Birthday Blues ~ Part 10

Gerry’s eighteenth birthday celebration starts out on a decidedly sour note. A chance encounter changes that—and the course of his life. This is the story of that encounter and its repercussions.

Part Ten: Through the Looking Glass

Birthday Blues ~ Part 10

In violation of our ‘no dating’ policy during the week, Vicki makes a well-received exception and we go out to eat at a secluded spot in a swanky restaurant. We talk for quite a while and I lay everything out to her.

She hugs me when I am done and says, “I’m glad you told me all of this, Dee. I am still furious at you for ever even THINKING that way, but I love you all the more for telling me…and for doing it. I was serious, though… NO MORE, OK? Anything you do from here on out is for YOU!”

I sigh and know that she has every right to be mad. I nod and say, “Pinky swear!” I hold out my hand and she hooks pinkies with me.

She giggles and says, “You know that is a sacred swear, right? As a girl now, you can NEVER break that swear!”

I blush and nod. She laughs and then takes me home, since she still has some studying to do.

The next morning, I wake up to my phone chirping. I answer it, seeing it is Jenn.

She blurts out, “Good morning, Sunshine! You HAVE to wear a dress today! K? I will see you in an hour—in HEELS! K?”

Before I can even really wake up, let alone get a mumble in, she hangs up…

I drag myself into the bathroom and the blood slowly starts circulating to my brain. Then it suddenly hits me what Jenn meant…and my actions and decisions from yesterday come flooding back. This is my first full day at school as a ‘girl’. As a consequence of being with the ‘popular’ girls, I am expected to dress as a girly-girl…

I groan and turn on the shower…

An hour later, I am waiting for Jenn to open the door. I am standing there in a light-green dress, nude pantyhose, and four-inch, dark green stilettos. I am also freezing. She opens the door and gives a little shriek when she sees me.

She says, “Come in, Dee! Where is your coat? Never mind… You can borrow one of mine!”

She buzzes around, hands me a coat, and pushes me out to her car.

I am reluctant to get out of the car at school. Yes, I ‘came out’ yesterday…or, more to the point, the principal outed me… But, this is the first time that I will be in full girl mode…and full GIRLY-girl mode, at that.

Michelle sees us and rushes over. She opens my door and gives a little shriek…much like Jenn had earlier. She literally pulls me out of the car. Jenn hooks one arm and Michelle the other and they basically march me up the steps to the front door.

We meet up with the rest of the posse at the top of the steps and, as a group, click-clack into the school. At first, no one seems to notice. Then I can feel the eyes on me—this is what I have dreaded for weeks now…

And…people seem surprised at my look, but are not mean. Well, there is one idiot that tries to say something, but Samantha and Gwen shred him apart. After that, there aren’t any other incidents the rest of the day.

During third hour, I get another message to come to the front. I blush deep red and leave the class amidst a bunch of ‘Oooooos’, AGAIN. By the time I get to the front office door, I am totally flustered. I just keep concentrating on the clicking my heels make on the marble floors…

As it turns out, I am being excused from the next two periods to sit in on the monthly LGBT committee meeting. It is a joint committee between school staff and students. After I am welcomed by the staff chair, Ms. Peevish. I had NO idea before now that she is a lesbian. There are only two students on the committee, other than myself, Peter Perk and Janice Godwin, both openly gay—there are supposed to be a total of four. There are three staff besides Ms. Peevish. I now know that Mr. Greene and Mr. Dudley are ‘an item’ and Ms. Pinkley openly bisexual.

To be honest, this all goes WAY beyond what I WANT to know. As it turns, I am the FIRST EVER ‘openly transgendered’ student at this school. Neither Peter, nor Janice have any desire to be the student chair of the committee, so I am offered the position. I try to decline, but Ms. Peevish won’t hear of it. It is a quick vote…and I am student chair. They ‘convince’ me that my dedication is just what the group needs to be a ‘force’ in the school… I sigh and reluctantly accept the position—it is not that I have anything against doing it; I just don’t feel right being the poster child for transgenders…

We don’t really accomplish much else during the meeting, but they list me on the school’s Facebook page as the student chair of the committee. It will also be announced at the next normal assembly in two weeks and be in this month’s school newspaper.

The next several days, until break, are really anticlimactic. I am pretty much accepted as a girl at school without much of a problem. There is an occasional comment and one of the girls gleefully shreds the poor idiot that mutters it to pieces. There is not another meeting of the LGBT committee until after break, but at that point we will be planning the big LGBT event of the year.

My weekend with Vicki is very memorable. She has completely forgiven me and has a plethora of ways to make up for my completely useless little Gerry… Enough said on that…

And then, the day of my scheduled procedures finally arrives… I am sitting in Sherri’s office and she is going through things with me.

She asks, “Are you OK, Dee? Are you ready?”

I sigh and say, “Yes, as ready as I am going to be…”

Sherri smiles and says, “It is OK to be nervous, Hon! So, we are going to trim down that waist and beef up those hips and breasts. I would also like to do a bit of facial work—is that OK? I also have a little surprise procedure that I would like to do—I don’t want to say more now, though…”

I look at her nervously and ask, “Facial work?” I decide to not go into the ‘surprise’, for now.

She giggles and asks, “Trust me, Love? I promise it will all look awesome when it is done!”

I say, “I trust you, Sherri. It’s ME that I don’t trust!”

She smiles and says, “I promise that I will be able to UNDO anything that I do DO! And, yes, I just said ‘do do’!”

We both giggle and I sign the final releases for everything she wants to do.

A fresh-faced nurse, Amanda, leads me into a surgical suite, where I have to strip completely naked and get into a surgical gown… Amanda hooks me up to an I.V., then she gives me something through the tube that makes me really tired. Sherri comes in and smiles at me. Amanda gives me something else and…

I wake up and I HURT! I moan a little and crack my eyes open.

Amanda is there and asks, “Welcome back, Hon! I know it hurts. Hang on and I will give you something for the pain.” She does something and a blissful feeling spreads throughout my body and…

I open my eyes and am really thirsty. I hurt, but not like before…

Mom is there and says, “Hi, Sweetie! How are you feeling?”

I croak, “Thirsty…”

Mom gets a glass of water with a straw and lets me sip a bit. My lips feel all swollen and numb—I can barely suck on the straw. She says, “Go slow, Hon.”

After I get a few sips of the water, I say in a LESS croaky voice, “I feel like a truck hit me, ran over me, and then backed up over me again…”

Mom giggles and says, “Well, you DID ask for this. So, you have no else to blame but yourself. I will say that you LOOK like that truck hit you, ran over you, backed up over you, then ran over you AGAIN. So, I guess you feel better than you look!”

I groan and Mom giggles.

At that moment, Sherri walks in and smiles when she sees I am awake. She says, “Everything went perfectly, Dee. You are going to be a very sore lady for a couple of days, but you will be ready to go back to school when it starts back up. You won’t be a hundred percent by then, but a good sixty or seventy percent is good enough. Would you like to sit up some?”

I nod and she pushes the button to raise the head of the bed. As it goes up, I feel the weight of my new breasts pull down on my chest. I gasp.

Sherri stops, an alarmed look on her face. She asks, “Are you OK, Love?”

I sort of giggle at her face and say, “I am no worse than I was. I am just not used to the weight on my chest…”

Sherri laughs and says, “Welcome to womanhood, Love!”

Mom laughs, too, then says, “It sure is a sight, seeing them there!”

Sherri says, “I know you want to look at yourself. Trust me when I say that you really don’t. I know that won’t stop you, though. So…here…”

She holds up a mirror and I gasp. My face is all bruised and swollen. I see my large (for me), C-cup, breasts. I also see that I am in what looks like a corset, which explains why it is so hard to breathe.

I say, “I look like SHIT! My face…”

Sherri says, “It will be worth it for you, I hope, once the swelling and bruising go down.”

I slowly nod and ask, “Is this…a corset?”

Sherri nods and says, “We have to keep your fat properly distributed after the lipo…just until everything stabilizes. You will only have to wear it a month, or so…”

Then I remember the discussion before the procedure and can’t help but wonder. I ask, “And the surprise?”

Sherri smiles and pulls back the covers. She holds the mirror so that I can see between my legs. I see a tube coming out from somewhere UNDER my useless little Gerry. It is connected to a bag hanging on the side of the bed and it is filled with urine. I turn pale, not understanding.

Sherri says, “It is called a urethral relocation. You will now HAVE to sit to pee and wipe like a girl. I know that you have been voluntarily doing so, but this lets it really sink in what that is like—HAVING to. Don’t worry; like I said, I can fix it back…but, it will take another surgery to do so—that will either be to close the new hole back up, or properly fit you with SRS. At least until then, you will have to stand in line like the rest of us at public restrooms!”

