I guess we've seen the last of The Enhanced TRI.

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It's been a couple of months since Moongoddess' last posting and I hope she's all right. I know what it's like to write oneself into a corner, or to have real life jump up and smack one in the face, limiting or even stopping a creative process.

Even though I know the story is complete (it's on Amazon and Kindle) My very limited financial resources prohibit me from ordering it on Amazon, and I don't have Kindle access so I'm gonna have to hope that: A. Moongoddess gets through whatever it is that's keeping her from communicating, and B. She can finish posting the story here.

Of course, the main concern is her health and mental well being. I seem to remember she had problems with depression and I heard that someone she knew did the unthinkable and left this existance. I hope and pray that Diana, that's Moongoddess' "real" name, is getting better.

Again I offer anything I can do to help her if there's any way I can. At least I hope she'll see this blog and communicate with me, or us, to let us know how she is doing.

hugs and love,
Catherine Linda Michel


Kindle app for Mac OS

Piper's picture

You mentioned not having access to a Kindle so I thought I would mention Kindle Apps are available for Mac OS, Windows, Windows Phone, Android and iPhone... here is the link for Mac OS as I belive you have a Mac. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/kindle/id405399194?mt=12

"She was like a butterfly, full of color and vibrancy when she chose to open her wings, yet hardly visible when she closed them."
— Geraldine Brooks