck T-shirt. He had more than a little cleavage showing. He then put his shirt back on and stepped back out.

There were many gasps as Greg came back out, “I suffer from a condition known as Gynecomastia, which means that I am a male who is growing breasts. I am not a transsexual and this is all me.” Greg unbuttoned the shirt, several board members started to object till they saw that Greg had a T-shirt on. Greg then showed them his cleavage. “I am not wearing a bra, but I should be when not wearing my vest. It is becoming painful for me to wear this vest.” Greg said setting his vest on the table.

Wendy understood the implications and asked, “I can see that that is all you. You wear this vest every day?” She picked up the heavy garment. “I can’t imagine having to wear this every day.”

“I am still growing and the vest is becoming painful, if my request is refused, I will wear a bra and blouse to school and I won’t be safe.”

“If Greg is hurt because of this, I will take great pleasure in suing the board and the district.” Susan said. “It is of no fault of Greg or anybody else that he is like this.”

“Can anything else be done for Mr. Thomas?” Wendy asked.

“Surgery, but I can’t go under the knife till I stop growing, and if I grow like my Mom I have a long way to grow.” Greg said buttoning up his shirt.

Linda Thomas was a very full 38D+ and found 38DD bras more comfortable. Several board members looked at Linda Thomas and tried to think about Greg looking like that.

“So it may be upwards of two years before I could get surgery and I am not really thrilled about going under the knife. I also can’t see me wearing that thing anymore also. It hurts, it’s very hot and restricts my mobility.”

“I can see that,” Mrs. Lofton said.

“I am going to change back. I ask that you keep this from Mr. Bremerton and Mrs. Colson, please.”

While Greg was in the closet, the board, Linda and Susan discussed the matter. They agreed to let Greg test out using a Test of similar academic strength as the SAT or ACT tests. Greg would need to test out in the top two percent. He would be excused from classes till the test to be given, by the board in this conference room in seven days. Greg could expect five hours of testing that day.

When Greg came out the chairman called in Mr. Bremerton and Mrs. Colson. The board announced their decision, over the objections of Mr. Bremerton.

“Mr. Thomas in seven days you will present yourself here at eight thirty in the morning to be tested. You will be here for seven hours and thirty minutes. The test will last five hours, maximum with ten minute breaks between sections and an hour for lunch. You will be contacted tomorrow and be given the form the test will take, so you may be prepared.”

“I will be ready.” Greg said.


I am working on this story

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