Testing Times - Chapter 25 "Agent 003½"

Testing Times - A Tommy & Tamara Story  

Twenty Five


"Agent 003½"

Wednesday 20th May (Continued)

Tammy took the tartan dress, now in a garment bag, into the sixth form dormitory block. She passed by her own room, before knocking on a door.

"Gerry, it's Tammy, can I come in?"

"I'm busy."

"There's no-one else out here and Mrs Small asked me to come up here."

"She told you?"

"Yes, she asked me to help, now please open this door!"

Tammy heard a click then the door started to open, Gerry took a look into the corridor before letting Tammy in. Tammy first saw that he was in a short dressing gown but the hem of a nightie could be seen underneath it.

She closed the door and hung the garment bag on the back of it.

"Gerry, I had no idea you suffered, how bad is it?"

"This is the worst it's ever been," he lifted his dressing gown and nightie a few inches to reveal a large red area on his left leg, above the knee, a small one was on the right leg. "There's others but it's manageable if I don't wear anything on the affected areas."

"Is there a cream you can use?"

"Not really, there's a few limited treatments but no cure. The GP thinks this flare-up is down to exam stress."

"What about last year, when you did your GCSE exams?"

"It wasn't as bad, strangely enough, but I wasn't worried about them. What I heard last week was that we're not doing the English Language A/S Level after all, we're all doing the full A Level or Scottish Higher instead."

"After a year? It's a two year course, and not all of the Lower Sixth were taking it anyway."

"Well, someone thought we were ready, and everyone gets a chance to retake it in a year or gains six periods of free time instead if they pass?"

"Whose idea was it?"

"One of the governors, apparently. The Head's agreed to trial it this year."

Tammy's eyes had lingered on the nightie, it didn't look new, Gerry answered the question.

"It's comfortable when I can't wear PJs."

"Was that what James saw in your case a few weeks ago?"


"What about the skirt?" It was on an airer by the window and looked damp.

"I washed it last night, Mrs Small got me it as a temporary measure. I didn't bring anything else with me, just in case."

"You have some skirts, then?"

"A couple, for when I get it bad at home. They're my sister's cast-offs, I'd never been out in one before."

"It was very brave."

"It was a necessity, I had to get pain killers so I can sleep. As soon as the exams are done I have a break at the Dead Sea booked, the salts have been known to give relief."

"Okay, can you see if the dress fits?"

"I haven't showered yet today, can we leave it now?"

"Sure, what about tomorrow?"

"Do you need to be here?"

"No, but I want to help if I can. How about we go down to breakfast in the morning?"

"Okay, but can I have a look at it first?"

Tammy took the dress out of the bag, first holding it against Gerry. "The length is good. You'll need a white top."

"I had visions of a frilly gingham frock! I have a long sleeved white t-shirt that I wear if I have any patches on my arms."

"That should work. What about make-up?"


"Only kidding, but you will get ribbed a bit."

"I know."

"Anyway, I think Mrs Small is getting some of those lovely gingham frocks for punishment."

"She wouldn't?"

"She probably can't, but they'll be on show as a warning even if the Head would never sanction it."

Gerry laughed, "thanks Tammy, I needed cheering up!"

"Look, you're a good guy! I'll go back to Mrs Small and let her know what's planned."

"Thanks." Tammy gave him a peck on the cheek before letting herself out of the room, there was a click behind her.

Tammy arrived in the main entrance lobby a few minutes later and checked the clock. It was gone two and the bell for last period was about to ring. She went to Joan's room but the 'busy' light was on. She turned to head for her car but was intercepted by Janet Adams who ushered her into the office.

"Have you seen Gerry Anders?"

"Yes, he'll be down for breakfast tomorrow."

"Good, I'll have the house team clean his room thoroughly as soon as he's out of there. Can you keep him away for half an hour?"

"Easy, we'll go to the common room afterwards if he doesn't have a lesson."

"Thanks, what are you doing for the rest of the week?"

"I have no more exams until the second of June but it looks like I'm here for the next two mornings. Oh, damn."


"Helen was supposed to go to the Well Woman clinic this morning and I brought her here instead."

"I took her at ten, she has an appointment next Tuesday with the GP. Can you make sure she goes?"

"It looks like I'll have to, Elsie McPherson is away for a couple of weeks."

"Thanks, by the way I'm away for a few days myself."

Outside the bell rang and the lobby started to fill. Janet suggested Tammy stayed for a cup of tea but one of the senior masters arrived and dismissed Tammy. She had never liked Dr Meier, the head of music, and had dropped music several years earlier because of him.

Angela and Helen were both due to finish exams in the next forty minutes so she took herself to the common room. It was strangely deserted, aiming to kill some time Tammy put the kettle on and set about making a coffee.

She picked up a copy of the Times that was laying around. The political fallout following the general election still dominated the news. Buried inside the paper was a small article:

Disgraced MP Veronica Salmond was due to be bailed this morning. A spokesman for the Procurator Fiscal told journalists that they would not be objecting as she was not considered a flight risk. Bail restrictions have yet to be established.

"Oh shit."


She spun around, a difficult feat when you're in an armchair. Deputy head Mr Thompson was in the doorway.

"Sorry Sir, I've just read that Veronica Salmond was due to be bailed this morning."

"That's what I came to tell you, there's just been a call to the Head warning him."

Tammy took her phone out of her bag, "damn, four missed calls."

"Can I suggest you go outside to return any calls, we don't want a repeat of Miss McPherson's offence?"

"No, Sir. The history paper is due to finish any time now and I'm giving two girls a lift home, could you let the monitor know I'll be in the rear carpark?"

"Is this potentially bad news?"

"Yes, she was good friends with Yvonne Stewart and I suspect there are some sympathisers amongst the staff still."

"I'll let the Head know and I'll be waiting for Miss McPherson myself."

"Thank you Sir."


Tammy arrived at her car a couple of minutes later but was already dialling the research centre's secure phone. She docked her phone just before it was answered.

"Tammy, we're still updating what we know but it looks like Veronica Salmond is heading back to Thurso right now. She apparently tried to book a helicopter from your father's firm but was refused as she still owes for her ride two weeks ago. For some reason there were no bail conditions, she simply needs to return to court in two months."

"Okay, what's her ETA?"

"Her train will get in about four. Given that the press know by now that her daughter's at the school and they've been to Elsie McPherson's house, Helen will have to be moved. Where is she right now?"

"In an exam, due out in ten minutes or so."

"Can you take her home? We'll talk to the police about security."

"How serious is the threat?"

"Our intel is that she'll try to take Helen to Austria or Switzerland, apparently Helen's father had some investments there that weren't declared in the will. Veronica's been briefing the press since she was allowed out of Cornton Vale Prison."

"Elsie was going to Austria on Friday."

"I didn't know that, it might be relevant. For info, Helen's old passport has been cancelled, has her new one arrived yet?"

"I don't know, but it would be in Elsie's safe."

"Okay, I'll check with the Passport Office to see when it was sent, we're limited in our options though as the girl's over eighteen."

"Understood. Can you let Elsie and my Dad know?"


Tammy went back inside to find Helen, and update everyone else. Lori was the first out of the gymnasium.

"Umm, Tammy, could you give me a ride into town?"

"Sorry, but something's come up. I need to get Helen out of here."

"Oh, what's up?"

"I can't say and I hope it's nothing, but ...." Angela was approaching with Helen in tow, both looked pleased.

"Right, we need to go, I'll explain on the way."

"What's the rush Tammy, we'll get a ride with mum."

"No Angela, sorry. Helen, you and I need to leave now, your mother's been bailed and is on her way."

"Bugger, is she going to ruin it? I was determined to do badly in my exams to spite her, but instead of that I think I've done okay."

"Look, she may only have her own interests at heart, we need to leave before the press get here."

Angela agreed to join them, not that she knew the plan. Tammy tried calling Elsie but the number was engaged, so she got moving. Tammy got out of the school gates just as two cars were coming in. Helen kept her head down at Tammy's suggestion.

"This is like a spy film!"

Angela joined in, "Smart, Tammy Smart, Agent 003½."

Tammy hit re-dial and this time the call connected.

"Elsie I have Helen and we'll be with you in a few minutes, can I come in the main gate before you lock it?"

"I'll call the men, they're just about to lock it."

"Thanks, I'll park around the back."

Tammy drove her distinctive Racing Green Mini Cooper a little faster than was usually sensible, but thankfully within the speed limit, causing it to bounce over the uneven road surface.

"Blimey Tammy, where did you learn to drive like that?"

"My instructor was a police pursuit driver."

She slipped a little on the gravel as she took the turn into Elsie's drive way. Two of the groundsmen were waiting, shotguns over their arms. Tammy slowed almost to a crawl as she rounded the house, stopping by the back door.

"I've spoken to your father, Tammy, it's all agreed."

