The Lyssa Kordenay Missions - Book 40 - Finals


Finals cover.PNG
Book 40 of The Lyssa Kordenay Missions!
  Training is over for the recruits and all that's
  left are the final details. Bad guys are still doing
  their thing so Lyssa has to go out on her own.

WARNING: The Lyssa Kordenay Missions may be hyper-violent for some readers!





Chapter 1

It had been three days since the arrival of the guests. Lyssa informed them they would all be staying in the house with Rodrick and herself. The two girls were warned not to go near the range or the trailers without escorts. Arrangements had been made for Kristine and Kasey to receive similar treatments to the Chrysalis Project members. Legends were being created for all six of them. The Demarcos and Kristine were enjoying the use of Lyssa's in-home studio while Sam and Bobby made use of the range. The Kill-house was something they weren't too keen on. Watching Tiffany, Shawna and Krystel go through there put them off of it. The three never left any hostiles deemed survivable. Watching them go through led by Lyssa with Rodrick and Pete was even worse. Kill-house became an understatement. There was nothing but pure military special operations annihilation in their training.




Lyssa and Rodrick stood by quietly as the doctor examined the comatose woman. Nine months had passed quickly due to the vicious training cycles of the three new operatives. They now had the working knowledge to operate in every environment on earth with all the skills of a Special forces Delta member and a SEAL boat crew member along with skills for most federal agents. All three had basic forensic training, but Shawna being the agency infiltrator had more advanced crime scene skills while Krystel, an intelligence and cyber-warfare specialist, had deeper computer grounding. Tiffany was the plain sight Operator. She inherited Lyssa's book of low-blows and dirty assassin's tricks. She also inherited the cover as well. Of the three, her training was the longest and hardest due to the high level of discipline in ballet.

Lyssa was a Prima, honors including Julliard and the Bolshoi Academy, so therefore Tiffany was expected to follow that lead as well as establishing a career in modeling. Maria Demarco had been consulting but it would be Lyssa who would evaluate Tiffany before sending her to Julliard and then on to Moscow for the Bolshoi Academy. Lyssa had attended and even spent a short time teaching at the elite Russian ballet school, garnering not only the title of Prima but also a name and moniker that was often whispered in reverence. The Ghost Legend was how they referred to her. Usually in hushed tones of fear or reverence. The same academy the comatose woman had attended later on after Lyssa had left it. Comatose and pregnant. One of many victims of a black market designer baby mill. Lyssa's knowledge of the dancer made the decision of what to do about the situation simple. Lyssa and her husband,Rodrick, would secretly adopt the children and raise them as their own. A plan that had also helped explain Lyssa's absence from the world of ballet and modeling to train the three new operatives. Only four people off the island knew the truth; The doctor, Lyssa's best friend and reigning Prima; Katya Taliyenko, the group's leader and head of the highly classified agency; Major Paul Dannigan and his secretary Madison Dietrich.

The doctor finally turned and addressed them, "she's ready. Unless she goes into labor on her own in the next forty-eight hours, I'll do a C-section to birth the babies in three days."

They had called in the doctor due to the strange behavior of Warlock. A Belgian shepherd that had been trained for special operations, the explosive-detecting and anti-personnel dog had taken to sitting down with his head tilted at the bedside and woofed for the past three days when being allowed inside the medical trailer on Rodrick's private island. Warlock had sensed some subtle change and tried to communicate it to his superiors, Lyssa and Rodrick. the behavior was strange because the dog had been taught to whine or bark at explosives and growl at hostile combatants so the woofing was something new. Warlock detected something about the woman but communicating that was the hard part. When he began woofing again Rodrick took him by the collar and walked outside.

Rodrick said in german, "Auben. C'mon boy. I don't know what you know, but I think we got this."

"An amazing dog you have Mrs. Mason. I think he is picking up that she should be going into labor soon. Like some dogs detect seizures, heart attacks and diabetic imbalances," Dr. Isley commented.

Lyssa considered that for a moment, "Its possible though where he would get it is beyond me."

"Yes, your husband mentioned; a tactical canine? I think is what he said," Dr. Isley said.

Before Lyssa could respond the trickling of water could be heard then the yowling and barking of Warlock as he scratched at the door to be let back in.

"What the? Uh, Doctor. I think her water just broke," Lyssa said then pointed.

Outside Rodrick could be heard trying to rein in Warlock,"HALTEN Warlock! Herunter! What the hell's got into you?"

"Rod get in here," Lyssa yelled.

Immediately the door opened and both Rodrick and Warlock bolted inside.

"What's happening," he asked seeing the doctor taking out instruments and pulling on gloves.

"It's baby time Mr.Mason. You're about to become a daddy," she replied.

The Belgian shepherd on the other hand sat down and kept looking from Lyssa to the woman and back, woofing.

"We know now boy. Gut Junge,"Lyssa said and patted his head.

Rodrick grabbed his walkie talkie, "Check the radar for inbound storks; Doc says its baby time."

