I know that today is a day to remember sadness, but just for a moment I would like to focus on some of the good things that happened 14 years ago today.
First, the bravery.
The firefighters who ran into a doomed building, the police who tried to get civilians to safety, the passengers of the 4th plane who attempted to re-take it and prevented it from hitting its target, there were a lot of people who were very brave that day.
Secondly, the kindness.
The people of the small town of Gander who ended up taking many planeloads of passengers, the rescue workers who would pretend to be buried so that rescue dogs wouldnt get discouraged, there were a lot of people who were very kind that day.
Even on a day that showed humanity at its worst, there were some who showed the very best.
A black day indeed
The terrorists wanted to change the face of America, to get us all quaking in our boots. But the people you've cited gave us reason to stand proud as a nation. Some gave their all in the attempt to save others. I salute them and offer prayers for their families and the families of the victims they couldn't save, for whom this day is indeed a dark day of remembrance. I also salute those who risked it all and survived to serve again.
Let us all remember the heroes with pride as Americans and honor their memory.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann