How not to do transition?

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From the Daily Mirror a story from Italy about a transgender woman who has spent over fifty thousand pounds on plastic surgery and looks rather sad to my thinking, especially the lip implants which look ridiculous and she plans on more! I'll stick to buying books. Amazingly, her wife has stayed with her.




To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

Pretty Scary

Just wow. I've seen photos of others (both genetic and non-genetic women) that have had unfortunate plastic surgery outcomes, but this one takes the cake.


dawnfyre's picture

I see a ciswoman with implants nearly as large in her lips regularly. It looks just as bad on her 85 y/o face. :(

Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.


Rhona McCloud's picture

Although body dysmorphia can lead to anorexia, limb amputation and even suicide it is difficult enough that this woman should need to transition without feeling the need to pay a surgeon do this to her.

Rhona McCloud

Oh dear

I don't look like a cis woman, as Bev, Angharad and others can confirm, but I look like me and... In the end it is what these people see in their own mirrors. Donatella, anyone?


Funny thing, when I was a kid, I thought my Asian lips were too full. Of course, these days Westerners pay major bucks to have lips like mine. But that really takes the proverbial sweet leavened bakery product.

Seriously though, she is obviously suffering from a form of body dysmorphia in addition to gender dysphoria.

I will say this:

I will say this:

1) She looks creepy. Suction cup lips.
2) If you go to a high end plastic surgeon, 50,000 pounds doesn't do as much as you might think. I had a plastic surgeon as a customer, and depending on what you had done, you could blow 45,000 dollars in a one day session. (easily).

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.


Christina H's picture

I feel so sorry that this woman felt she had to go to this length. But I am more angry at the surgeon who agreed to do this
outrageous procedure on her.
It's so sad that she felt the need to go to this extent.


put the surgeon out of the worlds misory

MadTech01's picture

That picture reminds me of the woman in california that currently holds the world record for the most plastic surgery procedures.

That women had the surgeon on speed dial, there is actually a mental disorder classification for people that have to constantly have work done because they are never satisfied, heck the doctors are supposed to look for it and if they think you have it, to reefer you to psychiatric help.

I guess some doctors are more concerned with having exotic supper cars, mansions, and big yachts.

"Cortana is watching you!"

Devil's Advocate

laika's picture

What she's doing sure seems sad and sick to me.

But there are those who declare being transgender a mental illness, and speak of GRS as "mutilating ones genitals" in the pursuit of a deranged fantasy of becoming something we can never be.

The fact that we currently have the DSM on our side and these plastic surgery addicts don't could change any day when the political winds blow strong enough from the right to influence medical opinion. That's why short of an anorexic wanting to starve herself to death or a body dysmorphic deciding he needs to chop his head off to feel whole (limbs? hey go for it, just don't bleed on my carpet...) I'm hesitant to invoke mental health to tell someone else what they can or can't do...

That's just something that popped into my head, I'm sure there's a good argument against it...

hugs, Veronica

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)

they do not consider it an illness.

MadTech01's picture

the truth is they want the ones who can not stop having plastic surgery to see someone to see what the reason for all the surgeries are and try and get that resolved. The reason for that is to many surgeries starts to become detrimental to ones health. the body can only physically heal so much before it just breaks down. They are worried about the ones trying it at young ages before their bodies mature, (I had my nose broke when I was 15, the doctor just fixed the outside of my nose and left the inside a mess, I later found out they do not operate in the nasal cavity until after the age of 25 because it takes that long to fully develop and stop changing. So they worry about causing more harm than good.

Others it is the shear amount of surgeries at older age adding up, because it takes longer to heal the older you get. also the risk of complications from anastiesia and so on become greater.

But if they can find out what makes people never satisfied with how they look, they would like to find it and see if there is a way to make them happy.

People are almost never truly mentally ill, just misunderstood.

"Cortana is watching you!"

Oh no...

I just hope she's happy. That poor woman was taken for a ride by those surgeons, but as long as she is happy it'll be okay. That's all that matters after all.

I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D