In a letter to Gov. Pat McCrory, the Justice Department said federal officials view the state law as violating federal Civil Rights Act protections barring workplace discrimination based on sex. Provisions of the state law directed at transgender state employees violate their anti-discrimination protections, the letter said.
“The State is engaging in a pattern or practice of discrimination against transgender state employees and both you, in your official capacity, and the state are engaging in a pattern or practice of resistance” of their rights, the letter said.
The Justice Department has also notified the 17-campus University of North Carolina system that the state law violates Title IX of the Civil Rights Act, which bars discrimination in education based on sex, the letter said. That could lead to North Carolina losing hundreds of millions of dollars in federal school funding.
The letter effectively serves as a warning to the state to proceed at its own peril or risk being sued.
my opinion
my opinion stands thus: laws like these are going to continually be pushed. Here's my question; when, not if, a transgender person is attacked by some hate-charged bigot in a restroom 'concurrent to their birth gender' will the lawsuit/ criminal charges only name the attacker? If it were myself I would press charges and file suit against the legislator(i.e. Governor) for criminal endangerment. Why do that you ask? Simple. It would be personal. That legislator set aside common good for a personal agenda. Going after state won't make an impact. You don't go after the office, you go after the individual. Or you can name each individual person that wrote the proposed law, the lobbyist and the legislator that put it forward along with the one that approved it. Name them all as a group and you have criminal conspiracy, if they are all supported to a group that contributed to their campaigns then you have RICO charges as well.
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
strategic response!
That's actually a pretty well thought out, honest, and extremely logical response. You go for the jugular and give them little choice but have to defend their actions on record.
The downside of that is the judge is likely to either toss out or remove them form the lawsuit, but with some judges you never know...
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
Nice idea but parlimentry
Nice idea but parlimentry privledge will probably protect them.
maybe not,
as these law makers were told BEFORE THE VOTE it violated civil liberties, you might be able to make the case that as a person, NOT in their position as a lawmaker, they conspired. its a long shot, but possiblle
Teresa L.
Several points to consider.
You would have to prove or have proof beyond a reasonable doubt of the conspiracy. you would have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the individual knew that it violated civil liberties before hand.
IMHO the law makers know that this will get overturned by the courts. Once it is they will look at what parts were overturned and counter with yet more just to flame the fires hoping that something will stick and try to make an issue out of nothing.
Damage has been done
This law will be pulled either by NC or the Supreme Court. However, damage has been done. The general atmosphere has shifted. The haters now believe they are justified in their bigotry. What used to be second looks and the occasional stare has turned into "if looks could kill" level staring and harassment. I was followed all around WalMart by at least one old lady. Naturally, I sent her on a chase and covered far more area than planned just to watch her peer from the ends of aisles and behind pillars. I'm sure she half expect me to sprout horns and rape a baby or something. It definitely has changed and no matter the outcome, it will take quite some time to recover. While NC has never been a great place for trans folk, it has gotten much worse. You won't hear this on the news because it isn't a bathroom issue.
The CNN Post on Facebook
While a large portion of the comments are negative, looking at the likes and such is interesting. Like is overwhelmingly in the majority. So it seems most think this is good news.
DC 9 bound
This is heading for the US Supreme Court and in my not so humble opinion the jokers down in North Carolina knew that right from the start. They want precedent, well they are going to get it and may not like what they get.
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
Its all Cover You’re A**
Its all Cover You’re A**
The politicians that pushing these hate filled bills know good and well they won’t hold up in a court of law, lets face it most politicians are lawyers.
They want to show there voters they are doing something to keep there job the next election.
They also want the bad guy to by the Supreme Court and not themselves.
All the money it’s costing to defend such laws should be coming out of the politicians pockets and not the peoples, the money could be used for better things.
similar law in SC
SC tried to fallow NC but i think it was thrown out. It hurts T-Girls and T-boys. So lawmakers should be held accountable if a male that is becoming a female is raped, hurt and or killed. same if a female becoming a male. It's not right that rights are taken away from people that aren't felons. boys that are or have been dressing as girls at of from the age of 7 would be a target of sexual assault. Do we want kids hurt like that. NO WE DON'T! Law makers need to find something better laws to use tax payers money on to enforce.