The Foster Mom's New Daughter -- Part 3

Angelo spends his first summer with his new foster mother, finally finding happiness in his life as she treats him as "Angela," a lovely teen girl. That happiness may end since the foster care agency feels he should be raised as a boy. But the foster mother and Angela's friends are ready for a fight to keep Angela as the girl she was meant to be.

The Foster Mom’s New Daughter — Part Three

By Katherine Day
(Copyright 2007 by Katherine Anne Day)
(Dedicated to and inspired by Angelo, of Rome, Italy)

Summary of Parts I and II: Angelo was 14 when his mother died, leaving him with an aunt whose family taunted him mercilessly for his delicate, tender body and gentle nature. A year later, Child Protective Services rescued him, placing him in a foster home with a woman who always wanted a daughter. The two within a short time of one summer became like mother and daughter; Angelo also found he could be girl friends with Tanya, the 15-year-old daughter of a friend of his foster mother. Soon, it would be time for Angelo to return to school, raising many concerns.

Chapter Five — The Foster Agency Raises an Eyebrow

He was now called Angela, the name he chose as he became a fulltime girl. Angela became fast friends with Tanya in the summer before they were both to enter senior high school. They were constantly together, giggling and playing together in each other homes and bedrooms, running off to the mall to shop. You could see them holding hands as they skipped through the stores, stopping and looking at store windows, and ogling boys and putting their hands before their mouths as they giggled about seeing a particularly hot boy.

Mary Elizabeth Dayton, Angela’s foster mother, couldn’t have been more pleased that the shy, almost terrified 15-year-old boy who had arrived at her home in late June had become the giggly teenaged girl she’d always wanted. Nonetheless, there was a lingering fear that this idyllic summer would have to end with Angela going to school, facing questions about his gender. Added to that was the question of Child Protective Services, which had placed Angelo with her as a child in need of protection and as a male child.

In July, Anna Simms, the Children’s agency worker, stopped for an unscheduled visit to see how Angelo was getting along. Luckily, Angelo was not at home and was visiting Tanya that day, thus avoiding the chance that Ms. Simms would see the child was dressed as a girl, and acting in a most feminine manner. She did ask to see where Angelo was sleeping, and Mary Elizabeth was forced to show her the child’s room, still decorated in a most girlish, frilly style.

“I thought you were going to make this into a boy’s room,” she said.

“Oh, we’ve been so busy,” Mary Elizabeth replied. “Besides, it doesn’t seem to bother Angelo.”

“I think you’d better try to change it soon, Mrs. Dayton. I’m going to have to put this in my report, so when I come by next time, I’ll want to see this more like a boy’s room.”

“Ok. We can do that. I’ll fix it up; give me a couple of weeks.”

Anna Simms also asked to see where Angelo kept his boy clothes. “All I see are girl clothes here. In fact, it seems like they’re more here now than last time.”

“Oh no, Ms. Simms. Here are Angela’s clothes . . . er . . . I mean, Angelo’s clothes.”

“Angela? Did you can him Angela?”

“Oh, no. Angelo, just Angelo,” Mary Elizabeth answered quickly, trying to cover up her obvious naming of the boy as ‘Angela.’ She led Anna Simms to a single dresser drawer where Angelo’s meager belongings, the same clothes he brought to the house, were stored.

“Is that all you have?”

“Well, we’ve been so busy.”

“Mrs. Dayton,” the social worker said. “I feel Angelo is perfect for you, but he needs to be treated as a boy. It seems you’ve maintained a feminine atmosphere here, and I’m not sure that’s right.”

Mary Elizabeth merely nodded, recognizing that the social worker felt compelled to do the proper thing for Angelo.

“We may have to have a closer review of this placement,” she continued. “I’m still new on the job, and my supervisor may want look at this.”

Mary Elizabeth Dayton sighed as she led Miss Simms to the door. She knew the worker had no choice but to wonder about the feminine life style she had created for her charge. She recalled her friend, Sharon, warning that Child Protective Services might not look with understanding on the process of letting Angelo live as a girl.

Yet, she knew in her heart, that Angela would never have peace in her mind unless she lived as a girl. The child knew that, and Mary Elizabeth knew it, but the State Child Protective Service agency may not.

Angela literally bounded into the house, just as Mary Elizabeth was about to prepare supper. The child was just bubbling with excitement, and the short ponytail of hair that poked out of the back of the pink baseball cap she wore was bobbing up and down. The foster mom, still worried about the recent visit by the social worker, couldn’t help but smile at this lovely, vivacious girl, dressed in a blue and white polka-dot mini skirt, and a white short sleeved tee shirt emblazoned with pink and light blue appliqué.

“Mummy, mummy,” Angela said breathlessly, “I saw the most loveliest prom dress. In fact, I tried it on!”

