Synergy - Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

The frustration of my dreams pulled me from my sleep. I debated if it was a nightmare or a vision, if that voice was the same from earlier, or what I could do to prevent it. Realizing that more sleep would be impossible because of my racing thoughts I decided to start my day.

I went outside to answer nature’s call and to avoid waking Runa or Anzo. It was another brutal reminder of what had been lost as I carefully leaned over the stained “throne.” As I waited for nature to takes its course, I tried to think positive, to find one good thing of this crappy situation. Of course I could only think about avoiding falling in or my nightmare. That is until I noticed how bright it was even for morning twilight.

The view was magnificent, I could see more stars than I knew existed. Countless stars spread across the sky in a twinkling brilliance. Part of the reason I owned my island was for stargazing, but not even that could compare to this. The light of the night sky filled without the interference of a single manmade light anywhere in the world… words could not describe its beauty.

Nearly an hour passed as the sun rose. Runa broke me from my trance when she came outside. “Beautiful isn’t it?” she asked, already knowing the answer. “Breathtaking” I said without any hesitation; the golden rays had replaced the stars above.

We entered their humble home to enjoy the breakfast she had made, it was beets and bread this time. Hardly the breakfast of champions, but it was enough to allow me to take on the day. Nothing significant happened while we ate, merely discussing the weather and upcoming harvest.

I was surprised to learn that Anzo planned to return to Aventicum to gather the supplies he’d need for his winter harvest. It seemed strange to make such a long trip so soon; however, it was necessary since he didn’t have two horses to pull a large cart, nor did he have a large enough cart for all the supplies regardless.

As we worked in the fields, finishing the preparations to harvest his peas and potatoes he told me what he hoped to do. “I know ya just got yer strength back, and ya still only have half yer wits, but I’d like ya to come wit me.” I was eager to see more of this time than just their small farm so I eagerly agreed. “It’s ma hope someone’ll recognize ya in the town, or ya may know them.” Anzo said, “If not yer welcome to come back wit me.” He added as an afterthought. “That’s a great idea, and no matter what I’ll help you with anything you need.” I assured him.

A fortnight passed until Anzo was pleased with his crops. During this time I continued to learn more about the Alemanni, how to cook without modern conveniences, and most of all I became more comfortable with my new body. Except for nature’s calls that is, that still disgusted me to no end. If it weren’t for that part I may even have enjoyed it all, but that daily reminder was beyond gross.

It was mid-December when we loaded up the wagon with our necessities. In addition to the bedrolls, some food, and a small axe; we took as many beets from his fall harvest and peas from his quick growers as possible. Since they had almost no gold or silver he bartered for supplies with the crops they grew.

The ride was refreshing, we followed a trail just off the river, which led straight to Aventicum. The air was crisp as the sun began to set; which is when we found a clearing to sleep for the night. While he gathered wood for a fire, I laid out the bedrolls and gathered some water from the nearby river.

Once he’d started the fire I made a vegetable soup with beets, potatoes, and peas. After Runa’s teachings the soup came out really well compared to my earlier attempts. As we ate Anzo told me we’d covered nearly a third of the way. “The road gets hilly, and winds round, we’re gonna go slower from here but we’re in a good place.” After dinner we crawled into bed for my first night away from the farm.

The next few days passed similar, eating raw vegetables while we traveled and a meatless stew at night. Our progress continued to slow as the road turned into a trail, until it was nothing more than a clearing in the woods. By day four two things had become apparent; ancient travel was painfully slow and I was jealous of him “marking our trail” whenever he had to pee. It was a noticeable contrast to whenever I had to freeze up to my thighs as I hoisted my dress above my waist.

The fifth day ended with Aventicum just beyond the horizon as we found a place far from the trail. Due to his budget we couldn’t afford a room at the inn, so we tried to seclude ourselves to avoid furtum*. I was disappointed that we couldn’t see the town tonight, but I wasn’t surprised. However, when he killed the fire so we wouldn’t have any unwelcomed guests I was.

