The Lyssa Kordenay Missions - Book 41 - Angels and Animosity


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Book 41 of The Lyssa Kordenay Missions!
  Everyone is standing down from the
  last mission. There are a lot of loose
  ends though that need to be tied up.

WARNING: The Lyssa Kordenay Missions may be hyper-violent for some readers!




Angels and Animosity

Chapter 1

Slowly the world was coming back to Robbie. Soft beeps. There was a brightness. He tried to open his eyes but it was hard. It took a lot but he managed to force them.

"Welcome back," a pleasant voice said.

The voice was a stranger

'STRANGER,' Robbie thought, 'Strangers hurt me!'

He tried to move away but pain exploded from his belly out and he passed out. When the world came back again it wasn't bright. It was dark. a soft hand stroked his forehead.

"Shhh. Its ok Princess. You're safe. Just lay still. I promise you're safe now," the voice said.

Robbie started to relax. It felt like he was laying in a bed. It was comfortable, but slightly cool.

"She's awake again," another voice asked.

"Yes," the first voice said.

The two voices were women Robbie now understood. Things were still hazy but slowly coming back.

"Can you hear me," a new voice asked, male.

Robbie nodded and slowly opened his eyes. It was a man. His hair was slightly grey and he had a blank expression. A woman began taking blood pressure then stuck something in his ear until a beep and wrote on a clipboard. The man had lifted up the sheet and gently poked at the inside of Robbie's legs. Robbie whimpered and tried not to move. He was afraid.

"Do you feel pain," the man asked.

Robbie nodded.

The man looked intently at Robbie, "is the pain a little or a lot?"

Robbie tried to answer but all that came out was barely a croak and his throat felt like he had burning sand caught in his throat. He grabbed at his throat and whimpered again.

The man leaned forward and took out some kind of light, "let me look inside your mouth."

Slowly Robbie opened his mouth. The man shined the light inside and moved around to see then shook his head.

"Bring me the fiber-optic," the man said to the woman that appeared to be a nurse.

She left and came back with something.

"Open up again and try not to swallow," the man said.

A tube-like thing was stuck inside Robbie's mouth.

"Doing fine just hold very still and breathe through your nose," the man said, "hmm. The vocal cords are very irritated. The whole throat is inflamed."

He leaned back and handed the thing back to the nurse then wrote on the clipboard.

"Every four hours starting now," he said then turned back to Robbie, "your throat has been strained. just nod or shake your head. Do you feel pain?"

Robbie nodded.

"Where do you have pain," the man asked again.

Robbie guessed he was a doctor and pointed to his throat then to his private area under the sheets.

"Is the pain sharp or dull. What I mean is does it feel like it's a pinch or poke? or does it feel like a really hard squeeze," the doctor asked.

Robbie shook his head. How to explain that it felt like somebody had kicked him really hard. He saw the doctors arm and grabbed it then squeezed hard then squeezed it repeatedly.

The doctor was quick, "a throbbing pain?"

Robbie nodded then held the doctor's arm and slowly squeezed and held for as long as he could.

"You feel tightness," the doctor asked.

Robbie nodded again then started to poke and twist while poking.

"Ah. You also feel like something is inside you as well," the doctor stated.

Robbie nodded, the doctor was understanding him. Robbie then started looking around. Where was mom? He then looked at the Doctor. Weren't they supposed to wear name tags or something that said they were doctors? He reached forward and patted at the pocket.

"What's that," the Doctor asked.

Robbie patted the pocket area then gestured that he didn't know. When the Doctor gave him a puzzled look, Robbie patted the pocket then acted like he was writing then gave the 'I don't know' gesture again.

The nurse chuckled, "you're not wearing a name tag."

"Oh that. Sorry. We don't wear name tags here. My name isn't important. I'm a doctor and you're in my care. There isn't much for me to do though, they did very good work where ever you were before. Right now we're going to give you some medicine for your throat and a shot for pain. You should go to sleep after that. Sleep is needed now," The doctor said then left.

The nurse held up a syringe with no needle, "open up sweetie. I need to squirt as much of your throat as I can with this."

Robbie opened up. She started squirting a liquid inside. Suddenly it hurt. It hurt a lot. The burning sand feeling now felt like burning glass.

"Oh honey I know it hurts! I promise its helping," the nurse said sadly.

Tears streamed from Robbie's eyes from the pain. Then he felt a sharp poke at his butt and then in a few seconds things felt fuzzy then nothing again. Sometime later he felt the world tilt then liquid followed by pain in his throat. When he woke up it was bright again. His throat did feel somewhat better. A different woman came in. She looked like a nurse too.

"Good morning sweetie," She said with a smile.

Robbie gave her a half smile then watched as she did the usual nurse things. Finally she took up the big syringe with no needle. Robbie gave her a frightened look.

"Ah. You know what this is by now. Sweetheart I know it hurt at first but it won't hurt like that now. Trust me," She said.

Reluctantly Robbie opened his mouth and she squirted the stuff inside. She was right, it didn't hurt so much but something bad did happen. It tasted horrible.

She laughed at the face he made, "see. It doesn't hurt, just tastes nasty. That means its working."

Robbie tried not to gag at the taste then motioned for something to drink.

She shook her head, "I know. you're thirsty. I'm sorry but the note here says not to give you anything yet."

Robbie pouted. He was really thirsty. Then he started looking around.

'Where's Mom," he thought to himself.

The nurse sighed, "I know that look. You're looking for your mom."

Robbie nodded.

She shook her head, "you were brought in alone sweetheart. The woman that brought you here had to step out. She'll be back soon. I know that look too. You have a lot of questions. I'm sorry but I don't know anything I could tell you. Just rest for now. I promise you're safe here."

Robbie frowned and laid back. They didn't even have a tv in the room to watch. With nothing better to do He looked out the window. This was a very strange place. The people were doctors and nurses. the bed was like a hospital kind but the room looked like someone's house, except the floors. The floors were like a hospital's only shinier. After what seemed like a long time the door opened and pretty brown haired woman came in.

"Hi there," she said.

Robbie recognized her voice. She had been with him since he first woke up.

"The nurse said you're starting to look for answers," she said.

Robbie nodded.

"Well first; My name is Madison and I've been looking after you. There's a doctor coming to talk to you," Madison.

Robbie sighed. Finally somebody that had a name. The door opened again and woman came in. She wasn't dressed like a doctor. She wasn't wearing a white coat. She walked up and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Hi there. I'm Beth. I'm a psychologist. Do you know what a psychologist is," Beth asked.

Robbie nodded then croaked out, "doctor. Crazy people."

Beth chuckled and shook her head, "not really. I am a doctor though. I help people with their feelings. Sometimes we just talk. Sometimes there has to be medicine. I like to try talking first. ok?"

Robbie nodded but before anything could be said the door opened again. The nurse and Doctor came in followed by another man.

"Just a moment doctor. I wanted to take a quick look before you start," the doctor said.

Beth backed off with a smile, "certainly."

Robbie saw the tube thing and knew to open his mouth.

The doctor nodded his head, "very good. You knew I wanted to look inside again. Hold still please."

After a minute or two the doctor moved back, "the inflammation is subsiding. I'd like to limit speaking for a day more but I understand some conversation is needed. Please limit your responses to one or two words at a time. This evening you may have liquids but nothing cold yet. warm only."

With that the doctor and nurse left. Everyone looked to the man in the corner. He came forward.

"Should I go," Beth asked.

The man shook his head, "you can stay doctor. What is about to be discussed is sensitive though."

"Understood," Beth replied.

The man looked down at him, "Robbie. Yes I know who you are. A lot of things have happened. Today is tuesday. Do you remember saturday?"

Robbie nodded and whispered, "soccer."

The man nodded, "yes. You had a soccer game."

"Won," Robbie smiled.

The man relaxed some and even smiled a little as he nodded, "yes. Indeed you won. Do you remember what happened after the game?"

"Fight. Zane," Robbie said.

The man looked at a tablet, "ok that's not in the notes. Wasn't a big fight was it?"

Robbie shook his head.

The man nodded, "that would be why its not mentioned. Let's call that a scuffle instead. What happened after that?"

