What Milsy Did -1-

When your life revolves around washing pots and peeling vegetables a summons from the Duchess can only mean one thing - trouble! A young kitchen servant finds herself catapulted into an amazing adventure where she is asked to perform a dangerous task for the King and Queen, with the possibility of a new life if she survives.

What Milsy Did

A Tale of Anmar by Penny Lane

1 - "They Want You Upstairs"

Disclaimer: The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2016 Penny Lane. All rights reserved.

Author's note: The events in this chapter retell those of Somewhere Else Entirely chapter 56 and part of chapter 57 but from a different point of view.

Milsy regarded the pile of dirty pots with resignation.

"All these? Again?

"Aye, Milsy," replied her fellow kitchen drudge. "What with the King and Queen and the two Dukes to stay, with all their people, we're using every pot the castle owns. Best we get started or their lordships' lunch will be late."

"It would help if His Grace didn't have such a large appetite," Milsy grumbled, grabbing the first saucepan, "they say he eats half the food we serve!"

"Now, now, Milsy," the third woman said. "The Duke has provided us with house and home and he has a lot to think about just now, what with all that fuss yesterday and all."

Milsy dunked the pot into the big tub and grabbed a scrubbing brush. "Is there any more news about that?"

"Only wild rumors," the second woman replied, dunking her own pot. "Those guardsmen who searched the kitchens yesterday afternoon didn't know nothing. Said they were looking for a man in Dekarran uniform and another in Palace uniform."

The third woman snorted. "That only narrows it down to maybe five hundred or so, doesn't it? The castle is full of men in uniform! Easier to find a single piece of meat in a tureen of stew."

Milsy frowned. "What are these men supposed to have done? Not molested the women servants again, surely?"

"No idea. I heard," the second woman said confidentially, "that it was something to do with a young girl His Majesty brought with him. But there's so many visitors here that could be anybody, couldn't it?"

"Aye, right enough," the third one agreed. "Master Samind got called away upstairs, he might find out something while he's up there. Maybe one of the corridor guards will tell him something."

"What's he gone up there for?" the second asked. "Was there some problem with the food? If he's being reprimanded he won't be making small talk to no guardsman, will he?"

"He won't be telling us when he comes down, whatever he finds out," Milsy said. "He thinks he's above the likes of us."

"As you say," the second agreed. "That don't make it true, does it?" The three grinned at each other.

The bulk of the washing had been completed by the time Samind next put in an appearance. Milsy was hot, sweaty, wet and filthy from scrubbing pots and disposing of encrusted leftovers. The three women gratefully came to a stop as their nominal boss entered the room, glad of even the slightest excuse for a break.

"Milsy," Samind said without preamble, "there you are. You can stop whatever you're doing. They want you upstairs."

Milsy stood up and roughly wiped her hands down her damp apron, a knot of cold forming in the pit of her stomach.

"Me? Who wants me, Master Samind? What for? Did I do something wrong?"

Samind shrugged. "I don't believe so. I don't know exactly, girl. I think it might be something to do with that fuss yesterday." He smiled at the young girl. "You remember I told you that I thought you might do better than Dekarran's kitchen? It looks like you might be in luck. It seems that one of the Queen's maids was injured during," he waved a hand to indicate he didn't know, "whatever happened, and she is looking for some extra help. The Duchess remembered that I spoke of you."

Milsy was apprehensive. "Me? You mean, I'm to be a maid upstairs? How long would that be for, Master Samind? Until the parties depart from Dekarran?"

Samind smiled again. "No, girl, I think the post is to be more permanent than that. Go with Vanden now, there's a good girl. You mustn't keep the Duchess waiting."

"But -"

"Go. Shoo. You can sort out your things once you know what is happening."

Milsy bobbed at Samind. "As you command, Master Samind."