I can tell Mom is still a little shocked by the tube, but she obviously knew about it and giggles with Sherri at my face. I am somewhat shocked, too. But, am actually OK with it, to be honest. Like Sherri said, I HAVE been sitting on my own…what difference does it make, given everything else that was done to me.

I wind up giggling about it, too, when Mom says, “Well, at least I can be SURE that you will finally hit the toilet now!”

I have to stay in bed for three days. Finally, Sherri removes the catheter and I am allowed to slowly get out of bed. It is a strange feeling. The corset makes me keep my back ramrod-straight. The extra weight on my chest keeps me slightly off-balance. I nearly fall on my face. Mom and Vicki grab my arms and keep me on my feet.

We walk around the room, both of them holding on to me, until I find my strength and balance. Sherri hands me a robe that I put on. We all go into the hall to walk. It is after-hours and I am the only patient in the clinic. I get to go home if I can successfully walk down the hall.

Before we leave I have to pee—my first time after the ‘surprise’ procedure. After Vicki teaches me how to wipe properly, I get dressed in loose clothing. I still can’t believe how small my waist is now. When it is all said and done, I had gone from a size twelve down to a size eight through my diet and exercise. After the lipo, I am now a size four.

The ride home is uncomfortable. Lying in bed with the corset is bad. Sitting is worse—much worse. I can’t get comfortable and it is difficult to breathe. I don’t complain, though. I DID ask for this, so there is no use complaining.

I feel better once I get home, though. I can move around more, which gets my spirits up—not that I am ready to run any marathons…

By the next day, Thursday, the fourth day after the procedures, the swelling in my face is finally going down. The bruises are turning more yellow. I have an idea of what it will look like when it has all settled. Sherri had plumped my lips, filled out my cheeks to give them little ‘apples’ and make them look higher, and tweaked my nose. The only thing that has me worried is my nose—it is cute! I fall in love with the little upturned button that now adorns my face, but it would look really funny on Gerry. I know Sherri said she could fix it back to close to what it was, but there is no way I want that ugly nose back… Overall, my facial structure is almost pixie-like. I absolutely LOVE it—I am absolutely TERRIFIED of it!

By Sunday, the swelling on my face is gone, as is most of the bruising. What bruising is left is easily covered up with makeup. Wearing a bra is now a fact of life—I easily fill my 32-C push-up bras and look AWESOME up top. My twenty-five-inch waist is such a difference, too. My hips and butt are rounded and neatly balance out my top with the narrow waist separating the two. I have every girl’s dream figure…again I love the feeling. I feel so feminine—and pretty. The fact that I love it so much still scares me, but I am getting more used to the fact that I LIKE myself as a girl.

I put on my new dress that Vicki had brought over this morning for our date. I finish up my makeup and look at myself in the mirror. The only thing that doesn’t scream girl is my hair, which is still short and not very feminine at all. I put my wig on and smile. I am HOT!

Vicki stops by to pick me up and nearly attacks me as soon as I open the door. After a few minutes of kissing, Mom clears her throat and says, “OK, you two! You’re going to catch the door on fire! Go! Have fun! But, remember, you have school tomorrow!”

The restaurant she takes me to is very upscale—and very busy. I actually experience for the first time what it IS like to have to pee really badly and have to stand in a long line for a stall in the ladies’ room with no other option. Vicki just giggles and leads me out to the car as I gripe about it. We go by her apartment for a short while…

We both get dressed again about ten and she drops me off at home. Break is officially over… I sigh and get ready for bed…this time to actually sleep.

The next morning, I look in my closet. It is pretty empty. Everything that I had is now too big. Vicki and Mom had gone and gotten me enough to start the week, but I am going to have to go clothes shopping this week. I take out a gold dress and brown four-and-a-half-inch stilettos. I expertly do my makeup and throw on a light coat. It is finally starting to warm up a little—spring is on its way.

I walk down the street to Jenn’s house. For the first time, I feel really good about myself as Dee…as a girl. I am not dreading school at all.

Jenn gives me a big hug and jumps up and down when she sees me in full girly-girl mode for the first time since the procedure. She chats non-stop on the way to school about how good I look. A few weeks ago, I would not have been able to follow her rapid-fire girl-talk. Today, I have no problems at all.

Needless to say, I turn heads at school. You can hear the jaws drop. Jenn, Samantha, Gwen, and Michelle just giggle. Of course, I blush when I get my first cat call… I am now finding out for real what it is like to be in the popular crowd!

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