To make it worse, it was the coldest day since I had arrived in this time. It couldn’t have been much above freezing, and there was a northern breeze that made it unbearable. Even under my bedroll I couldn’t stop shivering, I could just pray that morning came quickly.

After nearly a half hour I gave up on sleeping and hoped that watching the stars would help the time pass. Of course, it was too cold for even that to take my mind off the shivering.

“It’s a bitch, tha cold goes through ya like daggers,” Anzo said as he rolled to face me. “No, I’m alright,” although my teeth chattering betrayed my words. He gave me a small grin that I couldn’t see without the firelight as he stood up. He took off his wool sagum* and handed it me, “here try n’ get some sleep wit this.” At first I tried refusing his gesture, “you need it as much as I do.”

“Buy a lady should always be warm.” When Anzo told me that I just gave a weak thanks, remembering not for the first time how much had changed. When I put on the sagum I could still feel his warmth; it enveloped me in its comforting embrace, causing the shivering to stop within a minute as my tired eyes closed.

I awoke at sunrise, I was relieved to have gone through the night without nightmares or to have awoken half frozen. Anzo awoke shortly after, stretching as he came to. I thanked him with great sincerity as I tried to return his sagum, but he told me to hold onto it since we were due for another cold day. We repacked our things as we led the horse back to the trail which had become a road yet again. On the short ride, probably around three hours, we ate breakfast and discussed his trading plans.

His goals were to meet with Bernard, since he was wealthier than most even though he had no lands so he tended to pay the most for good crop. Of course we would barter with him first getting the scythe and new shoes for the horse. Afterwards, Anzo wanted to stop by one of the main inns and start trying to find someone who recognized me while we had a hot meal. Lastly, we would get a few ingredients for pickling. Since salt was beyond expensive, especially outside of Rome, we would be getting vinegar so we could preserve the harvest.

He had finished explaining his plans when we came to the outer wall; it actually took my breath away. I didn’t realize how the “savage barbarians” of history could have built something so imposing. It was around 15 feet in height, at least 5 feet thick, and it circled the city entirely. The gate was the least impressive part, it was made of a wood that was around 12 feet high and had to be 3 feet thick.

Anzo saw my look of astonishment and laughed, “it’s amazing isn’t it. We conquered it from Rome just o’er a decade ago.” At least I understood how the city was built, but it didn’t make it any less impressive. “We owe it ta Adalwin, he led us ta victory,” he added as I continued to stare.

A large part of why it was still so impressive is how they could possibly conquer this from Rome. Furthermore, I had never seen an intact ancient city, just the ruins which do it a great disservice. While I was standing in awe, Anzo spoke with the guard about our business, where we were from, and how long we planned to stay.

After they spoke the guard began looking through our cart before he waved us by. As we crossed the gate the scope of the city took on its true magnificence; the Roman design apparent. Beyond the well laid out houses, there were multiple temples, a theater, an amphitheater, and baths. Normally I would be excited to clean my filth after weeks of farm-work and travel; however, due to the freezing temp, I actually dreaded the thought.

I followed Anzo through the grid like roads until we came to a shop on the corner. It had a small smelter and an anvil, which immediately let me know we had come to our first stop. I knew they were more than just business associates when the man stopped hammering the glowing blade and pulled Anzo into a friendly embrace. “It’s good to see you my old friend and who’s your friend.” He asked as he noticed me standing just inside the posts. “It’s always too long between visits, and the first thing ya ask is about ma lady.” Anzo said in somewhat playful banter. “Well unless Runa’s fallen ill you don’t have room for a lady this beautiful.” He said as he walked up to me, “my name is Bernard and it is my pleasure,” he grabbed my hand giving a half bow as he finished his sentence. “Amelia, and you do me too much honor.”

However, between being called a lady, beautiful, and the last part I was blushing profusely. Me… blushing? I could hardly believe it, and I absolutely refused to believe that I actually enjoyed it.

“My lady, it would be an insult to say any less than the truth when such a gem comes to my shop.” By this point I was just looking away my cheeks much redder than they were from the cold. Anzo clearing his throat to regain Bernard’s attention, “perhaps we could get onta business.” Rather he said it realizing my distress or wanting to conclude business so we could return home, he felt like my savior again.

