Okay, I'm going to be retired ( if I finally receive the paperwork ... ), so what am I going to do with the rest of my life??
As long as I have the pets, ..., well not mutch. Same with the house and the renovations.
So I go 2 track. One I find a job in the private sector that pays enough to keep the house and finish all the renovation. Then I''ll stay put overhere for probably the rest of my life.
Two is a bit different. The pets will problably (I'm hoping) be around another 10 years (probably less cats are 14 and 11, the dog is 9 so I'd be pretty lucky if they make those 10 years). About the same time I'll probably be able to sell the house without having done any of the things I need to do to finish the renovation and being able to sell it with paying of my mortgage. And then it's rambling time (as in the down under form of it not the verbal one). I'll try do get my IT (computer operator / network technician and the CISCO parts) but also the paperwork for a cook or assistant cook done (about 6 years of high school level community college all together and then I'be ending with 5 highschool degrees ..), working on my languages (Englisch and Japanese primarely) and trying to get back into sports (look up japanese visas for the why ;) ). So I'll be seeing things, maybe staying some place or just passing through but trying to tick of every part of my travellist).
Two is the more lickely scenario although a bit of a wrong time to do a lot of travelling ( even forgetting the LGBT part) but I'll try to stay out of Russia, parts of Africa and the middle East. And my Ma is going to hate it ( she told me already ). But family would be the only reason I would place a limit on Two and she knows that.
Well I'm wondering what's going to happen to these plans and which one (if I'd even pick 1 of the 2) it will be ...
and I'm wasn't the greatest
and I'm wasn't the greatest with writing in english but it sure as hell went downhill since I stopped comming here... Sorry for all the typo's and stuff.