Parents try and block 48 yr old trans surgery

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Sadly, another case of those outside looking in thinking TG is a mental disorder. The lady has had drugs, alcohol addiction, mental depression. (can anyone understand why?) Now she's not fit to make a decision and live the life she seeks?
A transgender woman whose parents went to court Wednesday to block her gender-reassignment surgery said she would rather die on the operating table than continue living with male anatomy.

By the way, love her dress. She has good taste in fashion.

People, if you aren't TG you may think you understand what they are going through. Believe me, you don't. It isn't a life they would wish on anyone. I have never heard a single TG say, "I wish there were more of us." or "I wish he, she was like me." Thousands suffer because the fear mongering, they are mentally sick, or, what if it's a mistake and they change their mind.

May God give courage and strength to the smallest minority and bless them with peace in their lifetime. Amen



Sad old story

Aljan Darkmoon's picture

I would love to have a son back who goes to church with us on Sunday mornings

The parents want what is right for themselves—the image of their ideal family as they wish it to be—and are more than willing to sacrifice the children to hold on to the fantasy. So what else is new… :|

It is a sad truth

They all should read more TG story here before they say its a mental sickness. :(

Who defines Mental stability?

Me thinks those who judge us are pretty nutty. After about half my life under treatment ... I was an idiot for listening to them.


I listened, too

Aljan Darkmoon's picture

…but then I made up my own mind about it all. I had an edge, though: I went to school and studied in the behavioral “sciences.” I’ve never worked a day in my life, gainfully employed in my chosen profession; I did it all as life skills training. I had the opportunity, and I grabbed on to it. Probably the best thing I ever did for myself in this life.

Now days, what I did is one of the recommended “workarounds” for aspies like me, training my brain to do what other people do more naturally. I didn’t know I was doing that at the time, but I did know it was saving my backside.


erica jane's picture

They should read something that's a little more scientific and a little less nonsensical. Like this.

Oh wait! Before one of my "fans" runs in to shout about the sky falling, it's a link to Wikipedia's article on causes of transsexualism.

~And so it goes...

This almost sounds like bad

licorice's picture

This almost sounds like bad fiction, but sadly there are so many people in the world who will go to insane lengths to deny transgendered people. It's a sad state and those particular parents need to back off. "I want my son back to go to church with" well that just says it all, doesn't it?

Control Dramas

Control Dramas like these people demonstrate come from the fact the majority of people are paying to much attention to the lives of others to keep there nose where it belongs on their own face and not shoved up the private parts of another, they want control but are too lazy or messed up to smell there own private parts, then placing there attentions where they need to be improving them selves, not bulling others. . It has taken far too long for me to realize that I need to just look back along the pointing arm of a detractor to see who really that are talking about. them selves,

Some of the wisdom I have gathered from my elders track along this line, 1] " You say your poop don't stink, but your farts give you away, 2] Every fox smells there own den," 3] When you drop your robes and depart this place you will need to answer this one question from the creator, " Michele you were given choices please tell me what you have done with them," in that moment no one else but you will be standing there no detractors, no religious leaders, no one else but you. It took far too many years for this thick headed wolf to get this simple fact, I was driven to this when in defense of my 7 year old daughter threatened to shove my substantially large spouse out a tinny window before they would ever lay another hand on my Anna. They are now elsewhere and I am really my self all because I knew I would have to answer to Grand Father Great spirit what I had done with that choice.

This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.

With those with open eyes the world reads like a book


What is better

Which would you rather have a dead son or a live and happy daughter . Hard choice NOT
The fact that she is 48 right do the parents have and the fact that the courts got involved is mind boggling .
Hope she is happy and splits from parents

Even giving the parents the benefit of the doubt...

Ragtime Rachel's picture

...they seem insanely overprotective. Granted, I don't know this individual, but I find it hard to believe she could be so incompetent mentally that her parents could intervene like this. It brings back eerily familiar memories of my mother's reaction to my transition. At one time she actually threatened to report my doctor to the AMA for giving me hormones (thankfully she didn't).

And if depression were an immediate disqualifier, wouldn't that rule out the majority of us on this site?

Livin' A Ragtime Life,


Thank you for the update

BarbieLee's picture

It was very kind of you to clue us in on the judge's decision which surprised me it turned so quickly in her favor. She has gone through so much already to get this far and then more heaped upon a girl-woman who has already jumped through all the hoops requested to do it again at her parents discretion. Haven't they tortured her enough in her lifetime?
If the medical profession was still giving electric shock treatment and lobotomy for those trapped with the wrong mind in the wrong body; would her parents requested treatment to have their lobotomized "son" back?

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl