So I left a skype message for one of my friends in old soggy this morning and when I looked at the screen the fowl image reflected there nearly caused me an episode of PTSD. Alas, said image was me !
To my UK friend, I promise not to get on skype again without spending suitable amount of time concealing the fact that I look like one of the ghostly Valkyrie. Good heavens, I even frightened myself. So, it's come to this has it? It's a wonder that I didn't char one of the undersea cables.
Good day then. It is time to step up to my witches cauldron and see what sort of deception I can conjure up for my wizened wrinkles.
Block Skype video!
I don't care if you are the most gorgeous thing the world has ever seen the views a camera sometimes shows should not be inflicted on a sensitive world.
Rhona McCloud
I'll just drop this comic
I'll just drop this comic strip here:
And yes, sometimes cameras show our worst looks :-/
One way around...
...point the camera at a static photo of yourself looking your best (maybe even a tweaked photo with imperfections edited out - after all, who's going to know?!), then regardless of how much war paint you're wearing (or not), you'll always appear perfect to whoever you're Skyping with :D
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
I don't use make-up.
Based on that old adage that I have always clung to - Polonius's advice to Hamlet -
To thine own self be true and it shall follow as night unto day that thou cans't be false to others.
Sometimes I wear some 'lippie' but otherwise, what you see is definitely what you get. - And you can definitely see when the 'lippie' is on, it's bright red!!!-
I've called you several time recently babes but you've not answered, I hope it wasn't me you were afraid to meet without make-up. I like to think I'm un-judgemental.
makeup ... check
'... when I looked at the screen the fowl image ...'
You're a bit young to have turkey neck? *ducks*
The unkindest cut
I figured out that the camera on my tablet renders harshly.
Seriously though
Just improve the lighting. Movie stars use the beauty light thing and it softens the image. I seriously doubt you look as bad as you think you do and from the few pictures you have posted you look great for your age.
Which tablet are you using?
Samsung 10.1
These CCD chips have their limitations, and I am just starting to see them. Used in camera mode, I can program the results of the photo, but using skype, I think all that is cut out.
I can't think of the last time I left our house without applying some cosmetics. Because I began to wear them quite young, with my older sister's help, the practice has become totally ingrained in me. By the time I was fifteen (I was blessed to transition early...for the time) I was applying some things every day; mascara and a stain or gloss, or color for my lips. The practice had more to do with attempting to match the image of myself I had in my mind than for a walk about amongst people. It wasn't a question of 'passing' in their eyes but in my own.
Peace to You Always...
Kelly the Vain
I'm Definitely Not Going To Let You See Me
Without make-up
Fowl image -
- fitting for me since I'm too chicken to SKYPE
Love, Andrea Lena