She knew the young girl’s desire had been to wear such a dress; they had looked at them at Macy’s during the previous Saturday shopping trip. Mary Elizabeth was trying mightily to try to stifle Angela’s desire to go to the prom, or to even have dates with boys. She still realized that Angela physically was a boy, and the consequences of that being discovered by her “date” could be disastrous.

“Angela, I specifically told you NOT to go to the mall today.”

“We didn’t mummy. Heather was home for the weekend, and it was her gown from her senior year in high school. She let me try it on.”

“OK. I guess that’s all right. And did you pester Heather to try it on? I know how you can get when you want something.”

“No mummy. It was her idea. Honest.”

Heather was Tanya’s older sister, who was beginning her freshman year at the State University and had come home for the weekend. It was the end of August, and she had just finished freshman orientation, returning home for a date with her boy friend.

“OK, Angela. Does Heather know about you? That you’re a boy.”

“Oh mummy. I’m not a boy. I’m a girl.”

The two laughed, but Mary Elizabeth persisted: “Does Heather know?”

“Yes, she does, mummy, and she thinks it’s cool.”

“Well, that’s nice. How did you look in it?”

“Oh mummy, I looked scrumptious. That’s what Heather said. ‘Scrumptious.’”

Angela began to giggle, interrupting her conversation.

“What’s so funny?” Mary Elizabeth asked.

“Well, that’s when Tanya told her about me, that I have boy’s parts. We’d been talking and doing things for two hours with her, and she was convinced I was a girl. Isn’t that neat?”

“I know honey. You’re really a gorgeous girl.”

“And Heather had told Tanya I was the prettiest girl friend she’d ever brought home. That was before she was told I was a boy. Isn’t that cool?”

At that Angela skipped about the room, joyfully. Mary Elizabeth was so taken with this display of unvarnished joy and feminine reaction that she began to dread what would happen when she began the process of returning Angela to the world of boys. She thought she’d talk to Angela later about it. Instead, she asked Angela to describe the dress.

“Well, it was light green chiffon, with a square bodice and narrow straps over the shoulders. It was short, mummy. Just about mid thigh in length, with a layered look and high thick belt.”

“It sounds lovely, Angela.”

“And it fits me perfectly. Well, it will when we fill my breasts out a bit.”

“Does she want to sell it to you, Angela?” Mary Elizabeth asked.

“Oh, no. But she said I can wear it if I get a date for the prom in November.”

“Oh darling, I don’t know about that. You’re only 15 and you’ve been wearing girl stuff only a few weeks now. And, we’re still not sure you can get into the arts specialty school. We’ll know Monday.”

Angela came up to her foster mom, hugged her hard. “Oh mummy, everybody thinks I’m a girl. And, I feel like one.”

“We’ll see,” Mary Elizabeth said, her heart heavy as she contemplated how she was going to deal with the child’s desire and need to be a girl. Probably the child had never been happier in her life than she was at this moment. “And now, I have to spoil it,” she said to herself.

Mary Elizabeth had foreseen that difficulties would develop as Angelo began his life as a girl. She did considerable research on the Internet about transgendered children, but could find nothing about such children when they were placed in foster care. Her friend, Sharon, had grown fond of Angela (the once boy now a girl) and wished, too, that the child could continue to be female. Yet, Sharon had warned: “I’m not sure Child Protective Services will not accuse you of sexual abuse of a child in assisting him to dress up like that.”

“Oh, Sharon,” Mary Elizabeth said as the two sipped wine in the shopping mall’s cocktail lounge as the two girls shopped the mall the previous Saturday. “This happened so fast, and Angela wanted it so badly. The child needs to be a girl. You can see it in her.”

“I know, Lizzie, but he arrived as a boy and in less than 12 hours, he was all girl. The bedroom, the clothes. Everything was there for him to be a girl.”

“He wanted it.”

“I know, but you should have moved slower.”

“Sharon, you’re right. I’m sure Miss Simms will see how it could happen. She’s aware of Angela’s situation. She’s a sympathetic worker.”

“But, Lizzie, she’s a new, young worker. Will her bosses understand?”

Mary Elizabeth thought back over this conversation after Anna Simms’ visit the following week. She realized the wisest course now was to turn the lovely, lively, happy Angela back into being Angelo, the boy, at least part of the time.

“Mummy,” Angela said at supper that night. “What’s the matter? You unhappy with me?”

“Oh, no, darling, not with you. Just got stuff on my mind. My real estate business stuff, you know?”

“Well, you hardly seemed happy when I told you about the prom dress. And, you said hardly anything at supper tonight.”

She told Angela that they’d talk more after cleaning up the supper dishes. The two turned on “How Do I Look?” on the Style Channel as they worked, criticizing the TV show’s theme of turning a once “ugly duckling” of a woman into a swan. Again, Mary Elizabeth was astonished at the child’s knowledge of fashion and her sense of taste.

