I just got the news a few minutes ago. Felix, Katie's boyfriend texted me. Katie passed away after they got home from their paper route this morning. Heart attack, apparently.
Remember Katie who just wanted to touch people with her stories. She was my friend. And think of Felix who loved her.
Hugs to all,
I hope she is at peace, now.
Give this Child our Prayers of Love and Peace
Father, many have touched our lives through their stories. They brought us happiness and entertainment through their gift as they shared their lives with us. May Katie find love and peace in thy Kingdom. Send thy Angels of Kindness and Mercy to comfort her family and friends in their loss of a loved one and a friend.
In Jesus name I ask of these things
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Thank you Erin,
May she rest in peace ,my condolences to Felix ----so sad.
Oh no
Please pass on my condolences, this is news I was not expecting.
Gone to soon!
She left us way to soon, and will be surely missed by all who have read her work! Katie was an AWESOME writer whose stories and characters were well thought out had traits that made you want hold them when they cried and laugh when they did. Her loss will be noticed by those who worked to emulate her style, and her many friends at the various sites that she posted her stories at. May she rest in peace as the world is slightly darker with her passing! FELIX, my thoughts are with you at this time, I can't send enough of Dorothy's huggles to you at this time!
oh wow
that was very unexpected.
my condolences
May she rest in peace
Please pass on my condolences. Katie touch me with her stories and I'm sure she touch a lot more.
Rest In Peace Katie
Peace and Love to you all tmf
My condolences to Felix. She
My condolences to Felix. She did leave a mark with her stories.
Beyond shocked
She will surly be missed.
*sigh* Another one gone :(.
*sigh* Another one gone :(. My condolences to Felix
God speed Katie
I cannot say that we always agreed, but you were an excellent writer and always kind to me. I hope you find what you were looking for where you are now. God Bless you Katie.
/Cassie Ellen
Very sad news
I'm really sorry to hear that, my condolences to her family and friends. We had our differences of opinion occasionally but respected each other, I'm devastated to hear this especially after what she overcame earlier on with her leg and associated problems. Poor old Katie.
Sad day
I'm really sorry to hear about this.
katie gone
Katie, I will miss you. you brought wonderful stories to us. they may have been transgender but at same time were a refection on life. felix. I know you will miss her and my heart goes out to you.
How Sad and Far Too Soon
I kept hoping she'd overcome the physical problems, but that was not to be. I am deeply saddened.
Only through her stories
I only knew her through her stories, and through those she spoke to me, and now I speak through my tears as I hope they speak to her and let her know how much she was adored and how much she will be missed.
Jeri Elaine
Homonyms, synonyms, heterographs, contractions, slang, colloquialisms, clichés, spoonerisms, and plain old misspellings are the bane of writers, but the art and magic of the story is in the telling not in the spelling.
Heart Broken
I am in total shock :-( I have been read her stories since the late 1990's . She was a big person in more ways than 1 and will be sorely missed a great person and a great writer .
My condolences.
I still remember (Pretty sure it was K.T.) sending an 'instant computer'. Just add case. (Everything but the case and a power supply packed up in a box, to replace a dying one)
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Goodbye, Katie
Katie was one of my favorites. She caught my attention with 'God Bless the Child'. After that, I read all of her stories. And, like many others, I followed her real life drama. Her life was filled with problems and difficulties, many of which were beyond her to control. Yet, in spite of them, she filled our lives with stories that will be read long after us.
My heart goes out to Felix. May he be blessed with only the fondest of memories of Katie
I weep for our departed friend
Red MacDonald
May she rest in peace.
May she find unconditional welcome in the next world.
My condolences to Felix.
Goodbye Katie, I will miss you tho we never actually met.
Oh that is so sad! My
Oh that is so sad! My sincerest condolences to Felix and all of Katie's friends. It will take some time to process this.
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
sad news
My heart goes out to Felix, she is irreplaceable and a unique soul. I hope she finds inner peace in what awaits her beyond this mortal coil. I hope Felix can find solace in knowing that her works will live on to inspire and help many others in the future.
RIP Katie, keep the other bards entertained with your unique way with words.
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
heartfelt condolences to Felix. Be at peace Katie though you will be missed.
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
Terrible news. :-( My
Terrible news. :-( My thoughts go out to her loved ones.
I am so sorry to hear this
I did some editing/proof-reading for her and we had some lively discussions.
My thoughts are with her loved ones.
I'm sorry to YOU too for having to let us know.
My deepest sympathies to Felix and to all who knew and loved her.
Godspeed Katie
May the universe greet you with endless wonder.
Godbless K T
Condolences to Felix. I'm glad she found someone to love.
You touched many in positive ways.
You are missed.
Sad News
I watched the interview Katie did in 2014. She came across as an erudite, assured and yet essentially humble person.
My condolences to her partner, and to her friends and family.
How Sad
I've been reading her first book this week and marveling at her tenacity.