Robbie whispered, "left. Home. No."

The man listened intently now.

Robbie looked at him in thought then fear set in again, "stranger!"

The man nodded, "a stranger. What happened with the stranger?"

"Took," Robbie said then patted his chest to mean himself.

"The stranger took you. What else," The man asked.

Robbie started crying, "hurt. took."

"He hurt you. He took something," the man asked.

Robbie nodded, "hurt private."

Nobody stopped to remind him not to say so many words at once.

"People. Noise. Momma crying. Daddy yell. Daddy yelled no. Called me a freak," Robbie sobbed.

The man sighed, "you remember that much. That's good and bad."

"Where's Momma," Robbie asked.

The man sighed, "I'll tell you, but you have to hear me out all the way first. I'm going to give you truth first and then I'm going to show truth and lies at the same time."

That sounded strange to Robbie but he nodded anyway. the man turned his tablet around and showed Robbie a video. It was from a big room. The woman Madison and his mom were talking. They were using a lot of big words but he could see that papers were being signed. Then Madison told his mom to go get somethings and she would wait.

"Now you've seen that. You know your mom trusted us to take care of you. Now I'm going to show you some lies," the man said then handed Robbie a newspaper.

Robbie looked at it. It was from Kansas City. The front page had in big letters 'Tragedy for Brice family!'
The article went on to say that Robbie had been kidnapped by terrorists. When his father called in the FBI, a watcher for the group informed them. The group then proceeded to mutilate Robbie sexually, then rape him. The paper went to say that the Congressman objected to reconstructive surgery for Robbie over political reasons only and because his mother authorized it he tried to have her committed. During that attempt she was given a lethal drug overdose and died. Robbie upon hearing of his mother's death had escaped his room, went to the roof and jumped to his death. Robbie began to cry and shake his head.

The man reached over and held Robbie's shoulder, "Some of that is truth and some of it is lies. I want to show you another video and its all truth. It's going to upset you a lot but it is truth."

He turned his tablet around and played a video.

"Your mother's cellphone was in the outside pocket of her purse but the camera part could see. We had activated the camera and were watching just in case," the man explained, "but nobody thought this would happen."

The video showed his mother putting things into a suitcase then the bedroom door opened. His father and five men came in. Men in white clothes and another man in a suit.

"Clair stop. You're going with these men," Robert Brice said.

Clair continued to pack, "No Robert. I'm going back to the hospital to take care of our son. I know what you plan to do now. You're going to exploit Robbie. What was done to him for you're own political plans! I won't allow it."

The four men went forward and grabbed her then forced her to the floor.

"You're going to be committed Clair! Don't ever get my way again! You won't get in my way," Robert spat, "I'll have another surgeon come in and undo whatever that woman did. A normal life? Not when it benefits me more that he doesn't! Robbie become a poster child for instability because of terrorist action? THEN SO BE IT! A CASTRATED FREAK WILL WIN ME THE ELECTION!"

"NO! YOU CAN'T DO THAT TO ROBBIE! HE'S A CHILD YOU MONSTER," Clair screamed in protest.

Robbie watched in horror as the men forced pills down his mother's throat and start choking. a minute later she started thrashing.

Robert nodded to her, "Make damn sure this will look how I want! I don't want anybody to think that she didn't do this!"

The man in the suit chuckled, "This isn't my first emergency overdose Congressman. The ambulance is on its way and will be here just in time for it to be life threatening. We'll go out just before they arrive and follow close behind to the hospital. All you'll have to do is sign the papers releasing her to our care and you'll never see her again. Next week she'll make another suicide attempt and succeed. You'll be the first single president in history, but the people will be so outraged they'll vote out of sympathy."

"I think we got a problem," one of the men said from the floor.

"What," the man in the suit asked.

"She stopped breathing already," the man said then started feeling her neck, "SHIT! SHE'S IN ARREST!"

"WHAT'S GOING WRONG," Robert demanded.

They immediately began CPR. It wasn't working.


"How much money," a police officer asked walking into room.

Everyone froze. Four police officers and two paramedics had arrived. Earlier than anyone thought they would. The paramedics rushed forward and began to work on Clair. The cops began to search the men and found a plain bottle of pills.

"The fuck did you give her," The cop demanded.

The man in white shook his head, "I have the right to remain silent."

The paramedics had tried shocking her three times and finally shook their heads to the officers.

"You're gonna need the best lawyers in the country. You're all being charged with murder," The cop said as the other men were being cuffed.

Suddenly a phone rang. It was Brice's cellphone.

The officer cuffing him took it, "Don't worry. I'll get it. Hello?"

The officer looked down at the phone confused then said, "HOLY SHIT! Brice; you're gonna hang from the tallest tree in the country!"

"What is it," one of the officers asked looking at the phone.

"Its a video. Someone can see us all right now. They saw everything that just happened and sent to Brice's phone. Hey if your still watching he can deny the phone because its his. send it to my phone," the officer said loudly and gave the number.

A moment later his phone rang and he checked. It was the video. There was no return number though. One of the officers noticed Clair's purse and looked closer. The angle seemed right so he leaned down to the lens.

"Whoever's watching. I don't know why you were, but thanks. We'll take it from here. He won't weasel out of this," the officer said and gave small salute.

Robbie was crying openly now.

"You're dad has a lot of friends and then there's the people that hurt you Robbie. I'm sorry your Mom's dead. You're going to be taken care of. I promise. You're not alone. You can call me Paul. I'll help you," Paul said.

Beth went over and hugged Robbie as he cried.

"Madison. Stay here. If I need anything I'll call you. You're in charge of Robbie's care. Robbie. Listen close. Everyone thinks you're dead now. This protects you some. Nobody will look for you. I have to go now, but you'll be seeing me again. Madison will take care of you," Paul said then left.

Madison went over hugged Robbie.

Robbie cried, "nobody. A-a-Alone."

Madison hugged him tighter, "you're not alone. You can call me Aunt Madi. You're gonna be ok."

Robbie soon quieted. He had cried himself into sleep. Madison and Beth eased him back to lay down.

"That didn't go as bad as it could have," Beth said.

Madison sighed, "my heart breaks for him."

"Her. And she's probably going to have an episode about that too. I've never dealt with forced transition though I can understand why in her case. What will happen to the father," Beth asked.

Madison looked angry, "he'll make bail tomorrow. He has the clout and money to do it. His campaign is springing him and they'll do a full press conference."

Beth shook her head, "that bastard. For once in my life I find myself saying I wish somebody would just shoot him."

"That would solve a lot of problems but he can't be touched now. If anybody did take him out there'd be so much fall out and the prime suspect would be the intelligence agencies. All we can do is slam him indirectly and make him look like the psycho he is. The video was sent out to every news agency. Brice's party is trying everything they can think of to get it canned but they won't. They'll run it because others are and they refuse to be left behind, even if they support him. It would be biased and they can't risk that," Madison stated.

Beth sighed, "why don't you go get cleaned up and changed. I'll sit with her til you get back."

"Thanks. Three hours," Madison said then left.




Kristine and Kasey were going crazy and wanted to find some explosives and blow open a door. Saturday morning the GulfStream took off with Lyssa, Rodrick, LoneStar, Carl and Warlock while Kimberly and Krystel locked themselves in the room under the hangar. Rodrick, Pete, Krystel, Carl and Eddie called it the C.I.C. meaning Combat Information Center. Lyssa, Kimberly and LoneStar called it the T.O.C. for Tactical Operations Center. Both of those meant the same thing. It was the War Room. They had all returned angry. Even more so by midnight. Rodrick sat on the patio drinking straight from a bottle. Lyssa shut the door of the babies' room and didn't come back out until morning.

Maria had noticed the mood and told both girls to give them space and not to ask. The two girls had classes in the trailer by the far hangar called the classroom. There were three computer terminals in there that they now used for lesson modules. The adults had been taking turns teaching them a lesson and language. Lyssa taught them Geography, Japanese and Portuguese. Kimberly taught them English grammar, German and Dutch. Krystel taught them math, Russian and Swedish. LoneStar was the history buff and taught them Spanish. Carl taught them Marine biology and French, it turned out he had spent more than one summer down at the aquarium in Monterrey and even one at SeaWorld. Pete taught them literature as he was a big reader and also spoke Arabic. Eddie taught them mechanics but he only knew Spanish. Maria was also teaching them French along with Ballet basics.

