The Lyssa Kordenay Missions - Book 32 - Predators and Prey


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Book 32 of The Lyssa Kordenay Missions!
  Lyssa and Rodrick are making a visit
 at a Royal invitation, but a roll-out
 comes down. for once fame will hurt the op!

WARNING: This Lyssa Kordenay Mission may be
hyper-violent for some readers!




Predators and Prey


Kimberly clicked on the window of her screen and saw Dannigan. "Major....what's up," she asked.

"Kimberly, where's Rodrick and Lyssa," Dannigan asked.

"On their way to Dubai, seems the Prince is extremely grateful to her for looking after his cousin," Kimberly answered.

Dannigan sat quiet for a moment, "ok. Who's there with you?"

"Star, Pete and Eddie right now, Carl will be back this evening. Do I need to put in a message recalling Lyss and Rodrick," she asked puzzled.

"No, get LoneStar. I'm sending a packet, the two of you will have to handle it. Especially you. That warp speed brain of yours is gonna get a real work out. No argument out of LoneStar, the BOTH of you are needed and needed RIGHT NOW. I'd wish you luck but luck's got nothing on this; Kimberly; do not fail. Is that clear," Dannigan demanded.

"Yes sir. We'll get right on it," Kimberly said.

Dannigan closed the chat and she saw the file had arrived.

"Get on what," Pete asked walking in.

"No idea but about to find out. get Star," Kimberly said opening the file and began reading.

LoneStar walked in silently and looked over her shoulder, his visor concealing his face as usual.

"What's this," he asked from within the flight helmet.

Kimberly never looked over her shoulder at him, "a nightmare. Pre-flight the Lear, we gotta go. Now."

Eddie followed them down to the weapons lockers, "need me?"

Kimberly began loading her bag with four pistols, two MP-5's, a disassembled medium sniper rifle and assorted grenades, "Not this time."

LoneStar loaded his bag similarly but substituted a CAR-15 for the sniper rig.

Pete looked at Kimberly with narrowed eyes, "Kim; you're loading out for an assault. That's not your gig, it's Lyssa's. What's going on?"

"Serial killer that seems to have a group of some kind providing support. Maybe a cult. This IS my gig,"Kimberly said without any anxiety.

"Ok, but promise me if it gets hairy you'll call for back-up and I don't mean me. You'll call Lyssa and Rodrick. No dicking around Kim. You either Star. This starts going south on you they get called in," Pete warned them.

LoneStar stepped over to be heard clearly, "you have our word. If this gets away from us I'll call them personally and then you to keep the loop open."
Pete nodded and went to prep the Learjet while Kimberly and LoneStar went to their shared trailer to pack.




Assistant Director Franklin Bales stared out the window to the bullpen of agents of the behavioral unit. They had been going full tilt for over a week and now the hammer was coming down hard. The eight year old son of the director of Defense Intelligence Agency had been taken by the disciples of the current serial killer they were hunting. They had closed in they thought but were an hour behind him when word came down last night.

Two agents killed in the line of duty meant nothing now. A message came down from the new Attorney General, the case was being turned over to Special Investigators from the National Security Agency. 'Men in Black'. Agents that worked at the highest level and if anybody, they answered to the President. Agents that could literally walk into the Capitol Building and shoot Senators and members of Congress. In front of television crews and not have to explain themselves. Agents that 'didn't exist' and could get anything from the brand of cereal one had for breakfast on their fourteenth birthday to the current launch codes for nuclear missiles.

He sighed as he saw a woman in a black skirt suit accompanied by a man completely covered with flight gear begin crossing the room from the door heading for his office. People stared at them as they passed. The woman had an expression that demanded silence. Surprisingly she knocked at his door, not that she had come to his door but had knocked.

"Come in," he called out.

The door opened and the woman stepped inside while the man nodded to her and stood in the doorway.

"A.D. Bales; Agent Calder," She announced herself then stood opposite him.

