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“I thought there were but eight.” said the man with a deep voice.
“There are.” replied the other with a melodic voice.
“Then how do you explain her?”
“I can’t.”
“What should we…”
Their conversation continued, but I couldn’t stay awake any longer. Strange dreams pulled me down the rabbit hole. I saw a pulsating light that changed shape and color; it was a kaleidoscope of ‘knowledge’ that opened itself up time and time again to reveal more information. It felt chaotic as everything grew brighter and faster until it became an unchanging radiant blue plane.
I was in the plane with someone in the distance. Her eyes were green with an amethyst ring along the edge. This ring seemed to radiate the intensity of her gaze into existence. After studying me for a while she said something; I could tell it was important, but I couldn’t hear what she said. I tried to get her to repeat herself, but the world disappeared.
“She’s waking up.” I heard a woman say.
“I was beginning ta worry about her, she’ll probably need a drink.” said a nearby man. I tried looking to see who they were and who they were talking about, but my vision was too hazy.
“Drink this it’ll make you feel better.” I took a sip from the cup the woman offered. The drink tasted terrible, like cheap wine. “Drink more miss, you have been asleep for days.” she said as she handed me the cup. I managed to take several more gulps before the foul taste caused me to gag. Despite the bitterness, it helped me become aware of my surroundings.
There were locks of wavy hair in my eyes so I brushed it aside. You would think a person would then become aware of their delicate hand or the weight on their chest, but this wasn’t the case. Instead I noticed how small the house was, if you could even call it a house. It was one room; there were two small “windows” and one door. The furniture consisted of a couple wooden chairs pushed against a crude wooden table, a bed in the corner, and a cupboard. There was also a small fireplace burning three logs and an oven made of clay and tile.
After looking around the room… I mean the house, I became aware of myself. I was sleeping on a large sack stuffed with straw and a small burlap sack stuffed with something a little softer. A large cloth had been draped over me like a sheet. I was taking everything in when I felt burdened; the sheet was pulled over me too tightly since it was crushing my chest.
“So what’s your name? I’m Runa and my husband is Anzo.” she asked while giving a welcoming smile.
“Alexander.” I thoughtlessly replied while I fiddled with the sheet.
“I’m sorry mam’ what’d ya say yer name was?” her husband asked with a thick accent.
Until he asked that I was wondering where the woman they were talking about was, but my mind began connecting the dots. When I realized they were probably referring to me I grabbed at my hair realizing it came to my mid-back. I also realized the pressure I felt on my chest earlier wasn’t because of the sheets, but because of my breasts.
I was so distraught I could only think of one name, “Amelia” I said.
“It’s a pleasure ta meet ya. Are ya okay you look pale?” Anzo asked.
“Yes, I’m just nervous since I don’t know where I’m at.” I said while unsuccessfully trying to calm myself down. My voice had risen several octaves, and no longer resonated in the air. Instead it had a melodic hum as I spoke.
“You’re in our house which is outside of Vindonissa.” Runa said as she gently squeezed my hand to help me relax.
“Where’s that?”
“It’s just a few leagues from the Rhine River and a day’s ride from the Danube; it’s on the southern edge of Alamanni lands.” Anzo said.
I knew that the two rivers were near each other in Europe, around northern Switzerland, but I thought it was strange that they referred to distance in leagues not miles or kilometers. I had also never heard of the Alamanni or Vindonissa. “What’s the date?” I asked as I pondered the strange way he gave the location.
“It’s November 20, ya have been asleep for two days since I found ya.”
“What year?” I asked.
I stammered for a moment while my mind raced. I wondered if it was a weird dream, or perhaps a bad prank. Either way, my mind seemed to overload and I collapsed on the sack bed. I imagine I passed out, since I woke up with Runa beside me. She commented on how much my color had improved.
As I stood up a lock of hair fell in my face confirming that it wasn’t just a nightmare. “Where’s your restroom?” I asked with urgency.
“Our what?”
“Your restroom… your toilet.” I said while fidgeting with the wool dress I had been clothed in.
“I don’t know what that is, perhaps you can describe it.”
“I have to pee, where can I do that?”
“There’s a pot outside.”
I grimaced at the thought of not only relieving myself as a woman, but in a pot. Humiliation washed over me when I opened the door and saw a clay pot. It had a number of stains from its previous “visits” and offered no place to take a seat. I stood there for a while as I thought about holding it, but I knew it was a fool’s errand, so I resigned myself to my new life.
The first day continued forward with a great deal of awkwardness. Between me constantly referring to things that didn’t exist or doing things that were considered rude, I felt like an outsider. I had forgotten that only the wealthy drank things other than wine and beer in the past, when I asked for water. They laughed it off, but I could tell it was offensive since it emphasized their poverty.
By the time it was dark I was relieved to go to sleep, to escape from my reality and into my fantasies. Sadly, the only dreams that presented themselves to me were chaotic; they were filled with the sounds of steel clashing, fires raging, and women screaming.
I woke up shortly after dawn. Runa was gently humming as she cooked breakfast. “Good morning.” I told her as I made my way to see what she was cooking. She was boiling eggs and had already prepared some cheese.
“I knew you needed your sleep; breakfast will be ready soon.”
I offered to help, but she gratefully declined.
When she served breakfast there was only a plate for me. She joined me at the table with a cup of wine as we spoke. Our conversation was less awkward today since I had begun to orient myself to the culture shock. We spoke about things like the current events (of 298), which I thought was humorous, what she thought about Vindonissa, and how I ended up here.
I was surprised to learn that Anzo had found me nude on a grass hill when he was returning from Aventicum. It was a five day ride that he had made to do trade. Thankfully, he was only a few hours from his home when he found me or I probably wouldn’t have made it since I was dehydrated, starving, and freezing.
Our conversation continued well after I had finished my eggs when she asked about my culture. It was obvious I wasn’t a member of the Alamanni, “…from your mannerism to the way you speak, even your name is foreign.” as Runa put it. I decided to claim I couldn’t remember, since I didn’t know if they were aggressive towards the Romans or the Goths, the only other cultures I knew from that time.
After hours of talking with Runa I realized how much I owed them. Not only did he save my life, but he was giving me food and shelter. I didn’t want to freeload off of the people showing me such kindness so I went looking for Anzo. I found him several acres away from the house, in the middle of his peas’ field. We exchanged greetings as I made my way through the rows. I watched him for several minutes to get an idea of what he was doing before I started helping. His look told me how much he appreciated the help, even if he stayed silent. The work lasted till sunset with the exception of an afternoon meal.
By the time the sunset, I was exhausted. I couldn’t remember having ever done so much work. Granted I was used to working 10 or 12 hours per day, but the physical effort left me exhausted. For the second night of my new life, sleep welcomed me as I lay still in the makeshift bed.
The night passed similar to the last, horrible dreams of slaughter. As the women were violated and killed, the children were beaten unconscious, and the men died for honor I grew disgusted. I cursed as I watched everyone die, unable to help.
No matter where I looked it was the same despair, and then I saw something even worse. Anzo had been backed into a corner by three men; he was protecting a girl no older than six. The men took turns attacking, toying with him as they cut him in the arms and legs, avoiding the killing blow. With the last strike he was brought to the ground as they cut his thigh. The sadness was too much when he begged for the life of the girl, begging them to do what they will, but to spare her.
That is when I snapped, screaming with rage in my desperation to save Anzo. However, I was powerless. Then the largest of the three men approached Anzo smiling with satisfaction. He raised his sword and brought it down with all his might.
My heart stopped and so did the sword. Actually, everything stopped, from the embers in the air to the men assaulting the town. However, the sounds of crying and yelling continued. Amongst the loudness I almost missed it. No louder than a whisper I heard, “Tis the tribulation if you fail your trial.”
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Sorry about the delay
I apologize for the long delay, I was doing research to keep things as accurate as possible. By the time I had finished researching everything I got busy with school. However, I hope to get one more chapter up before finals and a job. Next chapter is when things get fun. In the meantime I hope you enjoy!
Amelia, I am guessing has
Amelia, I am guessing has been sent there on a mission, and just may discover that she has special and certain powers that are going to assist her on that mission. Other than that, she may as well give herself up when confronted by the "bad guys".
I Went back to chapter one as
I Went back to chapter one as a refresher and the bit about the war starting has me confused. How did it start exactly? You mentioned that diplomacy had failed, but diplomacy with whom? It's just weird that they would start a war over an accident. Unless I'm (most probably) missing something.
Very Interesting
I went back to the prologue, and immediately recognized the story. Should be fun.
Where are we going with this?
Your writing is good. Where will you take us?
The year date
is the thing that's actually most anachronistic. Unless they're early Christians (and even then), it wouldn't be based on the birth of Jesus. Convenient for readers of course, but I think dates were usually counted by years into the reign of king so and so. :)
I do historical based fiction too. Trying to keep it anywhere close to historical reality is very very hard. Like, what did Vikings have for windows? "Vind augr"="Wind eye"=Wind ow. Took hours to figure that out, and it's one sentence in my story. :P
Looking forward to seeing where this goes. :)
I spent quite a bit of time researching calendars. I even repeated the process when my old computer went out and I had to redo my research. However, both times I couldn't find what I needed so I'm just going to say that E7 is translating the date like language. Since someone giving you that date, pre-Gregorian calendar would be about as helpful as directions in Latin.
Yet, if someone can outright tell me what 298ad is then I'll be happy to change it because my original plan was to use their calendar system. I'm glad you like the story regardless and I'm glad I'm finally posting more chapters.
Visions of despair
I feel as though things are going to pick up very quickly, and with that threat hanging overhead, events are going to be very trying for Amelia. Hopefully she has some help, from inside or out.
I'll be looking for the next part!