Doctor Isley exposed the woman's swollen belly and wiped it down with a sterilizing solution then made an incision. Lyssa and Rodrick got the incubator ready among the other baby things. Just as Kimberly, Tiffany, Krystel, Shawna, LoneStar, Pete, Eddie and Carl barreled in the final incision was made and she began gently pulling the first baby free. After a quick burst of suction to clear the airway they heard the baby's wail prompting Warlock to bark once.

"A boy," Dr.Isley announced and passed him to Rodrick.

"Alexander," Rodrick said.

"Alexander Nathan," Lyssa completed smiling.

Dr. Isley had no time to listen as she began taking the second baby. a moment later she had the infant free and used the suction clear the airway. No wail was elicited this time so she rapped the sole of the foot and still nothing. Warlock had whined once then stood and advanced with a bark.

"Warlock Halten. HALTEN! ZURUCK AUS!," Lyssa ordered in german.

The tactical dog ignored and closed in barking louder then lunged yanking the sleeve of the doctor. With a shriek she lost her hold on the still infant and all watched in horror as it fell towards the floor but the lightning quick Warlock threw himself under sideways and cushioned, as if catching it. Lyssa moved in but he growled then turned his attention to the still child and nosed it whining. Lyssa stopped as did Rodrick and they both watched as the whining Warlock continued to nudge with his nose harder then finally raised his head back some and barked twice menacingly. Suddenly the baby whimpered, a whimper that soon turned into a long wail. The shepherd then looked to Lyssa and woofed wagging his tail then began to clean the baby himself.

Lyssa reached in and gently took it and said, "Gut Junge! You saved; HER! A GIRL! Allison."

Rodrick smiling finished for her, "Allison Lysette."

After both babies were fully cleaned they were put into the incubator as instructed by the doctor and moved into another room. Warlock followed wagging his tail watching closely. Only Lyssa and the doctor remained in the room.

"Mrs. Mason," Dr. Isley caught her attention, "we need to extract two bottles of breast milk. That will instill the necessary immunity in the babies."

Lyssa nodded and took the pump. It took only a few minutes to fill the two bottles. As the doctor held the bottles in her hands after stripping off the gloves and apron.

She looked to Lyssa from the doorway, "I have the birth certificates to fill out for your children Mrs. Mason. You made a promise for when it was over. I'll leave you to that."

She closed the door behind her. Lyssa walked slowly over to the stand beside the bed. Carefully she removed the ventilator tube, Feeding line and IVs. From the bedside table she took out the micro-syrette. She snapped the safety tip off and pressed the needle into the side of the woman's neck.

Lyssa squeezed the small pouch, kissed her forehead and whispered in Russian, "I'm sorry. Das Vidania Helena. Dance with angels knowing you won't be forgotten."

Within seconds a final exhale signaled her passing. Lyssa slowly drew the sheet up to cover her then sank to the floor and wept as quietly as she could.




Dannigan hung up and called out, "Madison."

The secretary walked in a moment later, "Yes Major?"

Dannigan smiled, "Alexander Nathan Mason; six pounds eleven ounces and Allison Lysette Mason; six pounds two ounces. Less than an hour ago."

"Oh those are wonderful names! A boy and a girl! Rodrick and Lyssa must be over the moon about that," Madison exclaimed.

"Go ahead and take the rest of the day off. I know you want to go get baby presents. Do me a favor and get them a baby monitor in my name," Dannigan chuckled and passed over two large bills to cover the cost.

Madison smiled and hurried out. Hours later she found a set of sleepers for the twins and had them and the baby monitor gift wrapped then boxed it all up with the appropriate cards and sent off to the new parents. She chuckled to herself wondering if the British crown would be sending gifts when they heard the news. Madison really laughed at the thought of the President and First Family sending her gifts as well. When she got home she did a search using Lyssa's name but it was only old news and references. She hadn't announced publicly the births of the twins yet. Kimberly more than likely would send out a press release in a couple of days for her.

That night on Grand Cayman Island a new grave took its place in a secluded cemetery. Marked with a beautiful white marble headstone that read:

Helena Petrikova
beloved friend and dancer
never forgotten as you dance with angels





Kimberly looked at Dannigan on the conference window," This is a serious problem Major. Only Lyssa is operational."
Dannigan replied, "Its a bind yeah but this is urgent. A hot extract that needs to be done by somebody that will either leave no traces or no witnesses. preferably the former."

Kimberly turned quickly to see Lyssa bringing in the twins followed by Warlock as usual.

"Witnesses to what," Lyssa asked setting the baby seats on the couch by the wall.

Kimberly answered after being greeted by Warlock, "the Major has an op for you."

"So much for post-natal bonding. What have you got Major," Lyssa asked.

Dannigan laughed, "That dog is doing all the bonding. A hot extract."

Lyssa leaned over Kimberly's shoulder and asked, "a snatch and grab? Ok. Who and where?"

Kimberly pulled up the packet and narrated, "Charlene Wilson; twenty-nine years old, secretary to Senator Bartholomew Frederick Lamont. The third."

Lyssa groaned,"not Barky Lamont."

"You know him," Dannigan asked.