She followed the footman through the castle corridors, her mind in a whirl. Unlike the two she had been working with, she had listened carefully to all the rumors and formed her own theory about yesterday's events. There had been a girl, a girl who moved in the highest circles. She and her maid had been walking the corridors when they had been attacked. Something to do with an abduction? One of the men had been killed, but Milsy hadn't worked out who had done the killing or why. But the maid had been injured, or so the reports had said. Perhaps she was a temporary replacement, despite what Samind had said?

Milsy began to get more nervous as Vanden led her to even higher levels in the castle, levels no kitchen servant was ever permitted. Here, the walls were of paneled wood, not dressed stone, and the floor underfoot was carpeted, an arrangement she had heard about but never seen. She became acutely aware of just how she was dressed and began to worry in case she should smear the fine veneers on the walls or tread whatever might be on the soles of her servant's shoes into the carpet.

"Here we are, girl," Vanden said when they reached a door of heavily carved woods. "You go in, I'll stay here a moment or two in case there's been a mistake or some errand needs doing."

Milsy gave a light knock at the door and entered feeling very nervous.

"Your Grace." She curtseyed low, and then when she straightened her eyes widened. "I'm sorry, Your Majesty." She felt terrified as she curtseyed again. "You sent for me."

"We did," the Queen said. "We require a girl servant to perform a special service for the crown. You would leave the household of Duke Gilbanar and join my own." Milsy's eyes widened again. "You would travel with us to Palarand and reside with us there. This is not a command. If you feel that you would not wish to leave Dekarran, part from your friends, then we would understand." The Queen smiled to try and put her at ease. "Before you think of accepting, I must tell you that you may be asked to do unusual things, and that you must not on any account tell anyone what you are doing. This task involves significant danger and it is entirely possible that you might die doing it."

Milsy immediately dropped to one knee and bowed her head.

"Your Majesty, I am yours to command." She looked up, then. "But, Ma'am, what can a young girl like me do? I am only a kitchen servant, after all. I know nothing of the business of Queens and Duchesses."

"Your loyalty does you credit, child," the Duchess said. "Stand up, and let us look at you."

She stood and the two women examined her, although she could think of few reasons why they should wish to.

"Would you turn to the side, dear?" the Queen asked. Dutifully, she did as she was asked.

"Not bad," Vivenne said. "With a bit of cleaning up she would definitely do."

Milsy flushed. "Your Grace, I was cleaning pots when Master Samind asked me to come up to you. I have not had the opportunity to make myself clean, nor change from my work clothes."

"That's fine, dear," the Queen said. "That's not quite what the Duchess meant but we understand your position. Come here, hold out your hands."

This was familiar territory since everyone who worked in the kitchen was inspected before each shift began. The Queen gave her a close check-over before nodding.

"You are sure that you understand what we are asking of you? You will leave this castle, come away with us, possibly never to return. You will leave all your friends, anyone you know. Your journey may involve danger and possibly your death. If you complete your service, a place appropriate to your abilities will be found for you in the palace establishment. You are still decided?"

They want me to travel with the royal party and live in the palace! It is true!

"Your Majesty," said Milsy seriously, "I am. If it is possible for me to do, then I shall do as you command."

The Queen sighed. "Then so be it. Vivenne, you'll arrange the transfer? And we must have... Milsy's belongings brought up to our quarters. Now, girl, be seated and we shall tell you what we wish of you."

Milsy was panic-stricken. "Ma'am, no! I dare not sit in this dirty dress, I'll ruin the fabric of the chair!"

"Very well. You know what happened yesterday evening? Here in the castle?"

"Yes, Ma'am! The kitchens talk of nothing else. To have someone abducted -" She stopped short and her eyes widened again. A sudden transfer... a young girl, an abduction attempt..."You want me to be a decoy for the young lady!"

The Duchess said, "Samind told us you were smart, he didn't tell us you were this smart."

The Queen agreed. "Indeed. If you are as smart as you seem, Milsy, you may go far in Palarand. But we must first get you back to the palace, and that is where the danger lies. We wish you to play the part of Baroness Garia during our procession back to the city. And, quite possibly, for some time after that."

