The first chapter of "Mercy" has more kudos than anything i have ever written, by a lot. But each successive chapter has dropped in the number of kudos.
Should I be worried?
Has the story's quality dropped?
Are people frustrated with how long it has been taking me to publish pretty short chapters?
Is the pace not working?
If you kudoed on the first chapter, but havent since, I'd be curious as to why ...
You should not worry
about it. That's first.
Second, I will reread all of them tonight and see if there is something specific I can report back about.
Anne Margarete
It can happen if the story is too good :-)
I often see that I had not given kudo when rereading some of my favorite stories. It seems that I was so into the story that I clicked "next chapter" without noticing it...
Another thing is probably my personal feature. I read the first chapter and if I like it I wait until there are 10-15 chapters published and then read them in one go.
Also on reflection multipart stories tend to show less kudos for every successive chapter...
Out of curiosity
I checked about 10 very different multipart stories. The pattern was quite consistent; a rather quick drop over the first parts and then a slower "attrition" later. Even the series that now is down to "only" a bit over 200 kudos per installment has over 400 for the first installment.
I haven't read this
I haven't read this particular story. But since I have to transfer stories to my e-reader, it's hard to keep track of kudos, and ridiculous to try to kudo each chapter of an extended story. When I still tried to kudo, I would do the first chapter and maybe one other. Maybe other people are doing the same thing?
Just make sure that...
The final part is a real blockbuster. Then the kudos will come rolling in.
From my POV, I find the middle parts on many stories not so gob smacking, lip quenching... etc etc as the first and last parts and these are the stories I write!
So don't worry and keep on writing.
As described earlier
by some of the others, this is a standard pattern.
In fact if you look at the number the actual percentage of kudos "per view" rises for each successive episode of Mercy.
Ep. Views. Kudos. Perc.
1 3909 178 4,55%
2 3035 144 4,74%
3 2185 126 5,77%
4 1595 95 5,96%
5 1064 77 7,24%
Anne Margarete