I am super anxious about tomorrow

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Well, tomorrow I get a physical and I am super anxious about it. Last year after my exam I came home shaking and crying, and I am already pretty shaky as it is.

If you could spare a prayer or a hug or both, that would be nice ...


Hugs coming your way


Hugs & snuggles coming your way as soon as this gets posted. Do you have a plushie to hug if nothing else?



I can only send you all the warm fatherly hugs I can come up with, but I will also send my prayers You got them kiddo

Mama Mia!

laika's picture

The hug machine, she-a no stop!!!
(Papa Bears computer went wacky + sent his hugs 20+ times. It's since been fixed)
hugs, you'll get through this. I'm always afraid the Dr. is going to come on like House
and call me a fat disgusting slob in a tone of pure contempt but it hasn't happened yet :)

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)