Milsy's face was pale. "When you said danger, Ma'am, I didn't realize..." Her expression became resolute. "I said I would do it, Your Majesty, and I will. Any service I can do for you or for the King, you have only to ask."

"You should not be in very much danger, dear. You will be surrounded by a great many men who will defend you to the death should the need arise." The Queen smiled. "And there will be compensations. You will ride in a carriage, possibly with myself and the King, and wear many beautiful gowns."

Milsy's face lit up. If I'm going to be a decoy of course I'll have to wear her gowns. It cleared again. But... there are men who want to abduct the... Baroness? Was that who she was? She lit up once more. I've heard things about her! Rumors, of course, half of which are nonsense, but there's enough to know she is very important. The job they want me to do is important.

She became serious again. "Ma'am, now I know what you meant by getting me cleaned up. I'm afraid I don't know how to behave in your court, I have no knowledge how things are done."

"Neither did Garia, dear, before she came to us," the Queen said, surprising Milsy. "She comes from a place a very long way away, somewhere else entirely, and in her world they do not have a King or Queen to look after them. They have a different method, and each man is said to be the same as the next."

Milsy's brow furrowed. "That sounds... impossible, Ma'am."

"Yes, dear, it does, but she tells us it seems to work. But my point is that she herself is not a born noble and has had to learn the ways of the palace. There you have an advantage over her since you are already familiar with most of our customs."

"As you say, Ma'am. Well, some of them." Her eyes sparkled as she considered the adventure to come. "I'll try my hardest, Ma'am. I can do no more."

"Indeed, dear. And we'll try and make it as easy for you as we may. Now, perhaps you had better begin your new employment in the proper manner. Kenila, would you conduct Milsy to the bathroom and get her completely clean? Dress her in a robe when you've finished and bring her back here. Varna, send for Rosilda. She will have much extra work to do before we depart for Palarand."

Kenila led Milsy into the Royal bedroom and through into a large tiled bathroom. She smiled at the young girl as she pulled the rope for water.

"Do you mind having a bath now?" she asked. "I don't know much about the routine in the castle kitchens."

"Uh, mist - uh, what do I call you?"

"I'm Kenila and the Queen's other maid is Varna," Kenila explained.

"Uh, well, Kenila, I'm Milsy and I've been cleaning pots for about two bells to get them ready for lunch. We'd about finished, then I would probably have been loading food onto platters for the footmen to take to the dining rooms. I wouldn't bathe until tonight normally, though I would wash my hands, of course."

Kenila tilted her head to regard Milsy thoughtfully. "Well, Milsy, I don't think you can stay in those clothes much longer," she said. "I must make you clean before you can be presented to the Baroness. Shall you bathe?"

"But... what am I to wear?" Milsy was confused as Kenila helped her remove her clothes.

"Milsy, I know not, but most likely you will be wearing some of the Baroness's gowns, as Her Majesty has told you. Once you are clean I'll wrap you in a robe until we can join the Baroness and her party."

"Her party? How many of them are there?"

"Only her secretary and two maids are with her presently. She has some men-at-arms as well. There, the water flows nicely. Can you manage by yourself or do you want me to get in as well?"

"Oh, Kenila! I have only ever washed myself, though the kitchen servants share the water. This is all so strange."

Kenila smiled. "Milsy, you have no idea."

After her bath Milsy emerged to find a woman servant in palace livery waiting in the bedroom. Wrapped in a robe she felt extremely self-conscious.

"I am Rosilda," she said. "I'm one of the palace seamstresses. The Queen has asked me to measure you up, discover if there are differences in size between you and Lady Garia." She smiled at Milsy. "Some of the clothes milady wears are... unusual, let us say. I have helped milady turn her ideas into cloth, so I am familiar with her body. If you would take off the robe, I can note down your measurements."