"Unfortunately. When I did a D and G show he was at a party thrown by the Ambassador. Grabbed my ass and tried to shove his tongue in my ear. The really crappy part was he was stone cold sober when he did it," Lyssa recounted.

"What happened," Kimberly asked.

"He took a nap. I gave him a nerve pinch that dropped his ass like a rock. He left two days later at the insistence of the Ambassador. Word had it he was not so politely asked not to ever come to Italy again. Use your imagination as to why and probably come up right," Lyssa explained, "what ever the woman's problem is you can just about lay odds on it having something to do with Lamont. He's a true politician. All he cares about is getting laid or paid."

Dannigan rolled his eyes, "He's an asshole true. Well whatever the case the subcommittee wants her and somebody is actively preventing that. I need you to go get her. the packet has all the information I could get and you'll have access to an H-model Apache but you'll have to get her onto a plane to come to D.C."

Lyssa stood up and was quiet for a moment then asked, "Major what aren't you telling me?"

"Something's very off about this and I've been wracking my brains to figure it out but coming up dry," Dannigan answered," to me; this things stinks to high hell of a set up."

"Why not just bag it and say to hell with it," Kimberly proposed.

"Can't. Request for intervention came direct to me from the subcommittee. they want her and believe I have the people that can go in and get her. No other agency can be trusted with this thanks to that fiasco in Ohio," Dannigan grimaced.

The old spook hated to have missions like this flung on him. Far better to choose and undertake battles that for the most part they could dictate their own terms.

"ok. I'll get on it," Lyssa said then turned to Kimberly," need you to babysit."

Kimberly nodded and gave Lyssa the needed papers from the packet. Lyssa turned and headed for the door to go downstairs to the lockers. Kimberly also called Rodrick on the walkie talkie to get a plane ready.



Chapter 2

Slowly she opened her eyes and sat up groggily. the room seemed unfamiliar to her. A bed, satin sheets and barely there negligee, all seemed foreign. A snore startled her and she turned to see a heavyset older man partially balding laying in the bed with her sleeping. A man she didn't know. Slowly she felt down between her legs and brought back her fingers coated with slickness. She'd had sex, but didn't remember it. Trying not to shiver from fear she slid down off the bed and crawled backwards. Furtively she looked around for clothes, all she saw was the jumble of pants, jacket, shirt, tie and shoes of his. A silent glance into the closet revealed it to be empty, the dresser had only lingerie and more negligee in it. No dresses, skirts, blouses, pants, shorts, socks or shoes. Watching him closely she backed to the door and tried the knob, it turned easily and quietly. she pulled the door open and peered out, a hallway.

Almost hyperventilating she stepped out and closed the door behind her then turned and walked away from the door. She didn't know why exactly but the small apartment was a place she was afraid of and didn't want to be. As she continued to the end of not a hall but a breezeway there was a loud sound and the wind had kicked up. She knew she'd never heard that sound before, almost like a piece of tissue paper was being stuck into a fan blade. the wind died down and the sound lessened. As she turned a corner she saw two men walking towards her, neither looked shocked to see a woman in sleepwear roaming the area. One of the men seemed familiar though, a heartbeat later the feeling of fear set in more. She was afraid of him.

The closer he came the more her fear intensified and she began edging to the courtyard stepping out onto the grass. they corrected course following her. Fear became terror now and she felt tears forming. The instinct to run away was there but her legs wouldn't move. Unable to move now from the grip of terror her tears began rolling down her cheeks. The men were seconds away from reaching her when something moving fast and quiet went past her head and they both dove to the side in opposite directions. That's when she heard a voice call out.


Frozen to the spot a moment later someone in all black with two very large pistols gained her side and began shooting very fast at the two men who promptly brought out pistols of their own to shoot back.

"Gotta get you out of here. Let's go," the figure said and started using their body to back her away.

Several loud shots rang out prompting the person growl, "fuck! Way to go brainiacs. C'mon! We gotta get outta here now!"

The person in all black spun and grabbed her wrist and began running, dragging her along.

"Please don't hurt me," she whimpered as she was dragged along.

"Not here to hurt you, I'm trying to save your ass now move it," the person snarled back in a feminine but angry voice.

She watched as the woman in black took something and threw it behind them back into the courtyard. Seconds later a loud bang went off with a bright light. The woman in all black continued to drag her around another corner. There on the grassy lawn was a helicopter sitting on the ground spinning its blades with that strange sound. She was shoved into the backseat of the cockpit and the window was closed as several things smacked against the glass. The woman in black climbed into the front seat and closed up putting on a helmet. A moment later her stomach lurched as the helicopter ripped away from the ground then practically stood on its nose and began to power forward as more things smacked into the glass and bouncing away, like rocks or hailstones.

"PLEASE, I just want out. Don't hurt me. I don't know you and promise I won't tell anybody anything," she yelled then realized there was glass separating them so she knocked on it.

A small screen was lit up and she could see the ground below them in shades of black and white. Scrolling numbers told her they were flying at an altitude of two hundred feet and one hundred-fifty miles per hour and accelerating. The helicopter was the military kind with all its switches and buttons, none of it made any sense. Suddenly a piece of paper was pressed against the glass partition, 'put on the headphones. now.' She looked and saw a set and slipped them over her ears.

A voice came through, "if you can hear me press the button on the right earphone to talk to me."

Quickly she pressed the button, "I hear you. Please, I don't know you. Don't hurt me please. Let me out and I won't tell anybody anything, I promise."

The woman in black answered, "I'm not here to hurt you, I'm here to help you. Letting you out isn't an option though, I'm sorry. Please buckle the safety harness. The air is strange here and I don't want you being thrown around. Obey me in this, its for your safety as well as mine."

With fumbling hands she buckled the harness on the third try and stammered out, "I did it. If you're not going to hurt me, would you tell me something please?"

"I can try," the pilot answered.

"Can you tell me who I am? I can't remember. I can't remember where I was or how I got there," she cried.

The pilot burst back, "WHAT? you're kidding. Tell me you're kidding."

She cried more," I don't know who I am or what happened to me."

"Whoa! Wait-a-minute! Seriously? You don't remember anything," the pilot asked.

Even though she couldn't be seen, she shook her head and blubbered over the comm,"no. I woke up in a bed I've never been in before with a man I don't know. I think he. He."

"Raped you," the pilot asked in a soft voice.

"I woke up feeling groggy, still do. There was. From between my legs. Do you know who those men were," she asked.

"Not a clue. What can you tell me about them," the pilot asked.

Hesitantly she answered, "I'm afraid of them. That's all I know. Will you help me please?"

"So much for plan A," the pilot commented, "we're gonna set down for a minute. I want to check you over and might have to make a call."

"ok," she answered.




"Carston what the HELL do you mean the girl is GONE," the voice on the phone bellowed.

"She somehow got out of the apartment and got snatched up by somebody. Somebody in an Apache," Carston answered.

"WHAT," he asked hotly.

"An Apache. The attack helicopter Mr. Rollings," Carstons replied.

"Damnit I know what an Apache is! Give me the numbers on it and I'll get Lamont to find out who it belongs to. Meanwhile, take the AHX-81 and take them out," Rollings demanded.

"Yes sir. There were no numbers on it. At all," Carstons answered and disconnected.

Rollings immediately dailed.

The call was answered on the first ring, "Lamont."

"Its Ed. we got a problem; the girl is on the loose," Rollings stated.

Bart Lamont swore, "Damn you Ed. You assured me everything was under control there!"

"The girl will be taken care of before dawn. Doesn't matter who came and got her," Rollings said.

"Wait! Somebody came and got her? What do you mean somebody came and got her," Lamont demanded.

"Somebody flying a blacked out Apache gunship. Don't worry, we'll take care of them too," Rollings assured him.

"Yeah well you better Ed! If that girl gets to the Senate hearing; its gonna be both our asses bent over on the White House lawn. You may get the benefit of a dog and pony show trial for treason; BUT I WON'T," Lamont bellowed, "if I'm lucky I'll be quietly executed. I heard rumors of a place where embarassments are taken. They don't come back from it."

Rollns said casually, "calm down Bart. Carston will use the prototype and take care of it. Then we can go back to focusing on your campaign."

Lamont asked, "so what do you want from me?"

"Find out who is using a blacked out Apache gunship in the Western Nevada area," Rollings replied.

"I'll try. no garruantees I can find out. I might tip off whomever is running them if I ask the wrong person so be patient," Lamont answered.

"Fuck patient! Find 'em now! We'll cover up later," Rollings yelled and slammed the phone down.




Lyssa flew low and fast after taking off again. She'd checked the woman over and saw needle tracks on both arms. Lyssa knew this was going to need help she couldn't provide and called in.

"We have to get some blood work done on you fast. Find out what they've done to you," she hissed.

"Do you know who I am," the woman in the back cockpit asked hopefully.

"Your name is Charlene Wilson. I know that about you," Lyssa replied.

"Anything else? Please," Charlene asked.

"Sorry. All that's need to know and I didn't. Just your name and where to find you," Lyssa answered.

A calm cold voice came over the comms, "Fly. Come in."

"Go Star," she called back.

"We found you a facility. Proceed east until contacted by Paradise Ranch on current heading. Use identifier: Dark Reprisal. That's all. Star out," the voice instructed.

Lyssa cranked the throttle to full and dipped lower. Paradise Ranch; the designation for the mysterious facility known as Area-51. Air Force, DARPA and CIA kept their secret hardware there to test and store, from aircraft of all sizes and types to ground vehicles, even prototype space delivery vehicles.

"Who was that," Charlene asked.

"A friend. We're going to a place where they can help you. There'll be a doctor there that can find out what happened to you," Lyssa replied, "we gotta hurry though, the sun's coming up and we're not supposed to be seen flying around. Especially where we're going."

"I'm sorry. I don't even know what to call you and you've been nice to me," Charlene said meekly.

"That's ok. My name isn't important," Lyssa said gently, "getting you taken care is the priority. Ut-oh."

Charlene froze in the seat, "Ut-oh? what ut-oh?"

