Eleven years ago, Jeannie died on the day before Halloween, the holiday she loved for its morbid humor.
Last year at this time, I got out of town and went to New Jersey to be with other friends and try not to notice the loneliness.
This year, I knew I would be alone. I've been depressed since I got back from New Jersey in June, having decided then that I would not run away again.
I have been very ineffective in getting things done the last few months. This afternoon, I re-read my blogs and poems from that awful time and I cried. I cried again for Jeannie.
I needed to do this, to prove to myself that I have not forgotten her gentleness and her love. She will always be with me.
If you have someone you love, reach out and touch them. For me. For Jeannie, for her memory.
Love and Hugs,
Lots of hugs for you, Joyce. And you are in my thoughts.
I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.
With Fond Memories
You are special and through your memories and thoughts you honor someone who meant the world to you. She will never be forgotten since you treasure a piece of her in your heart.
Thanks for letting us get a glimpse of that love.
- Formerly Turnabout Girl
I think all of us
have lost someone near and dear to us and the holiday times of the year seem to bring back memories that we've tried very hard to bury, or at least put to rest, but sometimes they can overwhelm us and at those times, we reach out for someone, something to tell us it's gonna be okay.
It's gonna be okay Erin. Remember the good times and be grateful you had those times to see you through the not-so-good times... and remember too, we're ALL here for you. You've been there for so many of us and it's only right that we reciprocate. I repeat what I just told you on skype. If you need to talk or vent or whatever, I am always here. All you gotta do is call. I don't care what time it might be.
Warm, gentle, loving hugs.
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
I am sorry for your pain
I can't say that I know how you feel but I do know that you hurt and I am sorry. Hopefully, you will find something to ease the pain, but I'm too awkward so will not say more.
Many Blessings
It was Jeannie's and your love for each other
that gave me the courage to carry on living and come out. She and and you, showed that where there is love, there is hope, and she gave that to me. Please don't remember the pain, but hold those memories close and let their remembered love warm you, and know that she did make a difference, and cherish the memories all the more knowing she was the reason others carried on with life.
hugs, Erin
I am sorry for your loss, hon.
Thank you!
I feel blessed that you shared this part of you and her. It's a privilege for which I am very glad. I will take your encouragement to heart.
Love, Andrea Lena
I'm out of my league
That kind of love and that kind of loss are both totally outside of my experience
and there's not much I can say about those, except that I hate that you're sad.
But know that, for whatever paltry consolation it might bring
you are really appreciated not just for this wonderful site
but for you yourself being so amazing in so many ways.
Hugs, ronni
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Hugs. All I've got are hugs.
I hope you feel better soon.
- Terry