What followed was embarrassing for Milsy, as this procedure had never happened to her before. Servants in the lower castle looked through a pile of clothes until they found something that fitted. She didn't mind standing naked in front of other women, that was life in the servant's quarters, but having to have the tape wrapped closely around her body parts was... different. When Rosilda finished she looped her tape around her shoulders and smiled.

"Good! Thank you for being so patient, Milsy." She consulted her parchment. "It seems that you are mostly the same size as Lady Garia, being but a finger's width taller. Your breasts are slightly larger but you should be able to wear most of her regular gowns. Your feet are bigger, though, I must tell the Duchess that you will require suitable footwear, you will not fit any of Lady Garia's shoes."

Milsy was given a private lunch in the Royal sitting room. With Kenila in attendance she took an afternoon nap in chairs in the bedroom, only disturbed at the end by the Queen coming in to collect something. Kenila had to leave her alone for a time to serve the Queen so Milsy wandered to the windows to look out over the Palar valley. She had never seen the terrain outside the castle from so high up and she found the view fascinating.

Soon, the Queen returned with Kenila and beckoned Milsy.

"It is time for you to join the Baroness," she said. "But though she is in a suite along the corridor we do not wish your connection to her to become known in case somebody guesses the truth. Wait in the sitting room with Kenila and you shall be led another way to her suite."

The Queen departed with her other maid. In the sitting room the two waited. Shortly there was a click and a section of the paneling swung silently open. A young man stepped out holding a lantern. He smiled at Milsy.

"So, you're the one! Follow me, if you would. Be careful, there are stairs going down."

The two women followed the man down a spiral staircase onto a dimly-lit level. There was a corridor running into the darkness both ways, with small rooms to one side, each with a small window opening out onto the north side of the castle.

"This is an old servants' access route," the young man explained. "It didn't work out because the stairs made it awkward but it has other uses." He grinned. "Like today. Follow me."

He led them along the corridor, counting off rooms, and then up another spiral stair. At the top was a panel opening into another sitting room. They emerged to find a group of nobles waiting, including the Duke and the King. The two women curtseyed to the King.

The Queen stepped forward. "Allow me to introduce Milsy, who has volunteered to become a substitute for Garia when we leave Dekarran to return home. Milsy, this is Garia, her maid Jenet, her secretary Merizel and Merizel's maid Bursila."

Milsy felt petrified to be standing in front of such an august assembly. Her eyes flickered in all directions, looking at each of them, her face becoming paler as time went by.

"Garia, perhaps you would stand beside Milsy," the Queen suggested. "That will let us compare you directly."

A young woman the same age as Milsy walked over beside her and stood facing the assembled royalty. King and Duke examined the pair thoughtfully and then turned to each other.

"Gil, I think this will work. I'm sorry to steal a servant off you, but -"

"My pleasure, Rob. From what Vivenne tells me, she is brighter than she looks. Being in the palace is possibly the best thing that can happen to her."

The King nodded. "Very well. I suggest we depart now and leave our new conspirator to our ladies. She looks a little overwhelmed with all of us standing here."

"As you say, Rob. Boys, you'd better leave as well. Terry, first you must show Garia how that door works."

The Queen and the Duchess took them into the bedroom. The others were a taller, slightly older girl and two maids, one of whom was much older. That one had a bandage around her neck so Milsy guessed that she might have been in the fight, and therefore must be the Baroness's maid. The other two she could not work out although one was certainly another maid. When the Baroness joined them she found them seated on comfortable chairs under the windows.

"Garia," the Queen began, "Milsy was a kitchen servant until this afternoon. She knows very little of what we propose, but she knows that she will pretend to be you for the journey back to the palace. That means that she must do so wearing some of your clothing, preferably that which would most identify you to an onlooker."

The Baroness nodded. "I understand, Ma'am. I'd almost worked that out, anyway. The problem is, I don't have that much clothing here." She considered. "Actually, it's not as bad as I think, is it? She won't be doing Tai Chi or combat training, and I can't imagine she'll be riding a frayen, so she won't need a lot of my special clothing."