Something began beeping in the cockpit.

"Fuck! hang on charlene," Lyssa exclaimed then banked sharply.

Charlene gasped as she was thrown against the straps when the Apache turned sharply and she saw a string of lights fly past them.

"What was that," Charlene yelped.

"Tracers. Just try to relax and don't touch anything back there. The straps are tight now so you won't go bouncing around," Lyssa said calmly and turned on music.

Charlene's brain stopped in bewilderment at the sound of the electronic dance music. Mentally she asked herself what tracers were and why would the pilot be upset about them and then turn on music. The beeping continued. Charlene looked down at the television screen in front of her and saw the word flashing; WARNING.

"What's happening," she whimpered as the gunship banked left again then right and pitched down.

Suddenly a voice called out, "Not bad. You're good. Not good enough!"

Lyssa commented more to herself than to anyone else, "maybe I should fly sideways so he could hit something. Damn. Sidewinder."

Flares shot out from underneath and the gunship nosed up climbing away just before the heat seeking missile detonated at the decoy. Charlene felt sick as the helicopter rolled over during the climb and another missile shot past them.

"Had enough of this fucking around," Lyssa hissed and turned the music to a deafening level.

Charlene could barely keep her eyes open to see as the gunship made powerful yet graceful moves; banking hard right then up and spinnning in place like a pirouette then falling back over its tail and speeding back down twisting like a drill.

"Oh MY GOD," Charlene shrieked and saw another helicopter pass underneath them.

The Apache's tail kicked and the ship settled into a level flight giving chase and the cannon underneath shook the airframe as bullets streaked towards the other helicopter and stitched its side.

"That was pretty slick but you're still mine," the other gunship called out and banked hard right then left.

Lyssa said nothing as she banked right nosing up and rolled over left staying on his tail. A Hellfire launched from the Apache but missed when he evaded. She cranked the last bit from the throttle and rolled over again following his gunship as it pitched away then down.

"Run all you want son of a bitch. Die fucking tired," Lyssa muttered to herself unconcerned that Charlene could hear her.

They both felt the shaking as Lyssa opened up with the bushmaster cannon again. A firey trail of rounds arced to the hostile gunship peppering its side again then up until it hit the engine compartment. A flame erupted from the turbine and the ship slowed drastically as Lyssa flew past then banked to come back. She orbited around, keeping her nose pointed at him.

"Fancy flying. Who are you," he asked her.

Lyssa opened the channel, "Past the Gates and before the throne, I've been to Hell. Here's your ticket."

A flick of her thumb triggered the pods on both sides and a salvo of twelve rockets each streaked away to slam into his side. The gunship turned into a massive fireball that fell with pops and explosions all the way down to burst again on the ground.

"Good God in heaven," Charlene murmurred in horrific fascination.

Without another word Lyssa turned the gunship and flew east until a voice came up over the static.

"Unidentified helo. You are approaching restricted airspace. Discontinued your present course or be engaged."

Lyssa called back, "Homey Tower my identifier is Dark Reprisal. Requesting permission for access and escort to landing area."

"Hold position hovering at altitude of eleven hundred feet while confirming," the tower replied.

Lyssa climbed to the altitude and brought them to a hover.

"What's happening now," Charlene asked.

"They're checking us out. Seeing if we are who we say we are," Lyssa answered.

"Oh. What if they don't believe us," charlene asked apprehensively.

Lyssa replied matter-of-factly, "They'll blow us out of the sky."

charlene gasped then began muttering to herself, "oh god! Please believe us. Please believe us."

A moment later she exhaled in relief after the voice came back.

"Helo Reprisal: proceed inbound on heading of one-one-five and drop to five hundred feet. Follow your escorts directions."

Lyssa mentally sighed with relief herself, "copy that Tower. Proceed one-one-five at five-zero-zero feet."

"Homey Tower. Out," the tower said.

Five minutes later a flight of five J-model Apaches flew up to surround them.

"Reprisal Helo. This is Asura 1. Divert on heading zero-two-zero maintain altitude and speed. Welcome to Paradise Ranch," one of the gunships instructed.

Lyssa replied as she followed them through the course correction, "copy Asura 1. Zero-two-zero maintain speed and altitude."

"Asura? Paradise Ranch," Charlene asked in confusion.

"You may know it by its other names; Dreamland, Groom Lake. Usually civillians just call it Area-51. Asura is the name of the war angels," Lyssa explained, "they're not the pretty, nice, grant-your-wish type angels. They're sadistic, war-mongering, demon-killing angels. God's assassins. Or so the legend goes."

Minutes later just as the fuel gauge needles began to bounce on empty they directed her to an empty tarmac where a SUV with mirrored windows sat idling.




"Ms. Wilson, I have a medical report here from Colonel Mavens at Nellis Air Force base. The psycho-tropic drugs you were forcibly administered have completely left your system and you have fully regained your faculties. Are you prepared to testify before the committe," Senator Darrell Albritton asked pointedly.

"Yes Sir. I am," Charlene stood and answered.

"This is a closed hearing. State your name and repeat after me; I solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth under oath," the Senator prompted.

