Five years of SEE

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I just had a look at "My Stories" and I notice that there is activity all along the line back as far as Chapter 1. So, people are still re-reading it! I admire your stamina.

I also noticed the date I posted the first chapter, 22nd December 2010. Wow, a whole five years! I swear I never intended for it to take this long!

When I began I had the general idea in my head, and I more or less knew how the whole thing would pan out. I didn't, however, know how the first chapter would end even as I began writing. I knew Garia would be found on the mountainside, of course, and I knew there would be a certain amount of confusion as she was taken down to the "Great Valley", which was hazily thought out even as I was writing it.

I knew that there would be a Prince in the palace when she got there, and that she would meet fierce opposition as she progressed. I also knew, at the start, that there would be a wagon-train style journey to a remote town with a confrontation with a creature from legend, but where that might be and what the creature was lay years into the future. The word "ptuvil" was a throw-in at the start and didn't take form for many chapters.

It never occurred to me that she would start an entire Industrial Revolution or be the central reason for a major war. Unintended consequences indeed! I was just hoping to write a simple romance, but what did I know? I ended up with an entire world.

Having pumped out 28 chapters for The State Does Not Make Mistakes I knew I could write a 40-50 chapter story, and that's what I had originally intended. If I had known then what I know now, or that it would take so long, I might never have started. I'm really glad that I did, though!

In the intervening period I have had two periods of major illness, retired, gained a daughter-in-law and two grand-daughters and had my life turned upside down by the last mentioned. I have also flown to the US three times, having last set foot on a plane in 2001 - and before that in 1973. I have also found time to write a couple of short stories on BC and, I hope, contributed to the wonderful place it has continued to be.

I fully intend to finish what I began but the last few steps to stagger across the finishing line will have to come when I can manage to write them. Christmas is almost upon us yet again (humbug!) and that means inevitable distractions - not to mention periods of semi-consciousness!

Congratulations to all those who have been following my monster epic. I'm really, really sorry it has taken so long. I'm seriously impressed that many of you are re-reading it as that requires a serious commitment in time and attention. I know it isn't perfect and there are any number of things that need putting right but I felt that it was more important to finish it before thinking about doing any editing.

I just wish that it could have been finished sooner. Five years, oh, my!




I will re-read it again
That happens with good stories

And what a glorious romance it has been!

As to the Ptvil, I did not know if we were going to have a knock off of the "Pern" series or would it be "Gor"?

The fact that Garia has been able to acquit herself in swordplay, and in inventorship, along with administration and have a bit of snogging to boot, well that is quite nice, thank you very much.

It would be fun to have them making friends with the Ptvil and forming a mutually beneficial relationship. I can just see Queen Garia riding one through the skies!

Well, there you have it then. Carry on.


Thank you, Penny, for writing

Thank you, Penny, for writing. I've read all of the stories you've posted here and enjoyed them very much. About half of them I've read several times and The State.... and SEE I read every year. I don't mind the ongoing stories, they are an inspiration and a wonderland to me. I wish I could write even half as well as you do. So don't fret about the time.

I would really love to see some of your stories made into movies, especially The State Does Not Make Mistakes and SEE.

I hope you and your family have a merry and wonderful holiday season.

Erin of Wis <3

Only FIVE years?

that's fast by my writing standards

--GRIN --

Great stuff Penny.

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa

Don't apologise for writing a long story.

Your story telling is very good, so it's always a pleasure to see a new episode of SEE. I think I've only started again from the beginning once, but I'll certainly do so when you finish.