"No, dear. I think she will probably ride in the carriage with Robanar and myself. But she might wear some of your green-on-green outfits, dear."

The Baroness nodded again. "I'd more or less thought that I couldn't wear my colors because that will identify me too easily." She paused. "I might need a set for when we reach... our destination, though. I'll need to identify myself then, won't I?"

"As you say, dear. As will..." The Queen paused, and then waved her hand. "I'm not being rude, dear, but perhaps we had better speak of that part of the plan another time." She turned to Milsy and smiled. "Dear, we should not discuss other parts of the plan in front of you. If you are by chance caught, then what you have not been told cannot be forced out of you."

Milsy looked pale and licked her lips. "I understand, Ma'am." She turned to the Baroness. "Milady, combat training? Riding frayen? You really do those things? I have heard stories in the kitchens, but I thought them scarcely credible."

The Baroness gave Milsy a warm smile. "Yes, Milsy, I do those things and many more. They're not things that women do much around here. Yet. But you'll be welcome to receive training when I get back." The Queen gave the Baroness a measured look but she carried on. "On the other hand, I do suggest you start to learn Tai Chi as soon as you can, because it will help you keep calm. You've met Feteran? No? He's the commander of my armsmen and he'll be returning to the palace with you. He'll get you started and he'll look after you all the way. You may rely on him completely for help and advice. As for myself, as long as we're here together you can ask me anything, understand? And you must call me Garia. If you are to play my part you'll have to quickly get used to being around the King and Queen, so you're going to have to learn to be a little more familiar with everyone than you might have been before."

Milsy's eyes flicked to the Queen but she nodded. "As you say, Milady. Oh! As you say, Garia."

"There's something else, Milsy," the Queen said, "that you must needs sacrifice. Garia has a very distinctive hair style."

"I noticed that, Ma'am." She reached a hand up and touched her long locks. "I understand that it will be necessary to cut it, Ma'am. I don't think I'll mind that, though it will be strange to begin with." She frowned. "My hair is not as dark as... Garia's, though. Will any notice?"

"That shouldn't be a problem once we put karzal-nut oil on it," Garia said. She looked at Jenet who nodded. "The oil will make it darker and make it shine like mine does."

It was Garia's turn to frown. "That's another point, actually. My hairstyle is distinctive. How will I be able to disguise my own?"

"That won't be difficult, Garia," the Duchess said. "I'm sure we can find you a suitable wig from somewhere. Perhaps something in a different color."

Garia's eyebrows rose. "You have wigs here?"

"Of course. Sometimes one wishes to change one's look for a ball, or for a children's amusement at festival time, perhaps. On occasion there has been an older relative who has lost her hair and would prefer the world not to know. There are some few wigs, stored carefully away. Many are quite old, or of outdated style. You must accompany me one day and we shall find out if any are suitable."

"As you wish, Aunt Vivenne. What should we be doing now, Ma'am? Merizel and I were just about to find something to wear to dinner."

"I would suggest that you both eat here in the suite this evening, dear. That way, you may make your portions serve five people and Milsy can get to know you." The Queen smiled. "I can tell the others that you did not wish to leave your maid, which is true enough."

"What will happen to Milsy tonight, then? Can she stay in the suite with us?"

"Do you think that you can manage with an extra guest, dear? What will happen if somebody comes to your door? One of the servants, perhaps?"

Garia grinned. "We have many rooms where Milsy can hide while visitors do what they need to. Besides, you said that the main corridor was sealed off and only palace guards and palace servants would be allowed here."

"As you say, dear. But I would not attempt to rely on the discretion of the palace servants if I were you. Excepting our personal maids, of course." The Queen looked at the huge bed. "Where shall Milsy sleep, if she stays here?"