Charlene repeated, "Charlene Wilson. I solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth under oath."

The Senator gestured her to to sit and began asking questions. For hours she testified and finally she was asked who the perpetrators were exactly.

she held the stare and answered, "Senator Bartholomew Frederick Lamont the third and Edward Rollings, CEO of Rol-Air. I have the supporting documents here sir."

She held up a file. A Senate aide took the file and handed it to the Senator. After a few minutes of reading the committee members somewhat leaned back and conferred.

Finally Senator Albritton leaned back to the microphone, "Let it known that the Department of Justice is now issuing warrants for the arrest of Senator Bartholomew Frederick Lamont the third and Edward Rollings; charges including unlawful captivity, rape, conspiracy to commit said captivity and rape, attempted murder, conspiracy to commit murder, conspiracy to commit Treason and High Treason by providing classified military grade aircraft to hostile foreign entities."

Several murmurs could be heard. Moments later a man in a dark suit entered through a side door and leaned in to whisper to Senator Albritton's ear. The Senator took on a look of pure anger then slammed his fist to the table.

He leaned back to the microphone, "For the record; Senator Bartholomew Frederick Lamont the third was seen boarding an air transport destined for Costa Rica. The plane has already left U.S. sovereignty. With the Department of Justice's approval we find the Senator, and his associate Edward Rollings, guilty of all charges and issue Liquidation Mandates."

The panel agreed with nods, including the Attorney General.

"Very well," Senator Albritton said, "a Lethal Finding is now issued for the former Senator. Senator Jason Wesley, will you see to that?"

Senator Wesley leaned forward and spoke into his microphone, "the appropriate Agency will be notified."

Far to the back a shadowy figure stood and silently walked out as Senator Albritton nodded and wrote something, "so noted. Ms.Wilson thank you for your testimony. That gentleman and lady are from the U.S.Marshals' office they will see to your needs. Thank you Ms.Wilson for your courage as well. You won't be needed any further in this matter."

Charlene nodded and followed the man with the short dark hair wearing black chinos and a dark sport coat and a woman dressed similarly with sable brown hair. Outside they helped her into a silver SUV and drove her directly to a private airfield and led her into a small plane.

"Have a seat and buckle up please Ms. Wilson," the woman smiled warmly to her.

Within moments the plane took off.

When they leveled off a cold calm voice came over the speakers, "we're at altitude and headed south. Seven hour flight time."

"Thank you," the sable haired Marshal called back loudly.

She then took off the badge and tucked it into her purse along with the other Marshal's badge and ID case when he came back and gave her a kiss.

"Thank you," she sighed.

"My pleasure babe. I always wanted to impersonate a Fed," he chuckled.

At her look of panic to that comment the woman said to Charlene, "Charlene, I'm Madison. The soon-to-be-former Senator has pull in the Marshals' office so we'll be arranging your new life."

Madison opened a briefcase and took out a large envelope and a file and began handing her things," Passport, birth certificate, drivers' license. Title to a condo, here's the keys and registration for a car, hope you like a red Mazda RX-8. Account number and passcode for a bank account with check card and checkbook, you can change the PIN if you want. The condo is unfurnished so you can pick out what you like."

Charlene looked on incredulously but Madison continued to hand her things.

"Here's a life history of your new identity with letters of reference that will be verified anytime needed. Its close to your real history so you shouldn't have any major problems. At the condo you'll find a map of the Island and list of some of the stores we think you'd like and a few restaraunts. A cellphone, here's the number for it and the number to your landline. Internet will be hooked up in a couple of days as will the cable, this is also the point in time where I ask you to please not do anything so foolish as contact anyone from your past. Oh, and here's the cards for a great gyno and a dentist in Nassau. I think that's it. Welcome to your new life, Cherie Wilkins. It started two minutes ago," Madison concluded.

A helmeted man walked back and handed Madison a note that she read and looked up, "thanks LoneStar."

"Welcome," came the cold but muffled reply.

Cherie thought for a moment then muttered, "LoneStar. Star. The voice that told us in the helicopter where to go?"

The helmeted man turned and went back to the cockpit after grabbing a bottle of water.

"this is a lot to process,"Cherie mumbled.

"Maybe this will help," Madison said with a smile, "we're not here to hurt you. we're here to save your ass, now move it."

"She works with you," Cherie asked.

Madison laughed, "yes. And she wishes you well and hopes you enjoy your new life."

Cherie smiled and settled back to start reading her information while Madison picked up a tabloid and flipped to a page, the cover featured a picture of the Prima Ballerina Lyssa Kordenay-Mason and her husband. The banner read 'ITS TWINS!!!!'

Cherie looked over, "she's so pretty. I had hoped to see her dance once, but she never danced in Nevada."

Madison replied, "says here she lives in the Bahamas. Maybe one day you might run into her."

"Wow! Wouldn't that be something," Cherie sighed and looked out the window to the clouds and blue sky.




"What do you mean the Marshals don't have her? Two U.S. Marshals took her out of the Senate hearing, now where'd they take her," Lamont demanded.