All in all the girls were getting quite an education. Krystel also watched over their computer studies. She had to warn Kristine twice about trying to hack the main system. The punishment was issued by Lyssa. Both had to do morning PT with her. Kristine and Kasey vowed never to step out of line again. They hadn't known Lyssa's idea of PT was a triathlon. Every morning and only Rodrick and Krystel could keep up with her. The two stood outside the door of the hangar office and eavesdropped on the conversation inside.




"I say we fly up there and just shoot the fuck," Pete said.

"We can't do that. All eyes are on him now and if we take action it'll justify everything he's been saying and then we've got a martyr," Kimberly stated.

"This is bullshit though. He's still exploiting the kid," LoneStar's muffled voice said from inside the helmet.

Krystel protested, "The intel read like they were going after him. It made sense! To all of us!"

Finally Lyssa had enough, "woulda coulda shoulda. We didn't have enough boots on the ground and if we had we'd have been spotted and they would've waited. The Op went to shit and we did what we could. The kid's alive, the mother's dead and that cock-bite is out in the spotlight. The Tangos that survived are in jail and no lawyer is slimy enough to go near them. Though it probably won't matter as one of the fucks has already been killed in lock-up."

Dannigan was in the conference window, "leave the politcos alone. I'll deal with him. The kid is awake now and trying to figure what kind of world he's in."

"Somebody should be with him," Rodrick said.

"Madison is there and looking after him. The funerals are tomorrow. I'm leaving now to attend. Brice isn't being allowed to. Her family filed a restraining order and the judge granted it. Kimberly make sure Shawna and Tiffany are holding up. Krystel find the rest of those bastards. I want that organization buried. That is all," Dannigan signed off.

Everyone went quiet for a minute or two then Pete asked, "so what do we do now?"

"Find your own ways to deal with it," Lyssa said then went to the door.

She yanked it open and glared at the two teens, "meeting adjourned."

Both bolted down the stairs for the door.

Kasey asked as they ran, "HOW'D SHE KNOW?"


The two didn't stop until they got back to the house.

Maria looked at them and shook her head, "you two were spying and got caught. Didn't you?"

"Yes Ma'am," Kasey said breathing hard.

"I understand you're curious what goes on here but there is a line that we are not allowed to cross. If we are not asked to participate in their activities then we should not try to nose into them," Maria reminded them.

"But grandma everybody came back so upset and they just seem to be getting madder and madder. Maybe we could help," Kasey said.

"yeah," Kristine echoed.

Maria sighed, "Only one thing could anger them so much. Whatever they went to go do, something must have went very wrong and they blame themselves. I doubt there is anything anyone could do. But I trust that they will do everything that can be done if there's a chance and they'll find some way to make things right or at least as right as can be."

"Prima Lyssa's scary sometimes," Kasey remarked.

"That's understandable for you to say. She is a lot more than I imagined. I know some of what Lyssa is now that I have seen more. She's not a government agent. None of them are. They are all soldiers. Warriors. I know that Rodrick was a Navy SEAL. Lyssa seems to stand above that. She is in my opinion, the deadliest woman on earth, but more than just that; she is dedicated to service. I've seen that before in men. Men in uniform of the military. They believe in what they do. Lyssa believes as well. They all do. For some reason they are not able to serve as others do. They serve this way and make a difference," Maria explained.

"But they work for a government agency," Kristine asked.

Maria looked thoughtful, "I've been reminding myself of that. We know they work for that agency we saw in the files. The one LOG seemed to be afraid of.

Kristine's mind recalled, "the O.I.C.A."

Maria nodded, "yes. They are covert, take action and do so immediately. LOG was well founded in their fear. Remember what your uncle said? 'There are always Apex Predators.' Lyssa and her people being the O.I.C.A. then they are exactly those 'Apex Predators' from what I've seen here."

The girls looked at each other. They hadn't thought of that and now that they did. It put things in a more dramatic perspective. Now they understood the restricted areas and how Krystel could be so good at Cyber-warfare. Civilians like Kristine called it kung-fu, but people like Krystel and Kimberly called it Cyber-warfare and they went up against entire countries. Even Kimberly had found the attempts amusing the first time but not the second.

"If you two don't want to find yourselves 'exercising' with Prima Lyssa again in the morning you should start thinking of a way to atone for gaining her attention from other things," Maria suggested.

"Make dinner," Kasey suggested.

"That may help," Maria agreed.

The two girls immediately went into the kitchen and began searching for some ideas. While they were cooking Maria went in search of Lyssa and ask that she accept the girls apology. At the dinner table later on Lyssa fixed them with her stare and allowed them a pass, provided there was no repeat. Both quickly nodded. Training with Nonna Maria was vicious and with Lyssa even more so, but that was the studio. Morning exercise was a session in torture in comparison that neither wanted.



Chapter 2

Robbie sat in the bed day after day. Still no tv but Madison let him watch videos and read books on her tablet. During one of the nurse visits he glanced at the clipboard and saw the file. It was in an orange folder marked SECRET and no name. where a name would be it said Patient #491527. Someone wrote Princess to the side.

"Hi. How's it going today," Beth asked walking in.

"Same as yesterday," Robbie said.

Beth nodded, "how many nightmares did you have?"

Robbie twitched. He denied having them but everybody knew he was. It was more than obvious when he would wake up holding onto Madison and a nurse feeling like he'd played a full soccer game against monsters alone. He refused to talk about them afterward. They all knew the content due to his protests during the dream but until he began talking about them while awake there wasn't much they could do.

Beth sat on the edge of the bed, "let's talk about surgery."

Robbie froze. Everyone had been dancing around the subject of how badly he had been hurt.

"You remember the bad men hurting you. I want to talk to you about that," Beth said.

Slowly Robbie nodded.

Beth fixed her eyes to his, "you remember they cut you. What they did was more than that. First I'll try to explain. Where they come from if a boy has his private parts damaged it means they'll never go to their heaven. For any boy its the greatest injury, but for them it means even worse because of their religion. You've heard the recording. Because your father called in people to find them they hurt you. They wanted to hurt him through you. By taking away the parts that mean so much to a boy and especially a man, to them, is the worst possible punishment."

Robbie had tears but still he listened. He knew she wasn't done yet.

"When you were brought to the hospital the doctors had two choices. They could finish what was started or they could take what was left and make you look like a girl. They went with that. Make you look like a girl. They had a reason why. If they finished what the bad men started you wouldn't be able to do anything except go to the bathroom. Now they took away your testes. You probably call them balls. Those make two things. They make sperm for making babies, which you probably already knew. They also make something else. They make a hormone that men need. Its what makes them get big and strong. It also makes them aggressive. Girls make the opposite of that. Its what makes them be curvy and girly. Do you follow me so far," Beth asked.

Robbie sniffled, "y-yeah."

Beth nodded, "good. Now you don't make any of those. You'll have to be given one of them. The reason they went ahead and gave you the girl surgery is because you would be able to do things later on in life as a girl that you can't do as a boy with nothing. You will be able to have a relationship with somebody. If they didn't do that you wouldn't be able to do anything. That would be bad for you. It would make you worse. You'd always be angry, much more than you are now."

"It would make me crazy," Robbie asked.

"I won't lie to you. It could. If that happened you would want to hurt people or yourself," Beth explained, "do you now understand why the doctors made you look like a girl down there?"

Robbie nodded. It made sense but he didn't like it. Then his memory kicked in and his head shot up.

"A freak! Daddy called me a Freak. Is that why," Robbie demanded.

Beth nodded, "yes. He wasn't right. He was very wrong. Usually when that kind of surgery is done, its because the person was born looking like a boy but are a girl in their brain. We can't change brains so we have to change bodies to match. He was against that. The main reason why he didn't want you to have the surgery is because it wouldn't work for his politics. You being hurt did, but you getting better and having a normal life didn't. does that make sense to you?"

