When I started writing my story the words just flew out of me. It's going a little slower now, I still have words, but I have to wring them out. I have chapter 10 almost written, but it's taken about a week. How about a little distraction writing from my real life.
Well so a funny story, I told my wife I was gay, but I'm not gay. I guess to tell this story I have to go back a bit. One year ago, I ordered some stuff from REI for hiking. As a lark I ordered some REI performance briefs, they were on a 90% clearance sale for like 2 bucks and they were pink. I normally wear super baggy boxer shorts. When my order came in and I unpacked it my wife as cracking up at the pink undies, they are a soft synthetic material. She said, you must try those on now. So I did, and she was cracking up, but she was also like, your ass looks so good in those. Though I've got a stomach, and too much weight, cycling as made me pretty nice from the waist down. I was like, you know she's right that is a nice ass. LOL. I can't lie though, wearing soft, pink, brief style underwear kind of excited me.
Anyway over time they became my favorites underwear, and my wife, noting my new found interest in underwear purchased me some tight boxer shorts of a couple designs and I threw away my huge baggy models. One day we were shopping at Gordmans and walked past the men's underwear, I saw a pair of Reebok briefs that had no Y fly in the front and hidden elastic in the waistband like panties. I was immediately interested. Turned out they were on clearance sale for, you guessed it, 2 bucks. They looked so much like panties that I was too embarrassed to buy them, wife was like, "geeze if you want them I'll buy them for you. They are men's underwear for heavensake." I ended up liking them so much that I went back and bought 2 more.
So now this guy who could care less what his undergarments looked like for 35 years is an avid collector of underwear. Now that brings us to the current story. A couple days ago we're shopping in Sears and my wife spies fancy printed boxer shorts on clearance sale and she's like, there you go. I picked out some that had stars and she picked out a pair for her that had rocket ships. I was pretty excited about her picking out a pair for herself.
That night she's like, I can't wear these, and she wouldn't even show me. They fit very snuggly on me, really just perfect, but her hips are much larger and she couldn't get them on, or so she said. So I'm goofing around in mine and checking myself out and quite honestly I'm pretty excited about how perfect they fit. So she's like shake it, so I do and we're cracking up. I do that little thing where you lick your finger and touch your butt and go psssst, like it's hot. And were both laughing so hard that we cant breath. I catch my breath and say, "I'm gay."
There's this moment where we both stare at each other with out mouths kind of agape. I'm thinking, I can't believe I just said that. She's like, you're what? I explain that I meant it in that the way I was acting was gay, not that I was sexually attracted to men, which is truly what I was thinking.
Story fodder
The best source for stories is real life. Go for it.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Very interesting
Both in the story and the reaction. Sometimes it's the little things that are unquestioned assumptions… I've found myself going back and looking at parts of my life and trying to understand why I did and felt the things I've done.
What did your wife say after your explanation?
Once I offered my explanation
Once I offered my explanation, we both started giggling again. I remember us both sighing in relief and then continuing on in goofiness. Afterwards I had to really think about it, did I accidently slip up there and admit something. In retrospect I think I was using the term sort of loosely, because I think what I meant to say was that I was acting like a girl and I think in society when a guy acts like a girl it's sort of viewed as gay.