"Thanks Elsie."

"Anna is packing your clothes, Helen, I suggest you go now. If anyone was following Tammy they they'll have assumed you came back here."

"Oh, so where am I going?"

"With Tammy and Angela, off you go."

Tammy took the rear access road and drove around to the paddock behind Dunbankin', Leanne was just leaving on one of the golf carts as the girls disembarked. "I'll collect everything, Miss McPherson, Julie is getting your room ready."

"Oh, okay, by the way it's Helen."

"Thank you, Miss Helen."

Tammy made sure Helen knew the code for the back door.

"I thought you'd have iris recognition, like that American cop show."

Tammy laughed, "that's not being fitted until next week!"


Joan had made excuses and drove home as soon as she was told what was going on. A family meeting was convened as soon as everyone was settled.

"There's a police car at the turning into Elsie's, how long will this last?"

None of them had an answer, least of all Helen.

"How can you all be so calm when it's going to get mad out there - and it's my fault!"

"Helen, it's not your fault, your mother is the one who's causing this and, unfortunately, she doesn't have your interests in mind."

"Maybe not, Mr Smart, but I can't ignore her?"

"Please, call me Richard when you're here, you could apply for an injunction."

"How do I do that?"

"I took the liberty of asking Jeremiah Smith to prepare papers, we just need your signature and I'll fax it directly to the court."

"Oh, so what will that achieve?"

"It's actually a restraining order against your mother or anyone acting for her, they are not to go within a mile of Elsie's house or the school and to have no communication with you at any time except through solicitors."

"What about here?"

"We're within the mile boundary around Elsie's so no point saying you're here."

"Okay, where do I sign?"

Richard asked her to go into the study to finalise the paperwork, returning a few minutes later.

"Now, a few ground rules while you're here." It was Joan's turn. "Please stay out of Tammy's or any other bedroom unless you're invited in. You'll also participate in cooking and any other chores."

"But, you have staff?"

"Yes, but they don't work most evenings so we take turns to cook the evening meal."

"I'm not a very good cook, mum relied on ready meals alot."

"Well, Julie might be able to give you some help, if you join her making lunch. This isn't a hotel, young lady."

"I realise that, Mrs Small."

"It's Joan, dear, how did the exam go?"

"It wasn't bad, but at least I was relaxed; good job I didn't know about mum before I went in."

"Have you thought about what you want to do after your exams?"

"No, I wouldn't apply anywhere as I didn't think my exams would be any use."

"Well, it's cutting it fine if you want to do a degree or another course. You could try for a job but I suggest sorting out education first."

"Yeah, but what?"

"That's your choice, what Highers are you taking?"

"English, Politics and Scottish History."

"How about local government?"

"I wanted to avoid politics, if I could."

"Then why do a Higher in it?"

"Mum insisted."

Joan shrugged, Helen was hard work."Can you make sure we know about any appointments and let Pru know your diary."


"Our personal assistant, Tammy's and Richard's really. She'll be back in the morning."

A phone started ringing in the study so Richard went to investigate, returning with a single sheet of paper.

"Here you go Helen, the injunction has been issued by Sheriff Cowan and is valid for ninety days."

"So that'll stop them?"

"No, your solicitor will notify the usual press outlets and will attempt to get a copy to your mother's solicitors as well as Police Scotland. Only if they pay heed to the injunction will they desist and even then there'll be idiots who think it doesn't apply to them!"

Tammy laughed, "some idiots never learn!"

There was a tap on the open lounge door.

"Yes, Leanne?"

"Miss Helen's belongings are in her room. Will there be anything else?"

"No, thank you, Leanne."

"With the police and the press, will she have trouble getting home?" Asked Helen after the maid had gone.

"She lives in the barn," Angela waved her arm in the vague direction of the structure.


"It was, before the swimming pool went in. Her apartment is above the pool."

"Girls," offered Richard, "the gym equipment is being delivered tomorrow and we'll have a trainer here on Friday to make sure you know how to use it safely. There will also be someone here on Friday to sweep the place."

"Sweep? You pay someone to use a broom?"

"Not that kind of sweeping, Helen, just be careful if you're using the pool."

"Oh, can I have a swim tomorrow?"

"Yes, Helen, but you'll have to remember to take a towel with you and to put any damp swimwear in the utility room. We'll give you a full tour tomorrow."


"Anyway, this is for the next two weeks while Elsie's away, am I clear?"

"Yes, Richard, and thank you." She turned to Tammy and smiled.

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