She didn't say from what agency, not that she had to. She didn't bother with hollow pleasantries either, neither offering a handshake nor assuming she was welcome to sit. Her green eyes glittering with intelligence focused unwavering on him. She also didn't bother naming her companion when Franklin glanced to him.

"the clock is ticking, show me what your people have," she said flatly.




From the window Johnathan Stoner could hear the television newscast, the FBI agent updating the public of Stoner's current appearance and last known location and projected travel path, which was wrong. He wasn't traveling anywhere. The Skid-Row hotel was where he wanted to be. Right under their noses in Washington D.C. his disciples on the other hand were out of the city where only he knew. two of them holding the boy belonging to the DIA Director.

It was a masterstroke on his part finding them and another to snatch him right out of the backyard. He could now flaunt in front of the FBI while several agencies argued who would overtake the case. He'd have two maybe three days to cause as much mayhem to throw them all into a frenzy before getting back on track. Not that it mattered because they'd never find him nor the boy. Johnathan smiled to himself and began putting on the tie and jacket before picking up the briefcase. A twenty minute taxi ride would get him over to Georgetown University and a certain law student working on her post graduate studies. She'd listed on an online resume that she'd interned at the FBI behavioral unit for the Assistant Director. He'd give her first hand knowledge of the workings of the criminal mind.




"Agent Calder. Begging your pardon, but Stoner is LONG gone. He took the boy and bailed. Probably halfway to Canada or Mexico. The Canadians are cooperative but the Mexicans; you can hang that up," an agent with short hair named Ramona Fuentes stated.

"And that's why you can't catch him. He's not even left the D.C. area. No buses, trains, planes or traffic cams reveal him to be leaving and the cameras that did see him showed him going into an area of Alexandria," Kimberly said flatly.

Fuentes fumed silently. The A.D. had specifically instructed them all to not piss off the NSA investigators. The man in black flight gear reached over the group's analyst and typed in a few commands then pointed at the large screen that played a loop of Stoner walking around a corner in a section of Alexandria that had seen better days back in the seventies.

"ok. So that's our boy. Now what? we all go down there and canvas," an agent named Robinson asked.

"No. D.C. vice has people that are better suited to prowl and growl while two predator drones and a keyhole satellite cover the areas devoid of working cameras. Big Ears will monitor message traffic searching for his voice while all text and internet will be monitored by Aries," Kimberly answered coldly.

Several agents glanced at each other. They'd heard of the powerful super computer array run by the NSA specifically for signal interception intelligence. It monitored all incoming and outgoing transmissions on the eastern seaboard for non-verbal and internet communication. A duplicate named Persephone was on the west coast.

"Ma'am. An alert just came up," the analyst exclaimed pointing at the screen, "That protocol you activated has something."

Kimberly leaned over and typed then looked to the big screen.

"Got him! He got out of a cab across the street from Georgetown U. Cams are tracking him across the campus heading for the legal library," Kimberly said.
LoneStar directed both the Predators into the area, "let's go," he said in an icy voice.

Within minutes LoneStar was flying the Marine PaveLow over D.C. and set down on the college campus.

"I've got him. walking a girl into a storage building,"Kimberly announced showing a tablet PC.

The Agents followed her lead. She had already changed from the suit and heels to a pair of black leggings and tall boots but still wore the black blouse and two auto-pistols at the small of her back with five magazines each on the belt. Only two of the male agents understood her hand-signals as she and LoneStar took up station on both sides of the door. Silently they entered and began to clear the building room by room. Finally they heard noises and followed them to a back room where the girl struggled and protested as Stoner began tying her to a workbench.

Kimberly and LoneStar rushed in and she slammed one of her pistols to the back of his head then began securing him. Back on the helicopter Stoner was a bit loopy but smiling as the agents rejoined Kimberly. She waved and they took off.

Over the headset she instructed LoneStar, "when we land a hummer will meet us to take him over to the POW facility."

"Wait POW? What do you mean POW Agent Calder," an agent named Christiansen asked.