"Jenet and Bursila are sharing one of the servants' rooms so Milsy can have the other." Garia turned to Milsy. "No offense, but I'm not sure I'd be comfortable with three in a bed, even one that big. I've never slept in a bed with anyone else before."

"You have servants' rooms right in the bedroom? What an amazing thing." Milsy's eyes grew round again. She asked hesitantly, "May I have a look, please?"

"Of course. That one there." Garia pointed.

Milsy walked over and pulled the door open, went inside and came out moments later. "Mil- I mean, Garia, it's wonderful! It's much better than the dormitory I sleep in now, with five other kitchen women. You wouldn't believe the snoring -" she stopped, guiltily. "You don't snore, do you?"

Garia and the other girl looked at each other. "We're still discussing that," Garia said finally. "I don't think you'll be disturbed, though." Garia turned to the Queen. "Ma'am, I guess if we want our meals brought up here we'd better order. And we still have to change."

The Queen took the hint and stood. "As you say, Garia. We'll leave you all to become acquainted while we go and prepare ourselves. Vivenne?"

"As you command, Ma'am."

After the Queen, Duchess and their maids departed Garia turned to Milsy.

"Right. There's no need for you to stay in that robe for the next week, is there? Let's see how you fit into some of my gowns. And then we can sit down and have a good talk until the food arrives."

"As you command, uh, Garia."

"Relax! I'm sure you're going to have a great time trying out my stuff."

"Uh, Garia, you have an odd way of speaking."

"Ah, that's because I'm not from around here, I'm from somewhere else entirely. I'm not even sure how or why I know the local language. When I first arrived here I was told I had an odd accent but I've also been told that the accent has mostly gone now." Garia sighed. "Look, perhaps we'd better sit down and just talk while we wait for our food to arrive. It will be important for you to know my story, because I don't behave how you might think a Baroness would behave."

"I'm sorry," Milsy replied, "I'm just a kitchen maid. I have no idea how any of the nobility is supposed to behave. You're almost the first one I've ever spoken to, apart from the Queen and Duchess Vivenne."

Garia was visibly affected by Milsy's lack of experience.

"Well, then," she said with a smile, "we'd better do something about that, hadn't we?"


The following morning was full of surprises for Milsy. First, there was a procession of women using the toilet facilities. Then, to her amazement, all five of them climbed into the sunken tub together and washed each other. After that, they pulled on fluffy robes and took positions on the floor in front of the huge bed. Garia told Milsy to sit on the foot of the bed and watch.

"What are you all doing, Garia? Is that a kind of dance?"

They stopped and Garia explained the purpose and philosophy of Tai Chi. When she had finished Milsy watched attentively as the others ran through the whole exercise. For all of them now, the movements and sequences of Tai Chi had become automatic and they could relax their minds instead of having to concentrate on the forms.

Garia had reluctantly agreed that she would have to take breakfast from now on in her suite, in order to cover the extra food needed for Milsy. There was still plenty for everyone and in fact a certain amount was returned when the service was collected. Bursila carefully put the trays outside the door to the suite so that no-one who did not know what was planned needed to enter.

"I don't think I can put off going down to the training area," she said when they had tidied up. "Everyone will expect us. We'll have to go check the frayen as well because soon enough they'll be on their own for a while. Keren said he'll take good care of them but it won't be the same."

"I agree," Merizel said. "The extra saddles and tack, is anyone going to ask questions?"

"Not really. The guards' equipment is modeled on our own, so it will just appear to be spare riding gear in the back of the wagon." Garia frowned. "The tricky part will be getting our chests packed and down there without anyone realizing they are ours. And from that point on, we'll all have very few clothes left to wear."

"We'll ask the Duchess if there's normal clothing we can wear," Merizel suggested. "We'll need some disguise for when we leave, in any case."

"Let's wait till we speak to Tanon," Garia decided. "There might be certain clothes the traveling crews wear that the townsfolk don't."

She raised her eyebrows at Merizel, who shook her head. "Don't ask me, I never paid attention to that kind of detail. You're the only one of us with any experience of what merchants do. You're right, we don't want to stand out once we're on the road."