A minute later he slammed the phone down.

"Relax Bart. Costa Rica is a non-extradition country. we're safe and with the pay off I gave the officials they lost the paperwork saying we entered the country," Ed Rollings said.

"You don't get it you fucking idiot! They aren't going to extradite us for trial, they authorized a Lethal Finding. A Liquidation Mandate was issue to an Agency. Nobody will say who," Lamont roared.

"A what," Rollings looked confused.
"Fucking IDIOT! They're going to KILL US," Lamont screamed at him.

Rollings stood up and was about to punch the former Senator when the lights went out.

"OH SHIT," Lamont exclaimed trying to look around.

"The deepest you or anybody else has been in for a long time," a cold female voice hissed in his ear.

Lamont wet himself as the barrel of a pistol pressed to the back of his head.

"Oh my fucking God," Rollings said.

He too, felt a pistol barrel press to the back of his head. A hand pressed and Ed Rollings sunk to his knees seeing Lamont do the same. A figure in black with blonde hair in the dim light stood behind the former man of power, her face concealed within a swirl of black markings.

"Isn't this the part where you read us a paper saying 'officially by order of the U.S. government' et cetera, et cetera," Lamont asked snidely.

The woman in black moved around to face him, "not hardly Barky."

She thumbed the hammer back and said coldly, "Past the Gates and Before the Throne. I've been to Hell Lamont. I'm sending them you."

"And your pal," the man said.

She pulled the trigger, as did Rodrick, and the pistols bucked in their hands as heads were blasted apart. The husband and wife team silently made their way back out into the night.



Chapter 4

Katya held Alex, "they are beautiful babies Lyssa."

Dannigan tickled the boy under his chin making him smile, "I'll say. Damn fine looking rugrats."

Lyssa looked on as Warlock cradled the sleeping Allison against his side, "they're precious alright but vicious on clothes. Alex has developed serious accuracy on projectile vomiting. Especially if he knows its dry-clean only."

"The newspaper in Moscow ran picture of you and Rodrick with the babies on front page. Mistress Olga is very proud and demands a picture for herself," Katya smiled.

Allison stirred and shifted. the belgian tactical dog looked over and sniffed her then licked her face and layed his head back down on his paws.

Dannigan shook his head, "I've seen it all now."

"I swear, he babies her more than any of us," Lyssa commented, "she's yanked his ears so hard and not whine or growl one at her for it. But a dirty diaper; you'd swear he found a hot nuke."

Katya giggled, "he hates the smell?"

Lyssa sighed, "I guess. He definitely lets you know she needs to be changed and you can forget rolling over and going back to sleep at night. He'll drag us out of the bed. At least he's fair about it and alternates between me and Rod."

At that moment Warlock looked over at the sleeping Allison then to Lyssa and gave a soft growl. Lyssa leaned down and picked her up. Katya arched an eyebrow so Lyssa answered the unspoken question.

"She's wet," Lyssa stated, carrying her out.

Dannigan chuckled as Lyssa went into the children's room and changed her then came back. Dannigan held out his hands and Lyssa passed her to him making Warlock stand up and walk over to watch as Dannigan held her. Soon he had her cooing and smiling.

"Gonna have to start a college fund for these two ankle-biters," he smiled.

"Already done," Lyssa replied.

"Pete fly me to Cayman Lyssa. Helena would like the place you got for her. she loved the sea," Katya commented.

Lyssa leaned over and wiped Alex's face, "she dances with angels now Katya."

"She dances with Marissa's sister Jeanie now. Nyet," Katya said, "I get roses for her but I borrow from Pete. I didn't have enough and I didn't know where to change rubles."

"I'll pay Pete back for you Katya. I didn't think you might not have enough money for flowers," Lyssa apologized.

"I give Pete rubles Lyssa is fine," the russian ballerina assured her.

Lyssa meanwhile had went to her laptop and a few moments later said, "There. I put some money into your bank account Katya. Tell me if you have no money and I'll help you."

"No Lyssa. You do too much for me. Have always done too much, always taken care. I don't deserve it," Katya protested.

Lyssa leaned down and hugged her friend, "you deserve it Katya. Heart of gold and worth it to me my friend and tell Mistress Olga that she will get a portrait of me, Rodrick and the babies."

Dannigan leaned down and settled Allison back against Warlock who promptly nuzzled her and licked her face as she settled back to her napping.

"The thing I'm mostly worried about is making sure both of them walk upright on TWO legs instead of forever crawling around on all-fours due to somebody's encouragement," Lyssa remarked.

The dog on the floor looked up with his eyes only and whined once. Even Rodrick laughed.




Shawna lay grumpy in bed, as did Tiffany and Krystel sharing the room with her. It had been two weeks since the birth of the twins and a week since the special surgical team had been flown in for the last procedure on the three new operatives. In five more weeks Shawna's status would be upgraded back to active-standby. Tiffany on the other hand had another two months of private intense traing with Lyssa before being ok'd to attend Julliard where she'd train for six months. After the requisite graduation of Julliard she'd be allowed to go to Moscow to train more at the world famous Bolshoi Academy; the school of ballet that all the renowned dancers attended at one time or an other, including Lyssa herself. Two schools that produced the best and most sought after dancers, dancers that went on to become masters and mistresses of schools after spending time on stages around the world performing and later, choreographing.