Kimberly turned and looked at the woman, "Stoner is prepared for everything you'd throw at him, not everything I will, Agent. The game changed when he took the Director's son. This is national security now."
Elaine Christiansen looked at Kimberly's green eyes and saw neither humor nor malevolence, just cold detachment and felt a chill crawl up her back. A quick glance at her computer revealed Stoner had made a call and the cellphone was still active. She diverted LoneStar to the last pinged position.




Stoner sat quietly smirking as the helicopter landed and all but two agents piled out. Ten minutes later they came back with a man who's head was black bagged and they strapped him into a seat opposite him.

The strawberry haired woman leaned in, "he can't hear you so don't bother to try talking to him."

"Are you upset Agent? You must be new to the BAU. I thought I knew you all," he quipped.

"No; you don't know me. You're going to wish you hadn't met me. I'm not FBI," Kimberly answered.

"Oh? Really? You must be DIA then," he smirked.

Kimberly said nothing more as she signaled for LoneStar to take off. Stoner heard them say Quantico but when they landed it wasn't the typical SUVs that met them but two Marine Corp Humvees. He looked around curiously as he was brought into a room in what appeared to be a warehouse and put at a table. For a reason he couldn't imagine the pilot stood at the door as the woman sat down opposite him.

Kimberly said,"no games at all. Where is the boy?"

"What no small talk? No pleasant chat? No; deals," Stoner asked leering.

Kimberly said nothing just took her pistol and slammed the fingers of his left hand.

"OWWWWWWW! FUCK," Stoner yelled.

Before he could really move, Kimberly grabbed his hair and slammed him face first into the table top twice and stood up.

"In case you hadn't noticed; no miranda rights were read to you. You do not have the right to remain silent. You do not have the right to an attorney. You need not be concerned that anything you say will be used in a court of law; you won't see one. The only thing that will keep your body in one piece is informing me of the whereabouts of the boy AND his safe retrieval. Then and ONLY THEN will I administer one ten millimeter jacketed round into your skull. Hold absolutely NO illusions; Stoner, Johnathan David. You will not leave this room alive," she said coldly.




Agent Fuentes stood gaping in the observation room,"tell me you all just heard that. She just said flat out that she was gonna summarily execute him! Even if he cooperates!"

"No agent Fuentes. Cooperation wasn't mentioned at all. There will be no deals. He is required to tell her where the boy can be found and safely returned. Period," A.D Bales clarified without looking away from the large screen.

"But sir are you implying that his civil rights are forfeit and to get the information illegal means may be used," Elaine Christiansen asked.

"I'm not implying anything Agent Christiansen. I am telling you; Agent Calder is under a National Security Finding and will; I repeat, WILL use any and all means to extract the necessary information. We are being allowed to observe and assist when she deems it necessary. None of us have any authority in this matter," Bales stated then said softly," if you do not have the constitution to handle what's about to happen, I advise you to go now. Not even God himself can stop what's about to take place here."

They all turned to watch as the second man was brought in still with his head bagged and secured to the wall. Kimberly pulled the bag off.




He looked over and smiled, "Johnathan!"

"Hello Daniel. These people think that one of us is going to betray the other," Stoner smiled.

"I'm willing to DIE for you Johnathan," he said proudly.

"Brave words," Kimberly said.

She took out a small black case and unzipped it to reveal two ampoules and hypodermic needles. She withdrew an amount of clear liquid into a syringe and tapped out the bubbles.

"Sodium Pentathol," Stoner chuckled.

Kimberly approached the other man, Daniel.

"You both wish it was. I'm not as familiar as one of my colleagues with this chemical. Its called Inanna. She was the anti-muse," Kimberly injected the serum into Daniel's neck, "a muse inspired one to do great things. Inanna was the anti-muse, she inspired; horror."

LoneStar stepped out of the room and closed the door.

"A bit squeamish, your friend," Stoner smiled.

"No," Kimberly said then turned back to Daniel who began to slump in the restraints, "He's out there to make sure no one tries to stop me. He'll kill anyone that tries to come in. No matter who they are."