Hopefully she has found peace.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Katie reached out
and touched many with her words. All will miss her. I hope that Felix and all who were close will not mind if we share their loss a little. Thank you for letting us know.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
Oh dear
My condolences and sympathy to all.
Katie and I hit a low spot pretty close together,
It was my pleasure to try help her out of her funk, by pointing out she really was a worth while writer, and helping her with getting some HRT at the time. She is better than she knew. Why do people have such troubles seeing the good in themselves.
A sad day
Rest in Peace, Katie. You will be missed...
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Not Katie!
With so many despicable folks walking around, You take Katie??
Compassionate and cantankerous, joyful and exasperating ... she did not have an easy life and we all bled and prayed for her.
Comfort and peace to you at last, Miss Leone.
What a shame
That is a crying sad shame katie was a wonderful author I really enjoyed her god bless the child series.
Shocked and saddened
My thoughts go out to Felix, family and friends. Katie was special and will be sorely missed. Her legacy will live on in all the stories she has written. RIP Kate
So Sorry To Hear About Katie.
I was sorry to hear about Katie. I hope she's found the peace from the difficult life struggles she faced. I recently read two of her novels on Amazon and thought they were some of her best work . She will be missed !
Oh CRA*! Poor Katie
But then she did chronicle much of her weight and other problems with us here at BC.
Whether you believe or not in an afterlife, gods or deities, reincarnation or oblivion she is in a better place.
If there is nothing, then she can feel no more pain.
If there is something, I'd like to think perhaps it will be like George Harrison said after Roy Orbison died. That She will be around in her astral body. And that life goes on within and without you.
Katie threw the cat among the pigeons more than once here with her hard hitting stories for example.
BC is diminished by her passing.
If I recall accurately our web mistress Erin helped Katie in the past. As did others. So some of us are experiencing this more personally than others.
To all that knew her, I give my condolences.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
I hope Felix will take some
I hope Felix will take some condolence in the love shown for her, by those who will miss her and her unique ability to write such wonderful stories.
We all will miss her.
Karen lockhart
And so another one passes......
All around us is fleeting - images racing across our consciousness, flitting in and out of our lives.
It is the incidents and places that burn themselves into our psyche that we remember - but even more so, it is the people we cherish that create those memories. The people that have shaped our lives, that have altered who we are, whether for good or bad - that is what we must always remember. For as long as we hold them in our hearts and in our minds they will never pass away. They will live on forever in our thoughts and our memories.
I will remember Katie and how her wonderful talent for telling stories changed my life and my perceptions of both myself and the world around me.
She will be missed, but never forgotten.
Rest in peace Katie, for I know that you are happier now.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
All her troubles are over now.
And she's in a better place.
My condolences
My condolences especially to Felix -- and also somewhat to us all. The world we must continue in is a little smaller and less bright. To Katie: I hope that you are now, gloriously, everything you wished to be in this world.
I hate to be the one to mention money
Who will get Katie's book revenue rights now that she has passed i know it helped her and Felix pay bills, so will Felix get the rights to her stories now? I know many pass without a will in place and if no family relation is there the government sometimes gets the assets.
Its the things that we do not like to think about but the only reason I ask is when my grandmother passed my aunt's husband made her swoop in and take things because he claimed he did not trust my mother, in honesty I know he was just a greedy fool. Since in her will my grandmother split her estate between my mother and my aunt. And the financial repercussions after someone passes can drive serious wedges between families or tear them apart.
I just hope Katie's Dreams get fulfilled in the next Life. or she has the body that she should have had at birth in Heaven.
I always hate funerals I have a hard time going to them because I always feel the body left is just an empty vessel and the person I knew is gone. Why are so many people on this site passing lately, I just don't wan't too see anyone else on the site pass soon.
"Cortana is watching you!"
A little late...
to the internet wake. I'm both lighting a candle and raising a toast to a fine writer who was nothing but positive to all of us.
She will be missed.
If you appreciate my tales, please consider supporting me on Patreon so that I may continue:
Goodbye Katie
We had a few private conversations here about a difficult subject. I hope my words helped her. I like to think they did.
*spiritual hug*
- Terry
May she rest in peace, my
May she rest in peace, my condolences to Felix and her friends.
She will be missed and remembered
Katie will surely be missed but we will remember her through her writings. She will also be remembered every time we see Katie as a character in a story. Hugs to all,
Much Love,
Valerie R
That is very unfortunate,
That is very unfortunate, Katie was a giant in this community. My thoughts and prayers go out to Felix and her loved ones here in the community and elsewhere.
Have a delightfully devious day,
Sad Times
It is always sad times when we lose anyone close to us here. May Katie be met with open arms by the Angels and may Felix be comforted in knowing that we are here to help.
The answers to all of life's questions can be found in the face of a true friend
I wish I had known her better but she and I only exchanged words of encouragement. One of her stories was one of the first I ever read here when I was discovering who I am and holds a special place in my heart. My thoughts and prayers go out to those who knew her better. Such a sad day for all of us.