“Of course, so how do you plan to take advantage of me this time,” Bernard said playfully. “By any beauty necessary,” He winked at me when he said this, “I mean by any business necessary.” Both men chuckled as my cheeks grew redder than the snapdragon’s I saw on the long trip. By this point I was disgusted with myself for behaving in such a way. As I pushed the thoughts to the back of my mind I began to look around the shop as they continued their business.

Between swords, axes, and farm equipment I could tell that Bernard was an excellent blacksmith. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was the best in Aventicum, and one of the best outside of Rome. However, it was a dagger that caught my eye. This was the most marvelous piece I’d ever seen outside of the ceremonial weapons at temples or replicas in a museum. However, for a battle-ready weapon, its beauty was unmatched.

It had a black leather grip that was smooth except for a piece of blue-dyed leather that was twisted around it diagonally. The dye matched the gem, likely sapphire, in the pommel perfectly. The gem was a small circle that was encased in a silver cage. It only had a crossguard between the grip and blade, which was also made of silver that angled back towards the handle. The blade was smooth, except for a single midrib and the intricate design that flowed outwards. The blade was double edged, around 9 inches before coming to a sharp point. The craftsmanship on the blade rivaled any artwork I’d ever seen, a beauty that could take lives I thought to myself.

I had been staring at the puggio for nearly an hour as I heard the men say their farewells. Sighing as I walked away from the dagger I complemented Bernard on his skill, “you are without a doubt the most talented blacksmith throughout all the land.” I said genuinely. “And you are the most beautiful, which is why you should carry this for your protection.” He had grabbed the dagger I had been staring at. “But I couldn’t, you could sell that for a small fortune.” I backed away as I said that, not wanting to take such an unreasonable gift. “To hades with fortune, I can always make another, just keep it close on hand so you are safe.” He said as he handed me the dagger and the silver sheath.

Without thinking I gave him a hug as my breasts pressed into his chest. It was weird, I’d always wondered what women felt when that happened, and now I knew, it felt good. He chuckled as he returned the embrace, whispering in my ear “do ut des” (I give so that you may give). Before letting go I kissed his cheek and whispered back, “Oblata arripe, et secundum ritum” (Take what is given and do as requested).

I skipped to Anzo who was waiting for me. “I’m surprised he gave ya that; he always said he’s saving it for someone special. I thought he meant his daughter.” Anzo told me as he stood up. When he said that I looked back, but Bernard was back to work as he forged the blade he’d been working on when we arrived.

We had sold all of our supplies to Bernard for more than Anzo hoped to get. Claiming a certain lady kept Bernard from haggling as well as he normally did. I only thought Anzo was half-joking considering he gave me a dagger that probably cost as much as his shop.

After stabling the horse and parking the wagon, we walked to a nearby pub. Given how well his trade went Anzo splurged for some lamb, which was cooked with aromatic spices and served with bread. Sadly, this was the first meat I’d had since I came to this time. The pleasure stormed my mouth when I bit into the lamb, the flavors combining in a delicious way and the juices bursting out. Despite lamb having been one of my least favorite foods in times future, after a month without meat it was delicious.

After we finished eating Anzo spoke with the owner of the pub, asking if he recognized me. He gave them my name, and after a moment of thinking he let us know that he didn’t remember me, but gave some suggestions for where else to try. We spent many hours asking various innkeepers and shop owners, but no one recognized me, and not to sound vain, but I wasn’t the type of person you easily forgot about.

By the time we gave up the sun was already low in the sky, no more than two hours from sunset. Anzo was disappointed by the fact that no one remembered me, and that we had killed too much time to begin our trip back. Instead, we finished buying the things we’d need: vinegar, jars, and some extra supplies for me.

None of these stores resulted in anything exciting, just bartering before we went to our next stop. Nonetheless, it was twilight when we finished, but we had everything prepared so we could leave at first light in the morning.

* Furtum – theft of property or fraud
* Sagum – a rectangular cloak that came below the knee with a leather (could be metal) clasp around the neck. Typically worn by Roman military duing cold weather.

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