They sat down in the living room after supper, joining each other on the couch. Mary Elizabeth put her arm around Angela’s slender shoulders as she began to explain that Anna Simms had come for a visit, and wondered why Angela’s room still was so girlish in decorations.

“I’m afraid, honey, you’re going to have to begin to wear boy clothes, particularly when we leave the house. And, we’re going to have to change your room to be more boyish.”

“Mummy, be a boy again? I can’t. I won’t.” She started to cry.

Mary Elizabeth drew the child tighter against her body. Angela was shaking with sobs now. “I’m a girl. I’m a girl.”

Angela pushed out of Mary Elizabeth’s arms and ran crying into her room. The foster mom waited for a few minutes, and then went into the room, sitting next to the sobbing tender girl. “She’s so weak and delicate,” she thought. “How can she possibly live in this world as a boy?”

Her eyes were full of tears as she put a comforting hand on the girl’s shoulders.

“Look,” she said, forcing Angela to sit up straight. “Now listen to me. Listen to me carefully.”

“Yes, mummy.”

“The only way you can stay in this house with me is if you live as a boy. Otherwise, they’ll take you away from me. They’ll say I abused you by turning you into a girl.”

“But mummy, I always was a girl.”

“I know honey, but to them you’re a boy. So we will have to put on a good show for Miss Simms and her agency to show them you belong here. But, you’ll have to look and act like a boy.”

“But, mummy. I’ll forget. I feel like a girl.”

Mary Elizabeth laughed. “I know that you are my girl; but we’ll have to make you a boy again, at least for the social workers. But, honey, we’ll fix it up so that you can still be a girl sometimes. That’ll be our secret.”

“Yes, mummy. And Tanya’s and Heather’s secret, too?”

“Yes, their secret, too.”

Mary Elizabeth took the sweet child in her arms now, recognizing how vulnerable she was, so defenseless, so ill-equipped to be in the world of men and boys. Yet, she knew, if she were to keep the child in her home, she would have to give up her desire to treat the child as “Angela,” the daughter she always wanted.

The foster mother began crying, holding Angela even more tightly in her arms. Her tears, she realized were as much for Angela as for herself. Both of them had been enjoying six weeks in a marvelous, lovely dream as mother and pretty daughter. Now, that dream would be ending, and a new chapter would begin for Mary Elizabeth and her pretty foster child. Mary Elizabeth now was determined somehow to preserve the joy and comfort both she and Angela felt as mother and daughter.

“I love you, my child,” she said, smelling the fresh shampoo in Angela’s lovely locks. “As long as you want to be with me, I’ll do whatever I can to keep you here.”

“I know mummy. I love being with you so much.”

Angela felt comfortable as the girl she had become; her delicate body was hardly that of a boy’s; but, she was so comfortable as a girl, particularly in the protection of Mary Katherine’s arms.

“Tell you what, Angela,” the foster mother said. “Why don’t you pick out the prettiest dress here? Then, well dry your tears, and face your face, and you and I will go out to the Cake ‘n Goodies place for a scrumptious dessert. Just Angela and mummy. OK?”

“That’ll be so nice,” the girl said. She loved Cake ‘n Goodies, which was a favored dessert place for women and girls. You rarely saw a boy or man in the place.

Angela picked out a layered, light violet colored mini-dress, with spaghetti straps. It was highlighted with a darker violet appliqué along the bodice and hemline. She found costume jewelry, with matching earrings and necklace. The earrings dangled and Angela’s spirits bounced noticeably as she fixed herself before the mirror.

“Oh, you’re so pretty, Angela,” the foster mother said, kissing the child on her forehead.

Mary Katherine called Sharon later that night, telling her that she’ll have to somehow return Angela to the “Angelo” mode to satisfy the child protection agency.

“But I fear it’ll hurt the child,” she told Sharon. “She’s really a girl at heart, I think.”

“Lizzie, from what I’ve seen, she is a girl,” Sharon replied. “Really, I do. And, I don’t think your actions had anything to do with it. She was more like a girl than a boy when she arrived in your home. You just made her more comfortable.”

“I know, Sharon, but that means nothing to Child Protection.”

Mary Elizabeth explained that she’ll set up a bedroom for Angelo, the boy, probably turning her office in the rear bedroom into his room. She’ll move her office to the girly bedroom she had been letting Angelo use.

“And, I have some old Green Bay Packer pennants and stuff from my boys that I’ll put in the room to make a boy’s room.”

“And, Lizzie, you’ll have to do some shopping for boy’s clothes, too, I suppose?”

“Yes, we’re going Saturday to the mall,” she said. “Want to join us?”

“No honey, I think you need to do this on your own.”

“I agree, Sharon. I do have a favor to ask, though?”

“Ask, Lizzie.”

“I think we’ll have to provide some chance for Angelo to have some ‘girly’ times. Would you agree to continue to let Tanya be with Angelo so he can have a girl friend when he’s being girly?”