Jenet said, "Milady, you cannot take your own chests with you. They will have to return to the palace with Milsy."

Garia thought. "You're right, they are too obviously chests of a member of the royal party. Okay, let's leave that question till we can meet the Queen and Aunt Vivenne. I'm sure they'll be able to decide what we need to do."

It was time for them to dress and this brought the next new experience for Milsy.

"It is very strange to me that we wear harness as that of the beasts," she remarked as Jenet secured a borrowed bra on her.

Jenet returned a wry expression as she tied the bow under Milsy's breasts. "Do we not toil and labor at the behest of men, as beasts do?" Then she smiled. "That is not the point, child. Tell me now, how do you feel, with a new garment supporting your breasts this way?"

Milsy looked startled, then thoughtful. With the others watching she moved to a free space in the bedroom and began bending and twisting her body to try and determine the effect it would have. When she finished there was a surprised look on her face.

"It is very different to the bodice I have always worn before. Is this what the women on your world wear, Garia?"

"Mostly, it is," Garia replied. "And you will find, once you get to the palace, that every woman there, and I mean every one, will be wearing bras, so you had better get used to them quickly."

Milsy nodded. "I like it. I can move my body more easily and while the season is still warm it will help me to keep cool." She looked at Garia with a plea. "Once I stop pretending to be you, shall I have to wear bodices again? I do not think I will like that."

Garia shook her head. "I don't think so. Bras are so popular in the city that I guess everyone there will be wearing them in future. Our seamstress Rosilda brought patterns with her, so everyone here will soon begin wearing them as well."

Garia dressed in her exercise clothes in the colors of the Palace Guard, one of her older outfits. She had brought them along in case there was a problem washing her new outfit in the Blackstone livery. The only change was that she wore her new sash instead of the all-pink one. Milsy had been dressed in one of Garia's day gowns and could hardly get over the feel of the cloth compared with what she had worn before.

"Do all of your clothes feel like this, Garia? I know that what nobles wear looks wonderful, but I never thought about how the cloth would feel."

Garia smiled. "It varies. What I'm wearing now is the same cloth as the uniforms of the guard. I have some evening gowns back at the palace that feel even better than what you have on."

"As you say, Garia. But," Milsy frowned, "This gown feels somewhat short to me. Someone might see my knees!"

"They are shorter than most gowns because I wanted to be able to kick my legs when I needed. Most people have gotten used to seeing me that way, so there shouldn't be any problem. Now, do you and Jenet mind being left here alone?"

"No, Garia. I know that is how it must be."

"Milady, I will take care of her. We will not be idle while you are gone. There is much about you that she will have to know, even if she is not expected to do all that you do."

"Thank you, Jenet. Come on, Merry, Bursila. We have a long walk ahead of us."


"You're bathing again?"

Garia smiled. "That's what us noble ladies do, Milsy. It helps keep us fresh and clean, especially in this weather."

"But... should I join you? All I've done today is to sit and talk with Jenet."

"It might be best, I think. If you're to act my part, you'll have to follow, more or less, the routine that I follow every day. That includes bathing first thing, just before lunch and just before dinner."

Garia thought and turned to Jenet. "Of course, I bathe before lunch because I spend the morning in intense physical activity. Do normal ladies of the court bathe three times a day?"

"Sometimes, Milady, especially when the weather is very hot, as it was before the rains started. Mostly the ladies of the court bathe when they rise and again before changing into an evening gown. Of course, there are exceptions to that custom as one might expect," Jenet added. "When the weather is much colder, perhaps, one might bathe less, or before a special ceremony one might wish to have an extra wash. When Kalikan calls, of course. And when we are traveling we wash when we may."

"Much as I thought." Garia turned to Milsy. "Jenet, of course, bathes when I do. I have no idea what the ordinary servants of the palace or this castle do."

