Chapter Problems

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Well I've run into a bit of a problem with Just Keep Rolling as I seem to have run out of chapters for now. Well I still have Ch.4 I can post but after that, I have nothing.

I was doing really good with my writing---keeping a schedule but I've had some stuff in real life that kept interfering. I have literally written half a page of Ch.5 sadly. So if I do post Ch.4 in the next day or so, it could be a few weeks before I get Ch.5 or other chapters written and posted.

So I'm asking: do you want Ch.4 now or do you want to wait a few weeks until I build up a buffer and start posting others on my regular one per week schedule?


As you feel more comfortable

tmf's picture

One one hand, I like the story and would like it now, but that would mean a long wait for chapters 5 plus.
So probably wait maybe a week for No.4 and hopefully one or two week for No.5 and so on.!?

Peace and Hugs tmf

Peace, Love, Freedom, Happiness

Biscuit now

Podracer's picture

I guess that's how I am. If there's going to be a gap while you draw breath, then so be it. If you post now, the reader always has the option of not reading it for now? Yeah, like I can see that happening ;)
Whatever you decide, I'll be waiting to see Christy's next doings as soon as it appears.

"Reach for the sun."


Does chapter 4 end on a cliffhanger? If chapter 3 is where we pause for a while it's actually a decent pause point and would rather pause on this point than on a cliff. But if chapter 4 also comes to another great pause point then I'll gladly take the fix and have to wait longer before the next one.

Abigail Drew.

real life first, our enjoyment second

Real life comes first, our enjoyment is a distant second or third. You explained your problems before and warned us that you had only written up to Chapter 4, you are entitled to take a break to write and get things in order.Then again there are authors who do amazing stories and only post every month or two if not longer. They don't receive too many if any complaints so you shouldn't be shy at taking all the time you need to get things in order.

My advice is simple: you gave me a little insight about what you were doing in the upcoming chapter so leave it as it is. It was a great natural pause point and I fear Chapter 4 will leave us wanting more but unsatisfied because unless Chapter 4 is all sleepover and ends with her falling asleep it'll get into Monday which means school! That drama should be best left alone for now, start with Chapter 4 in a week or two.

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime

my (late) 2 cents

Sadarsa's picture

well, this comment is late seeing as how Ch. 4 has been posted... but i guess i have something to add to this.

One of my favorite ongiong stories is as of right now 23 chapters long... and has been trickeling in for nearly 3 years now. At one point i think the story went like 6 months without an update, and averages a little under 1 every month or so. Since it is in fact a story i love so much i'm rather conflicted about it's slow rate. On one hand it has made me love it for 3 years.... on the other hand waiting for the next chapter is agonizing.

The point is, if people like the story.... they *will* wait for it, and if it's good enough they wait even long periods of time.

~Your only Limitation is your Imagination~