“Oh yes, Lizzie. I know Tanya been so fond of Angela. The two seem to hit it off so well, and they’re just like two giggling girls when they’re together.”

“Thank you, Sharon. Angelo, I think, will need the chance to be a girl every so often.”

“And that’ll be a secret between us.”

The phone rang again, about five minutes after Mary Elizabeth hung up. It was Tanya wanting to talk to Angelo.

“My mum just told me, Angela,” Tanya said, using the boy’s female name. “I think that’s so mean. To force you into being a boy again.”

“I know. I so loved being with you, in being a girl friend with you.”

“We’re still friends, Angela. Mum said you and I can still be friends and do our girl stuff.”

“But that means we can’t go to the mall together as girls, Tanya. I was kinda hoping we’d see Jason again at the Food Court.”

Tanya laughed. “I know he was hot for you. I wonder what he’d think if he saw you as Angelo.”

“I know I shouldn’t have flirted with him. Mummy told me if he found out I still was a boy, he’d do something bad to me.”

Tanya paused for a moment, then said that her older sister, Heather, wanted to talk to Mary Elizabeth. Angelo and Tanya talked for a few more moments, and then turned the phone lines over to Mary Elizabeth and Heather.

Angelo sat in the kitchen, listening to the one-side of the phone conversation, and his foster mother nodding, saying “Yes,” and “That’s interesting,” and “You think we can do something about this?”

When she hung up, Mary Elizabeth said: “Heather’s been active in an ACLU rights group in town, Angelo, and she thinks we should challenge the Child Protection agency on this.”

“Is Heather lesbian, mummy?”

“No honey, she supports all causes of justice. You know she’s got a nice boy friend.”

“Yes, mummy. She’s such a smart girl. Does that mean I can stay a girl?”

“Not yet, honey. But she’ll look into it and let us know soon.”

That night, Angelo wore the lovely nightie and slept in the same girly bedroom he’d used for the last six weeks, realizing that night may be his last in such a lovely room.

Chapter Six — The Retrofitting Begins

“I should have realized that we shouldn’t have made you into the girl so quickly,” Mary Elizabeth told Angelo the next morning at breakfast.

“Oh mummy, it was me. I wanted it. I really did. I was so excited that first day when I saw the bedroom. I really hoped you wouldn’t change it.”

“I know darling, but we’ll have to do something about it, dear.”

She told the child her plans to move him into the back bedroom, and bring the office material into the bedroom he had been using. “That way, darling, we’ll still have that room kept the way it was.”

Angelo smiled. He knew that meant he might be able to still spend some time in it, even if he had to sleep in the other room.

“Oh mummy, you’re so good to me. I love you.”

“Now dear, we’ll have to dress you in some boy clothes today, and go shopping. We’ll have to make you a boy again.”

Angelo made a pouting face: “Do I have to?”

“Yes, honey, but I’ll tell you what. Since you don’t really have any decent boys clothes, why don’t we find some girl jeans to wear, and maybe one of those blouses that could pass for a boy?”

“Mummy, you’re so smart.”

Angelo found a pair of light blue jeans which rode low on his hips; of course it had no fly to zip, but at a glance they could be worn by a boy. He found a short sleeved light grey shirt, which had no collar and a low scooped neck. He put them on over a pair of cotton panties and a crá¨me-colored camisole, both of which were well-covered by the outer clothes. He wore short white socks and sandals.

“You still look like Angela,” his foster mother said, as he walked out of the bedroom.

“And I suppose you’re wearing panties underneath?”

Angelo blushed. “And mummy, my camisole, too.”

“Oh darling, I don’t know how we can do this. You look so much a girl. You walk like a girl now. Look at how you swing your arms.”

“I know mummy, but I’ll try to be a boy. You know I will.”

“And we’ll have to cut your hair, too.”

It was not a surprise that as they entered the Boys Department at Macy’s the clerk asked: “You’re wanting some pants for you’re daughter, ma’am?”

“Sir, he’s a boy. My foster son. We need to outfit him for school.”

“I’m sorry, ma’am, but . . . er . . . well . . . I’m sorry. Let me show you were the pants are.”

“That’s fine, young man,” she said easily. “Angelo is a very pretty child, but we need to outfit him so he’ll fit in better in school.”

“Ok, ma’am. I think I can help.”

The clerk identified himself as Mario; he was a slender young man with light brown hair that hung full and thick to his neck. As he spoke, he flicked a strand of hair from his face, showing full lips on a clean-shaven face. Mary Elizabeth could not help thinking this young man, too, must have been a pretty child, as Angelo was.

As if to comfort Angelo, the clerk said: “Come, Angelo, let’s see what we can do. I’m sure we’ll make you look very nice. You’re handsome young lad.”

Angelo was blushing now. He felt so out of place in this boy’s department; his own mothers had never been able to afford any new clothes for Angelo, usually getting clothes from second-hand stores or from charity groups. Often Angelo realized the shorts or jeans he wore were actually made for girls.