Tiffany knew that after graduation from there she'd have to be in two productions then be sent off to modeling school. basically at least another year before she'd be out on her own operationally. Krystel wasn't a field operative so as soon as she recovered from surgery she'd be allowed to resume her duties there on the island. the benefit of being an Intelligence Specialist, She didn't really have to interact with other people outside the agency unless the circumstances were extreme. Everyone stopped in to see them all twice daily which kept them from going crazy.

"Hey girls," Madison called out as she walked in.

"Madi! what are you doing here," Krystel asked along with Shawna and Tiffany.

"Its an island weekend. Pete picked us up. We'd have been back sooner but the stopover in Nassau took longer," Madison explained.

"why did it take so long," Tiffany asked.

"Seems there was a press release about the twins so Lyssa and Rod had a plane-load of presents to pick up," Madison giggled.
They all laughed, "From who?"

Madison smiled, "all over the world it looked like. I mean there had to be at least two hundred gifts."

They all laughed and joked as Madison gossiped with them about the current goings-on in Washington.




"Yeah. Its gonna take a month to go through all these," Rodrick commented as Lyssa unwrapped an other gift, a crib mobile from Rocket; Rodrick's former teammate and his wife in Los Angeles.

"And another month for the thank you cards," Lyssa laughed.

She was already unwrapping another gift which turned out to be a baby bath set from her friend and one-time understudy Marissa. A set of matching teddy bears had been brought by Lyssa's best friend, and the babies' godmother, Katya Taliyenko.

"HEY hey; look at this," Rodrick said holding up a package, "so cool. 'Our most joyous congratulations on behalf of a proud nation. The President of the United States and First Family.' I'm gonna frame this."

Lyssa reached out and snatched the card, "don't be gauche. This goes into the baby book."

The unwrapping continued for the rest of the day, gifts from friends all over the world. The press release Kimberly composed simply stated;

World renowned Prima and model Lyssa Kordenay-Mason and her husband, private charter pilot and aircraft consultant, Rodrick N. Mason welcomed into the world their children. Fraternal twins, a boy and a girl named Alexander Nathan and Allison Lysette. The highly regarded ballerina had taken time off out of the spotlight due to Gestational Diabetes, a temporary condition not deemed serious but required some monitoring is expected to abate during recovery. Lyssa commented officially, 'I should be back in the studio soon and able to perform shortly thereafter. I expect to make a full recovery. It was by pure chance that we have the twins and we feel wonderfully blessed. Children changes some things though, I'll have to take my performances and runway shows down to accommodate Alex and Alli's needs, but they're so very worth it and more to Rodrick and I. We feel very fortunate.'

Rodrick and Lyssa shared a laugh as she unwrapped gifts from the British Royalty, all of which bore the new Mason family crest and addressed to Master and Mistress Mason, including a gift from the Queen herself as well as a gift from the Prince of Dubai along with gifts from Royalty around the world that Lyssa had danced for at one time or another. There were cards of congratulations as well that outnumbered the gifts from various acquaintances, orphanages and childrens' hospitals that she had appeared at for christmas. Even the Soviet Premier and Japanese President were among the heads of nations that sent gifts. The hand drawn card from the Down's Syndrome girl Meghan took the highest place of honor being put on the first blank page of the baby book after a photo of the twins an hour old.

Lyssa took a break and glanced over to the two infant seats on the floor with the black belgian tactical dog laying between them. Warlock had to be watched around them due to his tendency to nose at them when sleeping until they awoke and made noise of some kind then would try to curl around them protectively. Especially Allison. He hadn't even whined or growled the first time her little fist grabbed his ear. His explosive detection exercises had become different as well. After he detected a substance and indicated where it was he'd immediately run back to check on the twins, as if shielding them from harm with his own body.

He was also more effective than the baby monitor Dannigan had sent, usually by running from the room and grabbing Lyssa or Rodrick's arm trying to pull them from bed during the night when one or both of the babies woke up. Dannigan had been highly amused to hear that during a conference. When Lyssa returned from the kitchen with bottles for them both Warlock immediately looked up.

"Yes its time for their bottles," Lyssa stated in German.

There was no worry of the dog taking the bottles. He'd tried the formula and immediately ran outside to eat grass. He just wanted to make sure the babies got them. A tactical canine expert Rodrick talked with said that for a male to be so attentive was unheard of. Females were known to bond to newborns if they didn't feel competitive with them. Especially if they had bred before, viewing them as puppies of their own. As Lyssa held the bottles for the babies Warlock leaned in and sniffed then licked their faces once before trotting outside for a perimeter run. All was quiet. For now.


Lyssa will appear in Chrysalis Project: Ghost Moth 2 and return in Angels and Animosity

  author's note: Characters from Embracing Justice appearing with permission by wolfjess.
AH-64 Apache gunships currently do NOT have models past D(LongBow)

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