Daniel looked up and saw Kimberly then began to repeat to himself, "NO. Its not real. Its a trick. ITS A TRICK!"

She brought out a Fairbarne-Sikes knife and approached him, "No fool. Welcome to Hell. This is VERY real."

Slowly she began cutting off his clothes then using the blade to slice under his skin and rip it downward.




Inside the observation room one of the agents vomited.

"Get him out of here," A.D. Bales said without turning away from the screen as the screaming hitched up another octave.

They all watched in silence except for muttered exclamations and gasps as Daniel shrieked for Johnathan to save him.




Kimberly continued to slowly skin him alive as Johnathan called out to him,"Its nothing. Tell THEM NOTHING DANIEL!"

"No Daniel. This is real and its happening to YOU. It will continue happening to YOU! For ALL Eternity. You BELONG to me and I'll NEVER let you go," Kimberly said menacingly.

Daniel looked at her and saw only a grotesque form dragging claws down his body and bringing up pieces of skin to show him before dropping them with a sick wet slap to the floor at his feet.




"oh my god..." whispered one female agent.

"she hasn't gotten to his scrotal area yet ma'am. Unless he talks first. He can't hold out much longer. He has no training or religious conviction to protect his mind from this," a Marine stated.

"How can you watch this Sergeant," Agent Fuentes asked in horror.

"What we see is nothing compared to what he's seeing ma'am. He was administered a chemical compound. If it is what I believe the rumors to be; just being injected with that stuff breaks most subjects. about forty percent. For the rest; this will extract the information. NOBODY holds out forever. The Russians had something similar, but if the stories are true about this stuff here. Its about ten times more powerful and about eighty percent more reliable," he stated.




Suddenly Daniel began screaming,"Emma! Emma Hartwynn! Emma Hartwynn knows where the boy is! Please! Please, Emma will get you the boy! Let me go! LET ME GOOOOOOOOOOO! EMMA HARTWYN!"

He began confessing how he came to be in Stoner's control and how the boy had been taken down to the last detail.

Finally Kimberly stopped, "If you've lied, when I come back I'll feed you your own face...."

Stoner simply stared at what was left of his lackey in a mixture of horror and excitement.




Lyssa answered on the third ring, "hey Kimberly. How's it going?"

"Lyssa; how do I not get sick," Kimberly asked quietly.

"What do you mean," Lyssa asked puzzled.

"I just did an interrogation. I used Inanna to kick-start and then I, used cutting," Kimberly tried to control the shiver.

"What in the FUCK is going on," Lyssa roared over the phone, " WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? This is NOT what you do Kimberly Susan Moore!"

"I have to. This is too visible for you to work this," Kimberly objected.

"Fucking God in a shit-tornado! Ok tell me this; who was in the room with you,"Lyssa demanded.

"Bad guys. the one I worked on and his leader. Star was outside the door," Kimberly answered.

"Ok. Did you get what you wanted. EXACTLY, what you wanted," Lyssa asked.

"I got the next player,"Kimberly said.

"subject terminated," Lyssa asked.

"No. Still alive; more or less," Kimberly admitted.

"Jesus you're gonna have nightmares over this. Pay attention; leave him alive if possible. Bring in the next person and make sure he speaks to them then go to work on them. How much did you give him," Lyssa continued.

"twenty CC's of it," Kimberly said on a sigh.

"FUCK! Ok. He's done. He's too damaged physically anyway. After you bring in the new subject and get him to say something. Anything; cut the carotid artery and let him bleed out in front of them. Then go to work on them. Make the leader watch and they know he's watching and that he won't do anything to help them in any way. am I understood," Lyssa asked hotly.

"yes, I understand,"Kimberly said.

"You get three shots at this and then its nothing anymore so make the next one count and COUNT HARD! If you feel yourself getting sick; sing. Sing that song from miami vice. You know all the words. You sing that and the urges will pass. It'll freak them out too. Christ this is not what you do Kimberly! Pay attention; when you get done go take a shower til the hot water runs out, you can be sick in there if you have to but NOT in front of your subjects. Now go get 'em and do the job. I'm only a phone call away, so call me before you start," Lyssa reminded.