"Um, every morning, of course, we wash down below, and our hands and faces are supposed to be clean before we are permitted into the kitchen. Otherwise," she shrugged, "it depends on the servant. Some bathe every day, some every two days, some only once a week." Milsy wrinkled her nose. "You can tell the ones who only bathe once a week by the smell, but because they work in the kitchen they can't smell it themselves. We do tell them, but most ignore us. The women are usually better than the men are though." Her eyes lit up. "I like the idea of all getting in the tub at once and washing each other. I didn't know that noble women did that."

"It makes sense for us to help each other." Garia regarded the girl thoughtfully. "You had no idea what life was like up here, did you?"

"No, Garia. I thought I might find out if Master Samind allowed me to leave the kitchens as he said he might. We all have ideas of what goes on up here but there's lots I never knew." She smiled at Jenet. "Jenet has been most helpful today, Garia. I have learned much and," she looked earnestly at Garia, "I will honestly try and do the best I can for you. I know now that what you do is very important to us all." Her hands went to her back. "So, how do I get this gown off?"


The following morning was spent in necessary assignations. Milsy, dressed in a clean castle servant's uniform and accompanied by Garia and Jenet wearing palace colors, was taken through the secret passage by Vivenne and out to the castle's equivalent of the Wardrobe storage area. With only Vivenne's Mistress of the Wardrobe in attendance Milsy was fitted with appropriate footwear and a selection of new clean underwear suitable for a noble's daughter.

While this was happening Vivenne took Garia to a store where the wigs were kept. Most were in a decrepit state but she found several to try on, choosing one which was mid-brown in color that reached just past her shoulders. Finally Garia and Jenet were given castle servant's dresses to permit them to be seen in the corridors without comment. With the wig hidden inside the servants clothing they rejoined Milsy and made their way back to Garia's suite.

"Oh, no! My dress, it is covered in dirt!"

"Let me see," Garia said. "Oh, yes. It's all the dust and dirt down in that hidden level, isn't it? You'll have to take that dress off, I'm afraid, and we'll slip it into the laundry somehow. We can't have anyone guessing we went through those passages." Garia smiled. "There's no shortage of gowns for you to wear up here, is there? But we'll have to be careful in future, that none of us brushes up against anything when we creep through those passages again."

"As you say, Garia."

Milsy had another question, once she had been attired in a fresh gown.

"When do you wish to cut my hair, Garia?"

"I don't wish to cut it at all, Milsy, but one of us is going to have to do it, I suppose. We can't let someone at the salon do it, it will be all over the castle before we got back to our rooms." Garia thought. "People here in the castle know you, and they know that you have transferred to the Queen's service, so it wouldn't be too much of a problem if someone does catch sight of you as you are - provided you weren't dressed like me, that is. If we cut your hair now, it will be obvious what's going on. We'll do it the day before we are supposed to leave, I think. Do all your new clothes fit properly?"

"Yes, Garia." Milsy frowned. "I'm going to have to practice walking in these new shoes, because I've never had any this fancy before. I don't know how to walk in a shoe with a heel this high."

Garia grinned. "Neither did I before I came here. Yes, you'll need to practice. It shouldn't take you too long to get comfortable."

"I'll need to practice walking the way you do, Garia. You have quite a distinctive sway."

"Me? Really? I hadn't noticed."

"Perhaps not, but someone else might. My face and voice are different than yours but nobody is supposed to get close enough to me to notice the difference. A walk, though, could be noticed a long way away. I don't want to be found out before we even get to the palace."

Garia looked at Milsy with new respect. "You are taking this seriously, aren't you?"

"Of course. It is important that everyone believes that you are returning to the palace or else they will come after you again. I must work hard to make sure that everyone sees what they expect to see."

Garia walked over to Milsy and hugged her. "You're wonderful! I think you were wasted in that kitchen. When we're done with this disguise I promise to find you something to do with your life that makes proper use of your talents."

"Thank you, Milady."

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