They bought two pairs of pants, three sets of jeans, a half dozen boy’s briefs, socks and boy’s tee shirts.

“I think he’s a handsome young man, now,” the clerk said after Angelo walked out of the fitting room, dressed in a pair of black slacks and a white boy’s shirt.

Mario helped Angelo put on a sports, jacket. The clerk had exquisite hands, slender, long fingers, smoothness to the back of the hand and thin wrists. He had a light, dainty manner as he adjusted the clothes on Angelo. Mary Elizabeth was so pleased they had found a clerk who obviously had similar traits to Angelo. The clerk showed great gentleness in assisting Angelo in her return to boy’s clothing.

“Where you going to school?” the clerk asked.

“I’m trying to go to the Arts High School. If I pass the audition Monday,” Angelo said.

“I hope you do. It’s a great school, if you have an artistic talent, which I’m sure you have.”

“I’m trying out for theater, although I love to draw, too.”

The clerk smiled, as he took Mary Elizabeth’s credit card. “I graduated from there two years ago. In theater. I’m going to the University now in theater, but not as actor.”

Angelo liked this young sale clerk; he had a soft, gentle way that was attractive to Angelo.

“I’m studying production. You know, back stage, costumes, scenery and stuff.”

“Oh that’s cool. Didn’t you like acting?” Angelo asked.

“Yes, but I’m not exactly the John Wayne type. And that’s what they want in boy actors.”

Angelo blushed, realizing also that would be his problem, if he wanted to act. He was just not manly enough.

The clerk completed the sale, and said: “Very nice meeting both of you. Best of luck in the audition, Angelo, and if you get in and want any help at the school, my name is Mario Castagne. I’m here most weekends.”

“Angelo Davies. That’s my name, and this is my mummy.”

As they walked out of the department, Angelo glanced back, and saw Mario still watching them walk out. Angelo gave Mario a tiny, girly wave, which the clerk returned similarly.

“He was nice, mummy,” Angelo said.

Mary Elizabeth merely nodded, wondering about where this serendipitous meeting between the two delicate boys might be heading.

Angelo, however, felt tears coming into his eyes. The clothes felt stiff and confining, not silky and free as a skirt or blouse did. He walked awkwardly, particularly since the new shoes were tight, also restricting.

“Oh mummy, thank you for doing this,” he said as they left the store. “But I wish I could have my girl’s clothes on.”

“I know, but these will work for school next month. You’ll get used to them.”

The next pressing problem facing Angelo was school; he was due to begin attending school in two weeks at the High School in Mary Elizabeth’s neighborhood. The school once had been the gem of the city’s system, but changing demographics had turned it into a school full truancy, bullying, violence and poor grades. Even though she lived in a neighborhood that retained much of the old working class nature, the school had changed.

Mary Elizabeth frankly was concerned over the fate of a tender, sweet boy like Angelo. It was good fortune that Angelo (as Angela) met Jason in the mall and had been informed of the possibility of attending the arts high school. Angelo had applied to enter the school and on the next Monday was scheduled for an audition. Such auditions were necessary to judge the child’s aptitude toward the arts.

Since he was going to do drama, Angelo chose a Shakespeare soliloquy: Hamlet’s famous one that began: “To be or not to be: that is the question.” In it, as he practiced it, Angelo had been able to project the indecision and tentativeness of Hamlet’s character. He would show Hamlet as a fragile young man who was rejecting the love of Ophelia.

As Shakespeare wrote it, Hamlet and Ophelia were teenagers, facing the cruelties of the adult world.

On the Saturday before the audition, Angelo went over to Tanya’s house to rehearse with her and her older sister, Heather, who was home from college for the weekend. As he dressed to leave, Mary Elizabeth noticed Angelo had put on his girl jeans, the pink tennis shoes and wore a collarless dark purple blouse that was considered unisex.

“No way, Angelo,” she said, halting him as he as about to leave. “I told you that we were going to be wearing boy stuff. You have to get used to it.”

“Oh mummy, no one will notice. These look like boy clothes.”

“No honey, with that long hair and the way you handle yourself, they’ll only see a girl in jeans.”

“Mummy, please. Why not?”

“You know ‘why not?’ If I permit you to be a girl, or to act like one, they’ll take you from me.”

“OK. I’ll change.”

“And change everything. I know you have on panties and knee highs and a cami underneath.”

“Yes mummy. For you.”

Mary Elizabeth was beside herself now. Being dressed as a boy seemed totally out of character for Angelo. How, indeed, could he ever revert to living as a boy again, she wondered. He seemed happy as a girl, but she knew she had to try.

“Oh, mummy,” Angelo said as he came out of his bedroom, now dressed totally as a boy. “I look just like a sissy boy.”

“No honey, you look like a very handsome boy. Remember what the young man said in the shoe store.”

“Yes, mummy. He was nice.”