"He would show people how bad I was hurt and they would feel sorry for him. They would vote for him because they feel sorry for him, not me. As long as I stayed hurt he would get more votes. Right," Robbie asked.

"Sweetie you hit that nail on the head," Madison said.

"So if I stay dead then Daddy won't try to get me and make the doctors undo the surgery so I'll look hurt again," Robbie continued.

Beth nodded, "you are really smart! Yes. When you leave here you going into hiding. Its a special kind of hiding. You get a new name. When you grow up you won't look like Robbie, you'll be a woman. Nobody will come after Robbie ever again."

"You get a new life," Madison added.

Robbie looked at them sadly then cried, "where will I live? Who will have somebody like me?"

Beth hugged Robbie, "oh sweetie! Don't worry about that part. That's being worked on. I can't tell you anymore about that because I don't know. There's good people though, and I'm sure they'd love to have you come live with them."




Lyssa, Rodrick, LoneStar, Kimberly and Krystel sat in the Hangar office watching the plasma screen. Madison had been streaming from her phone.

"My heart breaks for that little girl," Krystel said.

Rodrick nodded, "All of us feel that way Krystel."

"Who the hell could we possibly find that keep that child's secret. Her face has been all over the nation," Kimberly stated.

LoneStar agreed, "Even the President went on and called it a national tragedy. He called the congressman a despicable opportunistic bastard during the same conference. What parents are up for this kind of heat?"

"We're looking at them," Lyssa said looking at LoneStar and Kimberly.

Kimberly had been sitting on his lap and promptly fell off. Krystel went silent.

"I can't think of a better choice," Rodrick stated.

"You're serious," Kimberly asked getting up and moving back to LoneStar.

"I think they are," Krystel said.

Lyssa looked over to Krystel, "out."

Krystel bailed from the room, "AYE MA'AM!"

Lyssa then looked at the couple on the other side of the room and leaned back against Rodrick's desk, "There is no one that could be trusted. And even if they could that child can NOT stay in CONUS. She'll be discovered and everything sacrificed and suffered goes to shit. Better parents than the two of you? none."

"Whatever gave you that idea," LoneStar asked.

Rodrick shrugged, "Kimberly has a master's degree in psychology, including experience dealing with our kind of stress. You have day-to-day experience with that same stress. To top it all off, neither of you would have a problem with a transgender child."

"I'm surprised. You two aren't jumping at this opportunity," Lyssa asked, "you've been together all this time and even are engaged. Yet you balk at adopting? Joe you, above all others, know what its like to live with this kind of damage. You understand what she's in for and her best possible chance at living with it."

Rodrick stood up and walked around then placed his hand at the small of Lyssa's back. Together they started to walk out.

Rodrick looked back, "make up your minds fast. Paul's working on the paperwork now. That kid needs a name and a home to go to next week. And we still have Tangos in the wind. I don't know about you but I want to kill 'em before that kid leaves the hospital. What about you?"

With that they walked out closing the door behind them.

Kimberly sighed, "they're right. We are that child's best option. Her only option. With the other two girls here she'll have playmates. Of a fashion."

Kimberly reached under and unbuckled the helmet's chin strap and carefully lifted it off. She set it aside on the desk and ran her fingers through LoneStar's hair.

"You really think so Kim? I mean; us, as parents? Are you sure we can do her any good," LoneStar asked.

Kimberly stroked his smooth left cheek then kissed his heavily scarred right then looked into the almost translucent blue eyes and nodded.

"I do Joe. We can go into Nassau first thing tomorrow morning to the magistrate and do a quick marriage. We can be back before anybody realizes. It wouldn't do for mom and dad not to be married at least," Kimberly said.

"Still got that list for Chrysalis? We need a name for our daughter. You can work on that while I grill. I feel like steaks tonight," LoneStar said.

As they got up he slipped the helmet back on then walked out together.




Dannigan sent out another batch of messages to various political campaigns and media outlets. Another series of torpedoes into the Robert Brice campaign effort. He still had several thousand supporters. They were as rabid as he was and even applauded the murder of Clair Brice for allowing the reconstructive surgery. Of course most of those people believed Area 51 had aliens running around in military uniforms, the CIA were still running psychic experiments, also there were multiple doom's day scenarios and every dentist under the age of fifty-five was implanting tracking and listening devices into the fillings of every gun owner under orders for the NSA.

Dannigan even saw a small group of men and women with tin foil stuffed inside their hats at one of Brice's rallies. To him it was one thing for people to be that strange, it was another to advertise the fact. Those were the ones that made him groan.

"Times like this make me look forward to the day I can turn this over to somebody else," Dannigan said to himself.

He leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. He needed some rest. A quick nap and then he would do a little more work before leaving. He drifted off to sleep within minutes and dreamed of sitting on a porch.



Chapter 3

"PAY FUCKING DIRT," Krystel yelled out then grabbed the radio, "I FOUND THEM!"

Several minutes later Rodrick, LoneStar, Pete, Carl and Eddie poured into the room under the main Hangar. Lyssa and Kimberly soon joined them.

"I got a report from an oil company to the Coasties. A drilling rig supervisor in the Gulf sent a report to the security division. They saw a sport cruiser loitering around a production platform. The cruiser loitered for three days. They looked like a bunch of guys fishing but the guy had a gut feeling something was wrong about them. When they left the area he sent a crew over to the platform. Somebody had broken the locks on the emergency fuel pumps. Enough was stolen to fill barrels to finish crossing the gulf in either direction," Krystel reported.

Carl asked, "have the Coasties found them yet?"

Krystel shook her head, "no. They're using SeaHawks and Bells to look for them during the day. They won't find them though. Even though they're using FLIR on the fixed wings at night. These guys are hiding under the platforms and not moving until the area is vacant and still."

"So the only way to actually find them is a surface search," Rodrick asked.

"Yes Sir. Or, we can sit and wait just a little longer. They'll have to break cover soon to go to Florida or to Mexico. They can't go back to Texas," Krystel said then brought up two highlighted areas on the map, "here's where they're vulnerable. The only supplies they have been able to get from the platforms is fuel only. Unless they served on sub-duty they don't have enough provisions to outlast the search and will have to make a run for a coast."

"We've heard nothing since they quit Galveston. Are there any other possibilities about that boat," Kimberly asked.

Krystel had been holed up in the room for two days hunting them electronically.

Krystel checked another monitor and read off, "There's three escapees from Houma, Louisiana. A possible smuggling outfit out of Mobile, Alabama. And. Another group that might be working out of St.Peter'sburg, Florida."

"Who's doing what," Lyssa asked.

Krystel sat back, "Louisiana State Police, Wildlife and Fisheries are searching for the escapees. DEA and Alabama State Police are all over the Mobile group. Customs, Coasties and DEA are on St. Peter'sburg. The Northern Coasties are involved in a search and rescue for a family on a sailboat that got caught in a squall. They had left New Orleans headed for Cancun and were skirting the major oil areas. Petroleum Helicopters Incorporated are assisting with both the Louisiana based searches too."

"We know these guys are definitely headed for Tampa right," Rodrick asked.

Krystel nodded, "definitely. One hundred percent, Skip."

Rodrick nodded, "I have somebody in Tampa. He could listen to the radios. If they make contact he'll call me. The question is would they call out? If they did would they do it in English or Arabic?"

"Krystel what company owned the platform they ripped off," Eddie asked looking at the map closely.

Krystel checked her main monitor, "Chevron/Texaco. Is that important?"

Eddie nodded, "yeah. Smaller companies can't afford all the automated equipment. Rigs and Platforms work in clusters. One or two will be manned and the rest won't most of the time. They send crews to check and service those unmanned ones when needed. If they got somebody onboard that knows how Gulf oilfield works then they'll know that. They may also know which areas are manned and avoid them if they have experience working on them. Can you get into the big companies' systems and find that out?"

Krystel nodded, "sure. Just a sec."

A few moments later small dots lit up on the map.

"Blue dots are manned and yellow dots are unmanned," Krystel said.

Eddie looked closer at the map. Rodrick joined him as did Carl.

"Last sighting of the boat," Rodrick said.

A red dot began blinking.

