I know I've been updating slowly these last several months, and I know those of you that care know why. (namely, a book in the works and Whateley academy generation 2.)
I just thought that if you had a burning desire to read something I wrote, a need to read something new by me (or at least new to you) I'd point out that the first part of the origin for my gen 2 character (some 20k words of goodness) is now up on the new Crystal Hall site. If you already knew and read, carry on... if not, well, you're invited to.
If you feel the urge to comment afterward, you can leave one there, or here. I'll get it.
What's it called?
I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.
Nagrij's stories
Not sure why you didn't just post it here, but that is your business. I did finally find the site you referenced, but there is no link to it and you are not listed as an author there. Just saying ...
It's called "Down the rabbit hole.", and the site is sort of a sister site to this one. linked and everything, but if you need the link here:
I can assure you I am listed on it. Also the reason I didn't just post it here has to do with the fact the site it's on and this one are related.I suppose I could post it here, but it's just as easy to go there, isn't it?
If you appreciate my tales, please consider supporting me on Patreon so that I may continue:
I think you'll find
There really isn't much crossover between the Crystal Hall and BC. A lot of CH stories got posted here when they were having all the problems with their website. Much of what did get posted here was fanfic, although a couple of authors have made the jump to canon stories.
Another thing to keep in mind is many websites have fallen by the wayside, so having your stories posted in several places is always a good idea. In fact, pretty much the only game in town are BC and FM. I'm not suggesting there is anything bad about CH, its just that the focus there is primarily the canon Whateley stories. And that's a reasonable approach for them to take.
FM has gone another direction in their story trends but they do accept pretty much anything that is submitted. So, BC is the most universal site, for now anyway. The main problem here is the constant cash flow problem. With an adequate source of funding BC can be around for the long haul.
So anyway, don't restrict your stories to just one site. If you spread them around you'll likely have more readers and a better chance of your stories surviving.
I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.
I bet
I bet there's fanfic stories for Whateley here that aren't on the Whateley site.
It might be in the authors' best interests to post those on the CH website also. The stories would be on two sites then, kind of a redundacy, which is the point I was trying to make.
Also, having all the Whateley Academy stories in one place is a benefit to the new reader as well. First off, the fanfic stories can be marked as such. There is a possibility that a new reader might get an erroneous idea of the canon characters' abilities. CH has all the bells and whistles such as the wiki and the various reader-order as well. That gives the new reader a good grounding from which to understand. Secondly knowing the order the stories are written helps shape the understanding of things.
Understand, my thoughts are my thoughts alone and in no way intended to tell people what to do. My only intent is to encourage the widespread availablity of the stories. So many people put so much of their heart into their writing that it would be a shame to risk losing a single on.
I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.
At some point, there was an agreement between most Whateley writers that their works will be published on other sites at least a month after they have been published on the Whateley site. I don't know if it is still valid.
Whateley Academy reasons for being
The Crystal Hall, whether at the old address using FUDforum or at the new one using Joomla has always been about the same thing... giving authors and readers of stories about Whateley Academy the opportunity to do so. We originally moved from Sapphire's Place because the number of authors and amount of stories being published was above the editorial/administrative work load that Sapphire was able to support. Stories were sitting for months and then being released in large blocks. The authors discussed the issues involved and after a lot of consideration, decided to take up Bob Arnold on his offer of hosting for our own site.
This had another big advantage... instead of just a comment section for each story, the Crystal Hall site also gave us the opportunity for forums where fans could discuss, participate, or just socialize. And for the authors to coordinate planning efforts in a way that didn't require email and mailing lists. Just ask anyone what its like to have to review 16k archived emails to understand the early years of planning... just be ready to catch them before they start tearing out their own intestines.
The Crystal Hall site has been around for ten years... and while we've had a couple crashes and hackings that have forced us to make changes, we're not exactly a fly by night site that is just 'imitating' the great story sites. And we're not simply a site that is 'stealing' potential material from BCTS or FM... because while the WU began in TG Fiction (and most of the core authors also write TG Fiction), the universe itself no longer serves just the TG community. We have a very large audience that comes via TV Tropes, or specifically looking for superhero fiction. And more than a few stories do not include any gender or sex orientation content at all. Yes, we're aware that we could still post such things at BCTS... but we could not post such things here and still appeal to audiences who are uncomfortable visiting here first.And there ARE enough stories of readers who started out reading for the superhero content who learned about the TG community through interaction with us and are now supporters when they hadn't been prior. And that's pretty cool when you think about it.
We don't have any 'official' rule limiting authors from posting their Whateley stories elsewhere, but canon authors generally delay cross posts at least a month or two... giving the Crystal Hall exclusive release long enough for the site's community to read things before they go up elsewhere. Not all authors choose to cross post, which gives the site some things that are permanent exclusives... others, especially those who have been long time active authors in the TG Fiction community, do tend to post here... simply because not all of their audience/readers will visit the Whateley site. And while we'd love it if everyone could visit the Whateley site directly, we can't MAKE you. :p Besides, some of us post 'other' things that are non-Whateley to BCTS because they are written for the BCTS/TG Fiction reader community in mind. We 'could' just post them on the CH... we have a 'library' section to do so... but that's up to the author.
As to Fan Fictions... when the founders of the WU made it open to fan fiction as long as people put the "its a fan fic" blurb on it... that pretty much opened it up to WU fan fics being posted anywhere and everywhere. I'm sure there are WU fan fic I've never even heard of out there on various sites. I'd love to have all those fan fics archived on the site someday... but they don't belong to us and we're very careful about IP / creative control (including to the extent that we're not just reposting the fan fic from the old forums onto the new site unless we get an author's approval. Authors who want to write in the WU, there's a lot of opportunities to do so... and we're starting a few more new projects to give people a chance at moving into canon status.