Discriminatory attitudes

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I don't understand!

I don't understand why people feel the need to tell others how to live their lives. When you get right down to it that is what North Carolina DC 9 and similar laws are really about. I have a hard enough time trying to live my own life by my own ethical standards to spend time trying to tell someone else how to live theirs.

I don't understand hate. I've tried to hate various people and ideas, but it is too much work. It is much easier to love and tolerate, and I'm lazy.

I don't understand bigotry. Most bigots, I've found, don't have the slightest idea what they are talking about, they are just repeating some other bigot's misogynistic prattle.

What I do understand is ignorance. God must love ignorant people. He certainly made a lot of them. I read their nonsense everyday. They misquote the bible as a basis for supporting their hatred, bigotry, and ignorance.

Jesus gave us only two commandments. Love the Lord God with all your might; and love and treat thy neighbor as you would have him love and treat you. How much more simple could he make it? Yet we can't seem to get it right, can we?

I read the news and the ravings of my neighbors and it makes me want to weep! I don't understand and I probably never will.

God bless you all, and give you peace!



Some people appear

Angharad's picture

to have very narrow margins of comfort and when something happens outside those margins they get scared. They need to control everything which shows their weakness not their strength. Life will also find ways around them as their brittleness will ultimately break them.


I understand...

In the mid 90's I was a family man with three teenaged children, a boy and two girls. By 2003 they were all gone, my son finishing a career in the Navy and the two girls married off to nice young men. In following years, we, one or both of us, would make trips to Honduras, Mozambique, Bosnia, and other places on relief and missionary missions. At the time, I knew I had GID but had resolved to soldier it out, like most with the affliction do. We arrived back in the states in May of 2001 and by September the World would be a very different place.

Leaving all the politics and religion out of it, by 2007 I would have had SRS surgery and trying to rebuild my life; completely destroyed by the devastating effects of poor counseling and copious amounts of psychotropic medications intended to help me cope with a complete breakdown in 2003. When it happened, I did not even know who I was, and was dealing with the effects of a "50 shades" childhood and the trauma of the 9/11 attack and exacerbated by a media who evilly discharged their responsibility to inform, not to pervert.

Against that backdrop, I was raised to hate or fear any human that did not look exactly like a dust bowl Okie. God wanted to educate me and that started with two trips to Honduras to help rebuild after Hurricane Mitch. I came back with a deep love and respect for Hispanic people. In 2001, we would go to Kenya and I came back with a deeper understanding and love of Africans. I have to say that many Africans here in America are difficult to love because they have too often been used and abused by whitey. After 9/11, I was utterly astonished to hear leaders of my Christian sect speak out in hysterical hatred, saying "All Muslims are going to hell" and other vile things. I left them and eventually tried to be Muslim myself for 9 years. I was afraid of Arabs and now I sort of am one.

Now days, I still believe in the one who organizes the Universe, but some days it does not go much beyond that. As of last week I am off the last of the Psychotropic drugs and feeling increasingly alert for the first time in 15 years. This morning I got up and thought to myself, "What the HELL happened"! They say that it will take up to a year, or more for the effects of the Trazodone to finally wear off. I wonder if I will still feel like a woman when that is all gone? Well, there really isn't much choice is there? Just how in the sam hill do you hide B-C boobs when it is 90 degrees? HELL no, I am not getting them cut off as one churchie demanded. How in the hell am I NOT going to be beat up in the men's restroom? There is no chance that I will cut my hair ever again. NOPE, it looks like I am in the skirted, sittin down to pee crowd for the duration.

I thank God for a Supreme Court that is trying to keep the religiou nutters in line. I feel less safe on the street now days, even in sweet, gentle Portland. A friend says I need to start carrying again. Now just who in creation would I shoot? In my 69th year, I can see that "All is Vanity", and to the organizer of the Universe, thank you for this chance to live and I hope that I am discharging my responsibilities in a way that is pleasing to you.

As the saying goes

There's nowt as queer as Folk.
Quite why some people can't (or more likely won't) see the other side of an argument is beyond me. Some of my American acquaintances (40+ years) find it odd that I can go and work in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Kuwait etc. They seem to think that all followers is Islam are terrorists. They couldn't be more wrong.

Needing to be lead.

Am I still Muslim? I don't know do I? The more I study belief systems, the more I am convinced that the Organizer and "orderer" of the Universe finds our efforts to place him/her in a box to be laughable amusing him to no end. On the Christian side, "No man cometh to the Father but through Me", rings out, and on the other side "There is no God but Allah SWT" immovably stands and at the end of the day I am often not sure which "road I have not taken", as there seems to be more than two. The Scientific side to my being often intruding to confuse me, leaving me completely confounded. Perhaps I am simply more of an Arthur C. Clarke or Isaac Asimov sort of person? I often get scolded for not being able to choose one way or another. Goodness I am fully occupied with sussing out my gender, so please do not ask more.

Khadijah Gwen