"What's the make of the boat," Carl asked.

Krystel told them and the specs. She quickly caught on and highlighted a circle around the blinking light.

Lyssa joined them, now understanding, "increase that range using the amount of fuel stolen. Good. Now cut that to an eastern trajectory."

Kimberly had joined Krystel with her own terminal, "removing western sectors."

"Give us the patrol patterns," Rodrick said.

"Grey is DEA, Orange is Coasties, Customs is white," Krystel listed.

"They'll move at night to avoid drawing attention of the oil crews," Eddie said.

Pete nodded, "FLIR is limited in distance. Coasties are going to put the focus on radar search. DEA will use visual data mostly and Customs will stick to FLIR along the coast."

"This area. Here," Rodrick said and drew with his finger.

A rough oval lit up in that general area. It was just outside an isolated cluster but still far away from the Florida coast.

Rodrick tapped the map, "that's where they have to commit and has to be daytime. Once they hit that there's no real turning back. If they try at night, they'll raise eighteen red flags. They have to run in the day."

Krystel cut the other half of the map away and began displaying topographic data and anything else she could find.

"Its deep. Deep enough to lose them," Eddie grinned.

"Anything else Eddie," Rodrick said flatly.

"Nope. What do you want," Eddie asked.

"Juice up my bad boy. Snakes and Mavs," Rodrick replied then turned to LoneStar, "ready to go huntin'?"

LoneStar nodded, "Big time."

Eddie and Carl left. Kimberly pulled up a satellite feed and was watching that area. True enough. Their intel was dead on. The boat was just entering the zone Rodrick said. Kimberly adjusted and zoomed in the image. It was the boat. They were obvious by having lookouts on deck with AK-47 rifles.

"TALLY-HO," Krystel called out a few minutes later.

Lyssa looked over her shoulder, "what?"

"Ma'am they have a satellite phone and its hooked up to a laptop! I'm IN," Krystel crowed in triumph, "Texas group CONFIRMED!"

Lyssa looked at Rodrick, "GO!"

Kimberly snapped up a phone and called Dannigan.

Rodrick, LoneStar and Pete bolted for the door.

A conference window opened on the main screen and Dannigan was there.

"What do you have Moore," Dannigan asked.

Kimberly sent everything they had, "we got 'em! Rodrick needs mid-air refueling for the F-14 at these coordinates. Give us a corridor."

Dannigan looked it all over and nodded, "this is verified? Confirmed Tangos?"

"Yes Sir," Krystel answered, "I'm in their laptop. They're confirming arrival time for tomorrow at noon Tampa. Now or never Sir."

"Deploy! Set the plane's transponder to 517490.3 and supersonic will be authorized," Dannigan replied then signed off.

Krystel relayed the information to Eddie on the radio. He confirmed it twice. Lyssa and Kimberly went up to the flightline.

"You didn't correct him," Lyssa remarked casually.

Kimberly tilted her head, "correct who?"

"Dannigan. You didn't correct him. He called you Moore. Not Lando," Lyssa said.

Kimberly looked at her in shock, "HOW?"

Lyssa gave her a bored look, "you left here wearing all white day before yesterday and when the two of you returned you went straight to your house for four hours. I need a degree in quantum mechanics to figure out you two got married?"

Kimberly laughed, "apparently not. We'll tell him later."

Rodrick and LoneStar finished putting on their G-suits. Kimberly pressed her forehead to the forehead region of LoneStar's helmet while Rodrick kissed Lyssa. Carl used the tractor to start the twin turbines while Eddie ran a check of the controls. He climbed down and stood saluting. Rodrick climbed into the front cockpit and LoneStar into the back. The fighter was loaded with AIM-9 Sidewinders and F-model Mavericks.

"CLEAR THE RUNWAY FOR LAUNCH," Pete called out over the speakers from the tower.

The powerful jet spooled up its engines to a high pitched whine then began to roll forward and took off. It circled the island once as it pulled its wing back and blasted away at high speed.




"WHOA! LOOK AT THAT," Kasey said standing on the beach in front of the house.

Kristine gawked, "that's the Tomcat!"

Minutes later it blasted past them again followed by the crack of pressure waves seconds behind it.

Maria had joined them by that time and watched the fighter streaking northwest.

"They're in an awful hurry aren't they," Maria remarked.

"They're going supersonic. It must be really important. Not even the military do that without a reason. Mr. Eddie told me about it," Kristine said, "there's rules about it. They can't go supersonic over populated areas and they always have to have permission. This is way serious."

"Did you see underneath? I saw missiles," Kasey told them.

Maria picked up the tone in Kasey's voice, "I doubt it would be a good idea."

She didn't get the finish the statement. Both teens had started running down the beach toward the hangars.

Maria crossed herself, "Lord please do SOMETHING about those girls curiosity."




Kimberly and Lyssa were about to go back into the War Room when the two teens came running up.

"We saw the Tomcat going somewhere," Kasey gasped.

Kimberly nodded, "that's right."

Lyssa opened the door then looked back at the two, "I'll grant you access just this once. Touch nothing without permission."

The girls all but quivered with excitement. Quickly they followed them. A second door was opened and they went inside. The two looked around in sheer amazement. Behind a thick glass wall was a super array. The main room itself had screens on one wall and white boards on another and maps on another. A large table dominated the center of the room with blocks stacked up at the corner of it. The surface of the table was a dry-erase board like those on the walls. Krystel sat at three-sided desk working a keyboard. The main monitor was an electronic map that constantly updated with moving dots.

Kasey had went to the monitor wall and was looking. A smaller monitor showed a boat with men on it and scrolling numbers in the corner that looked like coordinates. Three other monitors were scrolling computer codes and another showed what looked like radar tracking.

"They'll make the first re-fuel in fifteen minutes," Krystel said.

Kimberly asked, "tankers on station?"

"Aye Ma'am. All three are on station. Vendetta will make all three and return within range," Krystel answered.

"Vendetta. That's the Tomcat right," Kristine asked.

Kim nodded, "yes. That's his track down there."

Kasey pointed to three blinking dots, "are these the tankers you asked about?"

Kim had joined them at the monitor, "correct."

Kristine looked confused, "but that's ocean right? Where are they going to land?"

"Those are navy planes. Aerial refueling," Kimberly explained

Both girls suddenly looked disgusted with themselves for not thinking of that.

Lyssa had slipped out and came back with Maria in tow. The older woman sat in the offered chair and watched as well.

"Vendetta. No change in aspect, Eastern vector. continue on current heading for intercept," Krystel called out.

Rodrick called back, "roger that Stronghold. Vendetta maintaining."

Everyone had watched two dots merge and then separate twice. Then a third time.

"Vendetta course correct. You're less than a hundred miles out," Krystel called out then gave them a new heading.

They all watched as the dot shifted direction to line up with an intersect point ahead of another moving dot.

Kasey looked up to the monitor with the men on the boat and pointed, "that boat. They're going after it aren't they."

Kimberly nodded grimly.

"Fifty miles Vendetta," Krystel called out.

LoneStar's calm voice came over the speakers, "Fifty miles. I have 'em."

Rodrick spoke again, "Master arms; off. Orbit one."

The monitors shifted. Now the big screen showed the men on the boat. They were now moving, watching and pointing.

"Be advised. Target has visual. Target HAS visual," Krystel called back.

Kim pointed to the doorway of the cruiser, "what are they doing?"

"I can't tell. OH SHIT," Krystel said loud then called out, "VENDETTA WAVE OFF. INCOMING SAM! EVADE EVADE EVADE!"

One of the men had come out of the cabin and was aiming a hand-held missile at the incoming aircraft. A blast and it launched.

"Deploying countermeasures," LoneStar said calmly but grunted.

Rodrick's voice sounded strained, "EVADING! COMING AROUND!"

"Good move," LoneStar then said more relaxed, "accelerate to MilPower."

Kimberly said softly to the girls, "eighty percent throttle. Military full power."

"Copy that. Hostiles reloading launcher, preparing to open with small arms fire. You're cleared to engage," Krystel said.

A moment later Rodrick called out, "target locked. FOX TWO!"