“Yes, he was. Now, run along to Tanya’s. And don’t forget to take your Shakespeare book so you can rehearse.”

Angelo headed for the door, and Mary Elizabeth halted him, grabbing his arm. “Now honey, please try to walk like a boy.”

Tanya and her older sister, Heather, were surprised to see Angelo dressed as a boy, not being made aware that Mary Elizabeth had already begun the process of remaking him as a male.

“Mummy wants me to be a boy all the time now,” he explained. “I don’t feel like a boy.”

“Oh, but you’re cute as a boy,” Tanya said.

“I guess,” Heather, a tall, muscular, blonde 19-year-old. “I think you’re still a girl, Angela.”

Angelo blushed. Heather was very athletic young lady, and Angelo wasn’t sure that she liked him, because he was so girlish. He felt that such strong girls would only like muscular, macho boys.

“I think you’re sweet, either as a girl or a boy,” Heather continued. Then she did something unexpected; she reached over to him, taking his arm, pulling him to her, and giving him a kiss on his lips.

Angelo was shocked, but found he liked the attention and the obvious acknowledgment that Heather liked him. He felt a tinge in his crotch, as his penis hardened. Oh, this was so strange, Angelo thought.

Heather actually towered over Angelo; she was easily 5’9” tall, probably 5 inches taller than he was. No, Anglo realized, this was no kiss of romantic intentions, but a kiss of warmth, of comfort, of friendship. Perhaps, he thought, she was kissing him as two girls would kiss as friends.

Heather and Tanya sat transfixed as Angelo read his lines to rehearse the famed Hamlet soliloquy. He read it in a breathy, low voice, seeking to give meaning to the words.

“Angela, that was great!” Tanya said, suddenly realizing she had used the feminine name.

“Maybe he sounds a little too sissy in that,” Heather said. “Otherwise, I loved it. Angelo, you put such meaning in the words.”

“Oh, Heather, should I sound more manly?” he asked. “I wanted Hamlet to sound weak, not sure of himself.”

“I think you did that. It’s just that I can’t see you as anything but a girl. I’m sorry. What you think Tanya?”

“I loved it. It’s the first time I’ve heard a Shakespeare speech I could understand,” Tanya said. “And, the school won’t know him as a girl. They’ll just see a boy.”

“But I’d rather be a girl,” Angelo said suddenly. “I also know Ophelia’s part. I’ve practiced those lines, too.”

“You have? Let’s hear them,” Heather said.

“But, I need someone to read Hamlet’s part,” he said reaching for his volume of plays, and opening it to Act III, handing it to Heather.

“Read the last lines of Hamlet’s speech,” he said to Heather, pointing out the place to start.

They took a minute, with Heather standing up opposite Angelo, and Tanya seated before them, acting as the audience. Heather repeated the last lines of Hamlet: “Soft you now! The fair Ophelia! Nymph, in thy orisons Be all my sins remember’d”

“Good my lord, How does your honour for this many a day,” responded Angelo, taking the part of Ophelia, his voice thin, wispy and falsetto.

“I humbly thank you,” Heather said, picking up Hamlet’s line in a husky voice.

Tanya interrupted, saying: “Stop! Stop! Stop! This is no good.”

“Why?” Angelo said. “Didn’t it sound right?”

“No, Angela,” Tanya responded, reverting to his girl’s name. “You sounded marvelous, and so feminine. But, you’re dressed now as a boy. You should be in costume.”

“Oh yes,” said Heather enthusiastically. “You need to be costumed as Ophelia, in a light, wispy dress.”

Angelo smiled, but then suddenly the smile turned a bit sour. “But mummy doesn’t want me in dresses. She’s trying to make me a boy again.”

Heather said: “It’s just for now, and our mum isn’t home. So who’s to tell on you?”

“Oh Heather, yes,” continued Tanya. “I think you have just the dress for her. Remember the one you wore in high school to that Christmas dance. It was all chiffon, almost see-through. So white, and totally girly.”

“It’s perfect. It’s too small for me now, but should fit our little girl here just fine,” Heather added.

They led Angelo to Heather’s bedroom on the second floor. He had never been there before, and he was awe-struck with what he saw: It was decorated in pastel pinks and purples; the bed’s coverlet was a creamy white with pink floral trim, in a design that was matched by the drapes and vanity cloth. One wall was spanned with shelves, painted white, and Barbie Dolls in all sorts of costumes and dresses stood stunningly on the shelves.

Angelo had never seen so many dolls; he had played a few times with his cousin’s dolls during the last year. His cousin, Maria, however, had always wanted him to be the Ken doll as they played, but he had convinced her several times to let him be Barbie. He loved to dress and undress Barbie, but his Maria had only a small selection of dresses to choose from.

He remembered how his cousin had said how gentle he was in handling the dolls. He also remembered her brother finding them playing dolls one time and began to tease Angelo for being so much of a girl.