Kimberly affirmed that then disconnected heading for the chopper waiting for her.




Emma hid in a closet with a kitchen knife then dialed 911 and spoke quickly when they answered, "please help! its my boyfriend. He's still stalking me. I saw him outside! Oh god i think i just heard glass break! please hurry!"

Quickly she disconnected and began waiting making herself cry but within moments the door was yanked open and the muzzle of a pistol jammed to her head before she could move.

An icy female voice said softly,"give up, you're done."

Emma froze and saw a woman with strawberry blonde hair back-lit.

"I thought it was my boyfriend,"she tried to explain.

Emma was cut off by Kimberly snapping the butt of her pistol to Emma's forehead, dazing her, then dragged her out and began using plastic restraints to secure her wrists.

"No don't understand. my boyfriend is crazy. wait! what are you doing," she protested as a black bag was tugged over her head.

She heard loud engines as she walked into something then strapped into a seat.

After a while the helicopter descended and she was put into a truck of some kind and the woman she'd heard before was speaking softly to someone apparently on a phone because she couldn't hear responses. The truck stopped and she was roughly pulled out and dumped on the ground then jerked up and all but dragged into a building. Her wrists were released then tied far apart and pulled upright til her toes barely reached the floor.

The bag was pulled off and suddenly she saw Johnathan staring at her with a look of almost lust on his face as the woman walked over to what was left of Daniel.

"That is Emma Hartwyn, yes," she asked in almost a hiss.

"ye-yeah, its her. Please kill me. Let me out of Hell, I WANT TO DIE," Daniel rasped.

Kimberly injected Emma then leaned close to him and whispered, "never, you belong here. to ME. Forever Daniel. FOR EVER."

He shrieked animalistically and she drew a knife along his mangled neck making blood slowly leak down his body to the floor and pool. Emma watched as her clothes were cut off as if in a tunnel then things became fuzzy and dim. The strawberry blonde woman wasn't a woman anymore, she'd changed, transformed into something like Medusa, the fabled snake woman. Emma looked over to Johnathan and saw only a demon leering back then the soft womanly voice began singing softly as she reached out with a claw and sliced into the underside of Emma's arm then yanked hard ripping the skin and flesh away. Emma shrieked with pain as the hideous creature repeated the stripping of skin from her, working down her sides and stomach to her legs.


"What could you possibly have of value to anybody but THIS PLEASURE," the creature asked in a hiss.

"A boy! The boy! The Director's son! I took him to the farm! Please its in Virginia out past the highway, on Miller's crossing road! Its at the end on the left, I swear it! Only Tony and Belinda guard him, teaching him to kill," Emma shrieked.

"Oh fret not Emma Hartwyn. If I find nothing of value we'll continue this; starting with me carving open your womanhood and yanking out any thought you had of children of your own and feeding them to you. Oh yes. I will be returning FOR YOU," the creature hissed and walked out the door.

the demon in the chair chuckled and growled, "you look so lovely like that. I wish she hadn't stopped so soon with you. I hope you lied."


All she heard was maniacal laughter.




LoneStar flew in fast and high as they closed on the farmhouse.

"Everybody strap in. STRAP IN," Kimberly yelled over the noise as she tightened her straps.

A minute later the engines shut off and all they heard was wind as the aircraft lurched then began to fall.

"We're auto-rotating in! Its safe and we'll be fine, but they won't know we're there so just relax and hang tight," Kimberly yelled out.

Moments later they felt the pitch of the rotors change as LoneStar pulled back on the collective and almost as if they slammed into a wall; floated the last few feet down to land with a slight bump.

"Let's go," Kimberly said and walked off the back ramp drawing both pistols.

Quickly they formed a loose perimeter around the house. Agent Fuentes started edging forward when the pilot in all black grabbed her arm and held tight. She noticed it as he slowly pointed, a tripwire. she traced it back to a metal pipe.

An icy male voice came over their radios, "tripwire. Rigged to an improvised anti personnel munition. Real deal here. Proceed with caution."

Fuentes never heard a voice like it and secretly never wanted to again. Slowly they made their way past the booby-trap and worked a window up to slide into the house. the television in the background was tuned to the news, broadcasting the weather.

"Any word about Johnathan or the others," a man's voice asked.

"No, there was no story at all other than an attempted purse snatching at the campus," a woman answered.

Tony thought for a moment then asked, "think its a cover story about johnathan?"

Belinda replied, "no because the description was of an african american teenager, in a wind-suit with a hoody. Johnathan's smart but I don't think he can quite pull that off."

LoneStar's boot steps were silent as he eased into the room and behind the man.

At the last second the woman turned and saw him, "Ton..."

she began to cry out but the black-clad pilot slammed the butt of his pistol to the back of the man's head, dropping him; like the proverbial ton of bricks. Belinda found herself staring down the barrel of the largest hand cannon she'd ever seen and slowly raised her hands.

Kimberly slowly pushed the door open at the top of the stairs and saw the little boy sitting up in the middle of the bed looking out the window.

LoneStar's voice came out again, "Two hostiles in the kitchen. Secured."

Kimberly answered, "I've found the boy. Hi Stevie."

"Who are you," he asked.

"I'm an Agent for the government Stevie. I've come to get you and see to it you get home."

"Do you work for my dad," he asked.

"No but I know who he is. C'mon little man. Time to go home," she answered then swung him into her arms after holstering her pistols.

When they got back downstairs LoneStar was finishing bagging the heads of the couple downstairs and walking them out. she held him during the flight back. The director and his wife were waiting on the landing pad along with the two humvees again.

"Thank you so much Agent Calder! You've no idea how much this means to us," She said hugging the boy close.

"Glad it worked out our way Ma'am. Please excuse me though," Kimberly answered then climbed into a humvee and rode away with the two prisoners.
After they were secured she removed their bags.

"First one to talk doesn't have to go through that," she pointed at the two mangled bodies.

One still breathing and babbling incoherently to herself begging for God to come take her from Hell and the Medusa.

The woman quickly said, "oh dear god! Emma! Please. I'll tell you anything. Just don't do that to me, please."

Kimberly showed her the syringe, "Lie to me once and Hell on earth will be your new home."

Belinda began speaking very quickly about others lying in wait and further plans that would be started in two days. Kimberly knew that the A.D. was already making the calls need to snatch up the rest of the group. For effect Kimberly let Emma see her, prompting a bloodcurdling scream and her renewed babbling of prayers.

Stoner was on full psychotic overload and maniacally giggling to himself watching her. Two hours later Kimberly heard LoneStar knock then lean in and nod.

"Well now that seems to be you did well Belinda," Kimberly drew her pistol and leveled it between her eyes.

"Hail Mary; full of grace..." Belinda began but Kimberly pulled the trigger ending the prayer in mid-sentence.

Slowly she turned and pressed the muzzle against Tony's head then slid it lower to the back.

"too slow on the uptake," Kimberly said softly and pulled the trigger.

The round blasted through and Tony hung in his restraints then began to convulse. Slowly she walked over to the mangled body of Emma and pressed the hot muzzle behind her ear and her scalp singed make her cry loudly.

"Forever; my PET," Kimberly hissed then pulled the trigger cutting off the ruined woman's wail.

Smiling Johnathan Stoner had wet himself from his own perverse excitement watching them all be executed when Kimberly finally turned on him and aimed down the slide.

"Think you're lucky Stoner," she asked quietly.

He only giggled at her. Kimberly pulled the trigger four times but none were head or heart penetrating shots. He looked down and saw blood that was almost black flowing from him.

Whispering into his ear Kimberly said, "those shots destroyed your liver and spleen. Nobody could save you even if they wanted to and I have no problem giving the devil his due. I'm sending him you."

Slowly Kimberly stood up then walked out of the room locking the door behind her.

LoneStar stood with two Marines in the hallway, "You understand your orders?"

"Yes sir. No one is to enter that room for an hour; after an hour a body removal team will remove the contents of the room and sanitize it Sir," one of the Marines stated.

Kimberly nodded to LoneStar and he turned to them, "carry out your standing orders Marines."

They both snapped to attention and saluted,"Aye Aye Sir!"

They then took station on either side of the door with rifles at the ready after noting the time.

Another Marine stepped out of the observation room and presented Kimberly with several discs, "these are all of them Ma'am. no duplicates; as you ordered."

"Well done Sergeant. Carry on," Kimberly said then she and LoneStar returned the salute and turned to leave.




A.D. Bales stood to the side saying nothing as the agents talked among themselves. He understood their frustration. They were Agents, not spies or military. Systematic torture wasn't what they did, they accumulated evidence and used it to lock the psychos and criminals away. He knew Agent Calder wasn't really Agent Calder but used a cover identity. Most in the CIA, DIA and NSA did, it was standard procedure to have a working alias. He also suspected that within a few more hours everything about 'Agent Calder of the NSA' would be completely gone. As if such person never existed.

"HEY! Who are those guys," Fuentes demanded.

Bales looked to the screen and saw several men in white disposal suits begin bagging the bodies and collecting up all other evidence.

"Those aren't forensic techs, medical examiners or coroners! What's going on Sir," Agent Christiansen asked.

"Hey where's the discs of what happened in there for that matter? Marine! Marine," Agent Robinson yelled out.

The sergeant entered the room and immediately Agents Robinson and Fuentes began demanding the discs.

"what discs Ma'am...Sir," the Marine sergeant asked, "there's no discs; nothing happened other than routine Marine Corps POW training and we don't make media records of it. I think your training session is over. I hope you retain the knowledge in the future and never find yourself in the position of a POW. Have a good day Agents."

They looked at the screen just in time to see the last of the blood be sprayed down into a drain in the floor. No traces left behind. Like it had never happened. All that was left was memory.

A.D. Bales turned finally, "Let's go people. Nothing more for us here and we have cases to solve."

Several muttered under their breath as they filed out and left.




Pete answered on the first ring, "Hangar."

"It's me Pete," Lyssa said," are they back yet?"

"Not yet Lyssa. LoneStar just sent the message that they were taking off like ten minutes ago," Pete answered.

"ok. when they get back have Kimberly strip right there on the tarmac and hose her down real good. Like a Decontamination shower and burn the clothes right their and make her do it. all the clothes she and lingerie included and that badge and ID too. use a torch to melt the knife into a pellet of slag and the guns too,"Lyssa instructed.

"Damn Lyssa what happened," Pete asked stunned.

"She had to do an interrogation. Serious psychos and she had to go hardcore to get the information. Things she was never prepared before to do,"Lyssa explained.

Pete was quiet for a minute, "jesus Lyssa is she gonna be able to deal with this."

"make sure she vents. She wasn't ready for that and it'll take some doing to get it into a perspective for her to process. If she has nightmares about it ok. If she has night terrors call us," Lyssa said.

"will do. I guess that's all of us now," Pete commented.

Lyssa sounded puzzled," what do you mean?"

Pete explained," well, we're all kinda screwed up in some way or another. We all have some degree of delayed stress. Now she does too."

Lyssa sighed, "yeah but its not a club I enjoy welcoming new members into Pete. Rodrick's not thrilled either."

"I hear ya, boss lady. Listen, there's nothing to do until something happens and I know its nightime there. Go crawl back into bed with Rod and try to get some sleep. If we need, we'll call," Pete assured her.

Lyssa said goodbye and disconnected then looked out the open window to the strip of shimmering ocean beyond the sand. The view from the Prince's palace was incerdible but her thoughts were elsewhere as she turned and left the bedroom to walk down the hall. A striking vision in a black satin teddy with her chiffon robe billowing behind her and the sharp tapping of her heels on the marble floors in the filtering moonlight.

Lyssa Kordenay Returns in Dawning Mirage!!!


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