"Launched, good track. Impact," LoneStar called out, "direct hit."

"Orbiting," Rodrick called out, "coming around for second pass."

"Second pass. Clear to engage Vendetta," Krystel replied.

Kasey shook her head, "that boat's history."

"It will be in a few seconds," Kimberly commented.

"Locked. Fox Two," Rodrick said.

"Missile away. Good track. Impacting. Direct hit," LoneStar narrated.

Krystel watched the screen, "big splash Vendetta. Swimmers in the water."

Rodrick announced, "reducing speed for low pass. Switching to cannon."

A moment later it was like the water erupted around the four men splashing in the water then red started to spread from them. One still struggled. Suddenly he went underwater. He bobbed up and more redness began to spread out. The reason revealed itself right after that. A shark came up out of the water diagonally and dragged him under. It was large but not a great white.

"WAS THAT A SHARK," Kristine asked in shock.

"Tiger shark. Their done," Krystel said.

"Tiger shark? Don't let the activists hear. I'd hate for 'em say I was cruel to animals," Rodrick laughed.

LoneStar said blandly, "maybe we should drop in a bottle of pepto. I feel bad already. Poor sharks."

"You're clear Vendetta. Tankers standing by. RTB," Krystel instructed.

"Copy Stronghold. RTB. Vendetta out," LoneStar said.

The main screen went back to the map. Lyssa looked over to Krystel.

"What do you have on the receiving end," Lyssa asked.

Krystel nodded, "I have them Ma'am. Assembling a packet."

"Send it to Tiffany. She's ready to run 'n gun," Lyssa said.

"Aye Ma'am," Krystel sent the packet out.

She closed her eyes and hit send. Tiffany was going out on her own. Full clearance this time. Lyssa didn't miss Krystel's expression.

"This is what we do," Lyssa said.

All eyes turned but Lyssa was talking to Krystel. No one said anything.

"We know who they are. What they are. What they intend and will bring it to an end Krystel. We are the hunters of men. Of monsters that would subjugate the world in their madness. If the meek are truly deigned to inherit the earth, we will ensure that they are still around to do so. Tiffany is prepared. She's ready. Never let yourself be distracted by the risks," Lyssa stated.

Krystel nodded, "see the jungle; not the trees. We volunteered."

Lyssa shook her head, "volunteering isn't enough Krystel. We don't do this because nobody else would. We do this because its what we are. Only WE can do this. Fate, destiny, karma. Blind shit-house luck. Call it whatever you want but it all comes down to us. We ARE because we are supposed to be. Not somebody else. US. And we believe in it the strongest. We'll take on the horrors. We'll storm through the worst that can be found in the field. We'll do it because we know its there more than anybody else and we'll fight the hardest to end it. Not a single one of us would run and hide. If it would make a difference, I would give up all that I am. Everything I've endured and brought into this world and created. I'd give it up along with my life, for us not to be needed. That won't happen though. Madmen will run rampant and I'll hunt them down."

"No more Helenas. No more Robbies," Krystel whispered.

Lyssa nodded, "that's why we do this. As horrible as this world is. Every mission we take on, makes a difference."

Krystel stood up and went over to the monitors. She looked at the maps and scrolling codes.

"See the world and the evil in it," she then looked to the monitor that had the boat's debris and floating bodies, "See the world, with less evil in it."

"Past the gates; before the throne. I've been to Hell Krystel. I'll send as many as I can," Lyssa said then turned to leave, "Your lesson is over girls. The day is done."

Both the teens and Maria followed her out. This was a glimpse into a world that was much more dangerous than the one they left behind and Lyssa led her people into with her head head high, thinking nothing of the blood on her hands.




Madison stood outside in the hallway. Her eyes had widened in disbelief several times. No ten year old should have some of those words in their vocabulary. Finally the nurse came out.

"is everything ok," Madison asked.

The nurse nodded, "it went better than expected."

"Better," Madison asked.

The nurse nodded, "of course. She performed the dilation on her own and without any chemical assistance."

Madison understood now. It wasn't forced. For the nurse to do so or to use medicine of some kind to ensure compliance would have been tantamount to rape. Robbie had done it herself but unhappily. Madison nodded and went inside. Beth was sitting on the edge of the bed gently rubbing Robbie's back and talking quietly.

"Madison's here. Why do I go see if you can have some ice cream or a snowcone," Beth said and got up.

Madison sat down, "hey."

The door opened again and Dannigan came in.

"This a bad time," he asked.

Madison nodded.

Dannigan walked over to the side of the bed, "I'm sorry to hear that. I thought you would like some news."

Robbie turned over, "news."

Dannigan nodded, "the second group of men were found and dealt with. Unfortunately your father is still trying to hang on to his campaign. Its in the toilet but he's refusing to admit it. A family is getting ready for you though. Madison now has the details. The last of the terrorists will be dealt with soon. Just a little longer Robbie and you'll be safe forever."

Robbie nodded.

"You're not alone. You have my word that things will get better," Dannigan said gently and patted Robbie's shoulder, "I promise."

Robbie nodded again, "ok."

Dannigan nodded, "you're stronger than you think. Much stronger. You're going to come out of this fine. I have some things to take care of. I'll be checking in on you from time to time."

Dannigan had turned to leave when Robbie spoke up again.

"Mr. Paul. What about the men that did this to me," Robbie asked.

"Five were caught but only four survived to be jailed. Of those, only two are still alive. Two were killed by other prisoners that found out why they were there. It wasn't pretty when they were done with them," Dannigan said then walked out.

Robbie looked to Madison, "aunt Madi. I don't think Mr. Paul is in the payback business, but it sure does sound like a hobby he's really good at."

Madison nodded, "kinda huh? Things are going to be ok. Being a girl isn't so bad."

"Daddy can't be all that bad can he," Robbie asked.

Madison brought over her tablet, "I didn't want to do this. This is a press conference he held this morning."

She played the news-feed. Robbie went from sulking to pissed off in five seconds flat. Robert Brice focused on his bid for the presidency. He stayed on foreign incursions and termination of diplomatic relations. Any time a reporter asked about the deaths of his wife and son, he ignored it and went back to claiming his superiority over other candidates. Another reporter brought up the subject of his involvement in the forced overdose death of Clair. Brice again ignored the reporter and continued on with citing his qualifications.


Robbie broke down into sobs then holding onto Madison. Madison hugged her tight.

"Its going to be ok sweetheart. Here. Let me show you something," Madison brought the tablet up again and began showing pictures.

"This is going to be your new home. See," She showed an aerial view of the island then various pictures of the beach then a cottage, "this is going to be your house. Pretty isn't it?"

Robbie had only been half looking at the pictures but now looked intently at the house.

"These people are going to be your new parents," Madison showed a man and woman standing in front of a helicopter. The woman was a pretty red-head in a green dress and the man was completely covered in a uniform and helmet in all black.

"Them," Robbie asked.

"Her name is Kimberly. I'm sorry but I only know him as LoneStar," Madison explained, "but that's an island in the Caribbean. Is that cool or what? I'm a little jealous. You'll have beaches you can play on all year long."

"I won't have to go to school," Robbie asked.

Madison laughed, "don't get THOSE hopes up. I'm sure something has been worked out on that."

Robbie tilted her head, "like home-school?"

"Probably. Maybe even better than going to a regular school," Madison said.

"Ok," Robbie frowned.

"maybe in a couple of years you can go to a regular school. It won't be so bad. You'll be able to do fun things as a girl. You liked soccer didn't you? Girls play soccer. Pink cleats and all that," Madison said with a smile.

"PINK CLEATS," Robbie asked then started to laugh, "you'r silly Aunt Madi."

Madison shook her head, "I am not. I've seen them at the stores! I'll get you a pair of pink cleats if you go to a regular school so you can play soccer."

They began teasingly to argue.

Outside the door Beth listened and smiled. Finally the reluctant girl turned the corner. Now the long road of healing would truly begin.



Chapter 4

The days both dragged and flew by. Beth and Madison had sneaked in a hair dresser that added extensions to Robbie's hair. She looked more like a little girl ever before. The doctor had given her a shot of hormones then instructed on the wearing of a patch. She would develop at the same rate as any girl her age. Of course the hormones had made her emotional and she found herself crying over the smallest things at the drop of a hat.

One morning the nurse came in with a wheelchair and Beth.

"Today's the big day Princess," the nurse said with a smile.

"Huh," Robbie said.

Beth held up a small suitcase then set it on the bed, "its time to go. You're going home."

Beth opened the suitcase and began taking out clothes.

"Where's aunt Madi," Robbie asked.

The nurse chuckled, "somebody has to sign you out and she's it."

Before Robbie understood what was going on a pair of nylon panties went up her legs then a pink t-shirt was pulled over her head. A denim skirt was brought up her legs and she was stood on the floor as it was zipped and buttoned. Her feet were slipped into a pair pink flats and a jacket that matched the skirt was on.

"Whoa. What happened," Robbie said looking at herself in the mirror.

"You're dressed. In the chair now. Its your last ride," the nurse said and guided her into the seat.

They joked and teased her all the way to the front. Robbie had been wondering what kind of hospital this was the whole time. It looked like someone's house except in certain rooms. The 'Front' they brought her too looked more like an old fashioned living room than a hospital. There she saw Madison talking with a tall man with short dark hair. He was wearing black pants and a blue shirt along with hiking boots.

"Here we go. End of the line," the nurse said.

The man pointed at her, "what kind of warranty comes on this kid?"

"Thirty seconds or off-the-lot only," Beth smirked.

The nurse nodded, "and no return policy. She eats all the ice cream."

"I do NOT," Robbie pouted.

The man looked at her and held his chin, "Hmmmm. I dunno. Only eats ice cream might be a deal breaker. Throw in the occasional burger and fries and extend the warranty."

"Hey now. I should at least rate a year or two but no trade-in," Robbie fussed then pouted again, "now I feel like a door prize."

The man shook his head, " no way. I bought a raffle ticket!"

Everyone laughed including Robbie finally.

"I'm here to take you home kiddo. Ya ready for a long trip," the man asked.

Hesitantly Robbie nodded.

The man shook his head, "don't you worry none. I ain't scared of anything that walks, crawls or digs holes. Except dentists. One of those shows up and you're on your own."

The man gently picked her up and held her lightly. Robbie held on and ended up giggling. Madison followed them out carrying the suitcase. Outside a silver SUV waited. The man settled her into the back seat and buckled the seatbelt. Madison had put the suitcase in the back and let him hold the door and close it after she was in. They drove for a while and Robbie was very surprised. They had been in Washington D.C. the whole time! Soon though the drove into a small airport and stopped in front of a fancy looking plane.

"This is where the road ends," the man announced.

Robbie looked at the plane as the man carried her from the SUV to it.

"We're going on a plane," Robbie asked.

Madison nodded, "its a long trip remember?"

She set the suitcase inside and a pretty blonde woman took it.

"Hi Madi," the woman smiled.

Madison smiled back, "Hi Krystel. Did you have fun in town?"

Krystel nodded, "oh yeah. I got in some shopping and took in a movie."

Madison leaned in a kissed Robbie on the cheek, "have a great trip home."

Robbie looked puzzled, "you're not coming?"

Madison shook her head, "not this time. I have to go back to work sometime. Your new Uncle Pete takes you from here. She's your new aunt Krystel."

Pete leaned down and kissed Madison on the lips, "see you in a couple of weeks. Love you."

"Love you too. Take care of her," Madison said then kissed Robbie's cheek again.

Pete patted Robbie's back, "don't worry kiddo. In a few hours you're gonna be really happy. Its time to go home."

"Ok," she replied timidly.

"Hey hey. I'll even let you sit up front. and maybe you can fly it yourself for a little while," Pete said.

Robbie nodded. That sounded appealing to the ten year old. Pete gave Madison another kiss and took Robbie up into the plane. He sat her in a ina chair in the cockpit behind Krystel. After going back to close up they started the engines. He talked to the tower and then took off. After thirty minutes Uncle Pete kept his word. Robbie was guided onto his lap and took the wheel. It sure felt like she was flying it because the plane did what she wanted. He let her fly for an hour then Krystel took her into the cabin and cooked some chicken nuggets in the microwave. There was some french fries too.

"I'm sorry for not having tots. Madison said you like those more," Krystel said

Robbie shrugged, "that's ok. I didn't know that you could cook on planes anyway."

Krystel laughed, "oh we can do more than that. check it out."

She pressed a button and a movie started playing. It was the latest disney release. She ate the nuggets and fries then finished watching the movie with Krystel but fell asleep. Soon Krystel was waking her up again.

"Wake up sweetie," Krystel said stroking Robbie's hair.

Slowly Robbie opened her eyes and looked around, "where are we?"

"Less than ten minutes out. come up and look," Krystel smiled.

Robbie followed her to the cockpit and sat in the seat again. Krystel buckled her in then took her seat beside Pete. A few minutes later the plane turned and Robbie could see land surrounded by water.

"Here we go," Pete said and brought them in.

The plane barely bounced as it touched down. Soon thereafter it came to a stop. They unbuckled and went to the door that Pete opened and let down the stairs. Krystel took the suitcase and went out.

Robbie froze at the door.

"What's the matter," Pete asked.

She looked up at him, "I'm scared."

Pete crouched down, "you may not believe this, but they're scared too. They're scared you won't accept them and want to leave."

"They are," Robbie asked.

Pete nodded, "I been knowing Kimberly since she came here. Star hasn't been here as long but he's a really good man. They're great people and want to be your new mom and dad. They're out there right now. Hoping you'll come out and want to be their little girl."

She shook her head, "but I'm not a real girl. I'm a fake one. Doctors made me a girl because I can't be a boy."

"One thing I've learned; it takes more than parts to make a girl or a boy. You're a special case. You can actually chose. A happy girl. Or an unhappy girl. Some let the girl find them. You can find the girl. If you want to. Whatever you do, those two people out there will love you as if you've been theirs since the day you were born," Pete said.

Pete then held out his arms, "anything that walks, crawls or digs holes; we ain't scared. Ready?"

Slowly she went into his arms and he gathered her up and went out into the bright light. She looked and several yards away Krystel stood with them. As Uncle Pete walked over carrying her she could see that the woman was even prettier than the picture and the man looked bigger and stronger. Pete set her down to stand and nudged her forward.

"Hi," Kimberly said, "my name is Kimberly. You can call me that if you want to."

The man crouched down. She could see her reflection in the shiny visor of the helmet. His voice was calm but muffled some by it.

"My name's Joe. Everybody calls me LoneStar. Sometimes just Star. Welcome home Mindy," LoneStar said.

"Mindy," she asked edging forward.

Kimberly nodded as she bent down too, "we were asked to pick out your name."

"Melinda Valerie Lando. It means Sweet Strength. We thought you might like Mindy as a nickname," LoneStar said.

Slowly she had gotten closer and reached out. They eased her closer and hugged her.

"I'm Mindy now? You're my Momma and Daddy now? I live here with you," she asked.

Kimberly nodded, "we'd like you to. Will you live here with us? Be our daughter Mindy?"

"Yes Ma'am. I'm Mindy. I live here with you and Daddy. You're my Momma," Mindy said and hugged them both.

Pete smiled, "congratulations. You're a family. There's a some rules though. Rule number one is never play on the runway and if you hear an engine running, stay far back unless holding somebody's hand."

"Ok Uncle Pete," Mindy said.

Kimberly nodded, "there's some other things you need to know for safety and you have more uncles and aunts too, but that can wait until tomorrow."

"Whoa! The epitome of efficiency Kimberly putting off til tomorrow what can be done today," Eddie said walking up.

Carl shook his head, "that's bad man. That could like, implode the entire space-time continuum or something."

"Can it you two. Mindy that's your uncles. Eddie and Carl. They're both silly," Kimberly said.

Eddie shook his head and took her into his arms, "no way. Don't worry kiddo, Your new Daddy there is a top chopper-jock. Hang around me and I'll teach you how to make all these machine run like champions."

Carl then slipped her into his arms, "He'll get you all greasy and grimey. I'll teach you how to sail a boat, scuba dive and even surf. When I get done you'll probably be able to teach the Pipeline girls in Hawaii a move or two."

Mindy looked confused then asked, "can you teach me to swim?"

Carl laughed, "oh yeah! You'll be swimming like the little mermaid in NO TIME!"

"Better leave the swimming lessons to a professional," Rodrick said walking up.

Carl shook his head as he passed her over, "watch out for your uncle Rodrick there. He'll have you swim five miles just to find an anchor and bring it up."

"I wouldn't do that to a kid. I'd do it to Carl though," Rodrick laughed as he passed her to Lyssa," the one to look out for is your aunt Lyssa there pipsqueak. She'll take you into her ballet studio and teach you how to dance until your feet fall off."

Mindy looked at the woman. She was one of the prettiest she'd ever seen.

"If you want to learn how to dance you're welcome to learn," Lyssa said, "you have two little cousins but they're sleeping right now. They're still babies."

Another pretty blonde then took Mindy into her arms, "I'm your aunt Tiffany. Me and your aunt Shawna will make sure you have plenty of fun when we come to visit. I'll even send you some nice things from my travels."

Shawna was next to take her, "I'll make sure you get some good movies to watch, otherwise aunt Krystel will have you doing number puzzles all the time."

Mindy was set on the ground again and a black dog began to sniff her all over.

"Warlock. Aus. Bekannte Mindy. Schutzen Mindy," Lyssa said in German that she was a friend and to be protected.

The dog stopped sniffing her all over, sat down and yipped.

Lyssa patted him roughly, "this is Warlock. He's not like other dogs, he'll protect you. He only understands German, don't worry. You'll learn it too."

"Ut-oh. Sounds like she has to start school tomorrow," A girl said walking up.

Mindy looked over and saw two teen girls and an older woman.

"Hi. I'm Kasey. I guess we're kinda like cuginos. Cousins. Sorta," Kasey said smiling.

"I'm Kristine. If you want to call us cousins," Kristine said and hugged her.

Maria smiled, "welcome child. I'm Maria. If you like, you may call me Nonnina Maria. I'll help teach you to dance if you want to learn with the girls. I'll teach you Italian as well as French."

"I've never danced before. I'm good at soccer though. I'm not allowed to do much yet," Mindy said.

Kimberly guided her to stand close, "you're supposed to take it easy for a few weeks and then you can run and play again. Right now though its a good time to show you exactly where home is and get some dinner. You'll have plenty of time over the weekend to get familiar. Only Tiffany and Shawna have to leave sunday. Everybody else stays here."

LoneStar picked up the suitcase with one hand and held Mindy's with the other while Kimberly held her other hand and they walked around to a beach then to a cottage that set back a distance from it.




"So the meet and greet went well," Dannigan asked.

Lyssa nodded, "very. We'll know for sure by morning."

Dannigan nodded, "I hope this works. Frankly I'm drawing a blank for options. The girl Meghan was one thing. She was easy. Nobody knew who she was."

"Her picture as a boy plastered on every tv screen in the hemisphere slammed us I know. This has to work. If Robbie Brice ever resurfaces we're screwed. Senior will bring down every intelligence agency just to do it," Lyssa said angrily.

"Just sit tight. His political career is over. Completely. He withdrew an hour ago. I'm already hearing that he intends to relocate to the northwest. Give me some time to put some things in motion and in a few months you can pay him a final visit," Dannigan said.

Lyssa arched an eyebrow, "with everyone's blessing?"

Dannigan steepled his fingers, "more like; nobody will care if he suffers a misfortune of some kind. If you get the drift."

Lyssa sighed, "so its like that. Very well. Its the least I can do to protect her from that monster."

"I'll make sure he's on the ragged edge. I'll leave the rest to you. Give me six months," Dannigan said then closed out the conference window.

Lyssa left the T.O.C. then stood on the beach looking out at the waves rolling in.

"You won't be forgotten Clair. As long as your child lives, you'll be remembered," Lyssa said to the last light of the sun.




Mindy found it odd. Only her bedroom and bathroom had regular lights. The rest of the cottage was dimly lit. When they sat down to dinner there were three candles lit on the table. LoneStar's helmet sat on a nearby table.

His chair was situated in shadows while they ate.

"Can I ask why its kinda dark," Mindy asked, "and why you were wearing your helmet Daddy?"

LoneStar sighed, "You can ask. I was hurt a long time ago. It was my face. I didn't want to upset you."

"Oh. I'm sorry," Mindy apologized.

LoneStar reached over and took her hand, "its ok. I get asked that by everyone I meet if they get to know me."

Mindy yawned when she finished. Kimberly smiled and nudged her to get up.

"Its been a long day. Let's get you bathed and ready for bed," Kimberly said.

Together they went to Mindy's bathroom. In a short time Mindy had a quick shower and was in a gown. Kimberly tucked her in and LoneStar stood at the door after the lamp was turned off. A soft light in the hallway outlined him.

"Good night sweetheart. sleep tight," Kimberly leaned down and kissed her forehead.

LoneStar did the same, "see you in the morning."

Mindy relaxed and closed her eyes. She remembered her new mother's smell. It was like flowers. Her new Daddy had a smell too. Like the plane after it shut off but there was a clean smell too. The floppy-eared bunny smelled like that too when they tucked it in with her. Flowers and strong. Soon she was almost floating. The sun was bright and smiling people were around. From uncle to aunt she was passed again, laughing. Then a pair of hands grabbed her and she was dragged into the dark. The cheerful voices of her aunts and uncles became the harsh voices that said things she didn't understand. Mindy whimpered.

"No. I want to go home," she moaned in her sleep and began to toss and turn.

Smoke was coming from close by. Something was burning. The harsh voices were angry. Mindy felt her arms being held tightly then her legs. They forced her legs open.

"No no no no no don't," she cried.

Suddenly she saw the knife. It reached out and drew a line of fire.

Mindy sat up in a panic about to scream. Momma. Daddy. Flowers and strong. Shiny face and flowers. Mindy had wound up slithering out of bed onto the floor. She began to crawl around to escape. Find the flowers smell! Find the shiny face! People were coming. Loud noises. People were yelling. Her head hurt. She hit something. There was light far away. Go find the light. Flowers and shiny faces were in the light. Something got in the way and she hit it then something fell. It was shiny. Mindy heard new noises. Quiet noises. Cool air and soft light. She went for it. Find the light. Find flowers and strong smell. Something banged her head again and she was. There was somebody. They were moving around and making noise. Mindy crawled over.

"NO. Not like this! Not like this. I can't get to you," the voice said.

"Help me! They took me. They hurt me," Mindy cried.

"Oh god. Mindy? No baby. Don't look," LoneStar begged.

A cloud drifted away and a beam of moonlight filtered down. Mindy could see now. A man. He was scarred all over the right side of his face and body.

"Daddy? Daddy you got burned," Mindy was now out of the nightmare and staring.

LoneStar turned his head, "don't look sweetheart."

Gingerly she reached up and touched the heavily scarred side of his face, "does it hurt? Did somebody take you away and burn you?"

A single tear rolled down his untouched cheek, "it doesn't hurt anymore. Nobody took me away. We crashed and I got burned."

"We? Somebody was with you Daddy? Where are they? Are they burned too," Mindy asked.

"Damn. I shouldn't have said anything. Yes. Somebody was with me. My first wife. She died. I couldn't save her," LoneStar confessed, "now it happens all over when I dream."

Mindy hugged him tightly, "I have bad dreams too. Bad men take me away and hurt me again. Daddy how do we make it stop?"

LoneStar felt her breathing slow down. She was slipping into exhausted sleep.

"God help us both; I don't know," he admitted.

His own eyes had gotten heavy, "just for a minute. I'll take you back to your bed in a minute."

Kimberly eased out the door. They had fallen asleep. She went in and brought back a sheet, draped it over them and laid down beside them. In minutes, she too fell asleep.


Lyssa Kordenay returns in LKM-42, Chrysalis Project returns in Iron Dolphin

Maria, Kasey and Kristine from Jessie Wolf's Embracing Justice series appear with permission. thanks Jess.

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