“Yeh, you’re a girl,” Maria had said, echoing her brother’s taunts. “Angelo’s a girl. Angelo’s a girl.”

In spite of himself, Angelo began to sob, and both his cousins began to laugh at him. He felt so weak and humiliated, as well as being betrayed by Maria whom he thought was enjoying their time together playing dolls. It was part of Angelo’s gentle nature, however, that in his sorrow, he forgave Maria, knowing that she always seemed to be subservient to her crude brothers.

Sensing Angelo’s interest in the dolls, Heather said: “That’s OK, Angela, you can go over to handle them.”

“Oh I just love them all,” he responded. “Thank you, Heather.”

Heather and Tanya watch the boy as he picked up one doll, then another, carefully examining how each was dressed. They watched how daintily he caressed each one of them, running his slender, sweet fingers across the clothes of the doll’s outfits.

Meanwhile, Tanya found the dress she wanted, and put it out on the bed with panties, a bra with some breast forms and a white slip. They left him to take off his male clothes, and put on the girl outfits. He called them in after he had put the slip on, so that they could help him with the dress.

“Oh this’ll be lovely on you,” Heather said.

They assisted Angelo in bringing the dress down over his head, fastening it in the back and tying the white sash just below his breasts, to help the dress flow easily and flare out. The dress was knee-high in length and sheer see-through chiffon shoulders and sleeves gave the outfit an almost fairy-like quality.

“You’re the prettiest Ophelia, my darling Angela,” Tanya said, leading Angelo to the mirror.

They sat Angelo down and put on white, sandals with sparking stones across the straps, commenting how lovely his legs were. Angelo smiled as he saw his image in the mirror. He felt so comfortable again; it just seemed natural that he was indeed a pretty girl.

“Angela, that was marvelous,” Heather said after he finished reading Ophelia’s lines.

“You said them so lovely, so convincingly,” Tanya agreed. “You sounded so much like a sad girl.”

“You’ll be a great actress,” Heather added. “An act-TRESS.”

Angelo flitted about in the dress, twirling, dancing, feeling so sweet. Yet, he was saddened by the realization that on Monday he’d have to audition as Hamlet, not Ophelia.

Angelo spent the rest of the weekend being dressed constantly in boy clothes, and being reminded over and over again by Mary Elizabeth: “Quit walking like a girl.” “Stop flailing your hands as you talk. That’s so girlish.” “You can slouch in your chair, now.”

Mary Elizabeth began to think the hope of remaking Angelo into a boy was hopeless. He still sat on the floor, legs folded in a feminine manner; he read on the couch, looking totally like a girl. During a recent trip to the book store, he had found the “Gossip Girl” series, which involved rich high school girls and their adventures. He read them voraciously, giggling at spots, and wishing to share the books with Tanya.

She realized she had to get Angelo out of the house and engaged in some physical activity, maybe even try him out doing some sports, like volleyball or even a quick softball game. She called Sharon and suggested that if she and her daughters, Tanya and Heather, weren’t busy they’d perhaps like to have a picnic.

“It’s a lovely idea,” Sharon said. “I’m sure both Heather and Tanya would like that. Is it all right if Heather brings Michael, her boy friend?”

“That should be fine, Sharon. I hope he understands about Angelo.”

“Yes, Lizzie, he does. And he’s sympathetic.”

“Good, but Angelo will be dressed as a boy today. You know how I need to make him act more masculine?”

“Yes, but how is that coming?”

“Hard, Sharon. He’s really more like a girl.”

“Well we’ll see if he can have some fun as a boy this afternoon.”

They agreed to meet at Lake Park about 12:30.

At noon, Angelo was still prancing about the house in panties and nightie, despite Mary Elizabeth’s urging that he dress in something more boyish. Part of the morning he had been at her sewing machine, an older model she hadn’t used in years, but which he found in the closet of the new room he was occupying. He also found some dress patterns and some random pieces of cloth Mary Elizabeth had set aside and forgotten.

He had found the pattern for a floral skirt and had it laid out on the floor, and was cutting a piece of cloth to fit the pattern as Mary Elizabeth walked in. His legs were curled under him, his hair hung loosely and his slender hands were working carefully with a scissors. He looked so lovely, she thought.

“Where did you learn to do that?” she asked.

“My mum taught me how to sew.”

“Oh,” she said stopping herself from saying more, knowing how much Angelo missed his mother, even though she had been sick and dysfunctional as a parent. Mary Elizabeth had been told that for the last five years or so, Angelo usually handled the chores of preparing food, cleaning the house or doing the dishes. In a sense, he had assumed a typical female household role, but it had developed within himself a sense of responsibility.

“I guess she treated me like a daughter, too. Just like you do, but in a different way. Maybe that’s why I love you so, mummy.”

“What are you making there?”

“It’s a skirt for you, mummy. I hope you’ll like it. The pattern is in your size, I think.”

“Ok, honey, but you better put that aside now, and get ready for the picnic.”

“Yes, mummy.”

“And you’re to wear only boy stuff there. You have a new pair of shorts and a tee shirt and those new running shoes. And, no panties or bra. OK. You understand me?”

“Yes, mummy, I know.” Angelo couldn’t hide his disappointment; he so would have liked to dress like Tanya, wearing mini-shorts and tank top, with his long hair being tucked under the pink baseball cap, and flowing through the opening in the back. He loved how the hair bounced as he walked. But, he knew the consequences.

Sharon and her family, along with Heather’s boy friend, Michael, had found an empty table under a large oak tree in a picnic spot overlooking the huge lake. There was a large grassy area nearby and they had already setup a volleyball net.

“Now try to walk like a boy,” Mary Elizabeth told Angelo as they got out of the car and headed to meet the others.

As he expected, Tanya and Heather were indeed wearing mini shorts and tank tops. Heather’s larger body was firm with a layer of fleshiness. She was a tall girl, with a heavy waist, and radiated a natural warm beauty that made her an attractive woman.

“Angelo, I’d like you to meet Michael, my friend,” Heather said, introducing a boy who was actually a larger version of herself: a tall, blonde and muscular young man with a broad face and sparkling blue eyes.

Angelo’s tiny hand felt smothered by the other boy’s large hand, but Michael’s grip was gentle and warm. Usually, Angelo felt threatened by muscular, strong boys, but for some reason he felt friendliness about this boy.

“Michael’s also going to State,” Heather said. “He’s majoring in English. He’s also interested in drama, so I thought you two might like to meet.”

“Really,” Angelo said, wondering why this tall, manly lad would care about drama or English. Wasn’t drama just for sissies, like himself, he thought?

Soon, however, Angelo was talked into playing volleyball; he played about as pathetically as he always did, his weak arms sometimes having trouble getting a serve over the net.

He was teamed up with Michael, making it a boy’s versus girl’s game, and his weakness at the game was easily compensated for by Michael’s athleticism. Nonetheless, both Tanya and Heather were no easy competitors. They played a hard, sometimes even nasty, game, and they all giggled when a point was made.

They never laughed at his pitiful playing in volleyball or the fact that he actually ran like a girl. Michael, with a patience that was astounding, showed Angelo how to serve the ball so that it would go over the net. As the game progressed, Angelo surprised himself by sending several moderately wicked serves that Tanya missed, and he squealed with joy in making the point. Angelo jumped up and down, waving his arms in a girly fashion, prompting Mary Elizabeth to yell: “Angelo. What did a tell you? Act like a boy.”

Later, as they were relaxing after their picnic lunch, Heather said to Mary Elizabeth: “I shouldn’t say anything, Mrs. Dayton, but I think it’s wrong to make Angelo into something he isn’t.”

“Oh Heather, I know, honey, but I have to. Otherwise Child Protection will take him away from me.”

“That’s so wrong. He’s really a girl in his soul. I can see that,” Heather replied.

“Yes, Mrs. Dayton,” added Michael. “I’m active in the ACLU Student Club at the University. We talk about these gender issues all the time.”

Both Heather and Michael were active in the club, they said. With her permission and that of Angelo’s, they said they’d like to take Angelo’s case up and see if there was something they could do.

“That’s fine, Heather and Michael,” Mary Elizabeth said as the conversation was ending. “In the meantime, I will have to try to make Angelo act like a boy. He understands that. We all love him for who he is, a loving marvelous child.”

On the trip home, Angelo finally spoke up. He had heard the conversation, but said little. He was so pleased to be accepted by Tanya, Heather and Michael as the person he was.

“Mummy, I love everybody so much now, you and Tanya and Heather, and, yes, even Michael. I’ll work real hard to be the best boy I can. I feel I am a girl, mummy. But, I know what I have to do.”

“I know you will, honey.”



Angelo began to cry. “Why am I such a weirdo? Why am I so different? You’re all acting like I’m sick, or something? Heather and Michael are trying to make me some sort of a special disability case. Mummy, why can’t I just be me?”

Mary Elizabeth felt tears welling up, feeling so sad for this child who was only trying to become the person he was meant to be. He was special, she knew, but not because he felt he was a girl, but because he was kind and open and generous and loving.

Mary Elizabeth forced a smile, put her right hand on the boy’s smooth forearm, and said: “Honey. We all love you, you know that. Good things don’t happen sometimes without a struggle and some pain.”

“I know, mummy.”

“And you’ve already had lots of pain. You’re too good a little girl. I’m sure we’ll work this out.”

She knew Angelo was indeed the daughter she always wanted. To her, Angelo would always be Angela, even if the rest of the world would know him as a tender boy called Angelo. Yet, Mary Elizabeth had faith that Child Protection Services would eventually see that Angelo is really Angela.

(To be continued)

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